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Below is an example of an outline. Under that is a paper written using this outline. It includes
the basic elements of the themes you will be writing this semester.
There are a few things you should know about this paper. First, it is completely preposterous! I
have never worked at McDonald’s, but even I know it is nothing like what this paper describes.
Also, this paper is 838 words long. This is way over your upper word limit. Your papers should
be between 500 and 600 words, so this paper needs some cutting. It is also six paragraphs long.
There is no rule that says your papers can’t be longer than five paragraphs; they just can’t be
shorter than five paragraphs. Also, this is not double-spaced, so if it were turned in like this, I
wouldn’t read it anyway! I have violated the requirements for your papers because I wanted you
to have a more extensive example.
Thesis: Working at McDonald’s is a good job for students.
I. Flexible hours
A. Work when I want to
B. Work as many or as few hours as I want to
II. Good pay
A. Starts at over minimum wage
B. Fast raises
III. Easy job
A. Does not tire the employee out
B. Many breaks
IV. Benefits
A. Health insurance
B. Retirement
C. Paid vacations
When children become teenagers, they often want more money than their parents are
willing to give them. Other teens need to work to help their parents pay for household expenses,
or their parents may simply decide that it is time for them to pay their own way. Whatever the
reason, many teens find themselves in the job market. For anyone, finding a job can be a
difficult process. For a teenager, the process becomes even more complicated with the need to
balance school and work demands. Not just any job will do. Most teens find jobs in a service
industry such as a grocery store or restaurant. These jobs often provide the flexibility a teen’s
busy schedule requires. Working at McDonald’s is a good job for students.
One of the most important requirements for a student’s job is flexible hours. McDonald’s
offers its employees complete flexibility in choosing their work schedule. I take five classes and
am in class from nine to three every day. In addition, I have a lab that meets at varied times
during the semester. I have to be in class during these times, and my job allows me to do that.
Anytime I have an exam coming up, or a big paper to write, all I have to do is tell my boss and
he will schedule my hours to fit my school responsibilities. During school holidays, I would like
to be able to work more hours so I can make more money. Sometimes I can work more than
forty hours a week, and my boss is happy to schedule the time for me. McDonald’s has been a
student’s dream job for me.
Another great thing about working at McDonald’s is the pay. Many students are forced
to accept jobs that don’t even pay minimum wage. At McDonald’s, the starting salary is fifty
cents over minimum wage. That’s incredible for a part time job. After an employee has
completed the training period, which usually takes about four weeks, his salary goes up another
fifty cents an hour. I have been working at McDonald’s for one year now, and I have gotten four
raises, not including the one I got after the training period. I am actually due for another one in
the next month. Students decide to get a job for the same basic reason as anyone else: to make
money. McDonald’s provides a wonderful opportunity to achieve this goal.
Students need a job that is easy so they don’t become overloaded. McDonald’s is perfect
in this regard. Usually, there are more than enough people on shift to do the work required. The
service area is very small, so there is no need to do a lot of walking. Though it is true that I stand
up a lot, I often have the opportunity to sit and work on things such as filling saltshakers or
napkin holders. Mopping may not be the most fun chore in the world, but it is an activity that I
have done almost all my life and can perform easily. Even when I do have a lot of work to do,
like at the lunch rush, I get so many breaks that it never tires me out. I get fifteen minutes out of
every hour to relax and rest. Sometimes I even get homework done during these breaks.
Working at McDonald’s allows me to have energy left for my other responsibilities when I get
home from work.
When teenagers get a job, they are usually concerned with the paycheck and little else.
McDonald’s lets teens know that there is more to a job than the immediate reward of money.
Benefits like health insurance and retirement may not mean much to a healthy teen now, but
even a teen can get sick and need a doctor, and it’s never too early to start planning for the
future. McDonald’s offers an excellent benefits package to its employees. My health insurance
is completely paid for by McDonald’s, and it provides a complete physical for me each year, so I
can not only get help when I need it, I can also find out about problems that I might not be aware
of yet. My retirement package includes matching donations into a retirement account, and I am
awarded stock in the company at the end of every year I work there. Last but not least, I get two
weeks vacation every year, and don’t have to worry about losing money if I take it. McDonald’s
pays me the average salary that I make for a week for the two weeks I get of vacation. These
benefits are better than some people get after working for years.
It is important for teenagers to learn what the working world is like. It is never too early
to learn the responsibilities that come along with a job. Even though it can be difficult to balance
work and school, it won’t be that much different when the balancing act is between work and
other adult responsibilities. McDonald’s offers the perfect opportunity to experience the
working world and still manage all the things in teenage life.