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Don’t Se)le Week of October 24, 2010 Joshua 1:10-­‐18 1.  Recall some of your historic firsts (first date, first time on stage, first day
of school, etc.). What are the funniest things that happened? The most
amazing? The most difficult?"
2.  How do you typically react when faced with something you feel totally
unqualified to do? What fears do you have in those situations?"
3.  The first test of Joshuaʼs leadership comes when he asks tribes that have
already begun settling down to help the rest of the nation (vv. 12-15).
How does he persuade the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh to fight
for Israel?"
4.  The temptation is to settle for less than God has in store for us. What do
you see as some of the biggest challenges we need to overcome as
followers of Jesus to avoid falling into the trap of “settling” – watching
what God is doing but never actually getting involved in it? How can we
overcome these challenges?"
5.  How is Godʼs presence made evidence in the response Joshua receives
from the tribes (vv. 16-18)? Have you ever had a moment in your life
where another person (or group of people) have affirmed something God
has been telling you? Talk about it."
6.  We live in a “now-but-not-yet” Kingdom. In the context of “rest”, this
means we can taste “Godʼs rest” now through Jesus but we wonʼt fully
and completely experience that “rest” until Christ returns. How does that
speak into how we should live today?"
7.  What are some things you can do as a group to encourage one another
to missional living – to not just huddle, but to actually run plays out of the
playbook (Bible)?"
8.  Spend some time praying for each other – that we would be people who
donʼt settle, but who commit our lives to the mission Christ left for us. "