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Genesis 1:1-4
Remember when you were a kid (and you may have even done this with your own kids),
and you asked your mom or your dad if you could do something (go see a friend, go to the
movies, etc.) and your mom or dad said “No”…and you wanted to know “Why you
couldn’t?” And what did they say? “Because I said so.”
 That was it! No explanation! It was simply, “Because I said so.”
When you study the book of Genesis, especially the first 11 chapters, there are going to be
times when that is what you are going to get from God: “Because I said so.”
 That is it! No explanation necessary! It is simply, “Because God said so.”
Now, people have always and still do today, want hard and fast answers where the Bible
has not spoken.
 And some people want to speak for God when God has not said anything.
 And the result is that hours and hours are spent on speculating and arguing over
controversial matters instead of learning from the “profitable lessons that God gives us
in this book to teach us, to reprove us, to correct us, and to train us in righteousness.” 2
Tim. 3:16
So, we will talk about some things that are controversial to the world today…and we will
get into some issues over which there will be differing opinions.
 But primarily we are going to concern ourselves with the things that God does tell us
and not so much with what God doesn’t say. (Thus saith the Lord and not so much thus
saith the man).
It is important to study this book and especially the first 11 chapters because they are the
foundation of the rest of the Bible. (If the first 11 chapters are false the rest of the Bible is
 The first 11 chapters introduce us to God, they teach us about the origin of the
universe, the origin of life, of man, of marriage, of evil at least as it pertains to man, of
nations, and of salvation.
 The first 11 chapters teach us about the human race and then when you get to chapter
12 we start to learn about the “chosen race.”
Now, this book wasn’t always called “Genesis.”
 The Jews named the books of the Old Testament after the first word in each book…so
the Jewish name for the book was Bere’shith translated “In the beginning.”
 The modern English name “Genesis” originated with the Greek Septuagint around 250
years before Christ was born.
Most scholars agree that Moses, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote this book about the first
beginnings of things.
 And it is important to remember who Moses is writing for…who the first audience was
to ever read Genesis.
The first audience to ever read Genesis was the children of Israel.
 They were in the wilderness, they were about to cross the river Jordan under Joshua’s
leadership, and they are about to go into a land called Canaan where they are going to
be exposed to a myriad of myths, and philosophies, and ideologies about the origin of
 And so what Moses is doing is he is equipping the Israelites to face all the pagan
thinking they will encounter as they enter into Canaan.
 And what they are going to learn if they read Genesis is that their God, Jehovah, is all
powerful, they are going to learn what faith really is, they are going to learn the
importance of trusting in and obeying God, and they are going to learn the
consequences of sinning against and rebelling against God…and that every single
thing the Canaanites worship…God made.
That means that Moses wasn’t trying to answer some of the questions that we want to try
and make Genesis answer.
 Here are just a few of the questions that people want to ask about Genesis that the
book doesn’t answer.
 What was God doing before the creation?
 Were the days of creation 24 hour days or longer?
 Where was the Garden of Eden? Where did the serpent come from?
 Where do the dinosaurs fit? How old is the earth? What was the mark of Cain?
 How did the first humans live so long? Who were the sons of God who desired the
daughters of men in chapter 6?
 Where and when did the flood take place? How could the ark hold all those animals?
 Where is the ark today? And the ever popular, did Adam have a belly button?
Moses didn’t write to answer these questions. Moses wrote as a historian and a theologian
to prepare and to encourage the children of Israel as they encounter all the pagan myths
and ideologies that are in Canaan.
 This book wasn’t written to prove the existence of God.
 It was written to provide a foundation for sensible belief in God.
 In fact, it always has and it always will take faith to accept Genesis…especially the first
 Look what Hebrews 11 says, starting in vs. 1
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 2
For by it (faith) the men of old gained approval. 3 By faith we understand that the
worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of
things which are visible.
 God doesn’t explain in detail the creation and He doesn’t answer all the questions
people might have.
 But by faith we know it happened and that is what is important. (By the way, it is not a
blind or empty faith that believes that God created the heavens and the earth…God
has provided extensive evidence on which to base our faith.)
 Look what the apostle Paul says in Romans 1:18.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because
that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to
them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal
power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what
has been made, so that they are without excuse.
 Everything around us is evidence of the existence of God, and it declares His
character, His eternal power, and His divine nature.
And let me mention some things that the creation says about God and His character.
 First of all, Genesis 1 says that “God created the heavens and the earth.”
 Just think about the staggering power it took to do that.
 The creation declares His eternal power.
If you look at vs. 5 and 14 you see that God created those things we measure time with
which means He created time itself.
 That means that God is not bound by time.
And notice that after each day of creation God said that “it was good.”
 What does that tell you about God?
 Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 7:17: “Every good tree bears good fruit; but
a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, and a bad tree
cannot bear good fruit.”
 God is good because that which He created is good.
The creation tells us that God is faithful and trustworthy.
 When He said that something was to be…it came to be.
 When He makes a promise He keeps it.
And the creation tells me that He is just and righteous.
 He told Adam that if he ate of that tree “he would surely die.”
 When Adam ate of that tree did God change His mind and say, “Oh, well I didn’t mean
what I said.”
 As much as it disappointed Him…He stood by what He said. He is a just and righteous
The creation reveals His invisible attributes, His eternal power, and His divine nature.
 And there is plenty of evidence to support our faith that believes that God created the
heaven and the earth.
 And for those who refuse to believe, well it is like the apostle Paul says, “They are
without excuse.”
 (People who refuse to believe in God, who refuse to believe in the creation do not
refuse to believe because science says it is not possible. They refuse to believe
because they simply don’t want to. If they dealt honestly with the overwhelming
evidence of the existence of God they would face some major changes in their life and
they don’t want to do that.)
The scriptures say that God has given profound evidence through His creation that He
exists and the struggle that people have is not that the evidence against God is strong.
 The problem they have is the evidence against them is strong…they are sinners…and
they don’t want to face that.
And what often happens is God’s people can get so wrapped up in arguing with them
trying to prove the existence of God that we fail to teach the important lessons of faith and
salvation that God wants us to teach.
 In fact, look at these words from the apostle Paul found in Titus 3:9-11:
But shun foolish controversies and genealogies and strife and disputes about the
Law; for they are unprofitable and worthless. 10 Reject a factious man after a first
and second warning, 11 knowing that such a man is perverted and is sinning, being
 The evidence for the existence of God and for the creation is overwhelming and those
who deny that evidence just simply do not want to believe.
 Don’t get so bogged down in their deliberate controversies that they keep you from
sharing the gospel of Christ and serving Him.
Now, let’s look at the very first verse of Genesis…actually let’s look at just the first 5 words.
In the beginning God created…
“In the beginning” – this has reference to the beginning of earthly time…the time when
God began to create the heavens and the earth.
And notice, “In the beginning God…”
 One of the frequently asked questions is “Where did God come from?”
 This verse says that He has always been!
 Before this earth or universe ever came into existence God was!
 There is no explanation of where He began…and there is no explanation of where He
ends…He is eternal.
 And we know He exists because the creation proves it!
Now, think about what this said to those Israelites who were about to go into Canaan and
encounter all those pagan, man-made gods.
 Their gods (Canaanite) had a beginning…they began when someone carved a piece of
wood, or shaped a stone…or molded some metal…and their gods only had the power
that man allowed and they would come to an end which means that all their promises
and powers would too.
 But not Jehovah God…His promises and His power are from everlasting to
everlasting…He was worthy of their full trust and obedience.
And let me tell you why this is so important to us…today we face all kinds of man-made
gods; money, pleasure, drugs, power, there all kinds of things that people worship and
want us to worship.
 But Genesis chapter 1 is written to reassure us that when we encounter all these manmade gods that there is only One God worthy of our devotion and worship.
And just like it was for the children of Israel, our God is more powerful than the forces of
 He keeps His promises…
 And let me ask you…how long do you want to be saved for? And eternity right?
 A God who has no beginning and no end…a God who is eternal…can do that.
Now look at those first 5 words again: In the beginning God created…
 The word “created” (bara” in the Hebrew) is found 48 times in the O.T. including 5 times
here in Genesis 1.
 That word is only used of God, never of man.
 It always describes an act of God and it means “to bring something new into
existence…to bring something out of nothing.”
 This word is used to say that God alone is responsible for what exists.
 It speaks of something that is beyond the capacity of man to produce.
 You and I can craft…but only God can create.
Look at Col 1:16: For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on
earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-all things have been created by Him and for Him. 17 And He is before all things, and
in Him all things hold together.
 Notice, God didn’t just create the things we can see…but He also created those things
we can’t see.
 Anything in existence, visible or invisible came from God.
Now, this word alone disputed the pagan claims and philosophies of the gods of the
Canaanites. (“My god is all powerful.” “My god is all knowing.” “My god will protect and
deliver me from evil.” No he won’t.) God alone can do those things.
 And let me share with you some of the major claims and philosophies that this word
denies today.
First of all it disproves atheism because the origin of all things is God.
 It denies pantheism or what is called “New Age” today…and that is the idea that God is
in everything…that nature and God are identical and there is no distinct, personal,
anthropomorphic God.
 Vs. 1 says that God is not “in” everything but that He is the creator of everything.
Polytheism is denied because verse 1 says that there is only ONE God.
 Materialism is denied because matter is not eternal…it is created.
 And then humanism is refuted because God and not man is the ultimate reality.
 And finally, evolution is denied because the Bible says that God created all things.
When you study this book you can’t miss the fact that the main character of Genesis 1 is
 God is mentioned 32 times in these verses.
 Genesis is really the beginning of His-story.
And how should we respond to this God who is eternal, who is all powerful, who is selfsufficient, who exists without limits?
 Well, let me give you two ways.
Number one: We should do what Genesis chapter 1 was meant to make us do.
 This chapter was meant to fill us with wonder and praise for a God that can create out
of nothing all that exists.
 We should affirm His majesty!
 And as this chapter was intended to do for the Israelites, we should have an
unwavering faith and devotion to the One who has the power to deliver us and raise us
from the dead…to save us forever.
And then second, we should accept the mystery
 God is not going to let Himself be analyzed and quantified in a laboratory.
 There are times when He is just going to say, “Because I said so.”
 And what we have to do is accept the witness that He has provided in everything we
see around us.
Let’s look again at Hebrews 11: Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the
conviction of things not seen. 2 For by it the men of old gained approval. 3 By faith
we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is
seen was not made out of things which are visible.
A God so small that I can understand is a God not big enough to worship.
 But the God of Genesis 1 is worthy of all my adoration
 And I may not understand everything that He has done but because of the
overwhelming evidence…and because He says so…I am going to worship His name.