Download ADDITIONAL FILE ATTACHMENT I: Healthcare utilisation for known

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ATTACHMENT I: Healthcare utilisation for known type II diabetes patients based on Dutch Diabetes
Federation type II diabetes guideline
Check-ups by GP and primary care nurse
3-montly check-up: wellbeing, hypo- or hyperglycemia, nutritional problems or exercise advice and
medication, body weight, fasting blood glucose levels, blood pressure (if patient uses
antihypertensive drugs), foot examination (if patient had ulcus, acquired deformity of limb or
serious neuropathy foot)
Yearly check-up : possible visual problems , cardiovascular diseases, neuropathy or sexual problems,
lifestyle aspects as smoking status, exercise and alcohol use, blood pressure, body weight, foot
examination, inspection insulin injection sites (if patients uses insulin), eye fundus examination,
Laboratory measures: fasting blood glucose, HbA1c, creatinine levels, potassium levels (if patient
uses diuretic or RAS inhibitor), creatinine clearance, albumin creatinine-ratio or albumin urine
levels (if patients has a life expectancy of minimal 10 years), fasting lipids spectrum.
Diabetes: oral blood glucose lowering drugs, insulin
Risk factor cardiovascular diseases: lipid modifying agents (recommended for almost all type II diabetes
patients), diuretics, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin-ii-antagonists, Beta blocking agents, Calcium
Channel blockers, Antithrombotic agents
Superficial foot ulcer: oral antibiotic
Consultation other healthcare providers
Internist (including nephrologist): adjustment insulin (when knowledge not available in GP-practice),
insufficient correction postprandial blood glucose levels with two-times daily insulin, diabetes ulcer,
low creatinine clearance, serious hyperglycaemia or hyperglycaemic coma, pregnant women or
women with pregnancy wish.
Dietician: for extensive nutrition advice
Ophthalmologist: retina photography (if not available in GP-practice), assessment of retina photography
(if expertise not available in GP-practice), deviations eye fundus.
Podotherapist: callous and/or pressure sites without signs of peripheral vascular disease
Surgeon: diabetes ulcer
Orthopaedic: diabetes ulcer
Dermatologist: diabetes ulcer
Based on the described healthcare utilisation the following ICPC-codes were coded as ‘according to the
F05: Visual disturbance other
S06: Rash localized
F83: Retinopathy
S11: Other local infection skin
F94: Blindness
T02: Excessive appetite
K74: Angina pectoris
T03: Loss of appetite
K75: Acute myocardial infarction
T05: Feeding problem of adult
K76: Ischemic heart disease w/o angina
T07: Weight gain
K86: Hypertension uncomplicated
T08: Weight loss
K87: Hypertension complicated
T82: Obesity
K89: Transient cerebral ischemic
T83: Overweight
K90: Stroke/ cerebrovascular disease,
T90: Diabetes mellitus
K99.06: Peripheral diabetic angiopathy
T93: Lipid disorder
L98: Acquired deformity limb
X24: Fear of sexual dysfunction female
N94: Peripheral neuritis/neuropathy
Y07: Impotence NOS
P07: Sexual desire reduced
Y24: Fear of dysfunction male
P08: Sexual fulfilment reduced,
P17: Tobacco abuse
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