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The Teacher
AGED 1411, Intro To Agricultural
and Extension Education
Instructor: David Agnew
The age old question
Is teaching an art
or a science?
• Identify 10 Characteristics of teachers (Chapter 8, page
• Identify 10 abilities needed by Agriculture teachers
(Chapter 8, page 137-140)
• Describe 10 ways that a teacher can continue to grow
professionally (Chapter 8, 141).
• List the individuals or groups to whom a teacher is
• State the two major responsibilities of a teacher.
• List three things teachers must do to be a success.
• Describe the four stages of teacher development
• Identify the positive traits of a good teacher.
Characteristics of Teachers
Phipps, Lloyd J. Handbook on
Agricultural Education in Public
Schools. Danville, Illinois: The
Interstate Printers & Publishers, Inc.
Text Pages 134-135
Abilities needed by Agriculture Teachers
Phipps, Lloyd J. Handbook on Agricultural
Education in Public Schools. Danville, Illinois:
The Interstate Printers & Publishers, Inc.
Text page 138-140
Ways that a teacher can continue to grow
The individuals or groups to whom a
teacher is responsible
A. Student
B. Parents
C. School (Administration & Board)
D. Community
E. Profession
F. Self and family
G. and…………….
Two major responsibilities of a teacher
• To Know what to teach.
Curriculum planning
Content selection
Selecting text books
Sequencing the content
• To know how to teach.
– Methods and techniques
– Understanding students and how to manage the
Three things teachers must do
to be a success
• Have positive expectations of the outcomes
• Good at classroom management
• Know how to design lessons that will help
students learn
– Note: page 42 of Wong’s Book (Expectations)
– Harry Wong, To be an effective teacher: The
first Days of School, 1998
Who is Harry Wong?
Four stages of teacher development
• All they need to do is relate, have fun with
the students, be there for them, be their
friends, Identify with them.
• Refer to the note on the handout about
being a pal.
• They are not going to be like the teachers
they had in school.
• Just make it through the day, learning is out
the window, Put in your time and get on
with my life, look to the weekend and look
forward to a paycheck, busy work is in,
• they revert to the practices they condemned
before they started teaching, they make
excuses for why students don’t learn.
• Attitude is negative
• They have a command of the subject matter
and they are going to get it over to students.
• They know how to control the classrooom
and they know what to do when something
does not work-- Try something else. willing to
• Not interested in deadend activities.
• I can make a difference,
• Hopeful, Positive attitude
• Teachers have a positive impact on students,
uses variety of methods and techniques to
make a positive impact/change.
• Apply the knowledge they have in a way
that results in the most benefit to students.
• Sometimes more questions are rasied than
are ask!!!!
Good News
• You can get through the first two stages
quickly and move on to the mastery and
Impact stage, sooner if you know what to
• First few days of school are the most
• Here’s the biggest secret to teaching
• Beg, Borrow and Steal…..
The first year can be frightening
• Teacher education will not have prepared
• Student teaching will not have prepared you
• The district may not have prepared you.
• Yet you will be expected to perform
The End
What to teach?
• State Competences list (frameworks)
– Students are tested based on the frameworks.
• School May have expectations for what to teach
• The community has expectations
– Alumni, Ag Leaders, Advisory, etc….
• The teachers has some say
• Even students to a small extent can have input into
what is taught in the ag classroom
State Competences or
Frameworks BACK
Agricultural Business
Agricultural Electricity
Agricultural Graphics
Agricultural Marketing
Agricultural Mechanics I
Agricultural Mechanics II
Agricultural Metals I
Agricultural Metals II
Agricultural Power Systems I
Agricultural Power Systems II
Agricultural Structural Systems I
Agricultural Structural Systems II
Agriculture Science
Agriculture Science and Technology
Agriculture Surveying
Animal Science
Biological Animal Science
Biological Plant Science
Environmental Resources: Soil & Water
Food Science Technology
Greenhouse Management
Introduction to Horticulture
Introduction to World Agricultural Science
Leadership and Communications
Managing Natural Resources
Plant Science
Small Engine
Turf Grass Management
How to teach?
• What is a method of teaching?
• What is the difference in a methods and a
• Name five methods of teaching
Supervised study
Job Instruction
Cooperative learning
Common Methods of Teaching
• Lecture
• Teacher lead
• Computer activity
• Video
• Field trip
• Demonstration
• Panel
Guest Speaker
Problem solving
Learning by doing
– Hands-on activities
Then the Organizational Process
Lesson Plans
Teaching Plan
Teaching and Learning plans
Difference in a lesson plan and a unit plan?
Parts of a Lesson Plan
• See Sample
• See Description