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Who Am I?
Identifying your customer DNA – Why is it important?
1 2 3 4 Where you should to maximize exposure to your ideal customer? What types of adver.sements typically effect your ideal customer? What vocabulary and tone you should use in your efforts? What story your content should be telling? Financial Planner Niche
Our ideal customer uses our product to gain control of their finances. They want to be beBer freelancers, so our tool is useful for helping them gain control of their income and expenses. Adam is a 28 year old freelance graphic designer from Michigan. He spends about 4 hours a week reading blog posts and following links on TwiBer, and that is where he discovered a link that pointed to Harpoon. Adam makes between $60,000 and $80,000 a year as a designer, yet feels like he doesn’t really have a good grasp on how much he is going to make in the next year, so he’s not sure if he should hustle for more work, or tell his wife: “Yes, we can easily take that vaca.on this summer”. Adam spent 4 years working for a large agency in town, when he realized that he could do beBer on his own. He has been freelancing for 2 years now, and is interested in learning about honing his business skills as well as his design skills. He’s been married for 4 years, and is to think seriously about having kids. One of his concerns about having kids is having a good grip on his family’s finances, and feeling a sense of control over how things are going with his freelancing income. How did it Impact RTA Cabinet Store?
$210 Cost Per AcquisiNon Builders/Contractors Homeowners
Property Investors/
Real Estate Agents
$85 Cost Per Acquisi.on $15 Cost Per Acquisi.on for Campaigns How do you find your customer DNA?
Basic Demographics Psychographics • 
Age Gender Income Level Family profile (number of kids, dogs, etc) Profession Marital Status Educa.on Level Hobbies • 
What do they like/dislike Fears, frustra.ons, and desires Passions What keeps them up at night? How do they relax Buying Behaviors • 
How do they make their buying decisions? What objec.ons could they have to your product? What is their for buying your product? What fear or desire are you solving? What outcome are they looking for from your product or service? Market
“Content is King, but it doesn’t accomplish anything if no one reads it” TWITTER
Best tweets are 120-­‐130 characters because it leaves room for retweets to use RT without chopping off your text 55%
Images increase engagement by as much as 55% (according to Hubspot sta.s.cs) 17%
Tweets with hashtags receive Tweets with one or two hashtags Tweets that use more than two hashtags actually show a 2x more engagement have 21% higher engagement 17% drop in engagement. than those without hashtags. than those with three or more hashtags Have a Clear Call to AcNon 12X
For example, Tweets that specifically ask for a retweet get a 12x higher retweet rate. Place links 25% through tweet for a higher chance of click through. 25%
Using the Tweet buBon on periscope before recording will automa.cally push the link to TwiBer. There are sites that scrape twiBer looking for live Periscope videos that will spread the video for you such as Hashtags
Picking the right Hashtags is key. Use these three sites to determine the most trending hashtags around the theme of your blog post: PINTEREST
84% of users are women. Food & drink is one of the top 4 most pinned AND most searched categories on Pinterest. 40%
The colors red, green, and pink boost content share by 3x Human faces do not get repined 200
Minimal Background. do not Descrip.on shouldn’t exceed 200 exceed 40% empty background characters or it drops repins by 50% Repin images and videos from the same blog post to maximize exposure Use the browser plugin to be able to pin your posts directly from your blog without having to log into Pinterest. h^ps://­‐bu^on THE TRUTH ABOUT
Strategic Partnerships: Our Secret Weapon
Cross Promo.ons Pixel Swapping Affiliate Programs Special Discounts -­‐ membership programs In House Educa.on How Pixel Swapping Impacts Our Business
Average Cost Per Acquis.on Approx $90-­‐120 per order.... with retargeNng $12-­‐15 Strategic Partnerships in the Wine Industry
Winery Hotel Wine Tourism Groups/Companies Wine Bloggers Restaurant Wine Organiza.ons Less TradiNonal Partnerships: Cooking Blogs Chefs Womens Groups STEPS TO IMPLEMENTING THIS MARKETING
Example : Blog post about chardonnay you are reviewing The Most Amazing Blog Post Ever
Award Winning Photo
Periscope Video About the Wine •  Entire blog gets turned
into a PDF
•  PDF is put on Scribd
Optional: Podcast about the
topic, which also is included
with the sound bite
Converting interesting
facts into infographic
•  Pinterest
•  Facebook
•  Flickr
Questions are turned
•  Next blog post
•  Periscope video
•  Google + combined with
image or video
•  Facebook headline combined
with image or video
•  Twitter post with link image
•  Pinterest with link back
•  Flicker
•  Photobucket
Record Your Periscope Video
and Convert it to Youtube
Instagram with sound bite
over image (can also use the wordpress plugin) Drop into your email series Convert into a PDF and put on ( Convert to powerpoint ($5 on Fiverr) Convert any interesNng facts, figures, or stats into infographic ($5 on Fiverr or Pinterest Photobucket Flickr Award Winning Photo
Can be done manually or with an auto sokware like Converted to youtube video with transcript in descripNon and keywords in Ntle Embedded In Blog Shared on facebook Tweeted on twi^er with hashtags in descripNon Steps for converNng Periscope to Youtube
1. Turn on auto save broadcasts. 2. Save it to yourcamera roll. 3. Use dropbox or transferbigfiles to save it to your computer. 4. Open it in a video sokware. Periscope Video
Headline and photo become facebook post with tags to the winery, and one or two relevant hashtags. Promote the post for $5 Headline with photo and link to blog become twi^er post Most Amazing Blog Post about Chardonnay Subheadline and image becomes google + post Memorable quote and photo become instagram photo Photo plus 200 character descripNon gets pinned on pinterest Award Winning Photo Capturing Email – The Power of a Giveaway
7 Best Places For Opt-­‐in Forms On Your WordPress Blog Or Website (Plus The Tools For Them!) Feature Boxes are great to have at the top of your blog page since you can have an lead magnet before your content. PlugmaBer Feature Box -­‐-­‐-­‐ Magic Ac.on Box Include an opportunity for your readers to automa.cally be subscribed to your list when they comment. A sneaky op.on is to have this “checked” by default. Subscribe2-­‐-­‐-­‐ MailChimp Comment Op.n Choose a­‐to-­‐the-­‐top and push down page bar to ensure visibility. Just having a buBon that goes to a squeeze page is also Hello Bar -­‐-­‐-­‐ SumoMe -­‐-­‐-­‐
FooBar Sidebar forms are when using lead magnets. Ensure this is the top and first widget in your sidebar for visibility. Op.n Skin -­‐-­‐-­‐ Op.n Monster Popups can increase your opt-­‐ins by to 3x! Don’t underes.mate this monster. Use an 8-­‐12 second delay, keep the copy short, and keep it simple. Use “smart” mode if your popup plugin has one. SumoMe -­‐-­‐-­‐ Popup Domina.on -­‐-­‐-­‐ Op.n Monster Less intrusive than popups but not as Use a slide opt-­‐in form or popup. Not both! Op.n Monster -­‐-­‐-­‐ SumoMe Marketing to Monetization
Twi^er Custom Audience Facebook Custom Audience Allows you to run much more targeted ads and messages to your list. Allows you to retarget your list with specific messages or similar, highly relevant blog posts. Resource Link: hBp:// PURCHASE GOAL: Send them to the
product page
OPTIN GOAL: Send them to the landing
page for free download
Send them to related blog posts
Adwords Retargeting
Facebook Retargeting
For a copy of the presenta.on and the bonus slides for “The Perfect Blog Post”, go to: hBps://