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7th Grade Science Vocabulary:
● Water Cycle (precipitation (rain, hail, sleet or snow), evaporation, condensation (cool/clouds)
● Humidity (moisture in the air causes precipitation)
● Dew Point (rate at which condensation occurs)
● Weather (short term changes)/Climate (long term averages relating to latitude)
● Thermal Heating (conduction/radiation/convection)
● Anemometer (wind speed)
● Barometer (air pressure)
● Temperature (heat)
● Fronts (cold, warm, stationary, occluded)
● Air Masses (Continental-dry/Maritime-humid, Tropical-warm/Polar-cold)
● Clouds (Fog, Stratus, Cumulus, Cumulonimbus, Cirrus)
● Air Pressure (high-happy/Low-lousy)
● Composition Nitrogen/Oxygen (mostly Nitrogen)
● Layers of the Atmosphere (troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere)
○ Ozone layer (in stratosphere/protective layer)
○ Ionosphere (Aurora Borealis/Northern Lights)
○ Altitude (higher in altitude the lower the air pressure)
● Global winds (Trade winds/Westerlies/Easterlies)
○ Coriolis Effect (curve of winds)
○ Jet Streams-meandering winds (west to east in the U.S.)
○ Calm Belts (Doldrums and Horse Latitudes)
○ Unequal Heating-Land heats/cools quicker than water
● Land Breeze-Sea air rises-cold air from the land takes its place creating a breeze from the land
● Sea breeze-Sun heats the land during the day-warm air rise and cold air from the sea takes its place
● Tornadoes -(funnel cloud that touches the ground)
● Hurricanes (forms near the equator in warm waters)
● Thunderstorms (cumulonimbus clouds and cold fronts)
● Meteorologist (studies weather)
● Doppler Radar (precipitation)/Satellites/Radar/Weather Maps/Station Models
● Air Pollution (air quality/stewardship)
Living Organisms:
● Living Organisms-1. Made of Cells 2. Reproduce 3. obtain/use Energy 4. Grow/Develop 5.
Respond/Adapt to their environment
● Cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms
● Unicellular Organisms (Volvox-plant/flagella, Paramecium-animal/cilia, Euglena-both/flagella,
● Autotroph-makes their own food/Heterotroph-relies on others to get food
● Prokaryotic-no nucleus/Eukaryotic-nucleus Cells
● Animal Cell/Organelles (cell membrane-allows things in and out, cytoplasm-holds the organelles,
mitochondria (creates energy), Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER-transports), Golgi Body (packages),
Ribosomes (makes protein), Nucleus (control center), lysosomes (digests)
● Plant Cells/Organelles (Chloroplast (photosynthesis/Chlorophyll)/Cell Wall (protects/supports)/Larger
● Cell Cycle (Interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, Cytokinesis)
● Mitosis-results in two daughter cells (prophase, metaphase (middle), anaphase (apart), telophase (2
● Body Systems (Circulatory, Respiratory, Excretory, Digestive, Muscular, Skeletal, Endocrine, Immune,
Nervous, integumentary)
● Homeostasis-maintain balance in the body (all systems work together to keep the body functioning)
● Meiosis results in four sex cells (sperm or egg)
Asexual Reproduction (budding (grow off the parent), fission (split in two), regeneration (grow a new
body), cloning (copy in a lab)
Sexual Reproduction (variation, gametes (egg/sperm), fertilization, zygote, haploid (half)/diploid)
Punnett Squares (possible outcomes of an offspring)
Genetics (dominant/recessive traits)
Homozygous (same)/heterozygous (different)
Genotype alleles from parents (letters)/phenotype (physical traits)
Pedigree (shows passing down of a trait from one generation to another)
Heredity (passing down of traits)
Environment/lifestyle vs. inheritance effect on survival/genetic diseases
● Motion (change of position from the reference point)
● Displacement-the moving of something from its original position.
● Newton’s Laws (1st-inertia object in motion stays in motion, 2nd-f = ma, 3rd action/reaction)
● Balanced/unbalanced Forces (unbalanced causes objects to move)
● Speed (s = d/t)
● Velocity (speed in a specific direction)
● Speed/distance graphs-positive slope = an increase in speed
● Acceleration (speed up, speed down, and change direction)
● Momentum-force gained as a result of mass (takes time to slow down/slow down if it has more mass)
● Force -Push/Pull (contact/non-contact)
● Friction (sliding, rolling, static, fluid)
● Law of Universal Gravity (closer the objects or larger the mass the larger force of gravity)
● Mass vs. weight (mass-amount in an object/weight is the amount of gravitational pull)
● Air resistance (larger the object’s surface area the slower it falls) (parachutes)
● Centripetal force (moving or tending to move toward a center)
● Magnetism force (North/South Poles “opposites attract”)
● Potential Forms-stored (Chemical, Nuclear, Elastic, Gravitational)
● Kinetic Forms-moving (Mechanical, Electrical, Light/Radiant, Thermal/heat, Sound)
● Energy transformations (Roller coaster, pendulum, cars on a ramp)
● Law of Conservation of Energy-energy can’t be created/destroyed only transformed to different forms
● Simple Machines (levers-3 classes, wedge, screw, inclined plane, pulley, wheel/axle)
● Work-movement is in the same direction of the force
● Power-rate of doing work/Efficiency-how much energy is conserved
● Mechanical Advantage-amount the input force is MULTIPLIED
● Ohm’s Law/Voltage/Electric Current-the higher the voltage the higher the electric current
● Electric discharge (lightning)
● Static Electricity-Static electricity is an imbalance of electric charges in material.
● Electrons (opposites attract-Positive and negative)
● Conductors (copper, metal)/Insulators (plastic, rubber)
● Series circuits (1 path, 1 goes out they all do/parallel circuits (many paths, 1 goes out they remain on)
● Electromagnets-a coil of wire wrapped around an iron core becomes magnetized when an electric
current flows through the wire.