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INDUSTRY SECTOR: Health Science and Medical Technology
PATHWAY: Patient Care
This program is designed to provide healthcare occupation students with general workplace competencies and skills necessary for entry level
employment in a pharmacy setting. The program includes the fundamentals of medical terminology, anatomy and physiology,
pharmaceutical calculations, principles of pharmacology, pharmacy practice in multiple settings, California Pharmacy Law, abbreviations
and symbols, and computer applications. Integrated throughout the course are Common Core State Standards and Career Technical Education
Standards, which include safety, communication, technology, ethics, career planning and other employability skills. Worksite externship is a
required component of the program. Students successfully completing this program qualify to apply for licensure with the California State
Board of Pharmacy as a Pharmacy Technician.
A. Pre-requisite: Completion of basic skills assessment, High
School Diploma or Equivalent.
B. Abilities Required: Click here to enter text.
C. Dress Requirement and Grooming: Must dress code /
Industry Standard.
D. Students must master 75% of the certificate competencies to
receive a certificate.
E. Course Length: 630 hours
F. Textbook: Mosby’s Pharmacy Technician Principles and
Practice, Elsevier, 4th Edition (Textbook, Workbook and Lab
Manual; Calculation of Drug Dosages, Sheila J. Ogden, Linda
K. Fluharty, Elsevier 10th Edition; Lab Experience for the
Pharmacy Technician, Mary E. Mohr, Lippincott Williams &
UC a-g Approved: No
Industry Certification: American Heart Associations – BLS
Healthcare Provider
Sequencing to Include a Capstone: Not Applicable
Community College Articulation: Yes
Common Core Alignment: Yes
Community Classroom: Yes
Career Technical Student Organization: No
Word Based Learning: Yes
Course Outline, p. 2
Common Core Unit Objective
Introduction to Baldy View ROP pharmacy technician program. Definition of the roles and preview of the opportunities open to
pharmacy technicians in various practice settings.
Certificate Competencies
• Explain the state licensing requirements for a pharmacy technician.
• Identify the professional role and responsibilities of the Pharmacy Technician in various employment settings.
• Research employment opportunities and the salary scale for the Pharmacy Technician.
• Describe various pharmacy settings, including community, hospital, and home health care operations.
• Differentiate between the personnel, funding, and population served in the different pharmacy settings.
• Differentiate between the types of pharmacy services, medical care, and therapies provided to patients in various healthcare
Key Assignments
• Students will research various job opportunities, responsibilities, and roles available for pharmacy technicians and present
their findings to the class.
• Students will research various types of pharmacies and prepare a 1-2 page essay. Then they will present their findings to the
Anchor Standards
1.0 Academics
Analyze and apply appropriate academic standards required for successful industry sector Pathway Standards completion
leading to postsecondary education and employment. Refer to the Health Science and Medical Technology academic
alignment matrix for identification of standards.
3.0 Career Planning and Management
Integrate multiple sources of career information from diverse formats to make informed career decisions, solve problems,
and manage personal career plans.
Pathway Standards
B12.0 Adhere to the roles and responsibilities, within the scope of practice, that contribute to the design and implementation of
treatment planning.
Common Core Standards
11-12.1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Baldy View ROP
Revised: 3/10/2017
Common Core Unit Objective
The practice of pharmacy is governed by a series of laws, regulations, and rules enforced by federal, state, and local government.
This unit will present the most basic laws and regulations that pertain to pharmacy, pharmacist and especially the pharmacy
Certificate Competencies
• Explain the requirements and need for patient consultation.
• Distinguish among state and federal laws, regulations, professional standards, and ethics.
• Explain the importance of HIPAA and its impact on pharmacy.
• List commonly used scheduled medications.
• Differentiate between the role of the pharmacist and the role of the pharmacy technician when dispensing prescriptions.
• Explain the difference between over the counter and legend drugs.
• Differentiate between federal and state regulatory agencies and their responsibilities.
• Identify the legal requirements for the manufacture, distribution, dispensing, and the administration of controlled
• Understand consequences of inappropriate behavior, e.g. stealing drugs, self-medicating, and DUI.
• Identify commonly used reference sources used in the practice of pharmacy, including computer software programs.
• Identify the legal requirements for selling hypodermic needles and syringes.
• Identify the impact of major laws and regulations on pharmacy practice.
Key Assignments
• Students will research and present information based on pharmacy laws, regulations, past and present. The presentation will
include historical information and the need for pharmacy regulation.
• HIPAA for Techs. Search the FAQ Unit of the HIPAA Web site for “pharmacy.” In what ways does the act affect the
day-to-day activities of pharmacy technicians? Examples:
• U.S. HHS Office for Civil Rights—HIPAA,
• Look at the DEA website for information on the new restrictions on the purchase of pseudoephedrine. Listen to testimonies
about the addiction to crystal meth. Discuss the following:
Anchor Standards
8.0 Ethics and Legal Responsibilities
Practice professional, ethical, and legal behavior, responding thoughtfully to diverse perspectives and resolving contradictions
when possible, consistent with applicable laws, regulations, and organizational norms. (Direct alignment with SLS 11-12.1d)
Pathway Standards
B6.6 Maintain written guidelines of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in all communications
Baldy View ROP
Revised: 3/10/2017
Common Core Unit Objective
Instruction of the techniques and procedures to prepare and dispense medication in various pharmacy settings.
Certificate Competencies
• Identify terminology and symbols used in Pharmacy practice.
• Define abbreviations used in prescription labeling of drugs.
• Translate sigs and abbreviations to maintain the integrity of the order and increase patient compliance.
• Demonstrate the ability to type a prescription label with 100% accuracy.• Demonstrate the ability to fill and label common prescriptions correctly including dosage.
• Demonstrate the ability to type 30 wpm
• Demonstrate use of the computer to access drug information.
• Identify various forms of insurance coverage and billing procedures.
• Identify information required on a prescription form for controlled and non- controlled medications.
• Recognize and read Roman numerals.
• Convert between standard and international/military time.
• Identify the information contained in a patient profile.
• Demonstrate the procedures for inputting and updating a patient profile.
• Describe the procedures for processing new and refill prescriptions.
• Demonstrate the ability to use pharmacy software on a computer.
• Recognize the role of robotics in the distribution and dispensing of drugs.
• Explain common procedures for purchasing, receiving, and inventory control used in pharmacy.
• Recognize current counting machines used in the distribution and dispensing of drugs.
• Accurately operate a cash register.
• Resolve problems with insurance claims processing.
• Distinguish between various dispensing systems, including unit dose medications, and distribution of controlled substances.
Key Assignments
• Deciphering and Translating Orders. Divide the class into pairs and give each pair a handout with 10 examples of hastily
written physician’s orders. The first pair to correctly decipher each order wins.
• Allow students a few moments to review the 10 steps of filling a prescription order. Then have students close their text.
Choose 10 students and assign a step to each student, but without its number. Then ask the students to come to the
blackboard and write their step in its proper order, beginning with the first step.
• Students will type prescription labels using “Pharmacy Management Software” and Work text.
Baldy View ROP
Revised: 3/10/2017
Common Core Unit Objective
Instruction covers verbal and nonverbal communication skills.
Certificate Competencies
• Demonstrate strategies for diffusing an angry patient/client.
• Identify factors that contribute to quality patient/client relationships.
• Identify methods used to establish trust between a patient/client and a health care professional.
• Practice active listening skills, empathy, and compassion to engage patient/clients in conversation.
Key Assignments
• Students will work in pairs, with one as the pharmacy technician and one as the customer. Using the skills that they have
learned in the
• Using the H.E.A.R.T. lesson, the students will be given scenarios to role play and to try to diffuse the angry customer.
Anchor Standards
2.0 Communications Acquire and accurately use Health Science and Medical Technology sector terminology and protocols at the
career and college readiness level for communicating effectively in oral, written, and multimedia formats.
Pathway Standards
B6.0 Communicate procedures and goals to patients using various communication strategies to respond to questions and
Common Core Standards
Enter Common Core Standards
Baldy View ROP
Revised: 3/10/2017
Common Core Unit Objective
Instruction covers health care delivery system
Certificate Competencies
• Discuss the major components of the healthcare delivery system, facilities, providers, and entities.
• Discuss reimbursement methods, types of insurance and coverage.
• Understand the team concept in providing quality patient care.
• Recognize characteristics of effective healthcare delivery teams.
• Analyze the roles of various healthcare delivery team participants (team leader, team member).
Key Assignments
• Third-Party Billing. Call for seven volunteers from the class. For each volunteer, read the “Specifics of Coverage” column for
one entity in Table 13-1. The student is to identify the entity (e.g., Part D Coverage, Smoking Cessation Program), from the
specifics of coverage.
• HMOs and PPOs. Hold a debate on this topic. Divide the class into two groups and assign “HMO” to one group and “PPO” to
the other. Allow a few minutes for the groups to prepare their cases. Have the groups each choose a representative to act as
debater. Allow both representatives time to make their case, rebut the opponent’s case, and summarize his or her team’s
presentation. Discuss.
• Trade vs. Generic Drug Cost. Have pairs of students use Mosby’s Essential Drugs for Pharmacy Technicians to find the costs
of three trade drugs and their generic equivalents for comparison (suggested drugs: methylphenidate and Ritalin, 10 mg;
omeprazole and Prilosec, 20 mg; and paroxetine and Paxil, 20 mg) Using the following formula, ask students to calculate how
much is saved per year by using the generic:
o Annual savings =
o (Cost of a 30-day supply of trade × 12) –
o (Cost of a 30-day supply of generic × 12)
Anchor Standards
4.0. Technology
Use existing and emerging technology to investigate, research, and produce products and services, including new
information, as required in the Health Science and Medical Technology sector workplace environment.
Pathway Standards
B1.0 Recognize the integrated systems approach to health care delivery services: prevention, diagnosis, pathology, and treatment
Baldy View ROP
Revised: 3/10/2017
Common Core Unit Objective
Instruction cover basic medical math skills.
Certificate Competencies
• Recognize and apply basic principles of mass and weight measurement.
• Recognize and apply basic principles of volume and liquid measurement.
• Solve problems of ratio and proportion.
• Convert Centigrade to Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit to Centigrade using both fraction and decimal based formula.
• Correctly convert American Standard, Metric and Apothecary measurements.
• Read a word problem and identify necessary information required to solve the problem.
• Demonstrate ability to add, subtract, multiply, divide, round and average.
• Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions with combined operations.
• Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimal fractions with combined operations.
• Analyze conversion charts used in health occupations. (Temperature, pulse, respiration, height, weight).
• Apply the rules of problem solving by dimensional analysis to correctly calculate equivalent quantities.
• Correctly convert between Roman numerals and Arabic numbers.
Key Assignments
• What’s Your Birthday? Have the students convert the numbers corresponding to the day, month, and year of their birthdays
into Roman numerals.
• Conversions. Display the answer key from the “Estimation” class activity in Lesson 4.1. Select a different student to perform
conversions on each object’s measurement.
• Students will play “Instant Jeopardy Review”. The Categories are: Length, volume for fluids, weight, weight conversion, and
Anchor Standards
• Know how to apply mathematical computations related to health care procedures (metric and household, conversions and
Pathway Standards
• Know how to apply mathematical computations used in health care delivery system.
Baldy View ROP
Revised: 3/10/2017
Common Core Unit Objective
Instruction covers calculations related to drug dosages, and preparation of medications.
Certificate Competencies
• Describe the difference between dosage strength and supply dosage.
• Calculate oral drug dosages using ratio/proportion.
• Determine numbers of tablets needed to deliver a prescribed dose.
• Determine the volume liquid needed to deliver a prescribed dose.
• Identify equipment used in the administration of medications.
• Identify various syringes by total volume, used, and calibration.
• Read a given volume of medication contained in a syringe.
• Calculate pediatric dosages based on recommended usual doses using a proportion.
Key Assignments
• Invite a students to go to the blackboard and write out the equations for calculating the number of tablets needed to deliver a
prescribed dose.
• Call for a volunteer to go to the blackboard and write a dilution in one of the three methods. Have the rest of the class identify
the method. Repeat the exercise with several students.
Anchor Standards
Standard 5.5
Know how to apply mathematical computations related to health care procedures (metric and household, conversions and
Pathway Standards
Know how to apply mathematical computations used in health care delivery system.
Baldy View ROP
Revised: 3/10/2017
Common Core Unit Objective
Instruction will provide the pharmacy technician with all methods necessary in dealing with pharmaceutical calculations.
Certificate Competencies
• Accurately perform Pharmacy calculations.
• Describe specific estimated days of supply (EDS) in regards to drug quantity dispensed.
• Demonstrate understanding of the Metric, Apothecary, and Household measurement systems.
• Demonstrate understanding of the conversions systems used in drug administration.
• Demonstrate an understanding of different types of units of measurements and their uses in pharmacy including mEq, mM,
gm, mg, and mcg.
• Set up and solve dosage calculation ratio-proportion problems.
• Set up and solve drug calculations for percent solutions.
• Calculate pediatric drug dosages per kilogram of body weight and safety dosage range.
• Calculate pediatric drug dosages using Clark’s Rule, Young’s Rule and BSA (Body Surface Area).
• Calculate IV infusion flow rates and infusion time
• Accurately perform calculations to properly dilute stock solutions
• Accurately perform calculations pertaining to Allegations
• Identify and apply basic principles of percentages, interest, discounts, and markups.
• Perform basic business calculations including mark up, dispensing fee, and discounts.
Key Assignments
• Compounding Pharmacy Guest Speakers. Invite two technicians who work in a compounding pharmacy to sit on a panel in
your classroom. Have your students prepare questions beforehand for the guests. Example questions:
Anchor Standards
Know how to apply mathematical computations related to health care procedures (metric and household, conversions and
Pathway Standards
Know how to apply mathematical computations used in health care delivery system.
Baldy View ROP
Revised: 3/10/2017
Common Core Unit Objective
At the completion of this unity the student will be able to differentiate between Brand/Generic drug names. Student will create
flash cards to study from the information received through lecture, handouts and website.
Certificate Competencies
List various dosage forms and routes of administration of drugs.
Identify and spell commonly used drugs including brand name, generic name, and drug classification.
Identify common drug allergies and the signs and symptoms.
Demonstrate the proper handling, storage, and disposal of commonly used drugs.
Differentiate the interpretations of “dosage form” by various health care professionals.
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of major classes of pharmaceutical dosage forms, including liquids, solids, and
Differentiate the characteristics of solution, suspension, and various forms of tablets and capsules.
Discuss the pharmaceutical factors that affect drug Bioavailability.
Describe the basic principles of Bio pharmaceutics.
Key Assignments
• Generic/Brand Name Drugs: Students will go to to study the uploaded drug names for the week. The student
may play various games and sample quizzes to prepare for weekly tests.
• Classifications. Write the 13 body systems listed in Table 5-2 on the blackboard as column headlines. One by one, students
are to go to the board and write a drug classification in any of the columns. Continue until all of the drug classifications have
been completed
• Write a short Common Core Unit Objective of a drug action that illustrates pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics. Have
the students read their Common Core Unit Objectives to the class, and then ask the class to identify the action as
pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics..
Anchor Standards
1.0 Communications.
Acquire and accurately use Health Science and Medical Technology sector terminology and protocols at the career and college
readiness level for communicating effectively in oral, written, and multimedia formats.
Pathway Standards
B2.0 Understand the basic structure and function of the human body and relate normal function to common disorders.
Baldy View ROP
Revised: 3/10/2017
Common Core Unit Objective
Instruction on pharmaceutical compounding, Intravenous admixtures, and aseptic techniques.
Certificate Competencies
• Demonstrate appropriate safety precautions and aseptic technique, while using needles, syringes, and glass ampules/vials.
• Demonstrate the proper cleaning methods when using medication preparation equipment.
• Demonstrate methods used to prevent product contamination when performing aseptic technique.
• Demonstrate proper hand washing techniques and hand hygiene.
• Describe the concept of sterility and how it relates to parenteral products.
• Define common injectable routes of administration
• Describe extemporaneous compounding,
• List the essential equipment used in the compounding process.
• Explain the steps required to accurately weigh a pharmaceutical ingredient
• Identify quality standards for non-sterile and sterile compounding as outlined in USP 795 and 797.
Key Assignments
• Students will demonstrate proper hand washing and will be evaluated using the brevis system.
• Container Identification. One at a time, display an ampule, an ampule breaker (collar), a large-volume drip bag, a smallvolume drip bag, and a vial. Ask the students to give the name and sizes available for each. Also demonstrate how to open an
ampule by using an alcohol pad to cover the top piece, and then breaking it away from one’s body.
• Anatomy of a Syringe. Call for a volunteer to come to the blackboard and draw an outline of a syringe with needle. Then call
for volunteers to come forward and label the parts of the drawing, one part per person.
• Intravenous Room. Ask students to take out a piece of paper and prepare to work a sample problem for an intravenous room.
For example, the current supply of an item is 40 units. The hospital typically uses 30 units per week. Reordering and delivery
of the item takes 1 week. When should the technician reorder the supply? How many should he or she reorder? Discuss.
• Horizontal Flow Hood. Place several alcohol prep pads, IV bags, syringes, and vials in the flow hood. Have several students
glove up and demonstrate aseptic technique (correct hand placement) for preparing IV medications. Make sure the students
are at least six inches from the sides and front of the hood.
Anchor Standards
6.0 Health and Safety
Demonstrate health and safety procedures, regulations, and personal health practices and determine the meaning of
symbols, key terms, and domain-specific words and phrases as related to the Health Science and Medical Technology sector
workplace environment.
Pathway Standards
B11.0 Comply with hazardous waste disposal policies and procedures, including documentation, to ensure that regulated waste
is handled, packaged, stored, and disposed of in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations
Baldy View ROP
Revised: 3/10/2017
Common Core Unit Objective
At the conclusion of the module, student will generate and build upon knowledge via class lectures, videos and experiences from
training sites to create various games via study, to review medical terminology necessary to communicate patient
Certificate Competencies
• Spell and define common medical terminology.
• Demonstrate the ability to use medical terms in their proper context.
• Identify common abbreviations used in medical, clerical, pharmacy and clinical areas.
• Spell and define common medical terminology.
• List the major body systems and give general functions of each: Integumentary, Muscular, Skeletal, Nervous (Including
senses), Cardiovascular, Endocrine, Lymphatic, Immune, Respiratory, Gastrointestinal, Urinary, and Reproductive.
• Define medical terms relating to diagnostic procedures associated with radiology, computed tomography, magnetic resonance
imaging, and ultrasonography
• List and identify basic word elements related to anatomy and physiology.
• Define and utilize medical terms used in various diagnostic and clinical reports and documents.
• Analyze, define, spell, and pronounce words related to clinical procedures associated with nuclear medicine technology,
surgical procedures, and laboratory tests.
• Describe the impact of technology on the use of terminology within the medical field.
Key Assignments
• Medical Abbreviations. Divide the class into two teams and have the teams form two lines. Read an abbreviation from Table
5-8 to the first person in line one. If that person knows the answer, he or she returns to the end of the line to await another
turn. If the student does not know the answer, he or she must sit down. Alternate between teams, and continue for several
minutes or until all abbreviations have been covered at least once. The team with the most students still standing is the
• Medical Terms. Divide the class into two teams. Have the teams make as many words as possible using a word root along
with a prefix or suffix from Table 5-9. Allow a few minutes, and then reconvene the class to see which group has formed the
most medical terms.
• Students will use the weekly terms uploaded to to play games and take sample quizzes to learn medical
Anchor Standards
2.0 Communications Acquire and accurately use Health Science and Medical Technology sector terminology and protocols at the
career and college readiness level for communicating effectively in oral, written, and multimedia formats.
Pathway Standards
B5.0 Know the definition, spelling, pronunciation, and use of appropriate terminology in the health care setting.
Baldy View ROP
Revised: 3/10/2017
Common Core Unit Objective
Instruction of Anatomy and Physiology (the structure and function of the body).
Certificate Competencies
• Describe common conditions, diseases, disorders, and cancers that affect each body system.
• Analyze, define, and pronounce medical terms relating to the major body systems and structures including: integumentary,
respiratory, digestive, urinary, cardiovascular, lymphatic-Immune, musculo-skeletal, reproductive, endocrine, sensory, and
nervous systems.
• Define and distinguish between anatomy and physiology
• Identify the major organ systems and describe their functions
• Label anatomical structures within each organ system and identify their function.
• List and identify basic word elements related to anatomy and physiology.
Key Assignments
• Exocrine System Identifier. As a class, use the figure in the System Identifier exercise to discuss the difference between
endocrine and exocrine glands: exocrine glands have ducts that carry secretions away, usually to the surface, whereas
endocrine glands secrete their products directly into the blood. Have students mark and label several major exocrine glands
on the figure provided.
• Functions of the Nervous System. List the four main functions of the nervous system on an overhead or the blackboard and
have each student write an example of the function underneath the appropriate function.
• Eye Structure Pictionary. Divide the class into pairs. Have the partners sit back-to-back. One partner should have the
textbook open to Figure 19-1 (p. 388), and the other partner should have nothing except a pencil and a blank sheet of paper.
The students with the books should describe the anatomy of the eye so that their partners can draw an eye and label each of
the 13 structures shown in the textbook. After several minutes, have the partners turn around and compare the drawing to
the textbook figure, correcting the drawing as necessary. Save the drawings for the next activity.
Anchor Standards
2.0 Communications Acquire and accurately use Health Science and Medical Technology sector terminology and protocols at the
career and college readiness level for communicating effectively in oral, written, and multimedia formats.
10.1 Interpret and explain terminology and practices specific to the Health Science and Medical Technology sector
Pathway Standards
B2.0 Understand the basic structure and function of the human body and relate normal function to common disorders.
B5.0 Know the definition, spelling, pronunciation, and use of appropriate terminology in the health care setting.
Baldy View ROP
Revised: 3/10/2017