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Practice Nurse
The Centre Clinic
Full Time
Practice Manager
This full time position aims to:
Support GPs in all aspect of general practice nursing.
Expand access to preventative healthcare initiatives through the Medicare GP Management Planning process
and the Enhanced Primary Care Programme.
Promote wellness in clients who attend the service for care and to manage chronic disease initiatives for these
The Victorian AIDS Council (VAC) was formed in 1983 as a central part of the Victorian community’s response to
HIV/AIDS. In 1986 the Gay Men’s Health Centre was formed to address the broader health needs of the gay
community. VAC aims to improve the health and social and emotional well-being of Victorian communities, with a
particular emphasis on bringing the HIV/AIDS epidemic to an end.
VAC employs around 90 staff members, across various program areas. Staff member’s qualifications range from
social work and counseling to psychology and nursing. Professional development programs are in place,
including individual supervision and a professional development program. Counseling and care coordination staff
members have regular clinical supervision. Strategies are in place to maintain a stable, motivated, and supported
workforce through regular staff members and team building activities, and peer review meetings.
Our purpose
To reduce HIV transmissions in Victoria by promoting the health of gay men and of people living with HIV.
To work in partnership to improve health outcomes for the sexually and gender diverse community.
Our Vision
A future without HIV.
A world where all sexually and gender diverse people live with dignity, with equal rights, and participate fully in
our society.
Practice Nurse Position Description Centre Clinic March 2016
Our Mission
VAC leads the fight against HIV/AIDS in Victoria by providing care and support for people living with HIV, health
promotion, and advocacy.
We advocate, with partner organisations, to improve health outcomes for sexually and gender diverse
At VAC we:
Deliver HIV prevention, education and health promotion to gay men.
Provide services, support and advocacy for all people living with HIV.
Respond to emerging needs and developments in HIV prevention and care.
Support and promote the health and wellbeing of sexually and gender diverse communities.
Promote access to our services for these communities.
Key Programme of VAC/GMHC offering clinical services
RACGP accredited community general medical practice that currently offers fully bulk billed consultations
Specialises in gay men’s sexual health and HIV/AIDS treatment and care.
3,000 active patients, 400 or so of which are living with HIV
Employs both GP Registrar Trainees employed in an Extended Skills training position or are fully qualified
specialist GPs
Employs specialist GPs who have undertaken training, enabling them to prescribe Highly Specialised Drugs from
the S100 programme to treat or prevent HIV Infection
The role is a key role within the service and requires an experienced and motivated practitioner with current &
broad general nursing experience. The Practice Nurse supports the General Practitioners by providing
phlebotomy services, assisting with minor procedures, vaccinating clients and providing clients with information
and support within the scope of their practice.
The role also aims to improve health outcomes for clients who are living with chronic diseases, including but not
limited to HIV, by contributing to and enhancing the management and prevention of ill health through a wellness
In addition, they will be responsible for:
Coordinating care pathways to optimize patient health outcomes through preventative health and
planned care initiatives
Ensuring follow up, recall and billing requirements are met for chronic diseases
Creating and implementing health assessments, care plans, team care arrangements and EPC referrals
in collaboration with the patient and their GP
Initiating STI Screens in consultation with GP’s
Utilizing recall systems for patients as appropriate
Assist in routine HIV monitoring in consultation with GP’s
Maintenance of PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) medication stock and management of reporting
according to protocols;
Health education initiatives (eg medications, diet, lifestyle coaching) with an emphasis on chronic
disease management
Maximize appropriate Medicare billing opportunities
Sexual health promotion, education and disease prevention
Supporting reception staff with triage and telephone enquiries
Practice Nurse Position Description Centre Clinic March 2016
Ordering and maintaining clinic stock and vaccines
Maintaining cold chain process for vaccine fridge
Maintaining emergency and Doctors bag drug supply
Assisting practice manager with accreditation preparation
Represent practice in wider organizational committees and forums
In order to perform the duties of this role applicants must:
 Have current General Nursing and/or Practice Nursing experience
 Have current nursing practice registration with APHRA
 Have an interest/experience in Sexual Health screening/ HIV infection and care
 Knowledge and understanding of basic HIV medicine (prevention strategies and management principles)
 Have experience working in and an understanding of the General Practice environment
 Have an understanding of the Medicare Benefits Schedule
 Be able to demonstrate an understanding and sensitivity to the issues facing the LGBTIQ/PLWHIV
 Sensitivity to and exposure in working with clients experiencing mental health challenges
 Have current phlebotomy experience
 Be able to work independently, have time management and organisational skills and be highly self
 Have a thorough understanding of the principles of privacy and confidentiality
Endorsed Nurse Immuniser with Immunisation Certificate
Pap smear provider
Accreditation as a person of prescribed class in HIV pre and post test counselling (Victoria)
VAC will pay above the award Nurses Award 2010, Registered Nurse, Grade 2, Level depending upon
experience and qualifications.
The salary for this position includes the following ‘absorption clause’: all compulsory monetary obligations on
employers by this award will be absorbed into the agreed overaward payments. The VAC is not obliged to
maintain or increase any overaward payment. The overaward payment will match at least the safety net of wages
and entitlements and at no stage disadvantage the employee with respect to the award and the National
Employment Standards.
VAC also offers the additional option to salary package ($15,900 p.a., pro rata).
Employer’s contribution to superannuation (9.5%) will be paid on top of this package.
The appointment is also subject to the Rules and Code of Conduct of the organisations and to such policies as
may apply from time to time.
The position is 38 hours per week. Overtime is not paid however can be taken as time-in-lieu with the prior
approval of the Practice Manager.
Conditions of employment as stated in the Nurses Award 2010 and the Victorian AIDS Council Enterprise
VAC/GMHC is an equal opportunity employer and as such all staff are required to contribute to creating a nonPractice Nurse Position Description Centre Clinic March 2016
discriminatory workplace.
VAC/GMHC provides a non-smoking workplace.
Agree to undergo a Police check & working with children check (please provide evidence if you already have
undergone these checks)
As an employee of VAC/GMHC the Practice Nurse is responsible for ensuring a safe and healthy workplace by
complying with the provisions of Section 25 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Duties of
Written applications should address the key selection criteria and include a resume and the
names and contact details of three professional referees. Please submit applications to:
[email protected]
For further enquiries please contact The Centre Clinic Practice Manager: Peter Locke 0419 913
Applications close on: 9.00am Monday 16th May 2016
Important: It is essential that applicants specifically address the selection criteria. Where
selection criteria have not been addressed, applications will not be considered
Practice Nurse Position Description Centre Clinic March 2016