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A &P Notes: Skeletal System and Skull
1) Composed of ______________________________________________
2) ___% of body mass
3) Two major parts
a) _________________________
b) _________________________
4) The axial skeleton consists of _____
5) Three major regions
a) ____________________
b) ____________________
c) ____________________
6) Formed by two sets of bones
a) Cranial bones (cranium)
i) Enclose the brain in the cranial cavity
(1) Cranial vault (calvaria)
(2) Cranial base: anterior, middle, and posterior cranial fossae
ii) Provide sites of attachment for _________________________________
7) Facial bones
a) Framework of face
b) Cavities for special sense organs for sight, taste, and
c) Openings for ___________________
d) Sites of attachment for
______________________________ of facial expression
8) Eight cranial bones
1. Frontal bone
a. Anterior portion of cranium
b. Most of anterior cranial fossa
c. Superior wall of orbits
d. Contains air-filled frontal sinus
2. Parietal bones (2)
a. Superior and lateral aspects of cranial vault
b. Four sutures mark articulations of parietal bones with frontal, occipital, and temporal
i. ______________________—between parietal bones and frontal bone
ii. ______________________—between right and left parietal bones
iii. ______________________—between parietal bones and occipital bone
iv. ______________________—between parietal and temporal bones on
each side of skull
3. Occipital bone
a. Most of skull's posterior wall and posterior cranial fossa
b. Articulates with _____________________
c. Sites of attachment for ligamentum nuchae and many neck and back muscles
4. Temporal bones (2)
a. Inferolateral aspects of skull and parts of cranial base
b. Four major regions
i. ________________________
ii. ________________________
iii. ________________________
iv. ________________________
5. Sphenoid bone
a. Complex, bat-shaped bone
b. ____________________
c. Articulates with all other cranial bones
d. Three pairs of processes
i. _________________________
ii. _________________________
iii. _________________________
6. Ethmoid bone
a. Deepest skull bone
b. Superior part of ______________________, roof of nasal cavities
c. Contributes to medial wall of orbits
d. _____________________ for dural
7. Sutural bones
a. Tiny irregularly shaped bones that appear
within sutures
9) Fourteen Facial Bones
a) Mandible
i) Lower jaw
ii) __________________ bone of face
iii) Temporomandibular joint
iv) Only _____________________
joint in skull
b) Maxillary bones (maxillae) (2)
i) Medially fused to form upper jaw and central portion of facial skeleton
ii) _____________________________
iii) Articulate with all other facial bones except
iv) Contain maxillary sinuses
v) Largest of paranasal sinuses
c) Zygomatic bones (2)
i) ____________________
ii) Inferolateral margins of orbits
d) Nasal bones (2)
i) Form _____________________
e) Lacrimal bones (2)
i) In medial walls of orbits
ii) ________________ houses _______________
f) Palatine bones (2)
i) Posterior one-third of hard palate
ii) Posterolateral walls of the nasal cavity
iii) Small part of the orbits
g) Vomer
i) Plow shaped
ii) Inferior part of nasal septum
h) Inferior nasal conchae (2)
i) Form part of lateral walls of nasal cavity
ii) Largest of three pairs of conchae
a) Cavities that encase eyes and lacrimal glands
b) Sites of attachment for eye muscles
c) Formed by parts of seven bones
d) Frontal, sphenoid, zygomatic, maxilla, palatine, lacrimal, and ethmoid
11) Nasal Cavity
a) Roof, lateral walls, and floor formed by parts of four bones
i) ________________________
ii) ________________________
iii) ________________________
iv) ________________________
b) Nasal septum of bone and hyaline cartilage
i) Perpendicular plate of ethmoid
ii) __________________
iii) Anterior septal cartilage
Paranasal sinuses
a) Mucosa-lined, air-filled spaces
b) ________________
c) Enhance ____________________________
d) _______________________
e) Found in frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, and maxillary bones
Hyoid bone
a) _____________________________
b) Does not articulate directly with another bone
c) Movable base for ____________________
d) Site of attachment for muscles of __________________________
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