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Multiple Allele Worksheet
Human Blood Type
Fill in the following chart.
Blood Type
Antigen Present
Antibody Present
Safe to Receive
A, O
Unsafe to
1. According to the table, which blood type can be given to anyone?
2. According to the table, which blood type is able to accept all of the blood
Human blood type is controlled by three alleles (A, B, O). O is recessive and A
and B are co-dominant. A person must receive two O alleles for them to have
type O blood. If a person receives an A allele and a B allele, their blood type is
type AB.
3. A biology student is surprised and shocked to learn that although both
parents are blood type A, she is blood type 0. Is it possible that this
student’s parents are both the true biological parents? If so, what must
the parent genotypes be? (Show the cross)
4. In a paternity case both child and mother are blood type AB. What type
will the man have to be to prove he is not the father of this child?
Explain your answer and show the cross.
5. Mr. Metcalf, a hospital director calls you in a state of shock. When he has
finally calmed down enough to talk coherently, you learn that one of his
orderlies came on duty the previous night after spending a few hours with
his friends at a local bar, and as a joke proceeded to exchange wrist
bands on the four babies in the nursery, all of whom are the same age,
resemble wrinkled little prunes, and are indistinguishable. As a first step
in unraveling this mess you blood type the parents and babies, with the
exception of Mr. and Mrs. Blatz who refuse to do anything until they have
talked with their lawyer. The results of the parents' blood tests are:
Mrs. Frink - AB, Mr. Frink - 0
Mrs. Zeeb - B, Mr. Zeeb - B
Mrs. Youngblood - O, Mr. Youngblood - 0
Mr. and Mrs. Blatz - not typed
Assume that the individuals listed are the true parents, each set of parents
having had one of the four babies. Indicate the one family to which each of the
following children belongs on the basis of blood type. Explain your reasoning.
Baby 1...B blood type:
Baby 2...A blood type:
Baby 3...AB blood type:
Baby 4...O blood type: