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Job Description
Board Nurse
Manchester Health and Care Commissioning and Manchester Clinical
Commissioning Group
Contract duration:
2 year fixed term
Up to 4 days per month
Accountable to:
Chair of Manchester Health and Care Commissioning
The post holder will be reimbursed at their current
salary rate. If the post holder is retired then salary will be
subject to negotiation via the Clinical Commissioning Group’s
Remuneration Committee
1. Context
The post holder will be a member of the Manchester Clinical Commissioning Group
(MCCG) and the Manchester Health and Care Commissioning (MHCC) Board both
of which were established on the 1st April 2017. MHCC is a partnership between
MCCG and Manchester City Council and will commission health and social care
services for the population of Manchester.
2. Role Outline and Responsibilities
As well as sharing responsibility with the other members for all aspects of MHCC
business, you will bring a broader view, from your perspective as a registered nurse,
on health and care issues to underpin the work of MHCC especially the contribution
of nursing to the care of local people.
The Board Nurse role is a senior clinical leadership position that will hold Board
assurance and oversight on behalf of Manchester Health and Care Commissioning
(MHCC) for the following roles:
Overseeing MHCC’s objectives for quality and safety improvements of care from
all commissioned providers of health and care services.
Guardianship of the patient quality experience across all care settings.
Ensuring that Quality, Safety and Effectiveness are clearly embedded into any
MHCC-led service redesign and commissioning of care pathways.
Provide a senior nursing voice at Board level representing the profession
As an effective senior lead nurse, the role holder will be required to provide MHCC
with an essential focus on quality, safety, effectiveness and efficiency.
The Board Nurse is there to bring their unique perspective, informed by their
expertise and experience. This will support decisions made by MHCC as
a whole and will help ensure that:
the interests of local people remain at the heart of discussions and decisions;
the MHCC Board and the CCG’s Governing Body act in the best interests of the
local population at all times;
MHCC commissions the highest quality services and best possible outcomes for
their patients within their resource allocation;
Good governance remains central at all times;
Ensure ‘Our Manchester’ principles and activity is embedded throughout the work
of MHCC.
Provide a critical friend role and provide constructive challenge to the Executive
Nurse, Director of Performance and Clinical Director on related patient safety,
quality clinical and Nursing issues
The role holder will also be responsible for chairing the Quality and Performance
Committee, will sit on MHCC’s Board and the CCG’s Governing Body, and will be
attend other Committee meetings as required.
3. Key partners and stakeholders
Patients, their carers and the public
Manchester’s GP practices
Manchester City Council
Local elected members
Local Acute Trusts
Local providers of community services
Local voluntary and community sector organisations
GM Health and Social Care Partnership
GM Manchester Mental Health Foundation Trust
HENW and local educational institutions
Greater Manchester CCGs Association of Governing Group (AGG)
Other relevant stakeholders, provider organisations.
Royal College of Nursing, Unions and other related nursing bodies including the
The Role of Board Members
The Board’s role is to deliver upon the mission as set out below:
We are determined to make Manchester a city where everyone can live a
healthier life.
We will support you and your loved ones, investing in what you tell us is
important to you.
We will make sure you receive the right care in the right place and at the right
time, delivered by kind, caring people that you can trust.
We will make the most of our money by reducing waste; testing new ways of
working that improve outcomes and funding the things we know will work.
We will forge strong partnerships with people and organisations, in the city and
across the region, and put health and wellbeing at the heart of the plans for
developing Manchester's future as a thriving city.
The Board is responsible for discharging all the functions expected of the CCG and
to deliver upon all objectives determined by its members. Its key roles are to:Set strategy and shape culture
 Developing a vision for the organisation and leading by example
 Develop the Commissioning strategy for MHCC
 Develop relationships with grass roots primary care to ensure the organisation is
responsive to the needs of its members
 To develop relationships with key partners and stakeholders in Manchester and
Make decisions
 To make decisions according to the scheme of delegation, to empower sub
committees of the board to make decisions as appropriate and to refer to the full
group meeting for major decisions.
 To arbitrate where decisions cannot be made at a sub board level.
Provide assurance
 Ensuring delivery of the long term strategy and the annual commissioning plan
 Ensuring delivery of all statutory duties such as financial balance, public
engagement and meeting core targets
 Adhering to NHS constitution and any other governance frameworks
 Accountability for safety, quality and access of local services
Our values are as follows:
All Board members are responsible for role modelling the organisational values.
Board members will work according out values and to the Nolan principles of public
life. Members will promote and adhere to the NHS constitution and ‘Our Manchester’
Standards in public life
You will be expected to demonstrate high standards of corporate and personal
conduct. Successful candidates will be asked to subscribe to the “Codes of Conduct
and Accountability for NHS boards.
Conflicts of Interest
You should note particularly the requirement to declare any conflict of interest that
arises in the course of MHCC business and the need to declare any relevant
business interests, positions of authority or other connections with commercial,
public or voluntary bodies.
Disqualification for appointment
Not everybody is eligible to be appointed to an NHS body. All appointments are
governed by legislation which details the circumstances in which individuals may be
disqualified. They do vary, but a lay member cannot also be:o A chair or non-executive of another NHS body including all NHS Trusts.
o A practising healthcare professional including practising GPs, General Dental
Practitioners and their employees and people who have been removed from or
suspended from a list of Part II practitioners, in some circumstances.
o A serving MP including MEPs and candidates for election as MP or MEP.
Other circumstances
People who are not eligible to work in the UK
People who have received a prison sentence or suspended sentence of 3 months
or more in the last 5 years;
People who are the subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order;
Anyone who has been dismissed (except by redundancy) by any NHS body;
In certain circumstances, those who have had an earlier term of appointment
Anyone who is under a disqualification order under the Company Directors
Disqualification Act 1986;
Anyone who has been removed from trusteeship of a charity.
As a general principle, the Appointments Commission will not appoint serving
Civil Servants within the Department of Health, or members/employees of the
Care Quality Commission. The CCG will act consistently to this.
All remuneration is taxable under Schedule E and subject to Class 1 NI
contributions. It is not pensionable. Lay members are also eligible to claim
allowances, and we will again use the rates set centrally, for travel and subsistence
costs incurred necessarily on MHCC business for Non-Executive Directors.
Person Specification Board Nurse
Values and Behaviours
Is committed to and focuses on quality and promoting high standards of care
to improve outcomes
Involves patients, staff and public in determining what care services are
required by the population
Values equality and inclusion and operates with integrity and openness
Works across boundaries, looks for collective success, listens, involves,
respects and learns from the contribution of others
Committed to continuous development of self and others
Committed to the behaviours as set out in ‘Our Manchester’
Skills and Capabilities
Be competent, confident and willing to give an unbiased independent strategic
clinical view on all aspects of MHCC’s business
Be highly regarded as a senior clinical leader, beyond the boundaries of a
single practice or profession – demonstrably able to think beyond your own
professional viewpoint
Be able to take a balanced view of the clinical and management agenda, and
draw on your specialist skills to add value
Be able to contribute a generic view from the perspective of a registered
nurse whilst putting aside specific issues relating to their own clinical practice
or employing organisation’s circumstances
Be able to bring detailed insights from nursing and perspectives into
discussions regarding service re-design clinical pathways and system reform.
Demonstrable ability to exercise sound judgement
The ability to understand the limits of his or her management competencies,
and the wisdom to seek advice when these are reached
The capability to secure assurance of clinical and nursing management
expertise, through the senior team, to ensure that the day to day management
of all aspects of the MHCC’s business can be discharged
An understanding of corporate governance as a key element of integrated
governance, and of the responsibilities that the board nurse role needs to
ensure these are discharged to a high standard
Have the confidence of local GP practices, demonstrating a thorough
understanding of the issues they face and what is important to them.
Demonstrable experience of working on a board and chairing committees
A track record in delivering improvements for patients or the wider public
Able to demonstrate how your skills and abilities can actively contribute to
leading the work of the governing body, and how this will enable you to
participate effectively as a team member
Be a Registered Nurse who has developed a high level of professional
expertise and knowledge