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 Lower Subscapular n.
 posterior chord
 Lateral Pectoral n.
 lateral chord
 Thoracodorsal n.
 posterior chord
 Axillary n.
 posterior chord
 Musculotaneos n.
 lateral chord
 Ulnar n.
 medial chord
 Axillary n.
 C5,6
 Musculotaneos n.
 C5, 6, 7
 Suprascapular n.
 C5, 6
 Median n.
 C5, 6, 7, 8 & T1
 Radial n.
 C5, 6, 7, 8 & T1
 Thoracodorsal n .
(aka middle supscapular n.)
 C6, 7, 8
 Long Thoracic n.
 C5, 6, 7
 Ulnar n.
 C8, T1
 Lower supscapular n.
 C5, 6
 Dorsal scapular n.
 C5
 Lesser occipital n.
 C2,3
 Phrenic n.
 C3, 4, 5 (keep diaphragm alive)
 Transverse cervical n.
 C2,3
 Greater (aka Great) auricular n.
 C2,3
 Supraclavicular n.
 C3,4
 Femoral n.
 L2, 3, 4 (kick the door)
 Illioinguinal n.
 L1
 Obturator n.
 L2, 3, 4
 Illiohypogastric n.
 L1
 Genitofemoral n.
 L1,2
 Lumbosacral trunk
 L4, 5
 Tibial n.
 L4,5 & S1, 2, 3
 Superior Gluteal n.
 L4,5 & S1
 Inferior Gluteal n.
 L5 & S1,2
 Common Peroneal n.
 L4, 5 & S1, 2
 Symphisis
 Amphiarthrosis
 Secondary Cartilaginous
 Anterior & Proximal
 Articulates with the trochlear notch of humerus
 Aka semilunar notch
 Inserts directly above the deltoid m.
 Axons carry information away from the soma
 Dendrites carry information towards the soma
 (ie) sight, sound, equilibrium
 Dorsal root is sensory
 Ventral root is motor
In the back door & out the front door
 The nerve supplying a joint also supplies both the
muscles that move the joint and the skin covering the
articular surface of those muscles.
 The posterior aspect of the IVD
 Medial Branch
 Superior to T6 is sensory
 Inferior to T6 is motor
 Lateral Branch
 Superior to T6 is motor
 Inferior to T6 is sensory
 cause the cell to move closer to threshold
 Foot Drop
 NO
 Because you can still use the tibialis posterior m.
 Damage most commonly occurs with trauma to the lateral
aspect of the proximal fibula
 (ie) motorcycle accidents & bicycle wrecks
 NO
 Arachnoid & Pia
 Dorsal Scapular n.
 Median n.
 C5, 6, 7, 8 & T1
 L2, 3, 4 (kick the door)
 C5, 6
 Long Thoracic n.
 Radial n.
 flexor carpi ulnaris m.
 ½ of flexor digitorum profundus m.
 Femoral n.
 L5 & S1,2
 Genitofemoral n.
 C6
 C5, 6
 Tibial n. & Common Peroneal n.
 Radial n.
 Median n.
 Drop shoulder
 Internal rotation of shoulder
 Flexion of wrist
 Quadriceps femorus (4 muscles)
 Part of the Pectineus
 Sartorius
 Illiacus
 T4 & T5
 L4, 5 & S1
 External rotate femur
 Abduct femur
 S2, 3, 4
 Region of T11-L1
 30
 62 (31 pairs)
 C1
 T2-T12
 Deep peroneal n.
 Pia matter
 Ascending tracts carry sensory information
 Descending tracts carry motor information
 CN V
 Manibular Divison of Trigeminal Nerve
 in a postereolateral direction
 Lateral horn T1 – L2
 Brain stem and sacral segements S2,3,4
 Ganglia
 Adrenal medualla
 Myoneural junctoin of skeletal muscle
 Ecrine sweat glands
 Blood vessels of skeletal muscle
 Dopamine
 Norepinephrine
 Epinephrine
 Medulla of the adrenal gland
 Terminal ganglia
 Ulner n.
 causes BP to increase
 4
 Brachiocephalic Trunk
 Right common carotid artery branches off it
 Left common carotid artery
 Left subclavian artery
 Diameter
 Viscosity
 Length
 Shut