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Short Research Report
Will Hassenger
Effective Writing
Professor Trupe
Climate Change
There are many things that affect us as human beings in today’s world. From social issues to
physical planetary issues. One of these things that is happening whether we wish it to or not is Climate
Change. The primary issue with society is climate change because no matter what social issue or conflict
unearths, we still have limited time on this planet due to our own actions. According to the EPA
(Environmental Protection Agency), Earth’s average temperature has risen 1.5 degrees F in the past
century and is projected to rise another 0.5-8.6 degrees in the next hundred years alone. Why is that?
Because of the way humans carry out daily behavior. We are contributing to the slow destruction of the
planet in which we inhabit. We are certain of this because there have been more natural disasters in the
last decade across the world then there has been in this century. In the theory that the Earth’s core
temperature is rising by the century, we can attribute that to the rapid rise of greenhouse gasses and its
effect on the Earth’s ozone layer. As this is happening, the atmosphere that protects us against the suns
harsh rays and other hazards that may affect us, is slowly deteriorating causing the Earth to slowly be
increasingly vulnerable to the sun.
Greenhouse gasses are commonly caused by pollution created by humans and man-made
machines such as factories, cars, and other things that release powerful pollutants. There are scientists,
politicians, and some celebrities out there trying to raise awareness to this issue. One of those people is
Leonardo DiCaprio. Leonardo is a huge actor that has tons of public attention. As well as action Leo has
his own foundation dedicated to preserving this Earth. It is called the Leonardo DiCaprio foundation;
whose mission is to preserve the long-term health and well-being of all the Earth’s inhabitants.
President Obama is also a strong advocate for the safety of the planet. He has signed countless execute
orders to help prevent further damage to the Earth.
As well as climate change effecting human beings it also takes its toll on various ecosystems that
are key in keeping balance on the planet. More species of animals each year are being labeled extinct
due to polar ice caps melting, drought, and natural disaster. For example, tigers are on the endangered
species list and are close to extinction because of humans. Hunting, poaching, and deforesting has
landed these creatures on that list. Without tigers the whole ecosystem in which they inhabit is thrown
into turmoil. The effects of the tiger being endangered is that other animals in which the tiger feed on
will become over-populated and drain the environment in which they inhabit.
Many of the things we do as humans can influence the environment, small or large. Because of
us, only we as people can help the planet we call home. Lowering pollution levels, cracking down on
illegal poaching, and being more resourceful with our resources can go a long way and lengthen our
time here on this planet. Even though it doesn’t affect our generation as a whole, it can strengthen our
planet for future generations to come.
1. Climate Change Indicators: Ecosystems. (n.d.). Retrieved December 08, 2016, from
2. Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved December 08, 2016, from
3. Species List. (n.d.). Retrieved December 08, 2016, from