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The Geography of China’s River Valleys 2/6/2013 11:56:00 PM
Key Terms: Define the terms IN YOUR OWN WORDS in 1-2 complete
sentences. (page 136)
1. Loess: Yellow brown soil
2. Dike: a wall that stops water from overflowing
3. Extended Family: members of your family other than your immediate
family members.
Reading Check Questions: Answer the following Questions in Complete
Sentences. REMEMBER: Restate the question, answer the question with
facts, and relate to one of the GRAPES.
1. What did the Chinese do to control flooding? (Page 138)
The Chinese built dikes along the Huang He’s river banks to stop the water
from destroying their cities.
Relate to GRAPES: This is an example of accomplishments because they
created a device that stops the river water from destroying their cities.
2.What was the Mandate of Heaven? (pg. 139)
The Mandate of Heaven was the ideas that people came to power because it
was their destiny (God’s intention).
Relate to GRAPES: This is an example of religion because the Chinese
believe that god chose each emperor to rule their civilization.
3. What factors determined a person’s status within early Chinese
families? (pg. 141)
The two factors that determined a person’s status within early Chinese
status was age and gender.
Relate to GRAPES: This is an example of social classes because is discusses
a persons level of importance within a Chinese family.
Part 3: Essential Question: Answer the following Question in 3-4
Sentences. Your answer should reflect the section you have just read.
Why are Dragons an important part of Chinese culture?
(Include specific examples.)
Chinese people believe that dragons are gods that created the world and
protect the Chinese people from harmful wondering spirits.
Relate to GRAPES: This is an example of religion because it explains why the
Chinese people worship dragons.
Warring Kingdoms Unite
2/6/2013 11:56:00 PM
Key Terms: Define the terms IN YOUR OWN WORDS in 1-2 complete
sentences. (page 149)
1. Shi Huangdi: Responsible for uniting all of China and founder of
the Qin Dynasty.
2. Currency: A type of money used by a group or nation.
3. Liu Bang: Founder of the Han Dynasty
4. Wudi: Most powerful Han Emperor
5. Warlord: A local leader of an armed group
Reading Check Questions: Answer the following Questions in Complete
Sentences. REMEMBER: Restate the question, answer the question with
facts, and relate to one of the GRAPES.
1.How was China’s Great wall built? (Page 150)
China’s Great Wall took about ten years to build by thousands of merchants
and farmers who were ordered by Shi Huangdi to connect existing defensive
Relate to GRAPES: This is an example of accomplishments because it was
built by the Chinese to protect the citizens from foreign invaders.
2. How did Shi Huangdi try to limit his people’s freedom? (pg. 151)
Shi Huagndi limited his people’s freedom by outlawing the ideas of Confucius
and other thinkers, requiring that people learn the ideas of the Qin scholars.
He also enforced legalism, burned many books, and had scholars who
protested, killed.
Relate to GRAPES: This is an example of politics because it represents how
Shi Huangdi governed his people.
3. What happened in A.D. 220? (pg. 153)
Cao Pei declared an end to the Han Dynasty and set up his own Wei dynasty.
Relate to GRAPES: This is an example of accomplishments because he ended
the Han Dynasty and created his own.
Part 3: Essential Question: Answer the following Question in 3-4
Sentences. Your answer should reflect the section you have just read.
In ancient China, Emperors limited what their people can read and
see. How can these restrictions effect peoples ideas on the world?
Restrictions can effect your ideas on the world because you wont understand
other peoples cultures, governments, and religions, leaving you with bad
judgments and false information.
Relate to GRAPES: This is an example of politics because it discusses how a
government limits the peoples freedom.
Achievements of Ancient China
2/6/2013 11:56:00 PM
Key Terms: Define the terms IN YOUR OWN WORDS in 1-2 complete
sentences. (page 156)
1. Silk Road: an ancient trade route between China and Europe
2. Silk: a valuable cloth, originally made only in China from threads spun by
caterpillars called silkworms.
3. Sima Qian: a Chinese scholar, astronomer, and historian; author of the
most important history of ancient China, “Historical Records”.
Reading Check Questions: Answer the following Questions in Complete
Sentences. REMEMBER: Restate the question, answer the question with
facts, and relate to one of the GRAPES.
1. What are silkworms? (Page 158) Silkworms are caterpillars that make
Relate to GRAPES: This is an example of economics because silk was a
valuable resource that was traded by the Chinese to foreigners for money or
other goods. This could also be an example of geography because silkworms
are unique to this location on Earth, which made it valuable for the Chinese
to sell it elsewhere.
2. What problem did Sima Qian solve? (pg. 159)
Sima Qian helped Chinese people learn about their past by recording
historical events in the Historical Records.
Relate to GRAPES: This is an example of accomplishments because he
created the first history book in China.
What did the Chinese write on before they invented paper? (pg. 160)
The Chinese wrote on wooden scrolls, bones, and silk before they invented
Relate to GRAPES: This is an example of accomplishments because they
discovered a use for wood pulp that has impacted the rest of the world. Most
people now write on paper made from trees.
Part 3: Essential Question: Answer the following Question in 3-4
Sentences. Your answer should reflect the section you have just read.
Explain how you use any two Chinese inventions today?
(Include specific examples.)
Relate to GRAPES: This is an example of accomplishments because they are
inventions created by the Chinese.