* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 85, NO. A2, PAGES 633-643, FEBRUARY 1, 1980 UNCERTAINTY IN RING CURRENT PARAMETERS DUE TO THE QUIET MAGNETIC FIELD VARIABILITY C. Robert Department Abstract. Clauer, R. L. AT McPherron, Ground observations provided that the magnetic [Kane, 1978]. effects error, we have performed a statistical study using 2 years of quiet data (AE < .100 ¾), acquired at 27 mid-latitude magnetic observatories. We have empirically determined the average quiet magnetic' field at each observatory, and the uncertainty of that field as a function of season and local time. Since the Sq currents are confined primarily to the dayside, the uncertainty of the Sq diurnal variation changes as a function of local time. During disturbed periods the quiet field is subtracted from the a worldwide chain of field, mid- near local midnight. At dusk the uncertainty is near +13 ¾. These uncertainties represent uncertainty in the quiet field. The uncertainty can be greatly reduced by examining the changes occur in some interval of time. This is done by subtracting the local time profile obtained at time t 1 from the profile obtained at time t2. For time intervals less than 3 hours the quiet day errors are generally strongly correlated, and the errors are eliminated by the subtraction. The error in the difference profile is typically about +6 ¾. Thus for individual events the local time profile can be used to obtain parameters such as the magnitude, extent, and central meridian, which accurately characterize the magnetic disturbance attributed to a particular current system, provided the duration of the event is less than 3 hours. The which includes the Sq variation given by Chapmanand Bartels and secu- [1940] is statisti- cal: the mean variation obtained by averaging the mean hourly values of the magnetic elements for the five international quiet days of each month. When this process is performed for many stations, it is possible to determine the Sq currents. Figure 1 shows the average Sq currents inferred from such mean variation curves for the three seasons: D (November, December, January, February), J (May, June, July, August), and E (March, April, September, October) [after Matsushita, 1967]. The average position of the more general mid-latitude indices, such as Dst and the dawn-dusk asymmetry, are less accurate, but they are still useful, provided the disturbance is sufficiently large. center, is near or focus, 30 ø north hemisphere when Introduction observed hemisphere of the focus of the northern current vortex latitude. In the northern the currents from the flow sun. a ground observer would see a counterclockwise, Thus in the positioned decrease in the northern poleward X com- ponent (geographic north) of the geomagnetic field as he rotated under the system, while an observer equatorward of the focus would see an enhancement of X. The solar quiet daily variation, or Sq variation, is an ever present feature of the geomagnet- Copyright 1980 by the American Geophysical Union. Paper number 9A1409. 01480227/80/009A1409501.00 To use ground magnetic observations lar variation at 27 mid-latitude magnetic observatories, for the period 1967-1968. In addition, we investigate the error associated with our empirical model. The method employed in this analysis provides a mean quiet field and a statistical scatter at a given observatory and local time without regard to the cause. It has pragmatic advantages over conventional statistical studies which have modeled Sq using harmonic analysis, since our concern is with the consequences of the quiet field uncertainty in terms of using mid-latitude magnetic data to quantify the size and location of the magnetic disturbances caused by substorms and by the ring current. The observatories used in this study, and their coordinates, are listed in Table 1. The original definition of the Sq variation latitude magnetic observatories to reveal the magnetic effects of substorms and the partial ring current. To obtain a smooth local time profile of the magnetic disturbance, we produce a least squares fit to the resulting data values, using a series of cubic spline functions. Profile uncertainty is estimated to range from approximately +23 ¾ near local noon, to +10 ¾ which Physics to study the temporal and spatial development of magnetospheric disturbances, the quiet magnetic field, including the Sq variation, must be removed from the data. At high latitudes, where substorm perturbations are large and the time scale for change is short relative to Sq, the presence of the quiet diurnal variation is not a problem. At mid-latitudes, however, variability of the Sq variation may produce magnetic perturbations comparable to the magnetic effects of the partial ring current on comparable time scales. Thus the accuracy with which the quiet magnetic field, including the Sq variation, may be subtracted from mid-latitude magnetic observations limits the use of these data for identifying the effects of magnetospheric current systems. In this paper we report the results of an empirical determination of the quiet magnetic latitudes, variability of Sq currents may produce magnetic perturbations comparable to the magnetic effects of the partial ring current on comparable time scales. Thus it is important to know the error associated with the quiet field used as a reference to obtain the magnetic effects of the ring current. To determine this from and Planetary 90024 ic field. Other transient magnetic perturbations, such as those due to magnetospheric substorms and storms, are superposed upon the Sq variation of magnetic of the quiet time ionospheric currents, known as Sq, can be removed from the data. At mid- observations and M. G. Kivelson of Earth and Space Sciences and Institute of Geophysics University of California, Los Angeles, California perturbations can be used to study the spatial and temporal development of magnetospheric disturbances, MID-LATITUDES 633 634 Clauer TABLE 1. et al.: Locations Uncertainty of Mid-Latitude in Ring Current Observatories Parmmeters Used in This Geographic Station Code W Longitude Station 16058 ' 63ø53' 65o19 ' 66o09 ' Fredericksburg 77o22' Cuba Dallas Boulder Tucson 82 008 ' 96ø45' 105 ø14 ' 110ø50' NT Newport 116o59' 48ø16'N 300.2 ø 55.1 ø TA HO Tahiti Honolulu 149o37 ' 158o00 ' 17o33 ' S 21ø19'N 282.7 ø 266.5 ø -15.3 ø 21.1 ø PM TO Port Moresby Toolangi 212o51' 214032' 9ø24'S 37o32' S 217.9 ø 220.8 o -18.6 ø -46.7 ø GU KA YA Guam Kakioka Yakutsk 215o08 ' 219o49 ' 230o16 ' 13ø35'N 36ø14'N 62ø01'N 212.9 ø 206.0 ø 193.8 ø 4.0 ø 26.0 ø 50.9 ø GN PY HY YB VD Gnangara Patrony (Irkutsk) Hyderabad Yangi-Bazar (Tashkent) Vysokaya Dubrava 244ø03' 255o33' 281o27' 290o22' 298o55' 31ø47' S 52ø10'N 17ø25'N 41ø18'N 56ø42'N 185.8 o 174.7 ø 148.9 ø 144.0 ø 140.7 ø -43.2 o 40.7 ø 7.6 ø 32.3 ø 48.5 ø DT Dusheti 315o17 ' 42ø04'N 122.0 ø 36.6 ø ST NU Stepanovka (Odessa) Nurmijarvi 329o07' 340o24' 46ø46'N 60ø30'N 111.1 ø 112.5 ø 43.6 ø 57.8 ø HR FU Hermanus Furs tenf eldbruck 340o46 ' 348 ø43 ' 34ø25'S 48 ø10 ' N 80.5 ø 93.3 o -33.3 ø 48.8 o (Tbilisi) the posiseain Sq cur- Hasegawa [1936] concluded or south from one day to another. [1975] has studied deformation of the Sq scale. Thus even on very quiet days at any particular station, there can be considerable day-to-day variability in the amplitude and phase of the diurnal variation. Figure 2 shows superposed plots of the H components, measured at two midlatitude observatories during quiet periods and arranged according to season. These data from 1967 and 1968 were selected according to the criterion AE < 100 ¾. The Sq variation appears to have a distinctive shape, with some variability in phase and amplitude. In addition, the variation seems to be superposed upon a base line which is nearly constant in local time, but whose value may change from day to day. An Empirical Sq Model 14ø24'N 31ø40' S 43ø15'S 18ø07'N ø ø ø ø -21.3 ø -20.2ø -31.8 ø 29.6 ø 38ø12'N 349.8 ø 49.6 ø 22068 'N 32ø59'N 40 o08 ' N 32 ø15 ' N 345.4 327.7 316.5 312.2 34.1 43.0 49.0 40.4 xj=. J o ø o o o ø o o + [:J +PJ +r J ] J whereMj is the main geomagneticfield, Rj is the field due to ring current, Ij is the field due to ionospheric(Sq) currents, Pj is the field due to magnetopause currents, and Tj is the field due to tail current. The quantity in the brackets produces a diurnal variation, while the remaining terms are quasi-steady and symmetric. It is useful, then, to represent Xj in terms of a symmetricfield Bj and a diurnal variation field Vj. That is, Xj = Bj + Vj whereBj = M- + R_-andVj = I. + The results oft•iss•udy areval•es Po• +1.Tj.Includof the stations listed in Table B and V for each ed in iation our of determination the main of B is the secular varobserved at each ob- field servatory over the 2 years of data used in the study. The mean diurnal variation V at each station is determined for each of the three sea- sons. Determination of the Diurnal Variation The proper reference level from which to measure Sq variations has been investigated by several On a magnetically quiet day the magnetic field X, observed at some observatory j, will be composed of the following terms: 55.0 4.6 3.2 3.1 Latitude CE DS BD TU system on an hourly basis and reports movement of the focus position by several degrees on that time E Longitude FR that the Sq focus could move as muchas 15ø of Marriot Latitude M'Bour Pilar Trelew San Juan rents also exists. north Geomagnetic MB PI TW SJ It can also be seen from Figure 1 that strength of the Sq current system and the tion of the focus change appreciably with son. A great deal of day-to-day variability the shape, position, and strength of the latitude Investigation researchers. the daily line; that Without other information mean would be an appropriate however, theoretical arguments the current responsible for the base suggest Sq magnetic Clauer et al.' D MONTHS 75 ø E NP Uncertainty for MONTHS 75 ø in Ring Current Parameters each of the 635 24 local time hours. Minimum variance indicated the best parallelism or greatest similarity between stations within a group. His results demonstrate that the midnight-to-dawn NP •0o•.•. 45o,4,' hours are the least affected by local and can be safely used as a base line to compute Sq variations. In this ,"•L',, ,'%<•'•: ;,' ',',' •,?,'•. '--' .-'.-'.,,,',V ',,,,,,, ,, •: • / ,',,,,, ', V,".".'.-Z.-".'L:'2" MONTHS NP 75 ø 60ø 45ø External Sq currentsduring 30,• "]/(l 00o' .-'' . ;- .-:--:::--:::::L•-'• ," - : ' ,' * day to be used To de- x variation V on each day, residuals reference were from this calculated. and 10 percentile curves for the ensemble of superposed data. The source of the dayside variability, appar- by tude winds [Hasegawa, 1960; Gupta, 1967; Kane, 1972; Schlapp, 1968]; however, changes in iono- ,' / conductivity may also play an important role [Brownand Williams, 1969; Chapmanand Bartels, 1940]. Other sources in the magneto- in the southern hemisphere the counterclockwise numbers near current as viewed from cross marks are the intensity of each vortex in units of 103 A. The current intensity between consecutive lines is 25 x 103 A [after Matsushita, value. ent in Figures 3 and 4, has been investigated equatorial plane at the solar noon meridian. In the northern hemisphere the currents flow the total reference many researchers. The variability appears most closely related to changes in local high-alti- and equinox (E), viewed from the magnetic flow The line viewed from the sun. AfterMatsushita, 1967 SP currents the sun. a base the IGY for the threeseasons Fig. 1. Average ionospheric currents during the IGY for the three seasons, winter (D), summer clockwise; as termine the diurnal spheric (J), study we have computed the mean field between 00 and 02 hours LT on each quiet Figures 3 and 4 show the superposed residuals of the X component computed for the same data shown in Figure 2. The panels to the right of the superposed plots show the mean, 90 percentile, SP J sources from which sphere or interplanetary space which could affect Sq variability have not been ruled out. Matsushita [1975], for example, suggests that the interplanetary magnetic field polarity may influence the latitude of the Sq current focus. Nevertheless, the results of these studies not adequate to enable one to predict ically at any particular time. are Sq analyt- Consequently, we have chosen to determine empirically the mean seasonal each of the 27 observ- Sq variation 1967]. at MAGNETIC DIURNAL VARIATIONS QuietPeriods(AE< lOOT) During1967-1968 perturbation lit side. flow primarily To justify during the night propriate on the earth's the use of the mean field hours (2100-0300 base line reference, on the sunlit HONOLULU TUCSON (21.90N, 158.0 øW) (32.250N, IlO.•!øW) LT) as an ap- Price [1964] argue that (1) ionization is much greater H Component sun- and Stone in the E region portion 25•50 of the earth, decaying rapidly at the terminator, (2) in situ observations using rocket-borne magnetometers indicate dayside, and (3) during magnetically currents exclusively on the quiet peri- ]]20X ods, the magnetic changes occurring during the daylight hours are much greater than the changes during the night hours. A statistical investigation to determine the appropriate Sq reference line was reported by Kane [1971]. % 20X 25850 He reasoned that stations spread over a large region in latitude and longitude would exhibit nearly parallel responses to changes in distant magnetospheric currents, while the effects of changes in local ionospheric or earth induction currents would not be well correlated between stations. To quantify the quiet time station behavior at different local times, he computed the monthly mean quiet field for 67 stations at each hour in local time, over the period January through December 1958. The stations were grouped into regions within latitude and longitude boundaries. For each group he statistically measured the variance of individual station observations from the group mean 0 6 12 18 24 LOCAL 0 6 12 18 24 TIME Fig. 2. Superposed magnetic variations of the H component observed at Tucson and Honolulu durlng qulet tlmes (AE < 100 y) for 2 years (1967 and 1968). The data are arranged according to season. division. Vertical scale is 20 y per 636 Clauer et al.: Uncertainty in Ring Current Parameters MAGNETIC DIURNALVARIATION AT HONOLULU (21.9 N,158.0 W) QUIET DATA (AE<1007') DURING 1967 - 1968 AX COMPONENT ri i i i i i i i , i i X'XL.10 Perce•ile • L/I i I i i i o• O0 06 i i 12 i i i I I I I I I I I I I IIIIIIIIIII__..• i i 18 24 LOCAL i i i i i i i I i i .....,•,, O0 06 TIME 12 18 24 Fig. 3. Superposed daily quiet variations of X component observed at Honolulu during 1967 and 1968. (Left) Residuals from the field averaged between 00 and 02 hours LT on each day. Data are arranged according to season. (Right) Mean, 90 percentile, and 10 percentile curves computed from the superposed data. The vertical scale is 12 ¾ per division. atories listed in Table 1. Quiet periods were selected from 2 years of data (1967 and 1968), according to the criterion AE < 100 ¾. On each quiet day the field average between 00 and 02 hours LT was used as a reference to determine the residual Sq variation at each station. These variations were arranged according to season, in the way illustrated in Figures 3 and 4. The mean variation then at each station for each season the X component the scatter ring current and tail Calculating the Main Field Base station to current. field base line at each Line which can be determined at any day in the period 1967-1968 for any of the 27 observatories used in this analysis. The second degree polynomial The is the Model quiet- Field The model quiet of the fit was computed. Determination about typically within +10 ¾, while the secular variation of X is roughly 55 ¾ over a 3-year interval. The base line determined this way reflects the main field and some average configuration of the the model Sq variation is added was obtained as follows. The monthly average field between 00 and 02 hours LT during quiet times (AE < 100 ¾) was computed at each station using several years of data. These averages were then fit with a second degree polynomial to approximate the main field and secular variation at each station. Figure 5 shows the results of this procedure for the X and Y components of the field at Honolulu. For the base line field B. is used to determine This value is added to the variation V for the season, component, and local time selected. Figure 6 compares the X component tions with of the model the actual field field at a number of sta- observed on February 6, 1968. February 6 was classified QQ. The mean AE on this day was 43 ¾, and Ap = 2. The upper trace is the model quiet field, while the lower trace is the measured field. Local midnight is indicated above each trace, and a base line is Clauer et al.: Uncertainty in Ring Current Parameters 637 drawn through the midnight value. While there is general agreement between the predicted and actu- mean. al quiet day, differences ly means of the 90 percentile and 10 percentlie values. Figure 7 shows the mean error in the Sq differences stations. from the do exist. model For example, are while tween the model and actual at some stations, it is In addition, not similar at the difference base lines 16 ¾ at all be- local San Juan. tions, of Quiet Field obtained in our estimate seasons. by averaging of The error seasons field re- sult from (1) uncertainty of the Sq variation and (2) uncertainty of the Sq base line. In this section we will quantify these errors, discussing and varies source of affected contributors. local noon, and the To estimate the model Sq variation, least the quiet the hour- for of field average To quantify we have used the 90 and computed 10 percentile curves of the ensemble of Sq variations observed at each observatory. and illus- the 00 and years lies 0200 LT of in the The variability of quiet variability, of LT at I i i we have the model base field, each station (1967-1968). i I I I I for The result i the is a i 24 ' I I I I I 06 I I I I I I I ,,,jj I i i '-I ,ii I 12 i ,..• • I I 18 I i 24 LOCAL Fig. 4. Sameformat as Figure 3. observed at Tucson during 00 06 12 18 24 TIME Superposed daily quiet variations 1967 and 1968. line averaged between where I of the quiet time ring being the predominant QUIET DATA (AE.<1007')DURING1967 - 1968 AX COMPONENT I uncer- measured between 00 and MAGNETIC DIURNALVARIATIONAT ;=';•J•ON (32.25 N,110.8W) 00 all a maximum near error the base line 02 hours of data matrix Dij, ••11 three the same for from differences from the measured quiet trated in Figures 3 and 4. In general, these percentlie curves lie symmetrically about the sta- the 02 hours LT thus represents variability near the uncertainty of over all time by Sq disturbances. greatest near each hour of tainty of the base line computed for each station. We assume that during quiet times, the magnetic field between 00 and 02 hours LT is not magnetospheric currents, current and tail current midnight. local is nearly first the uncertainty of the Sq variation. Since the Sq currents are confined primarily to the dayside, the uncertainty of the Sq variation is a function of local time, being the local during difference 1100 LT of +22 ¾ to a minimum near about +4 ¾. Model of the quiet the as a function The second Errors the error to be half variation, is only 1 ¾ three Uncertainty We estimate time of X component 2 638 Clauer et al.' Uncertainty in Ring Current Parameters Averoge Monthly Midnight QuietMognetic Fieldot Honolulu 50 there were periods with AE < 100 ¾. This matrix, with our statistical analysis, is schematically illustrated in Figure 8. To describe the D matrix statistically, we _ 40 • 50 ZO _ I0 ß XComponent _ ß calculated the mean and standard deviation for each row and column. The mean and standard deviation of each column characterize the individ- _ ;27400 90 _ _ ual station 80 _ 70 6O periods. ß row _ 27350 iiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiii 5630[- 56•0•.•.•..• 561o• 56oo• . iiiiiiiiiii trix, ¾Component 1967 quiet day. 2 shows five deviation of each stations on a of example rows of the D ma- the column statistics, that 1968 1969 and a summaryof the given by the meanand standard de- Month the secular the stations are, in general, behaving sire- ilarly. The mean of each row characterizes the average field deviation from the model seen by several stations, and reflects the strength of the quiet time ring current on that day. That is, the row mean represents a base level on a particular day relative to the predicted base value. Uncertainty of this base line exists be- Fig. 5. Monthly average quiet magnetic field at Honolulu averaged between 00 and 02 hours LT. Solid curve is a second degree polynomial fit to the data. The average long-term change in the termed ensemble ßß ß ßßßßßßß ß . viation oftherow means andstandard deviations -'•ß'ß''-'"•ßß The column statistics aresimilar, suggesting 1966 is the row statistics JFMAMJJA$ONDJFMAMJJA$ONDJFMj• field characterize particular Table iiiiii11111 behavior over the ensemble of quiet The mean and standard variation. cause the station differences Dij are not theof same across the row. The standard deviation the Dij = Oij - Pij ity Oij observedquiet field averagedbetween 00 and 02 hours LT; values in each characterize the uniform- a second matrixRi• hasbeencomputed by subtractingthe row mean from Pij row of the station observations. To remove the ring current effects, each value in the row. That is, model quiet base line field prediction. Rij = Dij - <rowj> Columns of the D matrix represent different stations, while rows represent days during which PREDICTED The standarddeviation of all the values Rij AND ACTUAL MAGNETIC FIELD AT SEVERAL MID-LATITUDE OBSERVATORIES FOR QUIET DAY FEBRUARY6, 1968 I'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1 I'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1 ß SAN JUAN - I •GNANGARA 1 PIeR • I __.T 1 2518t t ---- '•'-"- • { 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 0 4 8 11%31 I"--•--•""--"'"'-•' .... 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 12 16 10 24 UNIVERSAL 0 4 8 12 16 10 TIME Fig. 6. (Top) predicted and (bottom) actual magnetic field at several for quiet day, February 6, 1968. Dots above each trace indicate local base line is drawn through to the left. The vertical 24 the midnight value of each trace, scale is 20 ¾ per division. and its observatories midnight. A value is indicated Clauer et al.' Uncertainty in Ring Current characterize the base line uncertainty. This standard deviation was computed to be 4.7 ¾. A stringent estimate of the base line error is given by plus or minus 2 standard deviations, or about +9 ¾. The combination Evariation moae- of errors E, •. Da e,• 639 STATION(J) DAY (I)• A 1 and e Parameters producea total uncer•amn•y in the B œ ... D•A D•B D•c . . . <R0Wl> (•R0Wl) 2 D2A D2B D2c, . , <ROW 2> (O'ROW 2) ]• . D3A D3B D3C, , , <ROW ]•>(O'ROW ...... qumeu rmela graven Dy ...... Etota 1 = (Evariation 2 <mL ^> + E•aseline) ß This result is plotted in Figure tainty varies from a minimum of LT, to a maximum of about +23 ¾ At dusk the uncertainty is about should be mentioned that this is gent estimate of the uncertainty, on +2 standard deviations of the used to calculate the empirical 9. The uncer+10 ¾ near 0100 near local noon. +15 ¾. It a fairly strinbased roughly spread in data quiet field model. Fig. 8. Schematic illustration of D matrix used to estimate base line uncertainty in the quiet field model. Rows of the matrix correspond to quiet days, and columns correspond to stations. Each D component is the difference between the actual field average between 00 and 02 LT, and the model of Quiet Field base line at the indicated station and day. The matrix can be described statistically by computing the mean and standard deviation each Application c> . row and of column. Model where In Figure from 10 we illustrate a worldwide chain of the use of data mid-latitude observa- W. = 1 tories to determine a local time profile of a magnetic disturbance. Plotted on the left side of the figure are several hours of data from Xi_1 - Xi+1 X1 - X February 11, 1967, along with the model quiet field, for each observatory. We have indicated the difference between the quiet curve and the W1= X1 - X2 - X n field measurement at 0600 UT, and these values are plotted• as a function of the local time position of the observatory on the right of the figure. The error bars on each difference value were determined from Figure 9. The smooth curve through the data points was computed using a least squares cubic spline technique. The discontinuity near 00 LT is at the day boundary of the spline fit. The spline-fitting technique 8Yi = Y1 - S. uses a program from the IMSL Library i The technique and matches fits the cubic first splines and [1975]. within second intervals derivatives of the spline at the interval boundaries or knots as they are commonly called. The positions of the knots influence the fit, so we therefore use several knot arrays and select the best fit based on a weighted rms error. The splines are fitted so as to minimize the error given by E= n (r• •Y2. W. ) i=l z % 1 ERROROF QUIETDAY DIURNALVARIATION i=2 X1 Xn-1 - Xn W n = X1 - Xn 1 spline value at Xi. In the profile based on two standard deviations I , i i i i L•AL i TI•E , , i , i i I i i (HRS.) FiE. 7. predicted •Enitude of the uncertainty of the daily quiet variation as a function of time local and season. of the data used to compute the mean quiet day field. Frequently, one is interested in determining the change which occurs during a specific interval of time, e.g., during the expansion phase of a substorm. This can be accomplished by sub- tracting the profile at time t 1 from the profile at time t 2. Substantial error reduction in the resulting difference profile is obtained. The procedure is illustrated in Figure 11. On February 11, 1967, a substorm onset occurred at 0515 UT, and the expansion phase reached its maximum at 0600 UT. The top panel of Figure 11 shows the local time profile of the magnetic disturbance at 0515 UT. The uniform depression suggests an enhancement of the symmetric ring current. The wiggles in the profile smaller values, than the and are errors associated not meaningful. panel shows the profile This is the same profile Figure 10. 0 shown, E = 5.7 ¾. Since this error is less than the error in the data values used to obtain the profile, we estimate the uncertainty of the profile to be equal to the uncertainty in the data. Recall that this uncertainty, shown in Figure 9, is data 4 1 where Yi is the data value at Xi and Si is the are o n- n with the The center obtained at 0600 UT. discussed earlier in The solid line in the bottom panel was obtained by subtracting the 0515 UT profile from the 0600 UT profile, and represents the effects of currents which developed during the substorm expansion. There is a 20-¾ enhancement of the field centered near 0400 LT, due to the substorm expansion current, and a -30-¾ perturbation centered near dusk, due to the development of the 640 Clauer et al.' Uncertainty in Ring Current Parameters -•O monthsUNCERTA_INT.Y OF PREDICTED co c• o co o 4 •2 ' I'0....... 8 6 i , 0i i 212, 20i , I; ..... 16 4 2 LOCAL TIME o i4 12 (HRS) • Fig. 9. Magnitude of the uncertainty of the predicted quiet field as a function of local o •o time • and season. o partial ring current. Because errors in the quiet day model at a particular observatory are highly correlated over time periods of several hours, the subtraction of the profiles removes •j much of the uncertainty file. For time periods correlation coefficient in the difference proof 2 hours or less the is greater than 0.8. It is to reasonable therefore estimate the uncer- tainty in the difference profile by considering only the rms residual errors of the profiles at times t 1 and t2, providing the separation is less •j than 2 or 3 hours. of the profiles ent, we obtain file Assuming that the rms errors at 0515 and 0600 UT are independan uncertainty of +6 ¾ in the pro- shown in the bottom panel. The data values shown in the bottom panel Figure 11 were obtained by subtracting values at 0515 UT from the values The dashed curve is a spline o • values. The is 4.7 rms error of the ¾, which is consistent fit at of the data 0600 UT. to the data dashed with curve fit our error estimate. o it the For time separations of greater than 3 hours becomes risky to subtract data values, since station has moved in local time. The use of the profile overcomes this difficulty by transforming from the rotating frame of the earth to one fixed with respect to the earth-sun line. •o Discussion o o o • •D To develop parameters and indices using mid- latitude data which characterize geommgnetic substorm and ring current disturbances, it is necessary to separate and remove the magnetic effects of quiet time sources from the disturbance field with known uncertainty. A technique for removing the quiet magnetic field from disturbed data has been described in this report. The technique predicts th• quiet field at a midlatitude observatory based on the mean diurnal quiet variation observed at the station over many quiet days grouped according to season, and a base line determined by the monthly mean quiet field o • • o measured between 00 and 02 hours. LT at the observatory. A conservative estimate of the accuracy of the predicted field is given in Figure 9 and is based approximately on 2 standard deviations of the data use d in the analysis. The criterion used to select quiet periods was based on the AE index introduced by Davis and Sigiura [1966]. The index is created using 10 auroral zone observatories nearly equally spaced in longitude in the northern hemisphere and indicates the strength of the auroral electrojets. Periods defined by AE < 100 ¾, however, do not Clauer et al.' necessarily represent a quiet Uncertainty 'ground state' in Ring Current of shown a quiet day mid-latitude mated by the computed at ranges from These We have the absolute deviation are based on 2 standard 95% confidence level. a also shown that events devia- with 2O -20 -40 -60 from can only be roughly determined using magnetograms. The error is estiuncertainty of the mean quiet field 27 mid-latitude observatories, and it +23 ¾ at 12 LT to +10 ¾ at 00 LT. estimates and have tions that 641 FEBRUARY 11, 1967 40 the magnetosphere, since no condition was set on previous magnetospheric activity. For example, the period following the main phase of a magnetic storm is often very quiet by the criterion AE < 100 ¾, although the ring current is typically enhanced and decaying slowly. Nevertheless, the quiet field at each observatory generated by this model is useful, since it references disturbances to a model with known uncertainty. We have Parameters U3 2O ' 'o'oo' U'T ...... J........... x• I,O• o 0 -20 time dura- -4O tions of less than 3 hours may be characterized much more accurately. Since the errors in the estimate of the quiet field at time t 1 correlate 2O Feb. 11,1967 Local Time X Component ' ' i i Profile 0600 i ' ' ' i , , , i , , UT , , i ! i i i i , 14 "6•2 '1•4 '1• '1'8 '2'0 '2'2 '24 '62 '64 '•'•8 '1•) '12 TO 16 _ LOCAL 18 Fig. 11. latitude _ _ _ TU 20 22 .c: Local time profiles magnetic disturbance .- •SJIHI ........... • 02 • o 04 ('HOURS) of in the midthe X component on February 11, 1967: (Top) profile at substorm onset at 0515 UT, (middle) profile at the end of the substorm expansion (bottom) the result 24 TIME at of subtracting 0600 UT, and the 0515 UT profile from the 0600 UT profile (solid line). The dots were obtained by subtracting the •X values at 0515 from the •X values at 0600 UT. Dashed line is a least squares spline fit to the dots. Bottom panel shows the magnetic perturbations due to currents which develop in the interval 0515-0600 UT. O6 08 10 _ , 03 06 09 • -60 ] i -40 Universal Time (hrs) , , • i -20 , , i i 0 i i [ 20 i i i 12 40 AX (gamma) Fig. 10. (Left) Mid-latitude observations of north-south component (solid line) and model quiet magnetic field (dashed line) on February 11, 1967. Vertical line at 0600 UT indicates ence between observation and quiet field observatory. (Right) Local time profile differ- at each of AX component at 0600 UT, the end of the substorm expansion phase. Dots correspond to the deviation from the quiet field at each station. Error bars represent the uncertainty of the quiet field at each local time. The smooth curve is a least squares fit to the data points, using a series of cubic splines. Discontinuity in the curve at 2400 LT is the result boundary. of the day with the errors at time t2, the error in the difference profile is less than the error of either of the subtracted profiles. The uncertainty of the difference profile is typically about +6 ¾ for time periods of 2 hours or less. These errors are important to know in order to evaluate indices or parameters which are determined from local time profiles of the mid-latitude magnetic disturbance. In particular, we have been interested in isolating and parameter- izing the magnetic disturbances which result from the substorm expansion phase current and the partial ring current. This is illustrated schematically in Figure 12. The top of the figure shows the magnetic signature of these currents as a function of local time or position around the earth. The north-south and east-west perturbations are indicated by AX and AY, respectively. The substorm expansion current produces an enhancement in the northward field in the night region, while the partial ring current produces a depression in the northward field, centered near dusk. The AX profile can be used to compute 642 Clauer et al.' Uncertainty in Ring Current Only with more complete data sets from space will the configuration of the currents which are responsible for the mid-latitude magnetic distur- MIDLATITUDE LOCAL TIME PROFILE PARAMETERIZATION Field Aligned Currents In Out In•,, I Partial Ring Current ;iubstorrn Expansion Current bance // AX-•', ,i• '•:;•. •' "• Extent Central Central / ! •'i; Meridian / be determined. Work presently in progress uses the mid-latitude disturbance parameters to study the development of the partial ring current and its relationship to interplanetary and substorm parameters. Preliminary results were reported by Ay..•//•--'"•\•-Magmtude Merid•an• Parameters / Clauer and McPherron [1978], results Extent SIZE =Magnitude xExtent Uagmtude• •' I I I i i i will be published Acknowledgments. i work was supported Local Time (hours) and more detailed soon. The major portion by the Office of this of Naval Re- search under grant ONR N00014-75-C-0396. Partial support was also provided by NASA grant NGL 05007-004 and NSF grant ATM 76-17035. The regents of the University of California provided partial support of the computing costs. All of the digitized data was provided by the World Data Center A for Geomagnetism. We also gratefully acknowledge the helpful comments on earlier versions of 12 this manuscript by R. J. Walker. The Editor thanks S. Matsushita for their assistance in evaluating EquatorialProjectionof Inferred Currents Fig. 12. (Top) Schematic illustration parameters obtained of from the mid-latitude local time profile of the north-south (AX) geomagnetic disturbance. Parameters extent, central meridian, turbation. (Bottom) Equatorial projection of a pansion phase current and partial ring current which could be inferred from the magnetic t ions. parameters which characterize These include the magnitude, central meridian of the the disturbance. extent, size, and disturbances due to both the substorm and the partial ring current. The magnitude is determined by the maximum or minimum of the profile; the extent is given by the full width at half maximum (or minimum) of the pertur- bation; the size is given by the product of the magnitude and extent; and the central meridian is the local time of the maximum or minimum value. Figure 10 illustrates the creation of such a AX profile at the peak of a substorm expansion. Figure 11 illustrates how improvement to the profile can be obtained by subtra•cting the profile determined at the References include the magnitude, and size of the per- simplefield-aligned modelof the substorm ex- ob s erva and M. Sugiura this paper. substorm onset from the profile at the peak of the expansion. The profile in the bottom panel is very similar to the schematic illustration in Figure 12. We have estimated that the uncertainty in the disturbance magnitude determined from such a profile is roughly +6 ¾. The uncertainty in the central meridian and extent is roughly +1 hour. The method described in this report examines the degree to which the quiet mid-latitude field can be removed from magnetic data to isolate disturbances of presumable magnetospheric origin. One should note, however, that the use of ground data alone does not permit one to unambiguously specify the source of the disturbance. 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