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Central Langley Pet Hospital
“Caring For Pets and Their People”
20015 LANGLEY BYPASS LANGLEY, B.C. PH: 604-533-VETS (8387)
inside Petsmart
Your veterinarian has recommended that a comprehensive oral assessment and treatment be done for your pet today.
Every part of this treatment is performed by a registered veterinary technologist and/or licensed veterinarian. This plan
Dental scale and polish: Scaling removes the plaque and tartar from the teeth above and below the gum line.
Polishing restores a smooth surface, slowing the rate of bacteria adhering to the teeth in the future.
Blood work and urinalysis: Checking organ function is extremely important before an anesthetic procedure. The
doctor selects a modern medical protocol designated for your pet, ensuring the utmost safety of your pet based on
these laboratory findings.
IV Catheter Drip/ Fluids: IV Fluids: An IV is crucial for general anesthetics. By having direct access to a vein, we are
ensuring that a port to a vein is immediately available. Your pet will be hydrated; maintaining their blood pressure
and ensuring that blood perfusion throughout the body is at an optimal level.
Pre-Surgical Assessment & Exam: It is essential to have a veterinarian do a physical examination on your pet prior to
anesthetic. This is done immediately prior to sedation.
A thorough oral assessment is completed, allowing the veterinarian to inspect each tooth, and record the condition
of your pet’s oral health for future references.
Pre-Medication: A pre-medication is selected by the doctor for sedation, which allows them to be calm and
comfortable before the procedure, and can be effective for pain control, should any oral surgery/extractions be
Anesthetic Induction: An injectable agent is given to induce anesthesia, and your pet is fitted with an endotracheal
(breathing) tube and connected to an anesthetic machine that will mix oxygen with a type of inhalant gas to keep
them under anesthesia for the remainder of the procedure. This gas mixture is “Isoflurane Anesthetic.”
BP/ Cardiac/ Resp Monitoring: Monitoring your pet’s vital signs, heart rate, breathing rate, as well as blood pressure
is critical during any anesthetic. To ensure safety, this is constantly monitored and recorded while your pet is under
Post surgical pain management: If your pet needs a tooth extracted, we must have effective pain control! The
veterinarian will freeze the site of extraction(s), as well as give your pet medication to ensure they won’t wake up in
Full mouth dental radiographs: An essential part of veterinary dentistry, dental x-rays are done of all teeth enabling
the doctor to evaluate health of the WHOLE tooth, above and below the gum line. By doing these x-rays, roots of
each tooth are assessed and treated. We are also able to compare changes over the years.
Antibiotic injection: Plaque and tartar are bacteria! We want to protect your pet from infection; therefore, an
antibiotic may be required to fight off this bacteria’s spread to elsewhere in the body and to ensure optimal healing
of any sites of surgery. An injection to prevent systemic infection can be done immediately before extraction.