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Dr. Karan R. Aggarwala
(pronounced Kern or Curren Aggerwala)
[email protected]
Cell: 347 506 8854; Landline (preferred): 212 879 4316
Nationality: U.S.A.
To leverage my clinical and research training in optometry, clinical ophthalmology, vision science,
nutrition, public health, statistics, epidemiology and pharmacoepidemiology to work as a medical writer for
for a pharmaceutical company.
Worked as a scientist, senior analyst, executive, clinical and research consultant, writer and educator in
various clinically applied areas of endeavor. Have significant experience writing reports and presentations
for peer-reviewed journals, consumer journals, and proprietary reports for the pharmaceutical and
consumer-health industry. Worked on an institutional review board and guided library acquisitions. Have
experience interviewing key opinion leaders and regulatory professionals. Have significant experience in
spectacle lens design, contact lenses, visual rehabilitation in amblyopia, strabismus and low vision, optics
of eye and stimuli for accommodation, modeling of chromatic aberration, defocus and cone contrast,
examining patients and coordinating clinical research in glaucoma, perimetry, instrumentation for the
measurement of intraocular pressure, ultrasonography of the anterior segment, optical coherence
tomography, dyslexia, public health, and eye care for the mentally challenged. Familiar with intellectual
property including copyrights, trademarks and patents.
Nutritional Optometry Associates and Institute, Lake Hiawatha, NJ (May, 2009 to Present)
Associate Scientist
Helped organize the research data and research priorities of Dr. Benjamin Lane, Director of the
Nutritional Optometry Institute. These include nutritional therapies for cataract, glaucoma and macular
degeneration, eye focusing disorders such as myopia and accommodative insufficiency, the role of
methylmercury In cataractogenesis, and the role of denatured protein supplements in pigmentary
dispersion glaucoma. Became familiar with corneal topography, fundus photography, optical coherence
tomography and frequency doubling perimetry. Used various statistical tests to analyze data including
ANOVA, the Student's t-test, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, and odds ratio estimation. Entered data in
electronic medical records including ICD-9 codes. Enabled publication, presentation, promotion and fundraising.
Lotus College of Optometry, Mumbai, India (August, 2006 to Present)
Adjunct Professor
Develop tests for and supervise Masters students' research remotely in the areas of dyslexia,
accommodation, vision therapy, glaucoma and diabetes.
SmartAnalyst, Inc., Gurgaon, India and New York, NY
Senior Analyst (April 2006 to April 2009)
Was responsible for quality control of secondary research reports produced by pharmaceutical,
regulatory, and business analysts serving the international pharmaceutical and consumer health industry,
including about 20% of the Fortune 500 names in pharmacology and consumer health. Worked mainly in
the areas of epidemiology and pharmaco-epidemiology as well as disease reviews and prospecting for
various drugs and OTC products (see list of publications). Utilized various subscription databases such as
IMS Health, Hoovers, Biopharma Insight, ThomsonOne Banker, and Lexis Nexis; and numerous public
domain sources such as MedScape,,, and the European patent search
database (espacenet). Interviewed key opinion leaders and regulatory professionals and managed a
team of 5 professionals working on tight deadlines. Took the lead on several ongoing projects for key
clients and exceeded expectations.
Special Olympics Opening Eyes Program, India and Dublin, Ireland
Clinical Coordinator/ Clinical Director (Oct 2002 to March 2006)
Conducted and organized eye screenings and examinations, planned and executed continuing education
for clinicians in the management of mentally challenged athletes in India and in Dublin, Ireland for the
World Summer Games of 2003. The Special Olympics Opening Eyes Program Director is optometrist Dr.
Paul Berman (New Jersey) and the program was established during the tenure of Eunice Kennedy
Shriver (who passed away in August 2009).
Shroff Charity Eye Hospital, New Delhi, India (In Association with International Collaborators
including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Cognitive Science).
Consultant (Oct 2002 to March 2006)
Helped rehabilitate children with low vision and disorders of binocular vision. Taught optometric methods;
conducted performance evaluations; and provided continuing education lectures for a group of about 20
optometrists. Developed criteria for library acquisitions and protocols for clinical refraction associated with
school visual screenings. Reviewed protocols as member of IRB for various study designs.
Dr. Karan's Vision Care, Gurgaon, India
Clinical Optometrist (May 2002 to March 2006)
Conducted comprehensive eye examinations and pharmacological therapy for patients with clinical
conditions in a private practice.
All-India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Fellow in Ophthalmic Sciences (Nov 2000 to Sept 2002, and 2008-2009)
Provided periodic honorary lectures and training to optometry students. Developed criteria for selecting
candidates for various academic and clinical positions in optometry, ophthalmology, vision science, and
alternative medicine.
Nutritional Optometry Institute. Lake Hiawatha, New Jersey.
Postdoctoral fellow (Feb 1998- Sept 2000)
Conducted clinical research in human nutrition and biochemistry in relation to eye disorders in
collaboration with Dr. Benjamin C. Lane. Interpreted open-panel research studies that permit reasonable
conclusions about associations between nutritional variables and clinical disorders such as cataract
associated with methylmercury from dietary intake of carnivorous fish. These and other data were
presented at conferences in Reykjavic, Amsterdam, Fort Lauderdale, New York, Boston, Chicago, and
Washington DC.
Glaucoma Associates of New York
New York Eye & Ear Infirmary, New York City
Optometrist and Clinical Research Coordinator (Oct 1990- Dec 1997)
Was certified by the National Eye Institute (NEI) for implementing protocols for the Ocular Hypertension
Treatment Study conducted at the Glaucoma Associates of New York. Was also involved in the clinical
examination of patients associated with the Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study. Reported
adverse events in patient outcomes to the Principal Investigators. Conducted refraction, tonometry, visual
field testing and Heidelberg Retinal Tomography. Became familiar with ultrasound biomicroscopy of the
anterior segment and in Interpretation of images in glaucoma patients.
Department of Psychology. Brooklyn College, City University of New York.
Research Associate (1995-96)
Helped develop vision research laboratory under the supervision of Dr. Israel Abramov and Dr. Louise
Hainline including a remote optical system for studying infant vision. Discussed concepts in the
development of color vision in infants. Gathered and analyzed data on the visually evoked cortical
potential in children with dyslexia.
SUNY State College of Optometry, New York, NY
Research Assistant Professor (1994-1996)
Applied for funding to develop a continuously recording video-based applanation tonometer. The
application went through two stages of review each by the National Science Foundation and the Whitaker
Foundation. Funding was denied due to inadequate association between the intraocular pressure
pulsations and glaucoma.
Cornell University Medical College, Department of Ophthalmology Research, New York City
Research Associate (1994-95)
Developed optical system to permit fixation and accommodative control to study biomechanics of the eye
by ultrasound under the supervision of Drs. Ronald Silverman and D. Jackson Coleman. The optical
system used a Badal stimulus system and prisms based on the AC/A ratio. Data revealed hysteresis in
ciliary muscle tonus and anterior chamber volume during short term accommodation. This has
applications in glaucoma.
Drs. Farkas & Kassalow, O.D.s, P.C.
Contact Lens Technician (1990-91)
Served patients by training them in handling, insertion, and removal of contact lenses. Conducted lab
modification of contact lenses to enhance comfort.
State University of New York, State College of Optometry (1990 to 1996)
Ph.D. in Vision Science (1996): My dissertation modeled the optics of the eye at various spatial
scales and documented the processing of the optical image on the retina by retinal neurons including the
effects of chromatic aberration and its use by the visual system for the control of the focusing mechanism
of the eye (accommodation). Considerable evidence for the role of chromatic aberration and coloropponent mechanisms in the control of eye focusing was provided and published. In the supervision of
my doctoral mentor, Philip B. Kruger, O.D., Ph.D., I demonstrated that spatially bandpass, chromatically
opponent mechanisms in the retina, LGN and visual cortex are likely candidates for the processing of
chromatic optical information and defocus associated with luminance borders.
Master of Science Degree (1993): My curriculum in vision science included advanced statistics and
experimental design, geometric optics, physical optics, optics of the eye, stimuli for accommodation,
dynamics of accommodation, ocular anatomy and physiology, monocular sensory processes, spatial and
temporal processes, ocular motility and systems theory, binocular vision, visual perception, retinal
analysis by quantitative layer-by-layer perimetry, color vision, C programming for the vision science
laboratory, carpentry and machining (lathe, mill, band saw). Social academic activities included visits to
NYU Department of Psychology, Columbia University, City College CUNY, University of Rochester,
University of Chicago. and UC Berkeley.
The comprehensive examination committee awarded an overall grade of 4.1 out of 5, which was the
highest score attained by any student since the inception of the college in 1971.
Doctor of Optometry/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Ophthalmic Techniques (1986 to 1989 including summers)
All-India Institute of Medical Science, Dr. R. P. Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, New Delhi
This program included instruction on human anatomy and physiology, ocular anatomy, ocular pathology,
ocular microbiology, ocular physiology and ocular biochemistry. Significant clinical exposure was provided
in ocular disease, disorders of binocular vision, clinical refraction, tonometry, direct and indirect
ophthalmoscopy, slit-lamp examination, gonioscopy, orthoptics and vision therapy. Other exposure
included eye-bank methods and maintenance, management of an eye casualty (emergency room), and
introduction to surgical procedures in cataract, glaucoma, and retinal detachment, as well as community
eye-care. Equivalence with the Doctor of Optometry degree in the US was certified by the National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.
My transcripts were evaluated by the International Consultants of Delaware and my equivalent grade
point average was 4.0.
Managing a Small Business 1999, Bloomfield College, New Jersey Grade A+.
Manufacturing of Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals 2004, New Delhi, Grade A.
Microsoft Excel Course 2010 New York City
1. Lane, BC and Aggarwala, KR (2010) How to Help Prevent Cataract: A review of the role of
environment, antioxidants, carotenoids, nutrition, enzymes, diet, medications, metabolism and other
factors on cataract. Review of Optometry Nov. 18.
2. Kruger PB, Mathews S, Katz M, Aggarwala KR, Nowbotsing S. Accommodation
without feedback suggests directional signals specify ocular focus. Vision Res.
1997 Sep;37(18):2511-26. PubMed PMID: 9373683.
3. Kruger PB, Aggarwala KR, Bean S, Mathews S. Accommodation to stationary and
moving targets. Optom Vis Sci. 1997 Jul;74(7):505-10. PubMed PMID: 9293518.
4. Aggarwala KR (1995). Blurred Images: valuable information from the eye. Biophotonics International,
Jan / Feb, 52-56.
5. Aggarwala KR, Nowbotsing S, Kruger PB. Accommodation to monochromatic and
white-light targets. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1995 Dec;36(13):2695-705. PubMed
PMID: 7499092.
6. Aggarwala KR. On the short-term variability of measurements of intraocular
pressure. Optom Vis Sci. 1995 Oct;72(10):753-5. PubMed PMID: 8570165.
7. Kruger PB, Mathews S, Aggarwala KR, Yager D, Kruger ES. Accommodation responds
to changing contrast of long, middle and short spectral-waveband components of
the retinal image. Vision Res. 1995 Sep;35(17):2415-29. Erratum in: Vision Res
1996 Jul;36(13):2014. PubMed PMID: 8594811.
8. Kruger PB, Nowbotsing S, Aggarwala KR, Mathews S. Small amounts of chromatic
aberration influence dynamic accommodation. Optom Vis Sci. 1995 Sep;72(9):656-66.
PubMed PMID: 8532307.
9. Aggarwala KR, Kruger ES, Mathews S, Kruger PB. Spectral bandwidth and ocular
accommodation. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis. 1995 Mar;12(3):450-5. PubMed
PMID: 7891213.
10. Rosenfield M, Aggarwala KR, Raul C, Ciuffreda KJ. Do changes in pupil size and
ambient illumination affect the duochrome test? J Am Optom Assoc. 1995
Feb;66(2):87-90. PubMed PMID: 7714317.
11. Kruger PB, Mathews S, Aggarwala KR, Sanchez N. Chromatic aberration and ocular
focus: Fincham revisited. Vision Res. 1993 Jul;33(10):1397-411. PubMed PMID:
1.. Aggarwala KR (2007) Report on 33rd AIOC and 16th APOC Optometry Conferences. Optometry
Today vol. 33 (4) 134-145.
2. Aggarwala KR (2006) Vision and development 2006—UNESCO-Essilor Forum. Optometry Today vol.
32 (4) 151-154.
3. Aggarwala KR (2004) Plasticity in the adult visual system. Netranjali (SCEH), Vol. 1, No. 2, Oct-Dec,
4. Aggarwala KR (2004) Research agenda for low vision. Netranjali (SCEH), Vol. 1, No. 1, Jul-Sept, p2.
5. Aggarwala KR and Bhardwaj A (2003) Opening eyes at Special Olympics Optometry Today: vol. 29 (3)
6. Aggarwala KR, Gogate AS, Bhardwaj A, and Wadhwa R (2003) New directions for optometry in India:
observations at an international conference. Optometry Today: vol. 29 (1) p16-24.
7. Aggarwala, KR (1988). Ophthalmology and the optometrist. Optometry Today, 14(3), 18.
1. Aggarwala KR (2009) Informed consent in volunteering for clinical research. Consumer Voice X (4)
April p27-29.
2. Aggarwala KR (2009) Self-care for older adults. Consumer Voice X (3) March p16-18.
3. Sinha N and Aggarwala KR (2009) Medical applications of aspirin. Consumer Voice X (2) February
4. Aggarwala KR (2008) Diabetes and you— Lifestyle issues. Consumer Voice IX (11) November p18-21.
5. Aggarwala KR (2008) Locomotor disability: Physical inclusion, not exclusion. Consumer Voice IX (10)
October p20-22.
6. Aggarwala KR (2008) Visual impairment—Design for the differently abled. Consumer Voice IX (8)
August p 33-35.
7. Khurana A and Aggarwala KR (2008) The illusion of water abundance. Consumer Voice IX (2)
February p 21-24.
8. Sinha N and Aggarwala KR (2007) Starvation: not in my backyard? Food security is still not a reality in
India Consumer Voice VIII (12) December p14-15.
9. Aggarwala KR and Kunjeer G (2007) Spectacles: More than what meets the eye. Consumer Voice VIII
(11) November p20-22.
10. Aggarwala KR and Lane BC (2007) What is `dry eyes’ syndrome? Consumer Voice VIII (10) October
11. Aggarwala KR (2007) Myopia: Myths and facts. Consumer Voice vol. VIII (8) August p30-32.
12. Aggarwala KR (2007) Sunglasses: What you should know. Consumer Voice vol. VIII (7) July p12-14.
13. Aggarwala KR (2007) Wellness: Expand your comfort zone. Consumer Voice vol. VIII (6) June p2527.
14. Aggarwala KR (2007) Ageing eye. Consumer Voice vol. VIII (5) May p25-27.
15. Aggarwala KR (2007) Obesity: The new epidemic. Consumer Voice vol. VIII (4) April p24-25.
16. Aggarwala KR (2007) Movie review: Water business is good business. Consumer Voice vol. VIII (3)
March p30.
17. Aggarwala KR (2007) Movie review: Thirsty planet. Consumer Voice vol. VIII (3) March p30-31.
18. Aggarwala KR (2007) Movie review: Surplus—Terrorised into being consumers. Consumer Voice vol.
VIII (3) March p30.
19. Aggarwala KR (2007) Television: It’s all about eyeballs. Consumer Voice vol. VIII (3) March p 16-17.
20. Aggarwala KR (2006) Colours: enticing you to buy. Understanding the psychology of colourmarketing. Consumer Voice vol 7 May-Jun (3) p 32-33.
21. Aggarwala KR and Kapoor S (2006) Why do you need an optometrist? Consumer Voice vol 7 (1) July
p 26-27.
22. Aggarwala KR (2005) Self-reflection in the creation of consumer identity. Consumer Voice vol 6
(4)Jul-Aug p32-33.
23. Aggarwala KR (2005) Nutritional therapy in cognitive disorders. Consumer Voice vol 6 (2) Mar-Apr.
24. Aggarwala KR (2005) Toxic waste: Industry to clean up its act. Consumer Voice vol 6 (1) Jan-Feb.
25. Aggarwala KR (2004) Eye injuries and emergencies. Consumer Voice vol 5 (6) Nov-Dec. p36-37.
26. Aggarwala KR (2004) Eye focus, eye health, and your eyeglasses. Consumer Voice.vol 5 (5) Sept.October p21-22.
27. Aggarwala KR (2004). Preventive nutrition for eyes. Consumer Voice.vol 5 (4) July-August, p30-31.
1. Aggarwala KR (2009) Achieve more than they expect of you. SETU website: providing employment for
the visually impaired and differently abled.
2. Aggarwala KR (2008) Being a consumer in the 21st century. The Viewspaper, 7 November, 2008,
1. Khurana, C (2008) Contact Information: Interview on trends in contact lenses. Mint Health, November
25 (
2. Aggarwala, KR (2005) Survey of optometric practice in India in different settings. Optometry Today 31
(1), p 32-33.
3. Aggarwala, KR (2005) Results of survey of optometric practice in India in various settings. Optometry
Today 31(4), 138.
4. Kumar, R. (2004) Special Olympics salutes the spirit of special athletes. The Indian Optician, Mar-Apr
2004, 52-54.
5. Moon, MA (1999) Vitamin C interferes with chromium absorption. Internal Medicine News, 32 (2), 24.
CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS (non-redundant, i.e. not yet written-up as full papers)
1. Lane BC and Aggarwala KR (2011) Pigmentary dispersion glaucoma may be promoted in athletic
adults by excessive use of mega-protein supplements lacking vitamin B6.ARVO abstract (Submitted)
2. Lane BC and Aggarwala KR (2011) Nutrition as a major oral therapy for the glaucomas. Meeting of the
Glaucoma Foundation Patient Support Group, New York Chapter. Saturday, January 15.
3. Lane B and Aggarwala K (2010) Defining stages of fish-methylmercury induced cataract and lens
vacuoles. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Vol. 29, No. 5, p 521 Abstract # 65.
4. Aggarwala, KR (2008) Active Vision Therapy—Is it for real? Annual Meeting of the Delhi
Ophthalmological Society, March 29, Ashok Hotel, New Delhi.
5. Vora U and Aggarwala KR (2007) Vision therapy for children with dyslexia. 16 th Asia-Pacific Optometric
Congress, Goa, India, 3-7 October.
6. Aggarwala KR (2007) Directions for research in vision and eye care in India. 33rd All-India Optometric
Conference, Goa, India, 3-7 October.
7. Aggarwala KR (2006) Asthenopia and pulsations of intraocular pressure. Fifth Dr. E. Vaithilingam
Memorial Scientific Symposium for optometry and vision science research on 19th March, 2006 in
Chennai at Sankara Nethralaya.
8. Aggarwala KR (2005) Active accommodation in a 67 year-old Caucasian woman. ESO International
Vision Science and Optometry Conference, Elite School of Optometry, Chennai, August 13-15.
9. Aggarwala KR (2004) Standardizing competency in optometry. Joint conference of World Council of
Optometry, Indian Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry and National Association of Indian
Optometrists, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
10. Aggarwala KR (2004) How to prescribe subjective refraction. Delhi Ophthalmological Society, India
Habitat Centre, New Delhi, 3rd April.
11. Lane BC and Aggarwala KR (1999) Myopiagenesis: Significance of binocular accommodation diopterhours stimulus compared to nutrition support indices as risk factors. [127th Annual Meeting of the
American Public Health Association, Chicago, November 8, 1999].
12. Lane BC and Aggarwala KR (1999) Dietary risk factors associated with exudative maculopathy
progression. Vision, '99. Lighthouse International. [Waldorf Astoria, New York City, July 16th].
13. Aggarwala KR, Gupta S, and Lane BC (1998) Ascorbic acid supplementation prevents uptake of
supplemental chromium when taken conjointly. American Public Health Association. [Washington D.C.,
November 18th].
14. Lane BC, Aggarwala KR, and Gupta S (1998) Vitamin C- how much is too much? American Public
Health Association. [Washington D.C., November 18th].
15. Lane BC, Gupta SK, and Aggarwala KR (1998) Fish methylmercury as a risk factor for human
subcapsular and nuclear cataractogenesis. XXVIIIth International Congress of Ophthalmology [RAI
Congress Center, Amsterdam, June 21 to 26; Section title: Metabolic Cataract; p 89].
14. Aggarwala KR, Silverman RH, Rondeau MJ, Aslanides IM and Coleman DJ (1996) Depth of the
anterior chamber changes progressively with accommodation. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual
Science (Suppl.). 776-B688, [Fort Lauderdale, FL].
15. Rondeau MJ, Aggarwala K, Silverman RH, Aslanides IM, Lloyd HO, Lizzi FL and Coleman DJ (1996)
Accommodative hysteresis and ciliary muscle function: an ultrasound backscatter study. Investigative
Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 775-B687, [Fort Lauderdale, FL].
16. Kempner F, Aggarwala KR, Zemon V, Gordon J, Hainline L, and Riddell, PM (1996): Visually evoked
potentials of adult specific reading disabled and control subjects to isoluminant stimuli. Investigative
Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.). 4948-B558, [Fort Lauderdale, FL].
1. Aggarwala KR (2008) Chromatic cues for ocular accommodation. National Brain Research Centre,
Manesar, Haryana. 18th September.
2. Aggarwala KR & Kruger PB (2008) Neural sensory mechanisms analyze longitudinal chromatic
aberration to control accommodation in the human eye. International conference on nano-medicine and
recent advances in ophthalmic research. Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai, 4 th September.
3. Aggarwala KR (2008) Introduction to wellness. Vasant Valley School, New Delhi. 25 th July,
1. Proprietary report on heartburn, GERD and antacid use.
2. Proprietary report on fiber therapy.
3. Proprietary report on potassium in health and disease.
4. Proprietary report on gastrointestinal disease landscape and quarterly tracking.
5. Proprietary report on glaucoma disease diagnosis and management.
6. Proprietary report on gingivitis, periodontal disease and aging.
7. Proprietary report on patient adherence market.
8. Proprietary report on porosity measurement methods.
9. Proprietary report on zinc in health and disease.
10. Proprietary report on prostate cancer.
11. Proprietary report on probiotics.
12. Proprietary report on diabetes.
13. Internal report on internet resources for the life sciences.
14. Proprietary report on management of dry eye.
15. Proprietary report on epidemiology of rare eye diseases.
16. Proprietary report on projected OTC switches among eye care medications.
17. Proprietary report on key opinion leaders in sleep-disordered breathing.
18. Proprietary report on trends in ambulatory surgical centers for cataract and vitreoretinal surgery.
19. Proprietary report on perception audit of oncology division of a major pharmaceutical company.
20. Proprietary report on myeloproliferative disorders.
21. Proprietary report on cognitive performance market.
22. Proprietary report on choline as a dietary supplement.
23. Proprietary report on nail mycoses.
24. Key Opinion Leader (KOL) Interviews on cholesterol lowering agents.
25. Key Opinion Leader (KOL) interviews on primary aldosteronism.
26. Key Opinion Leader (KOL) interviews for positioning of an anti-hypertensive drug.
27. Literature review on epidemiology of diabetes, hypertension and heart failure.
Publication and Presentation
Proficient in the use of most Microsoft Office applications. Proficient in the use of Reference Manager for
managing citations for scientific publication. Familiar with the use of scientific software for statistics,
graphics, illustration, image processing, and mathematical modeling.
Computer Programming
Familiar with computer programming for the vision science laboratory using the C programming language.
Familiar with image processing for ultrasound applications. Used MathCad for mathematical modeling of
equations involving optical models of the eye. Used proprietary software for vision science research to
control color monitors, servo motors, stepper motors, and to perform time series analyses including the
Fourier transform.
Epidemiology, Experimental Design, Research Methods and Statistics
Proficient in concepts, graphical and mathematical grounds for various clinical and experimental designs
(including case-control and cohort studies) and their statistics for psychology and medical applications.
Able to conduct descriptive statistics such as mean, median mode, range, standard deviation, variance,
correlation coefficient, contingency table and odds ratio; and inferential statistics including confidence
Intervals, hypothesis testing, ANOVA and comparisons between means for parametric and nonparametric data, linear regression, logistic regression, the effect of confounding variables, and power
analysis for estimating sample size.
Glaucoma and Intraocular Pressure
Familiar with methods used in the diagnosis and management of glaucoma and in the physiology of
production and drainage of aqueous humor. Proficient in the theory of design of instruments used for the
measurement of intraocular pressure.
Optical and Neural Modeling
Familiar with indices such as Michelson and Weber cone contrast, and their incorporation into models of
sensory neurons in the retina, LGN and primary visual cortex. Familiar with lens design principles for
aspheric and achromatic lenses and progressive addition lenses.
Optical Systems for Stimulating and Monitoring Ocular Accommodation
Assisted in maintenance, calibration and testing of a 3-channel Maxwellian-view optical system
incorporating a Badal stimulus system, computer-controlled moving prisms and an infrared recording
Photometry and Spectral Radiometry
Proficient in the use of the `Pritchard 1980A' photometer and the Spectra Pritchard photometer for
assessment of luminance and its transposition to CIE chromaticity coordinates. Proficient in the
calibration of color monitors including gamma correction.
Psychophysics of Vision
Generated sinusoidal grating targets for use in experiments on stimuli for accommodation using the
Visual Stimulus Generator by Cambridge Research Systems, UK. Proficient in the interpretation of
contrast sensitivity functions both (chromatic and luminance based) in relation to retinal and cortical
Critically evaluated the duochrome test and internationally recognized subjective refraction methods.
Proficient in the role of instruction, target size and order of presentation of test stimuli during clinical and
experimental refraction in humans.
Spatial Vision, Temporal Vision, Color Vision, and Visual Perception
Proficient in various models and theories of visual perception based on clinical and experimental data.
Systems Theory
Proficient in systems theory in relation to the 3-neuron arc of the vestibulo-ocular system.
Management/ Organization
I am a excellent communicator, coordinator, team player and team leader in clinical, experimental, public
health, and cultural environments. I have significant experience managing projects for clinical and
experimental research.
I am an excellent writer for scientific, technical, medical, and consumer journals.
Course Title: Health and Wellness by way of Personal, Social, and Environmental Responsibility: I
developed and conducted this 3 credit course for North Dakota State University, Fargo.
Course Title: Optics of the Eye and Clinical Refraction: I developed and conducted this 4 credit
course for a class of about 20 licensed opticians at the New York City Technical College in Brooklyn.
Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry (FAAO)
Member of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
Member of the Indian Optometric Association (IOA)
Member of Public Health Committee of the World Council of Optometry (WCO)
Member of the New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS)
Passed NBEO test Part I (Basic Science) for licensing in Optometry
Proficiency in Physics, High School, 1985
Proficiency in Music, High School, 1985
Best Student Award, Ophthalmic Research Association, All-India Institute of Medical Sciences, 1989
National Research Service Award ($96,000), National Eye Institute, NIH, Bethesda, USA, 1992-1995
Graduate Curriculum Committee Service Award, State University of New York, 1995.
UKIERI Award ($75,000) to collaborator NSHM College of Optometry, 2005.
Graduate Curriculum Committee, SUNY College of Optometry, New York City, 1992-1995
Special Interest Conference Chairperson, European Optical Society Meeting, Wroclaw, Poland, 1999
Conference Scientific Review Committee, Indian Optometric Association, 2001-2005.