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Strath 2015 Evaluation debrief
Part One: Positives
 trip went well in general
 people were well behaved
 people ate all the food on the plate (some)
 ferry ride was good
 people helped others
 made new friends
 people learned new things
 everyone participated
 the overnight went well
 people helped with making food, setting up tarp and other things at overnight
 people took risks/beyond the limit
 leaders/chaperons were nice
 activities were amazing
 trip was fun and different
Part Two: Changes/Improvements
 people should take more risks
 we shouldn’t have lunch on the last day
 people shouldn’t use all the hot water
 food was alright… could’ve been better
Part Three: Evaluation
Self: 9/10
I feel like I did good overall. I helped out with people, participated and took initiative
when it was needed, knowing our group can sometimes be quiet. I was well behaved
and got along with everyone. I did take challenges beyond my limit, making me feel
proud after accomplishing it.
Group: Our whole group was well behaved but a bit quiet. Some people did take
leadership while others…
Gurpratap: He made everyone laugh and was a great help with tying knots and
somewhat took initiative.
Shivek: He was helpful with making food and helped with the knots. He showed a lot
of leadership.
Amrit: She showed some leadership. But overall a great help.
Jagdeep: He helped a lot with tying knots, to tarps, to showing leadership and
steering a canoe. He was very helpful and communicated with everyone.
Rajdeep: He was very helpful with everything that was offered to him. Also took
initiative for things people didn’t.
Sonya: She tried to help but wasn’t showing too much leadership/ taking initiative.
Overall good help.
Patricia: Spoke out when people didn’t and helped a lot with tarps, food, etc.
Serena: She helped somewhat, but was mostly the person in the back, but overall
alright help.
I feel like overall our whole mini class was well behaved. I saw people interacting
with others and taking initiative throughout their groups. Compared to the frenchies,
we didn’t use bad language, didn’t litter and didn’t abuse the JO code. We were well
behaved on the ferry, at Strathcona lodge, and at our overnights. The mini
impressed me a lot and exceeded my expectations.
Part Four: 3-2-1
3: Things you learned
 When woodpeckers peck, did you wonder why their brain wasn’t goo? Well
they hold their brain with their tongue when they peck and then put their
tongue back in the wood to get the bugs.
 I learned that cedar trees have flaky bark on the outside and are red on the
 Douglas fir trees have a story behind it. The little pines are little mouse tails,
as told by the Natives. They had a tale where there was a fire in the forest
and the little mice didn’t have anywhere to go so they climbed the bark of the
douglas fir (has engraved bark, good for climbing) and ran into the little
spaces in the pine cones. The tree was fire resistant so they survived. And
those little tails on the pine are the mouse tails.
2: Challenges you faced
 My biggest fear was heights and I kicked its butt. I was scared for high ropes
and rock climbing but I faced my fear of heights and overcame it.
 I had faced my fear with sleeping in the wilderness with a tarp. I am scared of
some bugs that will crawl up in your mouth or something at night. I overcame
it again because once I actually did it, I wasn’t that scared and I realized
there’s nothing to be afraid of.
1: One you still wonder about
One thing I still wonder about is if I do this trip again, will my fears still come
back (ex. heights, spiders)?