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Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Advanced Network 2015 v. 40, p. 102-108. Network Research Workshop http://dx.doi.org/10.7125/APAN.40.15 ISSN 2227-3026 Selective Cachin C ng withh Hop Counnts in In nformaation Centric C c Netw workinng Takumi Saato, and Shigekki Goto Departmen nt of Computer Science and Engineering, E W Waseda Universsity, Shinjuku, Tokyo Em mails: t-sato@g goto.info.wased da.ac.jp and [email protected] II. BASIC ICN N Abstract—Info ormation Centriic Networking (ICN) is a prom misingg approach to the future In nternet. In the original ICN arch hitecture, each router r has a ca aching function. The same datta is stoored at all rou uters along a path. To remo ove this apparrent redundancy in th he ICN architeccture, this papeer proposes a new n uplication of data d caaching method in ICN, whicch reduces du am mong neighborring routers. The proposed method realizes sellective caching based on hop counts c along a path p in ICN. It also a disstributes cacheed data among g neighboring routers using an off ffset value. The new method tu unes the param meters to reflect the poopularity of con ntents. In an eva aluation study, we confirmed that t ou ur approach perrforms an efficiient caching fun nction in ICN. Index Terms— —Information Centric C Networking, Selectiv ve Caaching, Hop Co ount, PlanetLab b. I. INTROD DUCTION Rich contents such as picturres and videoss constitute an increasing proporrtion of the Internet trafffic. Videos are prrojected to com mprise 79% of the consumer Internet trafficc in 20018 [1]. To cope with the increasing g traffic, seveeral appproaches hav ve been trialed. Content Delivery D Netw work (C CDN) is widely y deployed. Peeer-to-Peer (P2P P) network is also a poopular. There is another idea of Info ormation Cen ntric Neetworking (IC CN). In ICN, it i is emphasized that users are intterested in co ontents (what), not in the location l of th hose coontents (where)). Information Centric Networking (ICN) is i a prromising appro oach to the futu ure Internet. In ICN architeecture, one of key functions is caching wh hich caan reduce the data traffic tremendously. t However, naaive caaching is not efficient becausse it forces eveery ICN routerr to caache the conten nt when the Data packet passees through it. This study proposes p a new method to realize efficiient caaching in ICN. It is based on n the hop counts along a path h in IC CN. It also consults an offset value and pop pularity counter to deecide whether a router should d cache the con ntents or not. The T neew method is superior to th he original cacching mechanism, annd a simple seleective caching based on hop counts c alone. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Secttion II explains the basic b ICN arch hitecture and its i functions, and a poses our new method. Sectiion IV and V are Seection III prop deevoted to the evaluation an nd characterisstics of our new n method, respectiively. The papeer concludes with w Section VI. A. Feattures of ICN ICN is proposed as a new nettwork architeccture which would rreplace currentt location-baseed network. A typical key phrase is the following: “Users aare interested in contents (what) bbut not intereested in the loocation (wheree)” [2]. The featuress of ICN are suummarized beloow. ICN N uses conteents names (IDs) rather thhan location infformation e.g., URLs. ICN N works withh two types off packets: Interest packets andd Data packetss. An Interest ppacket specifiess the request forr Data with conntents ID. Eacch router storees contents (Daata) through a cache functionn. ICN hhas been impleemented in manny guises: Conntent Centric Networkking (CCN) [33], Named Datta Networking (NDN) [4], Networkk of Informatiion (NetInf) [55], and Publish Subscribe Internett Technology (P PURSUIT) [6]]. This study focusess on the welll-known impllementations CCN annd NDN. B. Archhitecture of ICN N CN Router: Thhe componentt of ICN com mprises users 1) IC client m machines, routeers, and contennts servers. Theey are called ICN noddes. Nodes coommunicate wiith each other via Interest packets and Data packkets. An ICN roouter has threee tables: Forrwarding Info formation Basse (FIB): M Manages the rouuting informatiion for Interestt packets 1 Pennding Interest Table (PIT): R Records face corresponds to aan unsatisfied Interest Conteent Store (CS):: Manages cachhed contents (D Data). The F FIB plays a sim milar role to a rrouting table inn the current IP netw work. By conssulting the FIIB, routers deetermine the directionn to forward an Interest paacket to get thhe requested content.. The P PIT retains paairs of an unsaatisfied (pendiing) Interest and thee face where tthe Interest caame from. Whhen a router retrievess an Interest paacket for conteent already reccorded in the PIT, it simply adds tthe new source face of Inteerest. In this situationn, the router dooes not forwardd the Interest ppacket to the next rouuter, because iit has earlier ddelivered the saame Interest packet. Because the roouter retrieves the Data (conttent) without forwarding, it eliminates dduplicated Inteerest traffic extra fo throughh the network. 102 the corrrect face for fforwarding ann Interest packket, an ICN router ssearches the ccontents ID inn the FIB by the longest match aalgorithm. C. Mecchanism of ICN N Figg. 1. Flow of Interrest and Data pack kets The CS is thee cache storag ge. Routers caache Data pack kets paassing through h the router. If a router recceives an Interrest paacket for cacheed contents (D Data), it immed diately returns the Daata packet from m the CS. Ussers may receiive contents frrom routers closer thaan the contentss servers. Figure 1 sho ows the flow of Interest and a Data pack kets thrrough the ICN N router. Wheen an Interest packet reachees a router, the routeer refers to th he CS. If the requested r conttent Data) resides in n the CS, the ro outer discards the t Interest paccket (D annd returns thee Data packet to the face that sources the Innterest. If the content is nott cached in th he CS, the rou uter refers to the PIT. P If the req quested content ID (name)) is ming recorded in PIT as part of an unsatisfied Interrest, the incom o the PIT, and the Interest iss discarded. If the face is added to nt ID (name) is not recordeed in the PIT, the requested conten Innterest is forwaarded to the neext node. Refeerring to FIB, the router then forw wards the Interrest to an app propriate face and a D (name) and the face sourccing addds the tuple off the content ID the Interest to the PIT. p reachess a router, the router r refers to the When a Data packet PIIT and determines the faces to forward th he Data packett. If pluural faces are recorded r in thee PIT, the routeer copies the Data D paacket and forwards it to each of the recordeed faces. Then the router updates PIT P by deletin ng the PIT reccord, because the ously, the routeer caches the Data D intterest is satisfied. Simultaneo paacket in the CS S. If the conten nt is not record ded in the PIT, the Daata packet is diiscarded. 2) Namespace of ICN: ICN nodes interrcommunicate by sppecifying conttent IDs (Datta names). Co ontent ID hass a hierarchical structure delimited d by “/”, as illu ustrated in Fig gure 2. isition: Figurees 3 and 4 illlustrate the 1) Coontents Acquis process of data (conteents) acquisitioon. First, a useer sends the D) of the requuested content iin an Interest ppacket. Each name (ID router fo forwards the Innterest packet ttoward the conntents server storing tthe requested ccontent. Routeers record the ttuples of the requesteed contents nam me and the facces sourcing thhe Interest in the PIT.. Whenn a contents server storingg the requested contents receivess an Interest ppacket, it returrns the contennt as a Data packet. Routers forw ward this Daata packet too the faces T while cachinng the Data packet in the registereed in each PIT CS. Byy shuttling thee PITs, the D Data packet reeaches users requestiing the contentt via the reverrse path of Intterest packet forwardding (see Fig. 44). Fig. 3. Foorwarding Interestt packet and PIT R Registration Fig. 4. Reeturning Data packket and Caching too CS Figg. 2. Construction n of Contents ID Prefix specifiies a service name or an original conteents prrovider. The naame part is the filename of th he contents. Th here is a Version info ormation at the end of contentts ID. To obtain 2) Caaching: Figure 5 shows how ccaches are utiliized in ICN. Until thhe requested coontent reaches a user as a Daata packet, it is cacheed by all rouuters through w which it passees. Caching markedlly reduces thee traffic. Whenn an Interest frrom another user hitss a router cachiing the requestted content on the way 103 tow ward the conteents server, thee router immed diately returns the Daata packet from m the CS. Thuss, users can obttain contents frrom the closer node than t the conten nts server. Cach hing improves the ncy in traffic an nd the load av verage of conteents neetwork efficien servers. Thus, ro outer caching is an importan nt feature of ICN [7]. Figg. 5. Cache Utilizaation in ICN Fig. 6. Exxample of Cache D Distribution in ourr Proposed Methodd III. PROPOSEED METHOD A. Selective Cacching In the originaal CCN and NDN N architectu ures, Data pack kets are cached in all routers traaveled by Daata packets. This T coonfiguration caches the same contents in neiighboring routers. Thhus, CS closest to the userrs may be freq quently accesssed, whhile Data storeed in routers near n to the co ontents server are rarrely retrieved. This study prroposes a new w method in which a routeer’s deecision to cachee the contents is based on thee hop counts frrom the contents seveer. the fieldds of CtC and Offset to the D Data packet. Inn this paper, we add the hop countter to the Dataa packet. Whenn a contents providerr (or a router) sends a Data packet, the hoop counter is set to zeero (0). Alternnatively, it is ppossible to addd the TTL to the Dataa packet. If TT TL is used, the hop count is ccalculated at each rouuter. The conteents servers sett the CtC and O Offset B. Check to Cacche (CtC) and Offset Fields The new meth hod adds two new n fields to Data D packets. The T firrst field, Check k to Cache (CtC C), is an integeer which indicaates the expected hop p counts of th he cached Dataa. For examplee, if D packet is 3, the Data packet p should be the CtC of a Data h, 9th, 12th ... hops. The seco ond caached in routers at the 3rd, 6th fieeld, Offset, is explained e below w. The above sim mple method wo ould accumulatee Data in routerrs at paarticular hops. For F example, when w CtC is 3,, Data packets are caached only at router on 3rd d, 6th, 9th, 12 2th ... hops. Such cooncentration is prevented by the t Offset field d, which stipulaates thaat Data packets are cached at Offsset hops. Figure 6 illusttrates a represeentative cache distribution wh hen CttC is 3. The co ontents server inserts i the field ds CtC and Off ffset intto the contentss (Data) packett, and routers cache c the conteents as specified in th he CtC field. O C. Data packet with CtC and Offset d between the Figure 7 illusttrates how the Data packets differ orriginal ICN and d our method. In I particular, our o method add ds Fig. 7. C Construct of Data packets in the O Original ICN andd our Proposed Method fields w when returning the contents too users. Each rrouter refers to the C CtC and Offset fields when receiving a Dataa packet, and decides whether it shoould cache the D Data packet. Routeers that cache the Data packket also store thhe CtC field of the ccontents. Whenn a router receeives Interest ppackets that match tthe contents iin the CS, thee router returnns the Data packets from the CS. Based on thee CtC field in the CS, the Offset field inn the Data paacket before router ssets its new O releasinng it to users. The offset is set wheneverr a contents providerr sends a Dataa packet. The ooffset must be lless than the CtC. Too satisfy this condition, wee can simply sset Offset , where the sequentiall counter N is iincremented by the ccontents server when it sends a Data packet.. 104 D.. CtC tuning To determinee an appropriaate CtC value, we consider the poopularity of thee Data. When many Interest packeets requesting a certain conttent (D Data) arrive att a contents server, s the con ntent is not only o poopular but is also a insufficien ntly cached in n the network k. If ennough cached Data D reside in the network, some s routers may m respond to the high h Interest demand d by retu urning the cach hed t users. In this situation n, there is liittle Daata packets to oppportunity for the Interest packets to reeach the conteents seervers. A large CtC value v implies a long network distance between the cached Dataa, and a small number of thee cached Data. In t contents are insufficiently y cached, cach hing othher words, if the shhould be promo oted by reducin ng the CtC. On the other hand, if the contents c are not popular or are suufficiently cach hed in the netw work, few Interrest packets arrrive at the contents servers. Therefore, if the Interest coun nter d be increased. reggisters low, CttC value should From the abov ve consideratio ons, we conclu ude that tuning the CttC value of the Data (contents) wiill improve the efffectiveness of caching. In particular, as an n indicator of the poopularity, we should s monitorr the number of o Interest pack kets arrriving at the seerver in a certaiin time period (PoP). If PoP is larg ger than a fixeed parameter (Higher ( PoP), the seerver sets a low wer value. If PoP is smaller than t another fix xed paarameter (Loweer PoP), the serrver sets a larg ger CtC value. IV. EVA ALUATION A. Experiment Outline O The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the superior caaching efficiency of our method over the origiinal ICN. The ICN I meechanism was emulated in Jaava. We measu ured the cache hit rattio, the averagee hop counts fro om the contents provider (or CS) C to users, and the unique contentts rate in the neetwork CSs, wh hich is defined as the number of unique contents diivided by the total c of the routers. The un nique contents rate r coontent storage capacity inddexes the varietty of the cached d contents. If vaarious contents are stoored in the cach he, these are av vailable to userrs from the CSss in rouuters, and need d not be retriev ved from the co ontent server. This T coonstruct improv ves the caching g efficiency off the network, and alsso reduces thee Interest trafffic toward the contents serv vers. Thherefore, the un nique contents rate is a usefu ul indicator of the eff fficiency of caching. For instaance, if four rou uters in a netw work caan store five co ontents, the totaal capacity is 20. 2 If there are ten unnique contents in n this network, the unique contents rate is 50 %. Our evaluatio on was conduccted in PlanetL Lab [8], a glo obal tesstbed for netw work research that covers many m universitties, research institutiions, and com mmercial compaanies. We set the ussers’ client machines, routerss, and contentss servers on PllanetL Lab, and evalu uated two network topologies. 1) Caascade Topologgy: The first eexperiment adoopted a cascade toppology (see Fiigure 8). Cachhing can be coonfigured in three waays: the originnal ICN architeecture, the CtC C and Offset fields w without tuningg, and the CtC C and Offset fields with tuning. Table I lists tthe parameterss in the cascadde topology. The inittial CtC valuee is 3 when wee do not applyy the tuning method.. The higher P PoP is 0.13 (thhe average num mber of the Interest packets per second). Thee Lower PoP P is 0. For examplee, if there are 3 Interest packeets requesting ffor the same content in 15 second, then PoP is 00.2. The serverr set smaller CtC vallue to the Datta packet. Wee used LRU aas the cache replacem ment algorithm m, and assumedd that the popuularity of the contentss follows Zipff’s law; that iis, the occurreence rate of incominng content of tthe k-th rank is proportional to 1/k. The parametter α in Zipf’s law is a constaant of the Zipf--Mandelbrot law, a generalized version of Z Zipf’s law. Inn the ZipfMandelbbrot law, the occurrence rate P k, N, α of the k-th ranking item among N items is givenn by the follow wing: , , 1 In thhe original Zippf’s law, α 1 . The largerr the α , the larger tthe deviation in the occuurance. We assume the populariity of contennts follows Z Zipf’s law, annd generate Interest packets accordding to Zip’s laaw. TABLE I PARA AMETERS IN EXPERIM MENT 1 Initial CtC Higheer PoP [packets/seec] Loweer PoP [packets/seec] N Number of Users Nuumber of Routers Nuumber of Servers Cachee capacity [contennts] C Cache algorithm Conntents Size [Byte] Totall number of contennts Totall number of Intereest Constant α 3 0.13 0 1 5 1 5 LRU 1000 30 100 1.0 Fig. 8. Caascade Topology 2) Pra ractical Topoloogy: The seconnd experiment aadopts more practicaal topology shoown in Figure 99. To evaluate the flexibility of thhe proposed m method, we set the constant α to 0.5, 0.8, and 1.0.. The parameteers in the seconnd experiment aare listed in 105 Taable II. Each co ontents server stores 30 conteents, and each usser sends 200 Interest I packetts. We set the Higher PoP 0.26 0 beecause the num mber of users is 3, which is i larger than the prrevious experim ment 1. Again, we use LR RU as the caache repplacement algo orithm. TAB BLE II PARAMETERS IN EXPERIMENT 2 Initial CtC Higher PoP Lower PoP Number of Userrs Number of Routeers Number of Serveers Caache capacity [con ntents] Cache algorithm m Contents Size [By yte] To otal number of con ntents Total T number of Intterest Constant α 3 0.26 0 3 5 3 5 LRU 1000 90 600 0.5, 0.8, 0 1.0 Fig. 10. C Cache Hit Ratios inn the Cascade Toppology Fig. 11. A Average Hop Counnts in the Cascade Topology Figg. 9. Practical Top pology B. Results 1) Cascade To opology: Figuree 10 compares the t cache hit raatios am mong the three methods. The CtC field realizzes a much hig gher caache hit ratio than t the origin nal ICN. The cache hit ratio o is fuurther improved d by tuning thee CtC. Figure 11 presents the aveerage hop cou unts in the th hree methods. Tuning g the CtC neg gligibly affectss the hop coun nts. oposed method d requires few wer hop countss to Cllearly, the pro deeliver contents than the origin nal ICN cachin ng method. The unique contents rates in i the CSs aree shown in fig gure 122. In the original ICN caching g, Data packetss are cached att all routers, leading to duplicated Data D and a low w unique conteents ratte (20%). ots the distribu ution of the caache hit countss at Figure 13 plo eaach router. In the t original IC CN caching, alll the routers have the same conten nts caches (CS Ss) with this cascade c topolo ogy. u the CS located one hop h Thherefore a useer can only utilize aw way. The CtC and Offset fiields allow acccess to cachess in routers (CS) locaated at hops 2,, 3, 4, and 5 ho ops from the user. Thhe evaluation is summarized in Table III. Unique Contents R Rates in the Cascadde Topology Fig. 12. U Fig. 13. H Hops from User verrsus Number of Cache Hits in the Cascade Topologyy 106 TAB BLE III RESULT IN CASCA ADE TOPOLOGY α = 1.0 usual ICN using CtC tuning CtC Cache Hit Ratio [%] 40.0 69.0 72.0 Average A Hop Count C [hop] 4.00 3.08 3.00 Unique U Contents Rate [%] 20.0 68.0 72.0 2) Practical Topology: T Thee second expeeriment adopted a moore practical topology. Figure 14 presen nts the cache hit rattios for differeent values of α.. In all three caases, the CtC fiield im mproves cache hit ratio. In th he original ICN N implementatiion, the cache hit ratio r increasess as α increases, because the C Innterest packets deviate more at larger α. Consequently, the saame popular Data D contents are a demanded by an increassing nuumber of Intereest packets. Figure 15 sho ows the averag ge hop counts of a Data paccket reaching the useer from the con ntents server (o or CS). Nevertthem is smaaller lesss the decreasee in hop count with the new method than that of Experiment 1, ourr method can reeduce the num mber his configuratio on. off hops also in th The unique contents rates in i CSs are com mpared in Fig gure 166. This index is also impro oved by the CtC C field, and d is fuurther improveed by tuning the CtC. Thee results for α 1.0, 0.8and 0.5 5 are summariized in Tabless IV, V, and VI, respectively. Fig. 16. U Unique Contents R Rates in the Practiccal Topology TABLE IV RESULT IN PRRACTICAL TOPOLOG GY (α α 1.0 ussual ICN ussing CtC tun uning CtC Cacche Hit Ratiio [%] 31.5 46.2 49.0 Averagee Hop Count [[hop] 4.21 3.81 3.72 1.0) Unique C Contents Ratee [%] 40.0 62.2 78.2 V. DISCUSSIO ON This section disscusses conductted in Section IIV. the evaluation experiments A. Cachhe Hit Ratio In booth Experimennt, 1 and 2, the cache hiit ratio was improveed by the CtC field, and furthher improved bby tuning it. As show wn in Figure 13, the cachee stores (CSs) in routers distant from the userr were unusedd in the originnal ICN, but were renndered accessiible by CtC. Fuurthermore, irrrespective of the consstant α, using and tuning thee CtC improveed the cache hit by 440%-70% relattive to the origginal ICN impplementation in the prractical topologgy (see B2 of S Section IV). The ccache hit ratio expresses the effectiveness oof the cache utilizatioon. The highher the cache hit ratio, thee fewer the Interest packets reachiing the contentts servers. Suchh effective Figg. 14. Cache Hit Ratios R in the Practiical Topology TABLE V RESULT IN PRRACTICAL TOPOLOG GY (α α 0.8 ussual ICN ussing CtC tun uning CtC Cacche Hit Ratiio [%] 29.3 40.4 42.6 Averagee Hop Count [[hop] 4.23 4.02 3.96 TABLE VI RESULT IN PRRACTICAL TOPOLOG GY (α α Figg. 15. Average Ho op Counts in the Practical Topology 0.5 ussual ICN ussing CtC tun uning CtC Cacche Hit Ratiio [%] 18.6 31.2 33.2 Averagee Hop Count [[hop] 4.54 4.30 4.24 0.8) Unique C Contents Ratee [%] 33.8 57.8 70.2 0.5) Unique C Contents Ratee [%] 35.6 70.5 81.1 107 distribution of the t caches in the network reduces the lo oad avverage on the contents serverss. B. Average Hop p Count In both Expeeriment 1 and d 2, using and d tuning the CtC C reduced the hop count of data transfer. The average a hop co ount ween the conteents deenotes the aveerage number of hops betw prrovider (s CS)) and the useer. A large av verage hop co ount means that userss retrieve conteents from long--distance conteents prroviders. Reduccing the averag ge hop count sh hortens downlo oad tim me because lon ng-distance datta transfer is more m time consu umingg than from loccal contents prroviders. Although ourr method does not significcantly reduce the avverage hop cou unt, it download ds the contentss in less time th han the original ICN N implementatio on. C. Unique Conttents Rate The proposed d method outpeerforms the orriginal ICN arcchiteccture in terms of the unique contents c rate. Tuning T CtC exeerts a greater improv vement in the unique conten nt rate than in the ment indexes, because b increaasing the CtC C of othher measurem low w-popularity contents c widen ns the cache interval, decreassing the cached conttents and enab bling caching of more diveerse coontents. A high uniqu ue contents rate provides ussers with various coontents from th he router CSs. Routers can send s Data pack kets in response to Interest I packetts requesting different d conten nts. nterest packetss is Thhe consequentt reducing thee traffic of In beeneficial to botth users and contents c serverrs. Whereas ussers ennjoy faster co ontents retriev val, the load average on the coontents servers is reduced. VI. CONCLUSION This study haas proposed selective cachin ng based on hop h coounts to remov ve the redundaancy in the cacche utilization. In the original ICN N architecture, Data packets are cached att all p meth hod selects th hose routers on the route. The proposed m effectivelly cache the Daata packets. Th here routers that can most ny research projects p on efficient e cachiing, haave been man including ProbC Cache [12], WA AVE [13]. Thiss paper compaared h the original ICN. It is ou ur future work k to ouur method with coompare our pro oposal with oth her methods. Evaluations were w performed d on a cascad de topology an nd a prractical topolog gy. Our propo osed method prroved superiorr to the original ICN method in n terms of thrree measurem ment h ratio, averaage hop countt, and the uniq que indexes: cache hit a all cacched contentss. Moreover, the coontents rate among method realizes effective cach hing for both contents c provid ders annd users. The proposed d method realiizes improvem ment of cache hit rattio over the orriginal ICN meethod, potentially shortening the usser’s download d time and reducing the serv ver load. In futture woork, we will aim m to further im mprove the cach he hit ratio. The CtC in our o proposed method m can be set to its defaault vaalue, and the tim me interval of tuning the CtC C can be specifi fied. Inn this study, wee constructed various evaluatiion scenarios with w differennt parameter vaalues. In futuree, we should iinvestigate a systemaatic means of selecting apppropriate param meters for a specific network. Our m method adds tw wo fields to eaach Data packeet. Although the overrhead of addinng new fields m may be minor, it is worthy of prec ise evaluationn. Again, this investigationn is left for future sttudy. 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[13] Kideeok Cho, Munyouung Lee, Kunwoo Park, Ted Tackkyoung Kwon, Yannghee Choi, and Saangheon Pack, “W WAVE: Popularity--based and Collaboorative In-networkk Caching for Conntent-Oriented Neetworks,” Proc. IEEE E NOMEN Worksshop, 2012. Taakumi Sato Takuumi Sato received tthe B.S. degree inn Computer Sciencce and Engineeringg from Waseda Unniversity in Marcch, 2015. He is now a master stuudent at Departm ment of Computeer Science and Coommunications E Engineering, Waseeda University. Hiis research intereest covers Futuree Internet and Cyyber Security. Sh higeki Goto Shigeeki Goto is a profeessor at Departm ment of Computter Science andd Engineering, W Waseda University,, Japan. He receiveed his B.S. and M M.S. in Mathematiccs from the University of Tokyo. Prrior to becoming a professor at Waseda University, hee has worked for NTT for many years. He also eaarned a Ph.D in Innformation Engineeering from the Unniversity of Tokyoo. He is the presiddent of JPNIC. Hee is a member off ACM and IEEE,, and he was a truustee of Internet Society from 1994 to 1997. © 2015 by the authors; licensee Asia-Pacific Advanced Network. This article is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). 108