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IU Health Pathology
System Leadership Team
John N. Eble, MD, MBA, FRCPA
David J Grignon, MD, FRCP( C )
Xiao-Ming Yin, MD, PhD
Joseph Meyer, BBA, MBA
Dave Alber, MT (ASCP), MBA
Melissa Jordan, MT (ASCP)
Jim McGown, BS
Megan Sobolowski, MT (ASCP), MBA
Joe Cabage
Dave Risley, MT (ASCP)
Barry Wood, CT (ASCP)
Chairman of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Chief Pathologist, Indiana University Health
Vice Chairman for Clinical Programs, Medical Director Anatomic Pathology
Vice Chairman for Clinical Pathology, Director of Laboratories
Vice President, IU Health Laboratory System
System Executive Director, Finance/Billing & Budgeting
System Executive Director, Point Of Care Testing
System Executive Director, Outreach and Business Development
System Executive Director, Clinical Operations
System Director, Laboratory Information Systems
System Director, Office of Compliance, Accreditation, and Quality
System Director, Anatomic Pathology
IUH Central Pathology Laboratory Medical Directors
David J Grignon, MD, FRCP( C )
Xiao-Ming Yin, MD, PhD
Jose Bonnin, MD
Liang Cheng, MD
Harvey Cramer, MD
Tom Davis, MD, MS, PhD
Magdalena Czader, MD, PhD
Phil Faught, MD, MS
Eyas Hattab, MD
Dean Hawley, MD
Carrie Phillips, MD
Ryan Relich, PhD
Bryan Schmitt, DO
Daniel S Smith, MD
Boguslaw Uchman, MD
Simon Warren, MD
Michelle Zimmerman, MD
Vice Chairman for Clinical Programs, Medical Director Anatomic Pathology
Vice Chairman for Clinical Pathology, Director of Laboratories
Medical Director, Neuropathology
Medical Director, Molecular Pathology
Medical Director, Cytopathology
Medical Director, Microbiology
Medical Director, Hematopathology, Hematology, Urinalysis
Medical Director, Pediatric Pathology
Medical Director, Immunohistochemistry
Medical Director, Autopsy
Medical Director, Electron Microscopy
Medical Director, Serology, Virology
Medical Director, Microbiology
Medical Director, Transfusion Medicine, Apheresis, Cellular Therapy
Medical Director, Coagulation
Medical Director, Dermatopathology
Medical Director, Chemistry, Point of Care Testing
IUH Central Pathology Laboratory Directors
Barry Wood, CT (ASCP)
Alvin Limiac, MBA, MS, MT(ASCP)SBB
Becky Bentley, BS, H(ASCP)
Karen Bright, MT(ASCP)
Heather Vaught, MT(ASCP)SBB
Kristin Post, MPH, MLS(ASCP)CM
Elaine Skipworth, MT(ASCP)HP, MBA
System Director, Anatomic Pathology
Director, IUHPL Academic Health Center
Director, IUHPL Core Laboratory, Coagulation, Flow
Director, IUHPL Client Services, Business Development, Beltway/Satellites
Director, IUHPL Transfusion Medicine
Director, IUHPL Microbiology, Molecular, Serology, Virology
Director, IUHPL Apheresis, Cellular Therapy
IUH West Central Region Directors (Arnett and White Hospitals)
Zandra D’Hue, MD
Roxie McKee MBA, MT(AMT)
Medical Director
Director, Arnett Hospital and Satellite Laboratories, White Hospital Laboratories
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IUH East Central Region Directors (Ball and Blackford Hospitals)
George Branam, MD
Xiaolin (Charlie) Wu, MD
Debbie Garner, MT(ASCP)
Medical Director, Ball Hospital Laboratory
Medical Director, Blackford Hospital Laboratory
Director, Ball and Blackford Hospital Laboratories
IUH South Central Region Directors (Bedford, Bloomington, Morgan and Paoli Hospitals)
Mark Fons, DO
Beatriz Sanchez, MD
Alan Smith, MD, MBA
Eric Stevens, MD
Karen Bright, MT(ASCP)
Valerie Knight, MBA, MT(ASCP)
Medical Director, Bloomington Hospital Laboratory
Medical Director, Paoli Hospital Laboratory
Medical Director, Bedford Hospital Laboratory
Medical Director, Morgan Hospital Laboratory
Director, Morgan Hospital Laboratory
Director, Bedford, Bloomington, Paoli Hospital Laboratories
IUH Pathology Team
Pathology Speciality
Sunil Badve, MBBS, FRCPath
Jose Bonnin, MD
Shaoxiong Chen, MD, PhD
Liang Cheng, MD
Harvey Cramer, MD, FRCP(C)
Oscar Cummings, MD
Magdalena Czader, MD, PhD
Nishi Dave, MBBS
Darrell Davidson, MD, PhD
Thomas Davis, MD, PhD
Zandra D’Hue, MD
Rosen Dimitrov, MD
John Eble, MD, MBA, FRCPA
Robert Emerson, MD
Rong Fan, MD
Philip Faught, MD, MS
Bernardino Ghetti, MD
John Griep, MD
David Grignon, MD, FRCP(C)
Dean Hawley, MD
Muhammad Idrees, MD
Ashley Inman, MD
Steven Jovonovich, MD
Raymond Konger, MD
Matthew Kuhar, MD
Lisbeth Larsson, MD
Jingmei Lin, MD, PhD
Helen Michael, MD
Paul Musto, MD
Mehdi Nassiri, MD
Carrie Phillips, MD
Ryan Relich, PhD, MLS(ASCP), SM
Romil Saxena, MBBS, FRCPath
Michael Sinnott, MD
Bryan Schmitt, DO
Daniel Smith, MD
Don John Summerlin, DMD
Boguslaw Uchman, MD
Thomas Ulbright, MD
Xiaoyan Wang, MD, PhD
Simon Warren, MBBS
Howard Wu, MD
Xiao-Ming Yin, MD, PhD
Shanxiang Zhang, MD, PhD
Jiehao Zhou, MD, PhD
Michelle Zimmerman, MD
Breast and Thymic Pathology
Neuropathology, Ophthalmic Pathology, Muscle Pathology
Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology, Cytopathology
Urologic Pathology, Molecular Pathology
Pancreatic Pathology, Cytopathology
Cardiovascular, Pancreatobiliary, Transplant, Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology
Hematopathology, Flow Cytometry
Clinical Microbiology
Surgical Pathology, Cytopathology, Clinical Pathology
Breast Pathology, Cytopathology
Urologic Pathology, Laboratory Management
Gynecologic Pathology, Cytopathology
Pediatric and Perinatal Pathology
Pediatric and Perinatal Pathology, Cardiovascular Pathology
Transfusion Medicine
Urologic Pathology
Autopsy Pathology, Forensic Pathology
Urologic Pathology, Cytopathology
Anatomic and Clinical Pathology
Clinical Chemistry
Pulmonary Pathology, Cytopathology
Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology
Gynecologic Pathology, Urologic Pathology
Surgical Pathology, Cytopathology
Hematopathology, Molecular Pathology, Medical Informatics
Renal Pathology
Clinical Microbiology
Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology
Oncologic Surgical Pathology
Medical Microbiology, Infectious Disease Pathology
Transfusion Medicine
Oral and Head and Neck Pathology
Hematopathology, Hemostasis
Gynecologic Pathology, Urologic Pathology
Surgical Pathology, Cytopathology
Clinical Pathology, Molecular Pathology
Clinical Chemistry
© 2016 IUHealth 04/14
T 800.433.0740
T 317.491.6000
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