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The traditional and conventional medical
treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis in
rural Ecuador
M. Margaret Weigel 1 and Rodrigo X. Armijos 2, 3
Objective. To explore the knowledge, beliefs, and practices (KBPs) regarding cutaneous
leishmaniasis (CL) treatment held by an endemic population in Ecuador.
Methods. A follow-up to research done several years before, this study used random cluster sampling to select 529 adults who lived in rural northwestern Ecuador. Data were collected
over a 24-month period using in-depth interviews supplemented with qualitative methods.
Results. Most of the subjects were familiar with CL. The interviewed persons described a
large, diverse ethnomedical treatment inventory. Contrary to expectations, few treatment
KBPs were predicted by gender, age, or prior CL experience. Factors reported as important in
treatment decisions included female reproductive status, CL “type” (perceived form of the illness), lesion location, number of other infected household members, cost of the various treatments, treatment availability, and perceived treatment effectiveness. Subjects’ strong motivation for prompt treatment appeared to be associated with beliefs regarding the inability of CL
lesions to heal spontaneously, the disease’s propensity to progress into fatal illnesses, and disfigurement. Despite increased familiarity with Glucantime® (meglumine antimonate), the
conventional pentavalent antimonial drug used to treat CL in Ecuador, the proportion of subjects who had used it in their treatment remained low (20%) while the prevalence of premature drug discontinuance appeared to have doubled in comparison to our earlier study.
Conclusions. By itself, increased access to Glucantime® is unlikely to increase usage of the drug
and to reduce its frequent premature discontinuance unless public health planners accommodate
the health and illness world views of local populations. Efficacy and safety studies should be undertaken to investigate promising traditional remedies as possible alternatives to Glucantime®.
Key words
Cutaneous leishmaniasis; traditional medicine; knowledge, attitudes, practices;
The incidence of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is reported to be increasing
in Latin America as well as in many
other areas of the world (1). With CL
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, School of Human Resources and Education,
Department of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise, Blacksburg, Virginia, United States of America. Send correspondence to: M. M. Weigel, Community and International Nutrition and Health,
205 Wallace Annex, Department of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise, Virginia Tech, Blacks-
and other diseases, the effectiveness of
community disease control programs
can be enhanced by a better understanding of how local ethnomedical
burg, Virginia 24061-0430, United States of America; e-mail:[email protected]
Central University of Ecuador, College of Medicine, Graduate School of Basic Medical Sciences,
Immunology Research Laboratory, Quito, Ecuador.
Ecuador, Ministry of Public Health, “Izquieta
Pérez” National Hygiene Laboratory, Department
of Microbiology, Quito, Ecuador.
Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 10(6), 2001
systems operate (2, 3). Familiarity with
the world view and the disease and
treatment knowledge, beliefs, perceptions, and practices of population
groups has practical value. For example, such familiarity can be used to
predict how individuals and families
make decisions about CL diagnosis
and treatment, including the factors
that influence the timing and amount
of treatment as well as the type of
treatment received (e.g., “conven-
tional” Western medical treatment,
traditional treatment, or a mix of conventional and traditional treatment).
This familiarity also can help identify
potential barriers to conventional medical treatment as well as culturally acceptable alternative treatments of potential therapeutic value.
An earlier exploratory study that
our research group conducted in an
endemic area of subtropical northwestern Ecuador during 1989–1991 revealed that the majority of the adults
in that area’s agrarian population were
well acquainted with CL and its sandfly vector (4). These subjects described
an extensive ethnomedical inventory
of topical CL treatments. Women identified more treatment methods than
men did, but fewer than 10% of either
gender group said they were familiar
with Glucantime® (meglumine antimonate), the conventional pentavalent
antimonial drug used to treat CL in
Ecuador. Treatment with Glucantime®
usually involves a number of days of
intramuscular injection of 20 mg Sb/
In our first study, 90% of subjects
with recent or past CL reported that
they had been treated for their infections. However, only 22.5% of them
indicated that this treatment had included any antimonial drugs, and an
even smaller proportion appeared to
have received the recommended dose
of the drug. No significant gender differences were identified regarding access to either conventional or traditional CL treatment.
The earlier study was informative,
but its exploratory nature raised as
many questions as it answered about
the ethnomedical context of CL infection in the predominantly mestizo
population. Questions also arose
about how CL sufferers and the other
members of their households make
decisions about the allocation, timing,
and type of treatment as well as the
impact of gender, age, education, reproductive status, and prior disease
experience of infected persons and
family members (that is, having experienced CL themselves or having had
another immediate family member afflicted). In order to address these new
questions, we decided to conduct a
follow-up study in the same area of
northwestern Ecuador. Furthermore,
since the time of the first study, the
area had experienced considerable
population growth due to in-migration as well as considerable political,
economic, and infrastructure development, with new roads and new and
improved electricity and municipal
water services. Therefore, we wished
to investigate whether these changes
in the area had impacted CL treatment
knowledge, beliefs, perceptions, and
practices and/or had resulted in improvements in the population’s access
to conventional treatment.
This new survey was conducted
during a 24-month period, from June
1993 through June 1995, in the same
subtropical region of northwestern
Ecuador as the previous study (4). We
used data from a 1992 census to estimate population size and to identify
specific household sites. Using random cluster sampling, we selected a
cohort of 529 adults, who comprised
15% of all the eligible adults aged ≥ 18
years living in households in each of
the 43 hamlets in the study area. Immediately after giving their informed
verbal consent, subjects underwent a
leishmanin skin test (LST) and a clinical history that included a comprehensive physical examination. Suspicious
lesions were evaluated by aspirate
culture and direct smear. Subjects with
a positive parasitological diagnosis
were classified as having an active infection. Those with a positive clinical
history, who had characteristic dermal
scarring, and a positive LST were classified as having prior CL.
In-depth interviews were conducted
using a structured questionnaire that
contained a mixture of closed-ended
and open-ended questions. The questionnaire was administered during
face-to-face verbal interviews with
subjects in their homes or in an unoccupied community building, usually
the local schoolhouse. Each interview
was conducted in a private room or a
cordoned-off area in order to maintain
privacy and the confidentiality of the
interviewees’ responses.
The first part of the questionnaire
collected information on the sociodemographic and other characteristics of
the subjects. The second portion questioned subjects on their familiarity
with CL. Subjects who reported being
unfamiliar with the illness were excused from the remainder of the interview. The others (444 of the 529, or
83.9% of them) proceeded on to the
third part of the interview, which explored specific aspects of their CL
treatment knowledge, beliefs, and perceptions. Only the 293 subjects who
had recent or prior CL proceeded to
the fourth part of the interview. Of
these 293, 281 of them (95.9%) were
able to describe their treatment history
with respect to whether or not they
had ever been treated for CL, the specific types and number of methods
used, and the completeness of any
Glucantime® therapy received. Other
questions in this fourth part explored
what factors had been involved in
household-level decisions made about
their treatment for CL.
Draft versions of the questionnaire
were discussed first among study
team members, local health workers,
and community members in order to
better clarify culture-specific terms
and concepts. The instrument was
field-tested in a pilot study in a nonparticipating village in the area, and
individual items were refined as
Using the final version of the questionnaire, experienced interviewers
who were trained in its administration
gathered the study data. Additional
qualitative information was collected
through nonparticipant observation
and key-informant interviews. None
of the selected subjects declined to participate in the study. However, 8 of the
529 (1.5%) did not complete all of the
interview for reasons they attributed
to constraints related to family, work,
or time. The larger project on which
the study was “piggybacked” was approved by the Ethics Committee in the
School of Medical Sciences of the Central University of Ecuador, in Quito.
Weigel and Armijos • Traditional and conventional treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Ecuador
Data Analysis
The descriptive statistics reported
included frequency, percent, and
mean plus or minus the standard deviation. Three interval-level variables
were assessed for their contribution to
reported knowledge, beliefs, perceptions, and practices: residence in one
of six cluster areas (Pedro Vicente Maldonado, Toachi, Río Guayabamba, San
Miguel de los Bancos, Luz de América,
and Puerto Quito), years of residence
(< 1.0, 1.0–4.9, 5.0–9.9, 10.0–14.9, ≥ 15.0
years), and reproductive status in
women (pregnant, lactating, nonpregnant/nonlactating). The dichotomized
variables were: subject CL history
(positive vs. negative), reported immediate family member CL history (positive vs. negative), gender (female vs.
male), ethnicity (mestizo vs. other),
age (≤ 40 vs. > 40 years), formal education (≤ 6 vs. > 6 years), marital status
(married vs. other), and monthly per
capita income (local equivalent of
< US$ 60 vs. ≥ US$ 60). The SPSS for
Windows statistical package version
10 (SPSS, Chicago, Illinois, United
States of America) was used in the statistical analyses. Differences between
proportions were examined using contingency table analysis with corrected
chi-square (2) or Fisher’s exact test.
The independent contribution of predictor variables identified as significant in the simple bivariate analyses were subsequently assessed with
multiple logistic regression analysis.
Adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95%
confidence intervals (CIs) were also
calculated. Mean differences were
investigated by Student’s t test and
one-way analysis of variance. Notes
obtained during the key-informant interviews were assessed using content
Subject characteristics
Table 1 shows the characteristics of
the sample of 529 adults who participated in the survey. As shown, the
majority of the participants were age
TABLE 1. Subject sociodemographic characteristics, leishmaniasis
study, Ecuador, 1993–1995
Length of residence in endemic area (yr)
< 1.0
≥ 15.0
Age (yr)
≤ 40
> 40
Per capita monthly income (US$ equivalent)
< $60
≥ $60
Marital status
Legally married
Common-law marriage
Formal education (yr completed)
Reproductive status (women only)
Nonpregnant, nonlactating
Total numbers for the various characteristics vary due to missing data.
40 or younger, were married, were
poorly educated, had low incomes,
and were long-term residents of this
endemic area. Two-thirds were female, of whom 32% were either pregnant or breastfeeding an infant at the
time of the survey.
Of the 529 subjects, 30 of them
(5.7%) had active CL, and 263 of them
(49.7%) had evidence of prior infection. Men (61.6%) were more likely
than women (47.7%) to show evidence
of past CL (OR = 1.7, 95% CI = 1.1–
2.5), but the men’s risk for current infection was not significantly different
from that of women. The reported
prevalence of current and prior CL
among the immediate family members (parents, siblings, spouse, and
children) of the study subjects was
also elevated.
Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 10(6), 2001
The ethnomedical context
of leishmaniasis
The majority of the subjects and key
informants appeared to conceive of CL
as an illness that was distinct from
other dermatological diseases in terms
of its physical characteristics and clinical evolution. The subjects and informants depicted a world view of health
and illness that combined their reinterpretation of Western germ theory,
elements of sixteenth-century Spanish
Hippocratic humoral medicine, locally
evolved folk beliefs, and fatalism. A
total of three major “types” of CL were
reported by the survey subjects and
key informants. Each of the three was
further described as consisting of two
or three different subtypes, which can
be differentiated on the basis of their
specific clinical characteristics and outcomes, ranging from relatively benign
to “dangerous.” Many subjects and informants reported that any CL lesion
that remains unhealed for a long time
will eventually develop into fatal illnesses, especially skin cancer, gangrene, tetanus, leprosy, or other illnesses involving bone and tissue. This
was said to happen more quickly in
the case of the “more dangerous”
forms of CL.
Leishmaniasis treatment
knowledge, beliefs, and perceptions
Of the 529 subjects, 83.4% of them
indicated that they were familiar with
sarna brava (Spanish for “angry sore”),
the most common local term for CL. Of
these persons familiar with CL, close
to 85% of them reported that lesions
cannot heal without some type of
treatment. Nearly all (97%) of these
subjects also reported that they knew
at least one method that was effective
for healing CL lesions (mean = 1.6 ± 1
method). The total number of different treatment methods described exceeded 150. Only 11% of the cited
methods specifically identified Glucantime® by name although some 44%
cited “injections or medical treatment
given by injection or ‘vaccines’ (i.e., injections) administered by health care
providers.” The other methods all involved topical types of applications.
These included lesion cauterization
(3%); application of acids (4.8%); Neosporin and other creams, ointments,
and other over-the-counter preparations (12%); and various toxic agents
(e.g., heavy metals, strong chemicals,
veterinary products, and petroleum
by-products) (7%). Various types of
plant preparations used to treat lesions
accounted for 13% of cited methods,
with various home remedies accounting for the remainder (5.2%).
Many of the CL treatments cited
were described by study subjects and
informants as being “hot” or “strong”
since they cause intense burning,
stinging, or pain. Injections and certain topical methods with very “hot/
strong” or harsh characteristics (e.g.,
acids, petroleum by-products, veterinary products, heavy metals, and cauterization) were often ranked as being
the most effective to rapidly heal CL
lesions. Some persons noted that heating plants (e.g., medicinal herbs, plantain skins, saps, and resins) or other
substances (e.g., battery acid, lead,
and mercury) to high temperatures
right before placing them on the le-
sions can further increase their healing abilities.
Table 2 shows the 45 different plant
species that the subjects identified as
being used to treat CL. These included: 1) plants usually consumed as
staple foods, 2) common herbal remedies usually consumed as teas when
used to treat other illnesses, 3) plants
used as general treatments for all ul-
TABLE 2. Plants reported as being used to treat cutaneous leishmaniasis, Ecuador,
Local Spanish name
Tentative taxonomic designation
Plant part(s) used
Tiatina; escoba
Sangre de drago
Doña Juana
Piojo negro
Santa María
Santa Juana
Mama Juana
Cuchara de montes
Bálsamo peruano
Yerba mora
Hoja del sapo
Caña de azucar
Pan de arbol
Palo santo
Verbena litoralis
Escopaia edulcis
Mejorana hortensis
Aristeguieta glutinosa
Croton lechleri
Plantago major
Adenostema fosbergi
Not classified
Ochoroma pyramidale
Tanacetum partenicra
Not classified
Not classified
Ruta graveolens
Not classified
Myroxylon pereirae
Not classified
Matricaria chamomilla
Pelargonium odoratisimum
Solanum nigrum
Not classified
Not classified
Nicotiana tabacum
Capsicum annum
Carica papaya
Petroselinum sativum
Musa paradisiaca
Citrus sinensis
Manihot esculenta
Cinnamomum verum
Saccharum officinarum
Prunus sp.
Artocarpus altilis
Musa paradisiaca
Lactuca sativa
Citrus aurantifolia
Allium cepa
Bixa orellana
Allium sativum
Theobroma cacao
Jatropha curcas; J. congeneres
Dacryodes peruviana
Not classified
Bursera graveolens
Xanthosoma sagitifolium
Iriartea deltoidea
Leaves, flowers
Leaves, fruit
Pulp, sap
Peel, zest, juice
Sap, leaves, peel
Juice, peel
Seeds, leaves
Fruit, seeds
Weigel and Armijos • Traditional and conventional treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Ecuador
cers and wounds, and 4) plants specifically used to treat CL lesions.
Five primary methods were used to
prepare the plants for the topical treatment of CL lesions. With one method,
fresh plant leaves were heated until
dry and crumbly. They were then
pounded to produce a fine powder
that was mixed with thick ointments
or pomades to improve adhesion to lesions. Sometimes dry antibiotic powders were added to the mixture to enhance healing and decrease the risk of
secondary infections. With a second
method, fresh plant leaves, fruits,
flowers, or seeds were boiled in water.
While warm or at room temperature,
the liquid was used to wash the lesions. With a third method, plants
were burned at high temperatures to
produce white-hot ashes, which were
immediately applied to the open lesions. In a fourth method, plantain
skins, thick plant leaves, annatto (Bixa
orellana) seeds, or other plant parts,
plant resins, or saps were heated to
high temperatures and then placed on
top of or dripped into the CL lesions.
With the fifth method, the undiluted
juice, zest, and other plant secretions
from citrus and other fruits, garlic, onions, and plantain stalks were squeezed
into the open lesions.
Predictors of treatment knowledge
We examined various predictors of
the treatment knowledge reported by
the subjects. The mean number of specific treatments that men reported they
knew (1.6 ± 0.9) was not significantly
different from that of their female counterparts (1.7 identified ± 1.1) (P > 0.05).
However, men were twice as likely
as women to report believing that
harsh conventional and traditional
treatments were more effective in
healing CL lesions in comparison to
medicinal plant washes and other
milder methods (10.3% vs. 4.8%; OR =
2.3, 95% CI = 1.1–4.9). On the other
hand, a number of the factors measured did not significantly predict
whether or not subjects reported that
they knew any treatment methods,
which ones they identified, or how
many they mentioned. Among these
nonpredicting characteristics were
subject or family CL experience, age,
residence, and the other sociodemographic indicators.
Treatment beliefs
The demand for CL treatment appeared high in this endemic population. Much of the demand appeared
to be linked with a common belief—
reported by 89% of all subjects in the
study who said that they were familiar
with CL—that the lesions cannot heal
without treatment. Another frequently
reported belief was that certain types
of CL, especially ones that remain unhealed, can eventually evolve into skin
cancer, leprosy, tetanus, gangrene, or
such other potentially fatal diseases as
tuberculosis or ones involving the
bones. For these reasons, the subjects
reported that fast-acting treatments are
preferred. This was said to be especially
important for those unlucky individuals infected with the “more dangerous”
CL types or subtypes. Likewise, treatments that limit the size, depth, and
spread of lesions and the scars they
leave were also said to be preferred.
The simple bivariate analyses were
unable to identify any significant associations between the reported subject beliefs and gender, CL experience,
age, education, and the other sociodemographic indicators measured in the
Treatment decision-making
Gender is known to be a factor that
can influence treatment access. Therefore, we questioned the study subjects
as to whether gender would influence
any decisions that they might make
about their own CL treatment or that
of other family members. Most of the
subjects reported that neither the gender of adults (77%) nor of children
(84.1%) would be an important consideration. These respondents reasoned
that since the disease is the same for
everyone, treatment should also be the
same. In contrast, the minority of sub-
Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 10(6), 2001
jects who disagreed said that adult
males and boys were better able to tolerate “hotter/stronger” methods compared to women and girls, by virtue of
their more robust physical and emotional constitutions.
The results of the bivariate analyses
revealed that the responses of subjects
regarding whether an individual’s
gender should affect their treatment
for CL was not predicted by the subjects’ disease history, gender, education, ethnicity, or other characteristics
measured. With age, however, subjects aged > 40 years were twice as
likely as their younger counterparts to
report that boys and girls should get
different types of CL treatment (OR =
2.2; 95% CI = 1.0–4.6). On the other
hand, older subjects (> 40 years) did
not differ regarding the treatment of
adult males and females.
Female reproductive status is another variable often reported to restrict
health care access. For that reason, the
study subjects were questioned as to
whether or not pregnant or nursing
women infected with CL should be
treated, and, if so, by what method or
methods. Three-quarters of the respondents said this group of women
should not be treated at all, or at most
with only the mildest topical remedies
available. They reasoned that “hot/
strong” methods can harm the developing fetus and/or the mother. The
respondents specifically linked injections and other harsh CL treatments
to adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes, including miscarriage, stillbirth, mental retardation, physical
defects, low birthweight, premature
delivery, labor and delivery difficulties, and maternal demise. Likewise,
many of the respondents also reported
that such treatments can spoil or otherwise damage breast milk and/or
harm nursing infants by causing
fevers, diarrhea, vomiting, delayed development, or dental damage. However, the simple bivariate analysis was
unable to identify any significant associations between these reported treatment beliefs and the subjects’ gender,
age, education, CL experience, reproductive status (women only), or other
The subjects were also asked about
how they would prioritize treatment
for the different members of a hypothetical family, all of whom were afflicted simultaneously with CL. This
exercise was undertaken to gain additional insight into treatment inequities
that may occur within the household
unit and that are related to gender, age,
or other factors. This is an important
question since simultaneous infection
of multiple family members is common
in the study area and often makes it
necessary for households to make difficult decisions about who will get treatment, how quickly they will be treated,
and with which methods. Fifty-eight
percent of the subjects said that they
would treat all affected family members exactly the same by equally dividing whatever methods were available
since to do otherwise would be discriminatory. Another 27% of the subjects indicated they would give infants
and other young children first preference due to their decreased pain tolerance and increased emotional vulnerability. Most of the remainder reported
that the adult male head of household
should be treated first due to that person’s importance as the primary cash
wage earner. However, a small fraction
said that mothers should be treated
first, provided that they weren’t pregnant or lactating, in order to set a good
example for their children by first undergoing the physically painful Glucantime® injections.
The bivariate analyses revealed that
subjects whose households contained
at least one family member with a positive CL history were significantly
more likely (63.1%) than others (50%)
to report that they would give treatment equally (OR = 1.71, 95% CI =
1.07–2.74). On the other hand, older
subjects (> 40 years) were nearly twice
as likely as others to indicate that
younger family members deserved
preference (35.4% vs. 27.1%; OR = 1.97,
95% CI = 1.26–3.1).
Treatment practices
with a positive CL history. A total of
243 of the 281 (86.5%) reported that
they had been treated for their illness
using one or more different methods
(mean = 1.8 ± 1.1 methods; range, 1–7
methods). Table 3 shows the distribution of treatments reported in this
study. The large majority of these involved traditional remedies rather
than conventional, Glucantime® treatment. The traditional, mostly topical
applications included cauterization
with very hot or cold objects or substances, plant preparations, over-thecounter ointments and creams, antibiotics, common household chemicals,
battery acid, heavy metals, veterinary
products, and petroleum by-products.
Table 3 also compares the results
found in this study with those found
some 5 years prior (4).
The issue of premature drug discontinuance was examined among those
subjects who reported that they had
been treated with Glucantime®. As
Table 4 shows, fewer than one-third of
the persons in this, the second study
appeared to have received a full
course of treatment, according to either Ecuadorian Ministry of Public
Health (MPH) convention or recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). This figure was
lower than that reported in our first
survey (Table 4).
Several different reasons were given
by the subjects in the current study to
explain their drug discontinuance.
Some attributed it to the frequent Glucantime® shortages at the local MPH
clinic, which distributed the medicine
free to patients, and/or a lack of cash
to purchase the drug from private vendors. Others said that because lesion
remission had begun they had stopped
using the drug. Still others cited the
painful injections and other unpleasant and debilitating antimonial drug
side effects as being the reason.
The bivariate data analyses failed to
identify any significant gender, age, or
other predictors of whether or not the
subjects reported that their CL had
been treated, the methods used (traditional vs. conventional vs. mixed),
or the total number of different methods employed in their treatment. Likewise, no significant predictors were
found with respect to whether subjects
treated with Glucantime® appeared to
have received a complete versus partial drug course nor the reasons, if any,
that they gave to explain their premature discontinuance of the drug.
Treated subjects and key informants
were questioned in further detail regarding how decisions had been made
about their CL treatment. Many mentioned that knowledgeable family
members, friends, and neighbors had
been consulted for treatment advice.
Specific decisions about which method
to use were reported to have been influenced by CL type, lesion location,
and, in some instances, age, gender,
and/or reproductive status. The other
factors that were reported to have influenced treatment included the perceived prior success or failure of methods that had been used by others, cost
TABLE 3. Reported leishmaniasis treatment practices in Ecuador, in current study (1993–1995) vs. prior study (1989–1991)a
Current study
(243 subjects)
Prior study
(171 subjects)
Treatment category
Traditional methods onlyb
Glucantime® only
Combined methodsc
Treatment history data were available for 281 (95.9%) of the 293 subjects
Results of prior study are from Weigel et al. (4).
Traditional methods = methods other than Glucantime® that are customarily used by the population to
treat cutaneous leishmaniasis.
c Combined methods = both traditional methods and Glucantime®.
Weigel and Armijos • Traditional and conventional treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Ecuador
TABLE 4. Reported completeness of antimonial drug treatment in Ecuador, according to institutional convention or recommendations, in current study (1993–1995) vs. prior study
Current study b
Incomplete Glucantime® treatment
Complete Glucantime® treatment
Prior study
Results of prior study are from Weigel et al. (4).
For the current study, this table shows the data only for the 46 persons who could specify the dosage and the length of their
Glucantime® treatment; the table omits data on 5 persons who could not specify the dosage or length of their treatment.
c Former Ministry of Public Health dosage convention of 10 mg/kg body weight, administered for 10 days via intramuscular
d World Health Organization recommendations of 20 mg/kg body weight administered for 10 days via intramuscular route (31).
and availability, and how many other
family members were also affected at
the time. Most of the persons who said
that they had been treated with more
than one method indicated that these
had been utilized in a consecutive
rather than concurrent manner. They
also reported that in those instances
where the lesion had worsened or satellite lesions had appeared, progressively
“hotter/stronger” methods were used
until satisfactory healing was observed.
This study confirmed that the endemic Ecuadorian group was highly
motivated to seek treatment for CL infection. Most subjects with current or
past CL reported that they received
some form of treatment for their lesions. This finding is consistent with
what we and other authors have reported previously for the same (4) and
other nearby Ecuadorian (5) and Colombian populations (6, 7). The strong
treatment demand appears to come
from a belief held by many of the subjects that if persons infected with CL
are not treated immediately then their
lesions will continue to enlarge and
spread. This finding concurs with that
reported earlier for the same area (4)
and for other endemic groups in Ecuador (5) and in Guatemala (8). Another common belief is that not only do
lesions fail to heal without treatment
but that untreated lesions can progress
into more serious and potentially fatal
illnesses that destroy soft tissue and
bone, such as gangrene, skin cancer,
tetanus, and leprosy. Similarly, Arana
and colleagues (8) have noted that the
rural Guatemalans they studied believe that untreated CL lesions can
progress to involve bone. The Ecuadorian subjects also reported prompt
treatment as being necessary to minimize the physical disfigurement
caused by the unsightly lesions themselves as well as the permanent scars
they leave. Disfigurement caused by
CL lesions and scars has been reported
as being linked with shame, embarrassment, low self-esteem, and stigma,
particularly for women and girls (4, 5,
9, 10). These findings are similar to
what has been reported for females afflicted with leprosy and other disfiguring tropical diseases (11–14).
The large size and diversity of the
study population’s ethnomedical inventory may be their way of responding to the frequent variation observed
in the clinical outcomes of individuals
treated for CL by the same and different methods. It could also be due to the
apparent lack of recognition of many
persons that CL lesions can heal spontaneously as well as these persons’ limited access to conventional antimonial
drug treatment. Many of the traditional
CL treatments reported as used by the
Ecuadorian group—for example, the
use of cauterization, hot liquids, heavy
metals, and bitter/acidic plants—are
similar to those reported as used by historical Amerindian groups (15, 16) and
by contemporary groups in Ecuador (4,
Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 10(6), 2001
5, 17, 18), Colombia (6–8, 19), and Brazil
(20). Some of these and other folk remedies have the potential to disrupt parasite pH, membranes, or metabolism.
Given their potential clinical merit,
these remedies warrant further investigation (21–24). However, the application of such substances as battery lead,
thermometer mercury, herbicidal agents,
and petroleum by-products to open lesions is contraindicated and should be
discouraged due to their toxicity and
the potential for damage to soft tissue
and bone and for profound scarring.
Familiarity with conventional antimonial treatment appeared to have increased during the 5 years between our
two studies. Nevertheless, the proportion of subjects who reported that the
drug had been used in their own treatment remained relatively low, around
20%. This indicates that despite the
economic development that had taken
place in the area since the first survey,
there was no significant improvement
in the group’s limited access to conventional treatment. The low prevalence of antimonial drug usage is consistent with that reported for nearby
groups living on the Pacific coast of
Ecuador (5) and Colombia (6, 7).
In addition, the present investigation not only confirmed the frequent
practice of premature discontinuance
of Glucantime® in the area but also
suggested that the practice had increased since the earlier study. The
proportion of subjects in this study
who reported receiving a complete
treatment course, according to either
MPH convention or WHO recommendations, was about half that found in
the first study (4). The reasons for this
increase in premature Glucantime®
discontinuance are not immediately
evident. However, they may be linked
to more frequent shortages of the drug
in the public health system and the
drug’s increased price on the private
market, similar to the situation with
other pharmaceutical products in the
country. The practice of premature
Glucantime® discontinuance has also
been reported as being common in a
nearby Ecuadorian population (5), and
anecdotal evidence suggests that this
may also be commonplace in other en-
demic provinces. This practice has potential public health importance since
inadequate antimonial treatment has
been implicated in the development of
drug-resistant parasite strains (25, 26)
and recurrent infection, including late
mucosal metastasis (27, 28).
Subject age and prior disease experience were found to predict the decisions that adults said that they would
make regarding their own CL treatment or that of other immediate family
members. The contention of most subjects that they would give equal treatment to all the persons in their family
regardless of age or gender is supported by our field observations. The
typical strategy in households with
multiple affected members is to treat
all members in exactly the same manner. In cases where Glucantime® is
used, we have observed that most families divide up whatever they can obtain of this expensive drug and administer it in equal portions to each person.
The one exception to this practice is in
the case of pregnant and lactating
women. The use of Glucantime®, other
types of injections, or other “strong”
treatments in these women is prohibited due to the correct perceptions that
these types of treatment can cause
damage to the fetus or young infant.
Relatively few authors have examined the role of gender on reported CL
treatment knowledge, beliefs, and
practices and treatment access in endemic Latin American populations. In
this study, men reported being more
familiar with more toxic forms of treatment but did not necessarily know a
greater number of traditional treatments overall than women did. This
finding contrasts with Isaza and colleagues (6), who reported that men in a
coastal Colombian population were
more likely than women to be familiar
with traditional forms of treatments.
However, no other significant gender
differences were found in either our
study or the one by Isaza et al. with respect to treatment knowledge, beliefs,
and practices and treatment access.
Our results differ from those from
some other studies of other Latin
American groups (7, 29, 30), which reported that women self-treated with
traditional remedies more frequently
than did men and that the women
were less likely to be treated with Glucantime® and/or were treated much
later in the course of their illness. The
explanations for why our results and
those of Isaza et al. (6) differ from those
of the other authors are not immediately evident. Possibly there were
differences in study design and methodology, the various populations’ CL
risk and experience, culturally dictated
gender roles, or treatment traditions. In
contrast, both of our Ecuador studies
confirmed that despite the gender inequalities suffered by women in other
areas of their lives, they did not appear
to have restricted access to either conventional or traditional forms of CL
treatment, and they were not less likely
to have received a complete course of
Glucantime® treatment.
This study contains some potential
biases that may influence the validity
of the results. First, women were
somewhat overrepresented in the
sample. This may be the result of simple random sampling error. However,
it seems more likely to have occurred
because women were more likely to be
present for data collection than were
adult males, who frequently worked
or traveled some distance away from
their homes and communities. On the
other hand, the number of men who
were interviewed, 193, appeared adequate, and the results were fairly consistent with those from the first survey, where the gender ratio was more
nearly equal (4).
Self-reported data obtained from
structured interviews have limitations
since there may be significant underreporting or overreporting of information, depending on whether the
reported knowledge, beliefs, perceptions, or practices are thought to be desirable or undesirable. However, this
study was piloted carefully, the interviewers were well trained in the methods of data collection used, and the interviewers were already accepted by
the local communities. We also were
prudent to conduct the interviews in
private, away from other adult family
members, friends, and neighbors. Refusals were rare, and we found that
the subjects and the key informants
appeared quite willing and open to answering the questions. Furthermore,
there was close agreement on the answers to similar questions posed in
this and our prior study, thus lending
further support to the validity of the
data in this study.
This study confirmed that the endemic Ecuadorian population was
quite familiar with CL and its treatment. Their reported beliefs regarding
the adverse physical and psychosocial
consequences of untreated lesions appeared to be strong motivators for
seeking prompt treatment. However,
despite an apparent increase in familiarity with Glucantime ® treatment
compared to some 5 years before, the
proportion of persons who had actually used the drug to treat their past or
current CL infection was still relatively
low. Almost 80% reported having used
only traditional remedies for their treatment. Furthermore, the prevalence
of premature drug discontinuance
seemed to have almost doubled compared to the prior study. This is worrisome since inadequate antimonial
treatment has been implicated in the
development of drug-resistant parasite strains and recurrent infection.
The low prevalence of Glucantime®
therapy and high prevalence of premature Glucantime® discontinuance
appeared to be the consequence of
multiple factors. Increasing the supply
of free or low-cost Glucantime® is
unlikely given the current financial situation of Ecuador. Further, increased
drug supplies alone are unlikely to
change these persons’ treatment practices unless public health planners also
accommodate their world views of illness and health. We also recommend
that investigators undertake efficacy
and safety studies of some of the more
promising traditional remedies used
by local populations as possible future
alternatives to Glucantime®.
Acknowledgements. This research
was supported in part by the Small
Grants Program of the Laboratory of
Social Sciences at the Central University of Venezuela #SG-P93.162 and
#USAID 518-0058EXT.
Weigel and Armijos • Traditional and conventional treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Ecuador
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Manuscript received 23 January 2001. Revised version accepted for publication on 2 August 2001.
Los tratamientos médicos
tradicional y convencional
de la leishmaniasis cutánea
en una zona rural de Ecuador
Objetivo. Investigar los conocimientos, creencias y prácticas relacionadas con el
tratamiento de la leishmaniasis cutánea (LC) en una población de Ecuador donde la
enfermedad es endémica.
Métodos. En este estudio de seguimiento de una investigación hecha hace varios
años, se utilizó un muestreo aleatorio de grupos para seleccionar 529 adultos que
vivían en una zona rural del noroeste de Ecuador. Los datos fueron obtenidos a lo
largo de un período de 24 meses mediante entrevistas en profundidad, complementadas con métodos cualitativos.
Resultados. La mayoría de los individuos estaban familiarizados con la LC. Las personas entrevistadas describieron un largo y diversificado inventario de tratamientos
médicos tradicionales. Al contrario de lo esperado, fueron pocos los conocimientos,
creencias y prácticas que se pudieron predecir en función del sexo, la edad o la experiencia previa con la LC. Los factores considerados importantes en las decisiones
terapéuticas incluyeron el estado reproductivo de las mujeres, el “tipo” de LC (la percepción de la forma de la enfermedad), la localización de las lesiones, el número de
personas infectadas residentes en el hogar, el costo y la disponibilidad de diferentes
tratamientos y la percepción de su eficacia. La fuerte motivación de las personas para
buscar tratamiento parecía estar asociada con las creencias sobre la imposibilidad de
curación espontánea de las lesiones, la propensión de la enfermedad a progresar hacia
formas letales y la desfiguración. En comparación con el estudio anterior, hubo un aumento de la familiaridad con Glucantime® (antimoniato de meglumina), el fármaco
convencional utilizado en Ecuador para tratar la LC, pero, a pesar de ello, la proporción de personas que lo utilizaron siguió siendo baja (20%) y la prevalencia de la interrupción prematura del tratamiento pareció duplicarse.
Conclusiones. Es improbable que, por sí mismo, el aumento del acceso a Glucantime® incremente el uso del fármaco y reduzca la interrupción prematura del
tratamiento, a no ser que los planificadores de la salud pública adapten sus intervenciones a los conceptos de la población local sobre la salud y la enfermedad. Se deberían realizar estudios de eficacia y seguridad para investigar la posibilidad de sustituir Glucantime® por algunos remedios tradicionales prometedores.
Course: epidemiology in action: intermediate methods
25 February–1 March 2002
Location: Emory University
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in epidemiology.
A prerequisite for this course is an introductory course in epidemiology. The cost of tuition for the
course is US$ 500, which does not include such other expenses as housing and meals during the course.
Emory University, International Health Department
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Weigel and Armijos • Traditional and conventional treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Ecuador