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Statement of purpose
Whitehall Medical Practice
Health and Social Care Act 2008
Part 3
Statement of purpose Health and Social Care Act 2008
Location(s), and
September 2016,
Review September 2017
the people who use the service there
their service type(s)
their regulated activity(ies)
20120326 100457 1.01 Statement of purpose
Statement of purpose, Part 1
Health and Social Care Act 2008, Regulation 12, schedule 3
The provider’s business contact details, including address for service of notices and other documents, in
accordance with Sections 93 and 94 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008
1. Provider’s name and legal status
Full name1
Whitehall Medical Practice
CQC provider ID
Legal status1
2. Provider’s address, including for service of notices and other documents
Business address2
Morton Gardens
Post code
CV21 3AQ
Business telephone
01788 542212
Electronic mail (email)3
[email protected]
By submitting this statement of purpose you are confirming your willingness for CQC to use the email address
supplied at Section 2 above for service of documents and for sending all other correspondence to you. Email
ensures fast and efficient delivery of important information. If you do not want to receive documents by email
please check or tick the box below. We will not share this email address with anyone else.
3. The full names of all the partners in a partnership
Dr Ashok Parshottam Koria
Dr Anita Chatterjee
Dr Inderjit Kaur Karir
Dr Roy Stephen Marchant
20120326 100457 1.01 Statement of purpose
Aims and objectives, Part 2
What are your aims and objectives in providing the regulated activities and locations shown in part 3 of this
statement of purpose
We believe that good quality care is a partnership between you, the patient, and our Primary Health
Care Team and that the success of that partnership depends on an understanding of each other’s
needs and co-operation between all involved in your health care.
We aim to provide the best possible service to our patients to improve the health, well-being and lives
of those we care for by:
Providing high quality, safe, professional Primary Health Care General Practice services to our
Focusing on prevention of disease by promoting health and wellbeing and offering care and advice to
our patients
Working in partnership with our patients, their families and carers towards a positive experience and
understanding, involving them in decision making about their treatment and care.
Being a learning organisation that continually improves what we are able to offer patients.
Treating patients as individuals and with the same respect we would want for ourselves or a member
or our families, listening and supporting people to express their needs and wants and enabling people
to maintain the maximum possible level of independence, choice and control
Working in partnership with other agencies to tackle the causes of, as well as provide the treatment
for ill health and where appropriate involve other professionals in the care of our patients.
Encouraging our patients to communicate with us by joining our Patient Forum, talking to us,
participating in surveys, and feeding back and on the services that we offer
Ensuring all staff have the competency and motivation to deliver the required standards of care
ensuring that all members of the team have the right skills and training to carry out their duties
Taking care of our staff offering them support to do their jobs and to protect them against abuse
Having a zero tolerance of all forms of abuse.
Providing our patients and staff with an environment which is safe and friendly
Operating on a financially sound basis.
Statement of Purpose, Part 3
The information below is for location no.:
of a total of:
Name of location
Whitehall Medical Practice
Morton Gardens
CV21 3AQ
01788 542212
[email protected]
20120326 100457 1.01 Statement of purpose
Description of the location
(The premises and the area around them, access, adaptations, equipment, facilities, suitability for relevant
special needs, staffing & qualifications etc)
Whitehall Medical Practice is a mixed urban and rural general practice based in purpose-built modern (2000)
premises close to central Rugby. The practice area extends to a maximum of 8 miles and includes villages in
Northamptonshire and Leicestershire. We are situated between the M1 and M6 corridor making Rugby easily
We are an approved training practice for GPs and F2 Doctors. We also provide family planning training for
both doctors and nurses, and cervical cytology training for nurses.
Our team is as follows:
Dr A P Koria (male) MB ChB (Leeds 1991) Clinical Assistant (Community Drugs & Alcohol Team)
Dr A Chatterjee (female) BSc (Hons) MB ChB (Dundee 1996) MRCGP GP Trainer
Dr I Karir (female) MB ChB MRCGP (Birmingham 2003) GP Trainer, Women’s Health
Dr R Marchant (male) BSc (Hons) MB ChB (Warwick 2006) DCH DRCOG
Salaried GP(s):
Dr D Mistry (female) MB BS (University of East Anglia 2010)
Dr V Amarasekara (female) MB BS (University of Peradeniya 2000)
The practice is keen to encourage the next generation of GPs in their education. We have Registrars with us at
the practice; they are generally here for one year. We are also an advanced training practice regularly
admitting Registrars to the practice to support and encourage them through their extension phase. We also
receive Foundation Year Doctors (F2) and on occasion student doctors looking for a glimpse of life in a GP
Clinical Team
Nurse Practitioner: Claire Grewcock
Practice Nurses: Jackie Cuschieri, Sue Wrobel, Rachel Tate & Melanie Akerman
Midwife: Emma Hill
Health Visitor: Felix Lunt
Practice Therapist: Ian Davies
Physiotherapist: Petra McKeirnan
20120326 100457 1.01 Statement of purpose
Management Team:
Wendy Jennings, Practice Manager
Sue Connelly, Reception Manager
Reception/Administration Team:
Sandra Hawkins, Administrator
Kim Brayson, Administrator (GP, Nurse & Registrar Rota)
Sara Marles, Secretary
Suzanne Marley, Secretary
Marian King, Prescription Administrator/Reception
Emma Kaylow, Prescription/Reception
Donna Green, Receptionist/Administrator
Savita Mistry, Receptionist/Administrator
Lorna MacDonald, Receptionist/Administrator
Lyn Wood, Receptionist/Administrator
Sarah Lloyd, Receptionist/Administrator
Claire Letts, Receptionist/Administrator
Our Services:
GP Consultations
Care for Patients with the following:
Atrial Fibrillation (AF)
Cardiovascular Disease
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease (COPD)
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
Heart Failure
Learning Disabilities
Mental Health
Palliative Care
Peripheral Arterial Disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Stroke & Transient Ischaemic Attacks (TIA)
20120326 100457 1.01 Statement of purpose
The practice also provides:
Cervical Cytology Screening
Contraceptive Services
Maternity Services
Child Health & Development
Childhood Vaccinations & Immunisations
Minor Surgery
Vaccinations & Immunisations (Including Flu & Pneumonia)
Contraceptive Services
End of Life Care
Ear Wax/Ear Syringing
NHS Health Checks
Men’s & Women’s Health Checks
Stop Smoking Support
Non-NHS Services
Our Practice also provides services which are non NHS and are paid for by the patient. These services include:
• Insurance claims forms
• Non NHS vaccinations
• Prescription for taking medication abroad
• Private sick notes
• Taxi & HGV Medicals
• Vaccination certificate
No of approved places / overnight beds (not NHS)
CQC service user bands
The people that will use this location (‘The whole population’ means everyone).
Adults aged 18-65
Adults aged 65+
Mental health
Sensory impairment
Physical disability
People detained under the Mental Health Act
People who misuse drugs or alcohol
People with an eating disorder
Learning difficulties or autistic disorder
Children aged 0 – 3 years
Children aged 4-12
The whole population
Other (please specify below)
20120326 100457 1.01 Statement of purpose
Children aged 13-18
The CQC service type(s) provided at this location
Acute services (ACS)
Prison healthcare services (PHS)
Hospital services for people with mental health needs, learning disabilities, and problems with
substance misuse (MLS)
Hospice services (HPS)
Rehabilitation services (RHS)
Long-term conditions services (LTC)
Residential substance misuse treatment and/or rehabilitation service (RSM)
Hyperbaric chamber (HBC)
Community healthcare service (CHC)
Community-based services for people with mental health needs (MHC)
Community-based services for people with a learning disability (LDC)
Community-based services for people who misuse substances (SMC)
Urgent care services (UCS)
Doctors consultation service (DCS)
Doctors treatment service (DTS)
Mobile doctor service (MBS)
Dental service (DEN)
Diagnostic and or screening service (DSS)
Care home service without nursing (CHS)
Care home service with nursing (CHN)
Specialist college service (SPC)
Domiciliary care service (DCC)
Supported living service (SLS)
Shared Lives (SHL)
Extra Care housing services (EXC)
Ambulance service (AMB)
Remote clinical advice service (RCA)
Blood and Transplant service (BTS)
20120326 100457 1.01 Statement of purpose
Regulated activity(ies) carried on at this location
Personal care
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
Accommodation for persons who require treatment for substance abuse
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
Accommodation and nursing or personal care in the further education sector
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity: Dr Roy Marchant
Assessment or medical treatment for persons detained under the Mental Health Act
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
Surgical procedures
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity: Dr Roy Marchant
Diagnostic and screening procedures
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity: Dr Roy Marchant
Management of supply of blood and blood derived products etc
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
Transport services, triage and medical advice provided remotely
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
Maternity and midwifery services
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity: Dr Roy Marchant
Termination of pregnancies
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
Services in slimming clinics
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
Nursing care
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
Family planning service
Registered Manager(s) for this regulated activity:
20120326 100457 1.01 Statement of purpose
Registered manager details, Part 4
Including address for service of notices and other documents
The information below is for
manager number:
1. Manager’s full name
of a total of:
Managers working for the
provider shown in part 1
Dr Roy Stephen Marchant
2. Manager’s contact details
Business address
Whitehall Medical Practice
Morton Gardens
Post code
CV21 3AQ
Business telephone
01788 542212
Manager’s email address1
[email protected]
Where the manager has agreed to service of notices and other documents by email they will be sent to this
email address. This includes draft and final inspection reports on all locations where they manage regulated
Where the manager does not agree to service of notices and other documents by email they will be sent by
post to the provider postal business address shown in Part 1 of the statement of purpose. This includes draft
and final inspection reports on all locations.
Please note: CQC can deem notices sent to manager(s) at the relevant email or postal address for service in this
statement of purpose as having been served, as described in Sections 93 and 94 of the Health and Social Care
Act 2008. The address supplied must therefore be accurate, up to date, and able to ensure prompt delivery of
these important documents to registered managers.
3. Locations managed by the registered manager at 1 above
(Please see part 3 of this statement of purpose for full details of the location(s))
Percentage of time spent at
this location
Name(s) of location(s) (list)
Whitehall Medical Practice
Morton Gardens
CV21 3AQ
20120326 100457 1.01 Statement of purpose
4. Regulated activity(ies) managed by this manager
Personal care
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Accommodation for persons who require treatment for substance abuse
Accommodation and nursing or personal care in the further education sector
Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
Assessment or medical treatment for persons detained under the Mental Health Act
Surgical procedures
Diagnostic and screening procedures
Management of supply of blood and blood derived products etc.
Transport services, triage and medical advice provided remotely
Maternity and midwifery services
Termination of pregnancies
Services in slimming clinics
Nursing care
Family planning service
5. Locations, regulated activities and job shares
Where this manager does not manage all of the regulated activities ticked / checked at 4 above at all of the
locations listed at 3 above, please describe which regulated activities they manage at which locations below.
Please also describe below any job share arrangements that include or affect this manager.
20120326 100457 1.01 Statement of purpose