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Forest characteristics and forest types - Ukraine
One of the first information about Ukrainian forests we can find in ancient literature.
Herodotus had written about forest in Oleshye region. According to its use and displacement
the forests in Ukraine fulfil water-resistant, protection, sanitary, healing, hygienic and other
functions. Furthermore, they satisfy the social need concerning forest resources. 15.4 % of
the forests constitutes reservations. They maintain a stable tendency to grow. A typical matter
of Ukraine is rather low average level of forest covering the country, which is 15.7 % of the
overall Ukraine area. Over the past 50 years, the degree of afforestation has increased by
almost 1.5 times, and the supply of wood - by 2.5 times. Percentage of forest land increase in
the years of Ukrainians independence proclamation by 1.4% (in 20 years).
The area of surface directly covered by forest vegetation provides 9.7 million ha.
The supply of wood in forests is estimated at 1.8 billion m3. The overall change in the average
stock reaches 35 million m3. Average annual change in stock on 1 ha of the forests of State
Committee for Forestry is 4.0 m3/ha and ranges from 5.0 m3 in the Carpathians to 2.5 m3 in
steppe areas.
A gradual increase in the supply of wood in forests takes place, which confirms the
considerable economic potential of Ukraine forests and their potential for wildlife protection.
According to the forest area and timber stocks Ukraine occupies eighth place in Europe
(excluding Russian Federation).
The forests of Ukraine are situated in various wildlife zones: Polesie, forest-steppe, steppe,
Ukrainian Carpathians and Crimea Mountain, in which the difference as to the conditions of
afforestation and forest management is important.
Afforestation of the area of Ukraine according to the wildlife zones.
26,8 %
32 %
13 %
18 %
5,3 %
42 %
45 %
10,4 %
19 %
15,7 %
20 %
Around half of the forests of Ukraine is artificially created and require intensive monitoring.
The malfunction of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (1986) has led to radioactive
contamination of the northern area of forests of Ukraine.
The age structure of forests bas been historically formed under the influence of covering large
areas of foundations during the post-war period, creating new forests over large areas in the
years 1950-1970 of the last century. As a result, the gravity of the largest afforestation
contains medieval forest stands - 45 %. The average age of the forests of Ukraine constitutes
over 55 years.
Typical and exceptional fauna
and flora species in forests Ukraine
Forests in Ukraine are distributed unevenly. They are mostly concentrated in Ukrainian
Carpathians and also in Polesie region. The Transcarpatian region with fir (Abies) mountains
stands is known as the most wooded region in Ukraine.
Flora of Ukrainian forests is very rich due to diversity of climat zones. Total number of plants
is now only approximately known and plants from the past are increasing this number. The
forests of Ukraine are formed by more than 30 types of wood species, dominated by pine
(Pinus sylvestris from which, until recently, the pine sap - turpentine was extracted), oak
(Quercus robur), beech (Fagus silvatica), spruce (Picea abies), birch (Betula pendula), alder
(Alnus glutinosa), ash (Fraxinus excelsior), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), fir (Abies alba).
Coniferous forest stands occupy 42 % of the total area, in particular pine - 33 %. Deciduous
forests - 43 %, particularly oak and beech - 32 %.
The division of the forest area of Ukraine according to the prevailing tree species
вільха береза акація гледичія ясен ялина бук сосна дуб iнше -
„acacia” black locust
honey locust
Hunting fauna of Ukraine forests
Fauna in Ukraine is historically formed part of ecosystems (biocenosis). The most common
hunting ungulates in forests are presented by the following types: European roe deer
(143 600), wild boar (58 600), moose (5 600), red deer (16 000), spotted deer (4 300), fallow
deer (3 400) and mouflon (500).
Hunting fur-bearing animals are presented accordingly to the following types: hare
(1 681 900), fox (75 300), muskrat (183 200), marten (62 400), squirrel (66 700), bobak
(62 400), beaver (38 900), etc. Feathered animals are presented by the following types: ducks
(2 719 200), coots (1 779 900), pigeons (1 744 000), quail (1 205 000), partridge (989 000),
pheasant (316 800), goose (104 500).
Forms of nature protection such as national parks and
Natura 2000 sites - Ukraine
In 1994 Ukraine ratified the Convention on Biodiversity. Currently, the reservation protection
of forests on the territory of Ukraine is 5.4 % (3 268 000 ha). State Agency of Forest
Resources occupy approximately 35 % of the natural protective state funds, 15.4 % of the
forests (1 157 600 ha) which are subordinate to the State Agency of Forest Resources, are
already protected.
In virtually all regions of Ukraine reserve protection of forests is of higher level than the
national one. It should be noted that in 30 years the area and buildings of the natural
protection fund for forest lands has increased by almost 3 times (in 1978 the land area of
reserve protection was 315 thousand ha; reserve protection of forests accounted for 5.5 %),
and on 1st January 2010 more than 1 157 000 ha of forest lands was placed under the
protection, which represents 15.4 % of the total area of forests.
A considerable percentage of forest Nature Reserves in Ukraine shows that strict criteria as
for the forest management have been imposed. The above mentioned criteria meet the
requirements of the Pan-European Strategy for the maintenance of Biological and landscape
In addition, some forest-limited regime of forest use during the period since 1961 has
increased from 34 % to almost 50 %. In general, in the area Ukraine, the principal use of 40 %
of forests lands covered with forest vegetation is not permitted. There were created more than
3.1 thousand territories and objects of natural protection fund covering the overall of 1.2
million ha in the forests of Forest Resources of the State Agency.
The subordination of the State Agency of Forest Resources constitutes 12 nature protection
institutions, among which six are nature reserves, 5 national parks, one nature park and an
economic one, as well as 1 303 temporary reserves with an area of over 607 thousand ha in
1123 with an area of natural particularities of the area of 17.8 thousand. ha, 32 regional
natural parks with an area of 145.8 thousand ha, 550 reservation range of the area of 81.7
thousand ha, 15 dendrology parks with an area of 0.4 thousand ha, 42 of park-garden art
particularities with an area of 3.5 thousand ha.
With the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Quality Nutrition of the
Netherlands and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine in the Ukrainian
Carpathians, the pilot project BBI - MATRA is placed. The name is as follows: "specification
and classification of biotopes in Ukraine: introduction of standards and methodology of the
European Union".
Organization of Forestry - Ukraine
In order to carry out forestry the forests are granted by the state for permanent use for
companies, institutions and organizations, several dozens of ministries and departments.
Among them are: National Agency for Forest Resources -7.4 million ha (68 %), Ministry of
Agricultural Policy and Catering - 1.8 million ha (17 %), Ministry of Defence - 0.2 million ha
(2 %), the Ministry of Emergency Situations - 0.2 million ha (2 %), Ministry of Ecology and
Natural Resources - 0.1 million ha (1 %), Ministry of Infrastructure - 0.1 million ha (1 %),
other ministries and departments - 0.2 million ha (2 %), located on the lands of the state stock
- 0.8 million ha (7 %). Foresters are responsible not only for utilisation and silviculture but
also for securing the safety and stability of forests. Particularly important is the threat of fire
in the period from the moment the snow cover recedes up to the steady humid autumn
weather or appearance of the snow cover.
The division of the total land area of the forest fund of Ukraine according to departmental
National Agency for Forest Resources
Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Catering
Ministry of Defence
Землі запасу –
Ministry of Emergency Situations
Ministry of Infrastructure
Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources
the state land