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Reports to: Cheryl Rothschild, Lead Admiral Nurse
Friends of the Elderly is passionate about enhancing the quality of life of older
people. We provide direct services including residential care homes, nursing
homes and dementia care homes. Our day centres, home support, visiting,
telephone and grant-giving services help older people live independently at
home. We aim to provide truly person-centred services, with the wellbeing of
the individual at the heart of all we do.
Regional Manager/NHS Clinical Grading Band 7
Working from home but the post holder will be required to travel throughout
the region.
Background Information
Admiral Nurses are specialised mental health nurses in the field of dementia.
Admiral Nurses work primarily with carers and supporters of people with
dementia and they offer consultancy to professionals providing care for
people with dementia. Admiral Nurse clients, therefore, include people who
support and/or represent an older person with dementia and people with
dementia themselves. The education and development work undertaken by
Admiral Nurses focuses on improving dementia services for all stakeholders.
The post holder will join a national network of Admiral Nurses who will benefit
from practice development framework for Admiral Nursing provided by
Dementia UK. This comprises education, training and development, clinical
supervision and support with research, evaluation and audit. The post holder
will be line managed by FotE’s Deputy Director of Operations and will be
supported and guided by the current Admiral Nurse and the Regional
Operations team.
Job Purpose
 To provide a person-centred and clinical specialist nurse consultancy
service for assessment, intervention, advice and support to people with
dementia, family, carers and staff.
Admiral Nurse 2013
To further develop the Admiral Nurse concept around FotE’s care
homes and services in Surrey.
To assist with the development, evaluation and audit of this specialist
area of practice and of the service.
To provide clinical advice, support, liaison, education and training to
other staff/agencies.
1. Clinical and Consultancy Work:
 To provide and promote a person-centred, evidence based, best
practice approach for people living with dementia and those who are
close to them, including relatives, carers and staff.
 To provide a specialist consultancy service for clinical practice and
care and support services across the organisation.
 To provide the organisation’s services advice to enable them to
develop skills and knowledge for assessment of complex needs and
the development of effective integrated, multi-disciplinary care and
support plans including evaluation of clinical and therapeutic
 Advise on, recommend and provide a range of effective interventions at
the early stages of diagnosis and/or pre-diagnosis and throughout the
service user’s journey, paying particular attention to loss, transitions,
changing relationships and challenging behaviour.
 Provide a range of psychological and social interventions to promote
health and assist with the alleviation, prevention and management of
stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health need of service
 When required, liaise with Medical practitioners at all levels and other
organisations in the statutory and voluntary sector for best practice in
the interests of service users.
 Keep up to date and disseminate best practice within the organisation
for current and new policies, guidelines and legislation.
 Ensure that care is delivered in accordance with Admiral Nurse service
standards and other relevant local and national standards.
 Recognise the limits of own competency and professional boundaries
and make appropriate and timely referral in respect of service user
 Make effective use of clinical supervision opportunities with Dementia
 Provide consultancy to those working in dementia care and work
collaboratively with health/social services and the voluntary and
independent sector as appropriate.
 Facilitate consultation with service users about care and service
delivery; evaluate and provide feedback.
2. Development:
 Ensure the Admiral Nurse competency framework is maintained as part
of the role and continuing professional development. Continue to
develop clinical expertise and competency.
Admiral Nurse 2013
Provide professional advice and leadership to the FotE operations
managers regarding clinical and social care best practice approaches.
Set up carer groups to provide professional advice to service
users/relatives and carers within the region.
Act as a clinical role model to others and provide a learning
Advise on new development initiatives and developments in dementia
care and support, collaborating for professional practice with
colleagues within and outside the organisation, to improve the quality
of life for those living with dementia.
Lead, direct audit and evaluation of service quality using Admiral Nurse
standards and other relevant standards supporting best practice.
Supported by colleagues, explore development opportunities for
marketing the service more widely across the region.
Ensure that all accidents, complaints, untoward incidents and losses
are fully recorded and investigated in accordance with Friends of the
Elderly’s policy and procedures. To use complaints, wherever possible
as a developmental opportunity.
Promote equality of access and opportunity in all aspects of work.
Health and safety
All employees have a duty to take reasonable care to avoid injury to
themselves or to others and to co-operate with FotE in meeting its statutory
Equal opportunities statement
FotE welcomes diversity in the people we provide a service to and in our
workforce. Diversity is not just seen as something to aim for but as something
to be valued and an asset in delivering different services to different people.
FotE recognises that certain groups and individuals are discriminated against
in society and is committed to ensuring that equal opportunity becomes an
integral feature of all its activities.
All employees are required to comply with FotE’s equal-opportunities policy.
Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
All FotE appointments and promotions will be made in accordance with the
equal-opportunities policy.
All staff must respect the confidentiality of any matters they may learn in the
course of their duties relating to service users, staff and the general public as
well as matters of business concerning the charity.
The duties and requirements in this job description are not exhaustive and
amendments and additions may be required in line with future policy changes.
Admiral Nurse 2013