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HIV Testing at Acute Care Sites (VGH, UBCH, SPH, MSJ)
Data from the United Kingdom, United States and British Columbia indicate that people
diagnosed late in their infection have had multiple missed opportunities for earlier diagnosis in the
acute care setting. As a result, all clinicians are encouraged to incorporate routine HIV screening
into their practice by recommending and offering an HIV test when a patient is already receiving
blood-work .
The launch of routine HIV screening began within the Department of Medicine followed by other
hospital departments:
o October 2011: Departments of Medicine at SPH, MSJ & VGH; Department of Surgery at
SPH & MSJ; Kidney Clinic at SPH
o April 2012: Department of Psychiatry at VGH; Colposcopy Clinic at VGH; Kidney Clinic at
o May 2012: Emergency Department at SPH
o June 2012: Department of Surgery at VGH and UBCH; Department of Psychiatry at
o July 2012: Emergency Department at VGH
Most people newly diagnosed with HIV have had many missed opportunities in health care for
HIV diagnosis. In fact, there are approximately 3,500 people in BC, who are infected but don’t
know it. As with all screening programs, the optimum frequency for screening will be determined
by monitoring and evaluation and may vary by geography and population.
Learn more about the HIV Testing at VCH and PHC acute care sites. For any questions or
feedback contact Afshan Nathoo, Clinical Lead for Acute Care HIV Testing Initiative at
[email protected]