Download Radiation levels around LHC [Corinna Martinella]

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Minutes of the RADWG meeting held on May 26th, 2016
Table 1: Meeting Participants
Gilles Foucard
Manoel Barros Marin
Alessandro Masi
Andrea Boccardi
Inaki Ortega
Matteo Brucoli
Thomas Borel
Rudy Ferraro
Pawel Krakowski
Mateusz Sosin
Joao Saraiva
Alessandro Meoli
Gerrit Jan Focker
Ruben Garcia Alia
Grzegorz Daniluk
Stefano Bonaldo
Raffaello Secondo
Georgios Tsiligiannis
Lawakilea Foro
Alessandro Floriduz
Hubert Reymond
Corinna Martinella
Salvatore Danzeca
RadWG Minutes May 26th, 2016:
Salvatore presents the RadWG agenda with the different topics
Activities overview [Salvatore Danzeca]
Salvatore reminds that a preliminary calendar was sent by mail with the dates for the next RadWG
until the end of the year.
Salvatore present a slide with the dates for the PSI radiation test campaigns for 2016. He also gives
the list of components that will be tested during next campaign (June 4-5th). He also reminds to send
the requests for new components to be added to the “to be tested” list. Salvatore provides a link for
the with the list of components to be tested in 2016. He adds that reports for all parts
tested in 2015 are available on EDMS.
Salvatore talk about Co60 facility that is currently hosting 2 concurrent users. He reminds that the
facility is able to provide dose rates from 20Gy/h to 0.36Gy/h.
Commissioning at Charm completed on the 18th of May. First users will be BE/BI with the GEFE board
and TE/CRG that is currently being installed in the facility. Test slots are still available in
Salvatore presents the conferences that are still opened to submissions such as RADECS and
Ongoing BE-BI developments going to be exposed to radiation [Andrea Boccardi]
Andrea presents a list a projects that are currently under development in BE/BI
MOPOS: SPS new beam position monitors based on analogue (LOGAMP) and digital (GEFE)
front-ends exposed to radiation. Diode Orbit (DOR) extension is still to be designed and the
installation is planned during LS2. The Maximum expected dose rate is 100Gy/year and the
boards are designed to be replaced every 5 years.
CPS & SPS wire scanners: design based on the Radhard-by-design integrator and the GEFE
board. Installation foreseen during LS2.
SPS & LHC BLM (Beam Loss Monitor): Only the frontend will be replaced. It is based on an
ASIC developed in collaboration with PH-ESE. The project is fully based on radiation tolerant
by design components. Installation in SPS and LHC foreseen for LS3.
PS BGI: Beam gas Ionization based profile monitor in its starting phase.
Diamond BLM: Diamond detectors based BLM system. It uses COTS amplifiers from CVTech
that are not qualified but they are used in ATLAS for several years. It is estimated that they
accumulated a dose of about 100kGy and are still working.
BTV (Beam TV): This project relies on the development of cheap expendable camera. It is in
its early stage of development.
TT2 (transfer line) wideband electrostatic PU (Pick-Up). Beam position monitor for TT2.
System designed and installed in the 90’s based on expected radiation levels of 1kGy/y. Due
to the advent of CNGS type beams the electronics lifetime is reduced to 3-4 months (last
measurements on a PU exhibit dose rates of 10kGy/y).
PS & SPS EAS (Experimental areas) profile monitor. This new system will replace an already
installed and aging one. It is based on a radhard ASIC SPACIROC.
Andrea then presents other equipment that will be placed close from the beam but safe areas:
Linac3 -> LEIR BPM: Beam Position Monitor placed < 10cm away from the beam. Radiation
levels are not known but expected to be closed to zero. The project is in its initial phases and
the installation date is foreseen for YETS 2016.
Elena BPM: Expected radiation levels are very low. The project design is finished and the
installation date is foreseen for June-July 2016.
Laser emittance meter: Laser scan based emittance meter for Linac4. It is similar to the wire
scanner previously presented. Diamond detectors will be located close to the beam but the
electronics will be deported in a safe place. Development just started.
Step Motors Control: one part of the design is based on the GEFE so radiation tolerance is
known. Another part is based on commercial product and they want to know how much
radiation it can take to know where to install it.
Question asked by Salvatore: Which are the most critical systems: GEFE, DOR & LOGAMP.
Salvatore confirmed that a survey was carried out in LEIR last year and radiation levels were close to
Salvatore asks which project is connected to the interlock system. Answer: Only the BLMs.
Radiation levels around LHC [Corinna Martinella]
Corinna presents the Monitoring and Calculation Working Group (MCWG) which task is to discuss
and review the radiation levels in the LHC as well as the injector critical areas and follows their
status. Having a detailed knowledge of radiation field and levels in the machines is important to
design rad-tolerant electronics. Therefore a collaboration between the RADWG and the MCWG is
Corinna briefly lists the sources of radiation in the LHC.
Corinna explains that one of the main goals of 2015 was to explore results from the operation with
25ns beams (bunch spacing). Those results are important because the LHC will operate in these
conditions for the coming years.
The study is based on results from about 370 RADMONs installed around the LHC tunnel and the
shielded areas but also from the BLMs (3900 detectors installed around the tube).
The data extraction from the BLMs consists in calculating the average & peak doses in each cells.
Corinna then presents plots of the obtained results. The radiation levels are more important in the
first 15 cells. Then, from cell 6 to 34 the curve is flat.
Corinna then presents a comparison between the measurements issued from the RADMONs and the
one from the BLMs during proton runs: RADMONs underestimate the radiation levels in the first cells
but give similar results to the BLMs in the rest of the cells.
Presents BLM, avoid quenching of superconducting magnets
A plot comparing results from 2012 and 2015 is then presented. Differences in dose levels are due to
the machine operating with different conditions:
Bunch spacing (50 vs 25ns)
Beam energy (4TeV vs 6.5TeV)
Collimator settings
Predictions of the dose rates for the coming years can extrapolated taking into consideration the
increase in luminosity.
Radiation levels due to protons were also predicted in the shielded areas.
Corinna then gives dose rates in point 2 and in point 5 due to proton and ion runs in 2015. She
explains that the dose during ion runs is due to the bound-free pair production effect.
Corinna concludes her presentation by highlighting the importance to coordinate the RADWG and
the MCWG in order to provide a proper support to the R2E projects and equipment groups. Corinna
then summarizes the results obtain during presented study and the predictions for the dose rates in
the LHC.
The RADSAGA training network [Ruben Garcia Alia]
Ruben presents the MSCA-ITN-2016 that is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie action taking place in the EU
framework program for research and innovation.
RADSAGA stands for “RADiation and Reliability Challenges for Electronics used in Space, Avionics, on
the Ground and at Accelerators”. The objective is to combine the different environments (space,
avionics, ground and accelerators).
Ruben briefly presents RADSAGA structure organized in 4 technical work packages (WP) + 3
transversal WP. RADSAGA partners are 4 universities, 6 institutes/facilities, 4 companies.
RADSAGA beneficiaries are 5 universities, 2 companies and one research institute: 3 from France, and
one from Belgium, Finland, Germany, The Netherlands and Switzerland.
As a conclusion RADSAGA is unique opportunity for the accelerator sector to benefit from the
research and findings in the RADSAGA network. It is important to be actively involved as radiation
effects in high-energy accelerators is one of the main targeted subjects.
Salvatore thanks the presenters and the participants and closes the meeting.