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Thank you for inquiring about volunteer opportunities at Food Bank of the Rockies (FBR). Joined with other
like-minded individuals, your investment of time and energy will support hundreds of non-profit agencies in
their efforts to eradicate hunger in our communities.
Volunteers 14 – 15 must be accompanied by an adult, no volunteers under 14. Please wear closed toe
shoes and shirts with sleeves for warehouse work.
Volunteer job types are listed below. Assistance is primarily needed Monday - Friday,
9:00 – Noon and 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. We also have opportunities one Saturday per month, however they fill up
quickly and recommend reserving at least 5 months in advance.
1. DISTRIBUTION SHOPPING AMBASSODORS (M-F): FBR’s Distribution Center is where our member
agencies come to get much needed food for their non-profit programs. This position assists agency partners
with the fulfillment of their orders. Volunteers will be placed with a partner agency representative to help fill
agency food orders. All volunteers for this position must be able to repetitively lift 20 lbs.
2. RECLAMATION (M,T,W,F): FBR’s Reclamation Center is where food and other essential items are
inspected, cleaned, sorted and boxed before being sent to the Distribution Center for agency pick up.
Volunteers work in an assembly line sorting, sanitizing, inspecting and boxing food and other essential items.
This is a great place for groups up to 15 who want to work in a team environment.
3. OFFICE WORK (limited - as needed): Where would an organization be without the main office?
Volunteers are occasionally needed to assist our staff in various activities including filing, computer assistance,
mailing assistance, phone/front desk assistance and other miscellaneous tasks.
4. FBR’S NUTRITION NETWORK (Tuesdays both shifts and Friday afternoon shift): This opportunity
helps our Kids Cafe, After-School Snacks for Tutoring Program and Tote of Hope™ programs. These
programs work to help provide snacks, meals and food for children and seniors. Volunteers are needed to help
fill snack orders, help load the Kids Cafe truck, fill totes and other duties relating to preparation for these
5. COMMUNITY KITCHEN (M-F) Aspiring chefs and those who enjoy culinary work, age 18+, are
encouraged to volunteer for a morning and/or afternoon shift assisting our Chef to prepare meals for our Kids
Cafe program. Work may involve prepping food, cooking, cleaning and other duties related to preparing meals.
6. USDA COMMODITY PROGRAM or CSFP (M-F): This U.S. Department of Agriculture supplemental
food program targets low-income pregnant and postpartum women, their infants and children, and seniors.
Eligible participants receive a monthly supplemental food package. CSFP boxes are distributed directly to
recipients through FBR. This task can accommodate up to 30 volunteers per shift and volunteers will either
work in an assembly line system filling boxes with food for needy recipients or help directly distribute the full
food boxes to clients who come to the warehouse.
For all FBR volunteer opportunities, you should dress weather appropriate in closed toe shoes (sneakers, work
boots) and clothing that you would wear to work in the yard or to clean your garage (No Halter Tops or Middrift Shirts Please).
Parking: Come in the main entrance off 45th Ave. Park along the east side of the building (facing Denver
Mattress) and look for the sign “Volunteer Entrance”. Enter through the volunteer door and follow the yellow
line on the floor to the center of the building. The yellow line will lead you to the “Volunteer Sign-In Area.”
Plan on arriving 15 minutes prior to your shift.
Volunteering with Food Bank of the Rockies is an important contribution. We are very dependent on the
generous donation of our volunteers’ time. Because of you, we can continue to operate and countless thousands
of people have access to desperately needed food.
Please visit and fill out our online volunteer form to get started. If you have questions that
aren’t answered on our website, please contact me at 303-375-5836. I look forward to working with you.
Olive Crawford
Manager - Volunteer Resources
[email protected]
10700 E. 45th Ave.
Denver, CO 80239