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Case Report
Orthodontic Treatment of Unilateral Cleft Lip and
Alveolus Patient with Maxillary Lateral Incisor Missing:
Case Report
Poonsak Pisek DDS, MSc, FRCDT*
Montian Manosudprasit DDS, MDS, FRCDT*, Tasanee Wangsrimongkol DDS, MS, PhD*
Apaporn Pasasuk DDS, MSc**, Thanatpiya Somsuk DDS*
* Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand
** Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand
The esthetics of a patient with a cleft lip and alveolus and missing maxillary lateral incisor is important. A girl, aged
9 years 3 months with repaired left unilateral cleft of primary palate only was referred for orthodontic evaluation of her
anterior tooth-crowding. She was unhappy with the unattractive appearance of her maxillary anterior teeth, which were
behind her mandibular anterior teeth. Alveolar bone grafting along with canine substitution to replace her missing lateral
incisor were recommended for this patient. The post-treatment results were excellent with good occlusion, acceptable profile,
and remained stable one year after conclusion of active treatment.
Keywords: Unilateral cleft lip and alveolus, Maxillary lateral incisor missing
J Med Assoc Thai 2013; 96 (Suppl. 4): S170-S176
Full text. e-Journal:
The most common craniofacial deformity is
an oro-facial cleft which affects approximately 1 in 50
to 700 births as cleft of the lip, or palate, or a combination
of cleft lip and palate(1). The incidence of cleft lip and/
or palate at Maharatnakorn Ratchasima Hospital in
Northeast Thailand was reported to be 1.4 in 1,000 or
approximately 1 in 700 live-births(2). Patients with cleft
lip and palate are generally characterized by dental
abnormalities such as missing, supernumerary and/or
malformed teeth adjacent to the cleft site, displaced
maxillary dental midline, frenum or periodontal
abnormalities in the cleft, delayed dental development,
and altered eruption pattern.
The high prevalence of congenitally missing
maxillary lateral incisors may result from insufficient
blood supply near the cleft, either congenitally or as
a result of surgery, or from a deficiency in the mesenchymal support for the maxillary lateral incisor near
the cleft(3). Because a deficiency of the mesenchyme
can lead to insufficient support for the maxillary
lateral incisor, cleft patients with a severe deficiency of
mesenchymal mass could have congenitally missing
Correspondence to:
Pisek P, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Khon
Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand.
Phone & Fax: 043-202-863
E-mail: [email protected]
maxillary lateral incisors(4).
One option of treatment for cleft patients with
missing lateral incisors is canine substitution(5). It is an
excellent choice if several conditions are satisfied: the
maxillary dental midline is close to correct whether or
not an alveolar cleft bone graft is planned; the canine
next to the cleft is erupting mesially with reasonable
root position and is fairly small and white; both
premolars are present on the affected side; and the
molar/canine relationships are Class II(6).
The purpose of this article is to report the
treatment of a girl who had a unilateral cleft lip and
palate with congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisor.
The patient was treated with orthodontics alone and
orthognathic surgery was not performed.
Case Report
Thai girl 9 years 3 months was unhappy with
her anterior crowding and wanted to have orthodontic
treatment. She was referred to the Oral Diagnosis
Department. She had a left unilateral cleft lip and
alveolus without cleft of secondary palate. The history
of surgical procedures at Srinagarind Hospital was
cheiloplasty when she was 3 months old and secondary
lip-nose revision when she was 2 years old. She had a
symmetrical mesofacial type with asymmetrical upper
lips. Her profile was slightly convex profile and acute
J Med Assoc Thai Vol. 96 Suppl. 4 2013
nasolabial angle. The mandibular plane is steep (Fig.
She was congenitally missing her left maxillary
lateral incisor (#22). The maxillary dental arch was
asymmetrical with tapered arch form with moderate
crowding and mild crowding in the mandibular arch.
She had a mixed dentition, Class I molar relationship on
both sides, negative incisor overjet and openbite. The
maxillary dental midline was deviated to the left 1 to 2
mms relative to the facial midline. There was no CR-CO
discrepancy (Fig. 2).
Cephalometric analysis indicated skeletal
Class II due to orthognathic maxilla and retrognathic
mandible (SNA 84°, SNB 77°, ANB 7°) with slight openbite skeletal pattern (SN-MP 40°). The maxillary incisors
were retroclined and retruded relative to alveolar bone
base (U1-SN 82°, U1-NA 5°), and the mandibular incisors
protruded but normally inclined (IMPA 98°, L1-NB 34°)
(Fig. 3).
She has a slightly convex profile, an acute
nasolabial angle, moderately protruding upper and
lower lips, normal mentolabial fold and long lower
anterior facial height.
Dental radiographs indicated the maxillary left
permanent canine (#23) had approximately half-root
development with its path of eruption directed towards
the alveolar cleft which had bone deficiency (Fig. 3).
Objectives of treatment
The interdisciplinary team approach to
comprehensive care of patients with oral clefts requires
collaboration of orthodontist with the other members
of the team. The treatment objectives were to obtain
normal position and inclination of the incisors, prepare
space for canine eruption, harmonize both arches to
get a good dental intercuspidation and acceptable facial
profile. Following exfoliation of the remaining primary
teeth, the treatment plan was to open the cleft space to
provide access for the surgeon to complete alveolar
cleft bone grafting, and to allow eruption of the left
maxillary canine into the bone graft thus substituting
for the missing lateral incisor. To enable maxillary
midline correction by moving the maxillary central
incisors to the right, the maxillary right first premolar
(#14) was extracted. The mandibular left and right first
premolars (#34 and #44) were also extracted to enable
some retraction of the mandibular incisors to correct
the edge-to-edge incisor relationship, and then create
vertical overlap of those teeth using maxillary and
mandibular fixed labial appliances. The extraction of
the #34 and #44 would also serve to approximately
J Med Assoc Thai Vol. 96 Suppl. 4 2013
Fig. 1
Pretreatment extraoral photographs.
Fig. 2
Pretreatment intraoral photographs.
balance the extraction of #14 and absence of #22.
Modification of the crown form of the canine would be
required to improve dental esthetics, consideration also
being given to the esthetics of the maxillary left first
premolar (#24) as a replacement for #23 which was
substituted the missing #22.
Results of treatment
Incisor overjet, overbite and dental center
lines were corrected (Fig. 4). Also, it was planned for her
to be referred to a periodontist to correct the gingival
margins of teeth #21 and #24 by esthetic crown
lengthening after vertical growth had ceased
approximately at 18 years of age (Fig. 5).
After treatment, the substitute maxillary left
Fig. 3
Pretreatment radiographs: A) lateral cephalogram,
B) occlusal radiograph, and C) panoramic
radiograph. All permanent teeth up to second molar
present, excepting the maxillary left lateral incisor.
Fig. 4
Post-treatment of intraoral photographs comparing
left canine before and after restoration. The tooth
sizes, shapes, and colors are almost identical on
both sides.
Fig. 5
The further treatment plan is for the periodontist
to adjust the gingival heights of teeth #21 and #24.
canine was reshaped to more closely resemble the
missing lateral incisor using composite resin build-up.
Lip and nose revisions were also considered and
planned with her plastic surgeon (Fig. 6 and 7). The
timing for further lip-nose revisions will be done when
Fig. 6
Post-treatment extraoral photographs. Asymmetry
of nose comparing left and right nasal alar
conditions. Left photo: patient at rest, right photo:
Fig. 7
The profile of patient after treatment.
she is 16 years old.
The post-treatment lateral cephalometric
analysis and superimpositions (Fig. 8) show skeletal
changes with ANB reduced to 4° from 7°, increase in
the mandibular plane angle SN-MP from 40° to 42°, and
relative decrease of lower anterior facial height
compared with upper facial height from 35:65 to 40:60.
The upper incisors were proclined (U1-SN from 82° to
99°) to correct the anterior crossbite (Table 1). The posttreatment panoramic radiograph shows acceptable root
parallelism with no signs of bone or root resorption
(Fig. 9). The esthetics were improved but the left alar of
her nose remained slightly drooped.
Patients with cleft lip and palate often have
J Med Assoc Thai Vol. 96 Suppl. 4 2013
abnormal sizes, shapes and numbers of teeth. The upper
lateral incisor is the most frequent, congenital absent
tooth. Its absence affects the proportions of the
maxillary labial segment and the esthetics of the smile.
The unattractive smile can affect appearance,
personality and psychology of patients(7).
Timing and sequencing of orthodontic care
for cleft patients can be divided into developmental
periods, which are defined by age and dental
development and should be considered as time frames
in which to accomplish specific objectives(8).
Fig. 8
Cephalometric superimposition: black line = pretreatment; red line = post-treatment. There was
anterior movement of Nasion related to S. The
mandibular and maxilla profiles show growth
Alveolar bone grafting of patient with cleft lip
and palate is generally required when there is a
significant bone defect. Early secondary alveolar bone
grafting is ideally done between the ages 9 and 11 years
Fig. 9
Post-treatment radiographs: A) lateral cephalogram,
B) occlusal radiograph, and C) panoramic
Table 1. Cephalometric measurements
Thai norm
Pre-treatment 15/09/2006
Post-treatment 16/11/2012
SNA (°)
SNB (°)
ANB (°)
Wit (mm)
SN-MP (°)
FH-MP (°)
U1 to SN (°)
U1 to NA (°)
U1 to NA (mm)
IMPA (°)
L1 to NB (°)
L1 to NB (mm)
U1/L1 (°)
Upper lip (mm)
Lower lip (mm)
J Med Assoc Thai Vol. 96 Suppl. 4 2013
before eruption of the maxillary canine. The main goal
of placing the bone is to allow the successful eruption
of the permanent canine through the grafted site(5,9).
Secondary bone grafting can create a good osseous
environment (5,10,11) . The key to improving the
periodontal support of teeth adjacent to the cleft and
obtain good inter-alveolar septum bone height in the
alveolar cleft is to perform bone grafting at the mixed
dentition stage when the adjacent un-erupted canine
has one half to two thirds root formation(11). The
erupting canine will help to stabilize the graft and result
in more favorable bone height in the cleft site. If alveolar
bone graft is done after the eruption of the canine, the
bone will not improve the marginal bone height and
resorb to the original level of crestal bone. So the dental
age is preferable to using chronological age in deciding
the timing of secondary bone grafting. The protocol of
Khon Kaen University Cleft Center also recommends
secondary bone graft at 9 to 11 years of age when
canines are still not expected to have erupted.
Orthodontic tooth movement should be delayed 3 to 6
weeks after the bone graft. Early movement of the roots
into grafted bone appears clinically to consolidate the
alveolar bone and to improve crestal alveolar height(8).
There are many treatment options for the
replacement of congenitally missing lateral incisors,
including canine substitution, implants, prostheses,
and auto-transplantation of a developing premolar. The
principle of treatment planning should be both
conservative and functional while maintaining best
possible esthetics. However, the esthetic and functional
success of canine substitution depends on variables
such as the type of malocclusion and dental crowding,
crown shape and color, facial profile, level of lip line on
smiling. The patient’s perceptions of the likely outcome
could be provided by the orthodontist with examples
of previous similar treatment records and dental model
set-up(12). The advantages of space closure with canine
substitution are the avoidance of long-term
maintenance of the prosthetic replacement of the lateral
incisor with a denture, bridge, or implant, which can
have future retreatment requirements and cost
implications. Orthodontic space closure does not have
to be postponed until the end of growth while waiting
for a dental implant and, with another alternative of
bridgework to replace a missing lateral incisor; adjacent
healthy teeth do not have to be prepared(13).
The disadvantage of space closure with
canine substitution is tendency to reopening the space
after space closure in a young patient(14). So after
treatment, this should be overcome with long-term fixed
retention by a bonded lingual retainer(15). Balanced
functional occlusion with modified group function on
the working side can prevent reopening of the space.
The final post-treatment retention should be
supplemented with a removable plate or vacuum-formed
retainer to be used full-time for 6 months and then at
Turpin’s observations for dealing with
absence of maxillary lateral incisors by canine
substitution are relevant to obtaining an acceptable
esthetic outcome(17). The lateral incisor has a small and
flat-faced tooth when compared with canine. The canine
has a conical shaped, broader neck and thicker tooth
which contains more dentin, and is often darker in color.
The gingival margin of the canine is usually higher
than that of the lateral incisor, and canines tend to
have a prominent tip. The first premolar is generally
shorter and narrower than the approximating lateral
canine. Therefore, these differences should be
corrected to improve the esthetic outcome for
Most perceptions of smile attractiveness in
patients with canines substituted for missing maxillary
lateral incisors are narrow canine, brighter shades,
gingival margin height slightly below that of the
adjacent central incisor, and rounded tip of canine(19).
Several techniques can be used to improve esthetics.
For example, the canine bracket can be inverted to
increase palatal root torque, which might reduce the
prominence of the canine. The bracket can be positioned
more gingivally to extrude the canine and its gingival
margin and the canine tip can then be reduced(19)
although this has the effect, through the need of some
canine extrusion, of leading to increased labio-lingual
crown thickness, possibly making the canine more
prominent. The extensive grinding and reshaping of
the canines in combination with porcelain veneers can
improve aesthetics with less discomfort to the patients
and with minor or no long-term clinical and radiographic
consequences(13,16). The width of canine can be reduced
mesiodistally with interdental enamel reduction. The
amount of crown reduction that is often required to
position appropriately the canine; however, esthetically
and functionally three planes of space can be
excessive. Finally, because the canine is often naturally
darker than the adjacent central incisor, the tooth can
be bleached after orthodontic treatment. Moreover,
esthetic improvement of the shorter and narrower first
premolar may be possible by increasing length and
width with porcelain veneers or resin buildups and
crown lengthening(21). In patients with small incisors,
J Med Assoc Thai Vol. 96 Suppl. 4 2013
the orthodontist should evaluate and may eventually
suggest modifying central incisor morphology in order
to improve esthetics(18,22).
Nordquist and McNeill(23) stated that noncleft patients, with maxillary lateral incisor spaces closed
by substituting permanent canines, had significantly
healthier periodontium than patients with prosthetic
lateral incisors and no differences in adequacy of
occlusal function between groups with open lateral
incisor spaces and those with closed spaces. Robertson
and Mohlin had similar conclusions, also stating that
patients with space closure were more satisfied with
the treatment results and without impaired temporomandibular joint function(24).
In bilateral cleft lip and palate, there are no
significant differences between orthodontic space
closure and prosthetic replacement in terms of
aesthetics. But in terms of function, prosthetic
replacement may result in significantly more impairment
of specific masticatory functions(25).
The result of treatment was a satisfied patient
with significantly improved esthetics and masticatory
function. Although the appearance of the substituted,
first maxillary left premolar for the canine was not ideal,
the generalized esthetics and function were
significantly improved, and it was stable one year after
fixed appliance removal. It is beneficial to use an
interdisciplinary treatment approach combining
orthodontic, oral surgical, periodontal and dental
restorative skills to obtain the most predictable and
favorable outcome.
The authors wish to thank express their
deepest and sincerest gratitude to Associate Professor
Keith Godfrey for his constructive suggestions and
knowledge, which enabled us to develop this article.
And also thanks to the Center of Cleft Lip-Cleft Palate
and Craniofacial Deformities, Khon Kaen University in
association with the “Tawanchai Project”.
Potential conflicts of interest
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J Med Assoc Thai Vol. 96 Suppl. 4 2013