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The World’s Biomes
The tundra is located north of the Arctic Circle.
Tundra: Climate
► Short
summers that have bogs and swamps
► Long winters with icy winds
► EXTREME conditions
► Most Fragile Biome
 Simple food chains
 Land easily damaged
 Oil is a major threat
Tundra: Vegetation
► Grasses,
herbs, and lichens are common
► Tough shrubs and mosses
► Vegetation can grow without soil
 Wide, shallow roots
 Plants are short
Tundra: Soil
► Thin
soil - Only top few centimeters thaw in
► Permafrost
► Vast areas of rock
► Bogs
Tundra: Interesting
and swamps provide great breeding
grounds for insects
► Also provides breeding grounds for many
birds, caribou and their predators
► Most rodents burrow
► Many animals have great camouflage and
good insulation
Taiga(Boreal Forest)
► The
taiga is also known as the Boreal Forest
► It is found just below the Arctic circle in the
Northern Hemisphere
► Largest terrestrial biome
Taiga: Climate
► Long
winters (6-10 months)
► Average temperatures are below freezing in
the winter
► Receives little precipitation
Taiga: Vegetation
► Forest
floor has little vegetation
► Straight “Pole Trees”
► Mostly conifers (pines, spruces, firs)
► Short growing season (50 days)
Taiga: Soil
► Acidic
► Forms
Taiga: Interesting Information
► Many
lakes and swamps provide habitat for
many species in the summer
► Many species migrate
► Others burrow underground or change color
according to season
Temperate Deciduous
► Located between
30° and 50°N latitude in
North America, Europe, and Asia
Temperate Deciduous Forest: Climate
► Temperatures
may be extreme
 Hot summers
 Cold winters
► Temperatures
vary according to season
► Moist; abundant precipitation
 75-125 cm rainfall/year
Temperate Deciduous Forest:
► Short
growing season
► Adapted to survive seasons
 Shed leaves
 Seeds, bulbs, and underground stems remain
dormant during winter
► 4-6
month growing season
Temperate Deciduous Forest:
► Rich,
deep soil
Temperate Deciduous Forest:
Interesting Information
► Animals
adapted to use forest plants for food
and shelter
► Many animals migrate or reduce activity in
Temperate Rainforest
► Located in
some coastal areas of North
America; Australia, New Zealand
Temperate Rainforest: Climate
► A lot
of precipitation
► High humidity
► Moderate temperatures year round
 Cool and moist
► Rarely
Temperate Rainforest: Vegetation
► Evergreen
► Lush
trees with mosses and lichens
Temperate Rainforest: Soil
► Slow
► Fertile
► Supports many mosses, lichens, and ferns that
cover the forest floor
Temperate Rainforest:
Interesting Information
► Trees
can be more than 90 m tall
 Many are old-growth forests
 Provide habitat to endangered species
 World’s tallest trees
Tropical Rainforest
► Located along
the belt near the equator
► About 7% of the Earth’s surface
Tropical Rainforest:
► Always
humid and warm
► Lots of rainfall
 Receives about 200-450 cm of rain/year
► Strong
sunlight all year
► Relatively constant temperatures
Tropical Rainforest: Vegetation
► More
species of plants than any other biome
► Trees have above ground roots
► Grow in layers
Tropical Rainforest: Soil
► Thin
► Few nutrients
because of rapid
Tropical Rainforest:
Interesting Information
► Helps
regulate the climate
► Plays a vital role in the nitrogen, and carbon
► Greatest species diversity
 More animals live in the canopy
► Mass
 Approximately 100 acres/minute are destroyed by
Temperate Grasslands
► Located in
the interiors of continents
 North American prairies
 Russian steppes
 South American pampas
Temperate Grasslands: Climate
► Hot
► Cold winters
► Moderate rainfall
 50-88 cm/year
 Often “victims” of the rainshadow effect
 Heavy precipitation rare
► Fires
are common in summer
► Constant winds
Temperate Grasslands: Vegetation
► Mostly
► Very few trees
► Roots form dense layers
► Rainfall determines the type of plants in an
Temperate Grasslands: Soil
► Most
fertile soil of any biome
► Erosion is a common problem
Temperate Grasslands:
Interesting Information
► May
have been replaced by agricultural
crops, farming, and grazing areas
► Few natural grasslands remain
 Some say less than 1%
► Animals
have large, flat teeth for grazing
► Other live underground
► Found
in parts of Africa, Western India,
Northern Australia, and parts of South
► Located between the tropical rainforest and
the desert
Savanna: Climate
► Little
precipitation throughout the year
► Have a wet and dry season
Savanna: Vegetation
► Mostly
grasses with shrubs and scattered
► Horizontal root systems
► Vertical leaves
► Thorns or sharp leaves
► Shed leaves
Savanna: Soil
► Grass
fires occur during the dry season and
help restore the nutrients to the soil
Interesting Information
► Large
variety of
grazing animals
and their
 Many active only
during wet season
 Migratory
 Feed according to
► Located
in the middle latitudes
 30° N and S of the equator
► Found
along coastal areas with Mediterranean
Chaparral: Climate
► Warm,
dry summers
► Mild, wet winters
Chaparral: Vegetation
► Broad-leaved
evergreens and shrubs
► Low-lying
► Grow in dense patches
► Adapted to fire
Chaparral: Soil
► Dry,
sandy mix
Interesting Information
► Animals
camouflaged by color,
shape, or movement
► Human development
(residential and
commercial) are
threatening this area
► Both
hot and cold deserts exist
► Hot deserts are found closer to the equator
► Often near large mountain ranges
Desert: Climate
► Driest
places on Earth
 Less than 25 cm of rain/year
► Extreme
► Often created by the rainshadow effect
Desert: Vegetation
► Little
or no vegetation
► Vegetation that does live
there has thick, fleshy stems
and leaves that store water
Have waxy coating
Sharp spines
Roots spread out near surface
Dormant seeds
► New
plants grow and bloom
Desert: Soil
Interesting Information
► Animals
have thick,
scaly skin
► Most animals are
► Largest
 97% of Earth’s water
► Includes:
Coral reefs
Open ocean
Frozen seas
Coastal areas
Marine: Climate
► Salt
► Temperature varies according to depth
Marine: Vegetation
► Ocean
is filled with
phytoplankton, algae,
and kelp forests
Interesting Information
► Coastal
areas protect inland from flooding
 Filter pollution and sediments
► Some
areas are productive fisheries
► Many species not yet discovered
► Chemosynthetic organisms
► Organisms with bioluminescence
► Great biodiversity