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Life Science Chapter 13 Test March 2017
Our Fine-Feathered Aves Friends and Class Mammalia
1. The scientific name given to the fossil of a bird from 145 million years ago literally means
a. winged creature
b. feathered vertebrate
c. ancient, winged thing
d. reptile bird
2. Down feathers keep a bird warm because they
a. have hairlike projections called barbs
c. have a good blood supply
b. overlap and trap air
d. extend beyond the bird’s body
3. Evidence that birds evolved from reptiles include
a. feathers and scales made of the same material b. both eat insects
c. scales on the bird’s legs and feet
d. both a and c
4. If a person actually did “eat like a bird,” he or she would
a. eat small portions
b. eat 100 hamburgers in one day
c. eat one quarter of their body weight in food d. both b and c
5. The long feathers that extend beyond the bird’s body on its wings and tail
a. are called flight feathers
b. help the bird balance and steer
c. are long contour feathers
d. all of these
True or False
_____ 6. Ostriches and penguins evolved from birds who could fly.
_____ 7. Many birds have an “internal storage tank” called a gizzard that allows them to store food.
_____ 8. In some species both bird parents may help build the nest and incubate the eggs.
_____ 9. Birds are the most diverse group of vertebrates.
_____ 10. Reduced air pressure above a bird’s wing due to faster moving air creates lift.
_____ 11. One adaptation that makes birds lighter so they can fly is a skeleton made of cartilage.
_____ 12. A chicken egg takes longer for the chick to develop before hatching than a sparrow egg.
_____ 13. Wings and eggs are characteristics found only in birds.
_____ 14. More than half of the approximate 10,000 species of birds are perching birds.
15. (2 pts) NAME two reasons that birds require an enormous amount of energy.
16. (5 pts) Most, but not all, birds can fly. In addition to scales on their feet and legs, wings (of some
type), and bills (beaks), there are FIVE MAIN characteristics all animals in the Animalia kingdom,
Chordata phylum, Aves class share. List them:
17. (5 pts) List five ways/reasons birds are important in the world.
18. (9 pts) In complete sentences name and DESCRIBE three different types of teeth that mammals have:
what they look like, what they are used for, and what type of mammals have them as their
DOMINANT teeth. Use back if needed to dazzle us with how much you know about mammal teeth!
19. Fur, hair, and fat on mammals have the same FUNCTION as what structure on birds?
a. contour feathers
b. down feathers
c. scales on their feet and legs
d. all of these
20. The large muscle(s) at the bottom of the chest which plays an important role in respiration:
a. rib muscles
b. intercostals
c. lungs
d. diaphragm
21. The length of time between fertilization and birth is called
a. reproduction
b. incubation
c. gestation period
d. internal fertilization
22. The permeable organ with a rich blood supply that envelopes the developing embryo and passes
materials between the mother and embryo is the
a. uterus
b. placenta
c. pouch
d. yolk
True or False
_____ 23. Marsupials are found on every continent except Antarctica.
_____ 24. Whales, dolphins, and other marine mammals breathe with both lungs and gills.
_____ 25. The mother’s mammary glands produce milk to feed the young of all mammals except those
who lay eggs.
_____ 26. Primates such as gorillas and chimpanzees have large brains and opposable thumbs.
_____ 27. Generally, the larger the animal, the longer the gestation period.
_____ 28. Very large lungs and a complex system of chest muscles are adaptations that allow yaks to
survive at high altitudes.
_____ 29. Baby platypuses stay in their mother’s pouch until they begin to scratch her.
_____ 30. Unlike birds, all mammals have teeth.
_____ 31. Hoofed mammals are divided into three groups based on the number of toes they have.
_____ 32. Mammals are generally excellent parents who feed, protect, and teach their young for an
extended period.
_____ 33. The amount of fur or hair mammals have varies greatly.
34. (5 pts) Most mammals bear live young. They also have teeth of different shapes and sizes adapted or
specialized for their diets. List the other FIVE MAIN characteristics all animals in the Animalia
kingdom, Chordata phylum, Vertebrata subphylum, Mammalia class share.
35. (12 pts) In complete sentences name the three main groups of mammals (classified on the basis of
how their young develop) with a description of each group AND two examples of animals that belong
to EACH group. Use back if needed to show us everything you know about this topic!
36. Name the famous artist and naturalist who is known for his detailed paintings of 489 different bird
species. ____________________________________________________________________________
37. (4 pts ) List four ways a flying bird’s body is adapted for flight.
38. What group (order) of placental mammals have no hind limbs today, but based on fossil evidence,
they evolved from cow-like ancestors who did have hind limbs?
Extra Credit (1 point)
PRINT (must be spelled exactly correctly) the name of the bird fossil found in 1861 by Hermann von Meyer.