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Final exam - X semester – V study year
Infection, Infectious Process, Host – Pathogen Interactions.
Infectious Disease – definitions, periods, clinical forms.
Clinical Syndromes.
Acutely Ill Infected Febrile Patient. Fever of Unknown Origin.
Infections in Immunocompromised Host. HIV/AIDS.
Diagnostic Approach to Infectious Diseases – Biochemical, Microbiological,
Virological and Serological Investigations. Diagnosis.
7. Therapy of Infectious Diseases
8. Subject, Goals and Methodology of Epidemiology.
9. Epidemiological Investigation
10. Epidemic Process – Nature and Characteristics.
11. Categories of Epidemic Outbreaks.
12. Mechanism of Transmission of the Infection. Categories of Epidemic Mechanisms.
Source of Infection. Types of Sources.
13. Susceptibility and Immunity – Epidemiological Approach.
14. Vaccines. Prophylaxis with Vaccine. Immunization Calendar. Immunization Indications and Contraindications. Side Effects and Complications.
15. Nosocomial Infections (NI). Organization of the Control of NI. Medical Standards for
the Control of NI. Microorganisms responsible for NI.
16. Organization of The Control In Hazardous Hospital Wards
17. Common Prophylactic and Anti-epidemic Measures for Control of Acute Infectious
18. Disinfection.
19. Disinsection.
20. Deratisation.
21. Acute Infectious Diarrhoeal Diseases - Etiology and Pathogenesis.
22. Typhoid and Non-typhoid Salmonelloses. Typhus abdominalis.
23. Shigellosis /Bacterial dysentery/
24. Infections due to E. coli - bacteria
25. Food poisoning. Botulism.
26. Campylobacter- and Yersinia- enterocolitis
27. Cholera.
28. Viral Gastroenteritis
29. Diseases due to Enteroviruses, Including Poliovirus /Poliomyelitis, Coxsackie, ECHO
– v. Infections/
30. Influenza, Parainfluenza
31. Common Viral Respiratory Infections: Adeno-, Rhino, REO -, RS – Viral Infections.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome /SARS/
32. Whooping Cough.
33. Legionnaire’s Disease.
34. Mycoplasma and Chlamydia infections.
35. Measles.
36. Rubella (German Measles)
37. Exanthema subitum, Erythema infectiosum .
38. Varicella – Zoster Virus – Infections.
39. Smallpox. Vaccinia.
40. Mumps.
41. Epstein – Barr V. Infection Incl. Mononucleosis Infectiosa. Infections due to Other
Human Herpesviruses, incl. Cytomegalovirus
42. Scarlet Fever and Other Infections cause by Streptococci. / STSS, Phagedaena,
43. Sepsis. SIRS. MODS. Septic Shock.
44. Diphtheria.
45. Meningococcal Infections. Meningitis еpidemica. Syndroma Waterhouse Friderichsen.
Diagnosis. Treatment.
46. Acute Viral Hepatitis A, E.
47. Acute Viral Hepatitis B, D. Acute Viral Hepatitis C
48. Differential Diagnosis of Icterus in Acutely Ill Infected Patient
49. Leptospirosis.
50. Brucellosis
51. Yersinioses. Plague
52. Tularemia
53. Glanders and Melioidosis
54. Rickettsioses. Typhus exanthematicus. Tick Born Typhus.
55. Mediterranean Spotted fever
56. Q Fever
57. Borrelioses. Typhus recurrens.
58. Lymeborreliosis.
59. Bartonella Infections, Incl. Cat-Scratch Disease.
60. Tetanus. Immunoprophylaxis and Treatment
61. Anthrax. Gas-gangrene.
62. Rabies.
63. Arboviral encephalites /West-Nile; Tick born etc./
64. Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers.
65. Yellow Fever.
66. Dengue.
67. Disorders in Haemostasis and Haemorrhagic Syndrome in the Infectology.
68. Miscellaneous Infections /Sodoku, Aphthe epizootizae/
69. Actinomicosis, Nocardiosis
70. Infectious Diseases Common for both Temperate and Tropical Climate
71. Infectious Diseases Subjected for International Health Regulation.
72. Organization of the Control of Tropical Diseases. Sanitary Border Protection. Health
Advice for International Travel Medicine.
73. Symptoms and Syndromes in Parasitic Infections.
74. Laboratory Diagnosis of Intestinal Parasites
75. Laboratory Diagnosis of Blood and Tissue Parasites
76. Malaria
77. Leishmanioses (Visceral, Cutaneous and Mucocutaneus)
78. Toxoplasmosis
79. Amebiasis
80. Giardiasis
81. Trichomonosis
82. Enterobiosis
83. Ascaridosis
84. Trichocephalosis
85. Trichinelosis.
86. Taeniases, Cysticercosis
87. Hymenolepidosis/
88. Echinococcosis.
89. Schistosomiases
90. Fasciolosis
P.S. Questions N 5 and 22 – 69 require answers in infectology (etiology, pathogenesis,
clinical features, clinical forms, complications, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment)
and epidemiological measures and immunoprophylaxis of the specified infectious disease.
Questions 76-90 require answers in etiology, biology and lifecycle, pathogenesis,
epidemiology, clinical features, clinical forms, complications, diagnosis, etiological diagnosis,
differential diagnosis, treatment, control and prophylaxis of the specified parasitological
1. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. 16th Edition. Part Six. Infectious Diseases,
Ed. D.L. Kasper, MD, A. S. Fauci, MD, Dan L.Longo, MD, E.Braunwald,MD, S.L.
Hauser, MD. J.L.Jameson, MD, PhD. Vol. I, McGraw-Hill. Medical Publishing
Division, 2006.
2. Current Medical Diagnosis &Treatment.. Ed. by L. M. Tierney, Jr., S.J. McPhee, M.A.
Papadakis. 45th edition, 2006. (FREE access to CMDT Online 2006)
3. Mandell, Bennett, & Dolin: Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 6th ed.,
Copyright © 2005 Churchill Livingstone, An Imprint of Elsevier.
4. Oxford Textbook of Medicine. Sec. Ed. Ed. by D.J. Weatherall, J.G.G. Ledingham,
D.A. Warrell. Vol.1 Sectiobs 1-12 and Index. Oxford University Press. 1998.
5. Infectious Disease Problems in the Intensive Care Unit.
6. Mandell, Douglas and Bennett’s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases. 5th
Edition. Churchill Livingstone A Harcourt Health Sciences Company, 2000.
7. Textbook of Internal Medicine, Part Infectious Diseases. Ed. by William Kelley,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1989.
8. Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 3th Edition. Gabriel Virella, Med. Univ. of
South Carolina, Press William and Wilkins, 1997.
9. Understanding Infectious Diseases, Mosby Year book. Ed. by Paul D. Ecener, Harold
C. Neu. Columbia University Press 1992.
10. Principles and practice of clinical parasitology. Gillespie, S. H. & Pearson, R. D.,
Wiley: Chichester; New York, 2001
11. Encyclopedia of parasitology. Mehlhorn, H. & Aspöck, H., Springer: Berlin; New
York, 2008
12. Medical Microbiology. Kayser, F. H., Bienz, K. & Eckert, J. Thieme: 2004
13. Drugs for parasitic infections. The Medical Letter: New Rochelle, N.Y., 2010