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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Animal Science 2012- 2013 Red Lodge High School Academic Honesty PLAGERISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Paraphrasing or quoting another’s work without citing the source is a form of academic misconduct. ACADEMIC HONESTY is expected by all students. Presenting others ideas as your own or to permit someone else to use your work without acknowledgement is academic misconduct. Animal Contributions to Human Needs Chapter 1 What is the function of Animal Agriculture Production of food and fiber Animal Agriculture All societies use domestic animals as a source of food, consumer products or companionship Domestic animals supply humans many different things – – – – – Food Clothing By-products for consumer goods or feed Power Research Animal Contributions Species Primary Uses Cattle Sheep Goats Meat, milk, hides Wool, meat, milk, hides Milk, meat, hair, hides Buffalo Camels, Yaks, Llamas Chickens, Turkey, Ducks Swine Draft, milk, meat, hides, bones Packing, riding, draft, meat, milk, hides Meat, eggs, feathers Horses, Donkeys, Mules Draft, packing, riding, companion animals, occasionally meat Meat, leather Contribution of Animal Products to the World Diet Animal products comprise ~16% of total calories and 37% of total protein. 30% of total calories in some developed counties and 50% of the protein supply less than 20% of protein in some developing countries. The contribution of animal products to food supply has increased in most of the world “Livestock Revolution” From early 70’s through the early 90’s meat consumption in developing countries grew 3x more than in developed countries Contribution of Animal Products to the World Diet In general, as standard of living increases, the country tends to have a higher consumption of animal products. Mechanization largely responsible for increased food production Mechanization made it possible for fewer farmers to feed more people – 1940 1 farmer fed 11people – 1995 1 farmer fed 94 people What happens to consumption of animal products with increasing standard of living? Consumption increases Dietary Recommendations Sex Age Kcal/day Female 25-30 2000 Protein (mg/day) 44 Male 25-30 2700 46 Disposable Income Spent on Food Year Annual Income Amount Spent on Food Home Away % total 1960 2,265 301 109 17.8 1970 3,489 380 194 14.1 1980 8,421 818 530 13.8 1985 11,861 991 717 12.6 1990 16,236 1,242 1,013 11.7 1995 19,703 1,320 1,165 11.2 Contributions of Various Food Groups to the World Food Supply Food Group Calories (%) Protein (%) Cereals 50 45 Roots, tubers, and pulses 8 7 Nuts, oils, vegetable fats 11 4 Sugar and sugar products 8 2 Vegetables and fruits 7 5 All animal Products 16 37 Meat (7) (16) Eggs (1) (3) Fish (1) (7) Milk (5) (10) Other (2) (1) World Meat Supply Majority of the world meat supply comes from cattle, buffalo, swine, sheep, goats and horses Other sources common to other countries are alpaca, llama, yak, deer, elk, antelope, kangaroo, rabbit, guinea pig, capybara, fowl other than chicken (duck, turkey, goose, guinea fowl, pigeon), and wild game Role of Animal Products in a Balanced Diet Animal Foods Provide: – High quality protein – Zinc, Iron, Calcium – Vitamin A, D, E, K, and B12 – Fats and lipids Plants Provide: –Carbohydrates (energy) –Vitamins –Minerals –Fats and lipids Problems with animal products No fiber or roughage Excessive protein possible Carbohydrate deficient but rich in fats Deficient in vitamin C Cholesterol Animal Contribution to People Milk is one of the largest single sources of food from animals. Milk from cattle most common in the United States Other sources of milk in the world – Buffalo, sheep, goat, alpaca, camel, reindeer and yak Animal Production Efficiency Animal production is considered a resource inefficient practice because it takes more grain to produce a pound of meat than it would to feed a person. – This is true only if feeding animals food that humans could consume. – Most grains used for livestock production is not suitable for human consumption – Ruminants consume forages that humans could not digest Animal Production Efficiency Animals grazed on land not fit for crop production 2/3rds of the world is permanent pasture, range and meadow Of this 60% of the world land mass is unsuitable for cultivated crop production Animal production does not compete with human use. Animal intermediaries provide a means to utilize land that would be unproductive for humans Food Contributions Conquering Hunger – Increase literacy rates – Reduce poverty – Improve health care – Enhance agricultural production – Improve the total food system infrastructure Food Contributions Eighty-five percent of the world’s population desire food of animal origin in its diet Animal products more palatable than plants? Animal products higher class? Consumers tend to increase their animal products consumption when income increases. Clothing and Nonfood Wool, hair, hides and pelts are used for clothing, bedding, housing and carpets. Animal wastes are used for fertilizers Inedible tallow and grease used in soaps and animal feeds and a source of fatty acids for lubricants and industrial uses. Fatty acids can be used to produce synthetic rubber, food emulsifiers, plasticizers, floor waxes, candles, paints, varnishes, printing inks and pharmaceuticals Gelatin from hides, skins and bones used in foods, films and glues Work and Power More than half the countries of the world keep animals primarily for work Most are buffalo or cattle but horse, mules, camels, and llamas are also used for draft purposes. Twenty percent of the world’s population depends largely or entirely on animals for moving goods. Work and Power Animals provide 52% of the cultivation power in developing countries An additional 26% of cultivation power is provided by human labor Developed countries use tractor for 82% of their cultivation Companionship, Recreation and Creativity Many species of animals qualify as companions where people derive pleasure from them The contribution of animals as companions is meaningful, though hard to quantify Many animals are used for recreation – Bull fighting, rodeos and other sports Human Health Research Laboratory animals (rats, mice) are commonly used to provide valuable information for improving human life. Large domestic farm animals are used less often because of cost of maintenance costs. Farm animals serve as research models for approximately 200 human diseases