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Communicating With Your Dentist- Achieving The Best Dental Care Possible - By: Gen
Wright, 2010-01-07
Like any medical doctor, dentists need their patients to be open and honest with them
about their dental care and overall oral health. And while dental visits can be intimidating
and frightening, you can help alleviate any anxiety or misgivings by building a rapport
with your dentist and dental staff.
Express your fears to your dentist. Doing so will bring your dental phobia to his attention,
and he will be able to modify treatments and procedures to better suite your needs. And
always be honest about your overall health conditions, past medical history, dental pain
and other concerns. When your dentist is aware of your medical history and fears, he can
make sure he is administering the best and most appropriate dental care possible in order
to help you achieve your healthiest, most beautiful smile.
Speak Up About Your Symptoms
Dental anxiety can cause patients to withhold important information regarding tooth pain
and other dental problems. But it's important to recognize the significance of telling your
dentist when something hurts or when you notice a sign or symptom that isn't normal.
For example, if a tooth is causing you pain when you eat and chew, but you fail to inform
your dentist at a routine appointment, you're probably only causing more harm than good.
Don't let your fear of dental procedures keep you from notifying your dentist about tooth
problems. Failing to seek professional care right away could only increase your
likelihood for permanent damage and more extensive dental treatment later on.
Medical History
Always keep your dentist's office up-to-date with your medical history, such as
prescription medications- both over-the-counter and doctor prescribed. Your dentist must
be aware of any medical conditions in order to make the best decision regarding your oral
For instance, patients who suffer from certain heart conditions may require antibiotics
before they can undergo dental work. Even simple allergy medications should be noted
by your dentist, as well as side effects- ensuring the best treatment plan is administered
and preventing additional health problems from occurring.
Building Trust With Your Dentist
Finally, the most important step for successful dental care is a healthy relationship
between the patient and the dentist. When you're comfortable with your dentist and you
are both open with one another, you will feel at ease with procedures and treatments
before they are performed.
Never be afraid to ask questions. A good dentist will be open with you about procedures
and dental plans, and if necessary your dentist can work with you to alter methods in
order to make you as comfortable as possible.
If you don't communicate your concerns to your dentist and aren't honest about your
symptoms and fears, your dentist can't provide you with the best dental care for your
specific needs. For the most effective dental care, talking openly and honestly with your
dentist just as you would any other medical doctor will ensure you're on the right track to
attaining your most radiant smile.