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Margaret Ann Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
Date of Revision: 06/11/2013
Margaret Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
Yale University School of Medicine
B.S. Iona College (Physics) 1985
M.S. New Jersey Institute of Technology (Biomedical Engineering) 1987
M.D. Temple University School of Medicine 1994
M.P.H. Yale University School of Public Health (Chronic Disease Epidemiology) 2001
Career/Academic Appointments:
Instructor/Research Engineer, Anesthesiology, University of Connecticut
Health Center, Farmington, CT
Intern, Internal Medicine, Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT
Resident, Internal Medicine, Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT
Chief Resident, Internal Medicine, Yale-New Haven Hospital,
New Haven, CT
1998 -2001
Postdoctoral Fellow, Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine, Yale University
School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
2001- 2002
Instructor of Medicine, Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary & Critical Care
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
Associate Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary & Critical Care
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
Administrative Positions:
Associate Medical Director, Respiratory Care, Yale-New Haven Hospital,
New Haven, CT
Director, Pulmonary & Critical Care Fellowship Program, Yale Univ.
School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
Associate Director, Winchester Chest Clinic, Yale-New Haven Hospital,
New Haven, CT
Board Certification:
American Board of Internal Medicine 1998; Recertified 2009
American Board of Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine 2000, Recertified 2010
American Board of Internal Medicine, Critical Care Medicine 2001, Recertified 2011
Professional Honors & Recognition:
2003-2009: NIH Loan Repayment Program
William B. Abrams Award in Geriatric Clinical Pharmacology
Margaret Ann Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
CHEST Foundation Young Investigator Award
The Emanuel M. Weinberger Award for Achievement in Rheumatology
John Creswell Memorial Award for Outstanding Performance in Medicine
Chief Medical Resident, Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven CT
Grants/Clinical Trials History:
Current Grants
R01 AG035117-01A1
The MIND USA Project. RCT comparing haloperidol, ziprasadone and placebo
for ICU delirium.
E. Wesley Ely, MD
Site PI
Percent Effort: 5%
Project Period: 7/1/11-11/30/15
Yale Center for Sleep Disturbance in Acute and Chronic Conditions
Nancy Redeker PhD, Klar Yaggi MD, MPH
Mentor for Pilot Project
Project Period: 9/27/2012 – 6/30/2014
Past Grants
NIH / NHLBI / ARRA Stimulus Funds
5RC1HL100347-02 (Crothers)
“Risk, Severity, and Outcome of Bacterial Pneumonia in an HIV +/- Veteran
Kristina Crothers, MD
Percent Effort: 1.2 calendar months
Project period: 9/30/09-7/31/12
R21 NR011066-01A1 (Pisani)
“Feasibility of measuring sleep in an ICU setting using portable
Project Period: 9/1/09-8/31/11
The Chest Foundation
BI Clinical Research Award in Women’s Pulmonary Health
” Gender differences as they relate to outcome in an older ICU cohort”
Margaret Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
Percent effort: 5%
Direct costs per year: $10,000
Total costs for project period: $10,000
Margaret Ann Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
Project period: 10/1/08-9/30/09
K23 AG 23023-01A1
“Impact of psychoactive medications on outcomes in older ICU patients”
Margaret Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
Percent effort: 75%
Direct costs per year: $146,750
Total costs for project period: $763,830
Project period: 9/30/2004-6/30/2009
Yale Mentored Clinical Scholar Program (K12 Award)
“Impact of psychoactive medications on outcomes in older ICU patients”
Margaret Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
Percent Effort: 90%
Total amount of grant ($120,000/year)
Project Period:
7/1/2004-9/30/2004 *
(*This grant was terminated due to concurrent receipt of the K23)
Yale Pepper Center Early Research Career Development Award
“Contribution of multiple risk factors to ICU outcomes in older patients”
Mary Tinetti
Percent Effort: 25%
Total cost for project period: $150,000
Project Period:
Merck/American Federation Aging Research
Junior Investigator Award in Geriatric Clinical Pharmacology
“Impact of sedative use on outcomes in older intensive care unit patients”
Margaret Pisani
Percent Effort: 20%
Total cost for project period: $120,000
Project Period: 7/1/2002- 6/30/2004
American Lung Association
Clinical Research Grant
“Prevalence of preexisting cognitive impairment and its impact on use of
interventions and outcomes in older ICU patients”
Margaret Pisani
Percent Effort: 20%
Total cost for project period: $70,000
Project Period: 7/1/2002-6/30/2004
The Chest Foundation
T. Franklin Williams Scholar Award
“The contribution to psychoactive drug use to poor outcomes in older ICU
Margaret Pisani
Margaret Ann Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
Percent Effort: 25%
Total cost for project period: $150,000
Project Period:7/1/2002-6/30/2004
The Hartford Foundation/NIA
Internal Medicine Subspecialty Fellowship in Aging
“Cognitive Impairment in Elderly Medical Intensive Care Unit Patients”
Mary Tinetti
Percent effort: 50%
Total cost for project period: $70,000
Project Period: 7/1/2000-6/30/2002
Invited Speaking Engagements, Presentations, Symposia & Workshops Not Affiliated
with Yale:
American Thoracic Society, Philadelphia, PA, Session Moderator: Thematic
Poster Session, “Taking it to the house: great cases in critical care”
American College of Chest Physicians, Chicago, IL, Session Chair, “A new
frontier: Sleep in the ICU exploration beyond the sleep laboratory”
American College of Chest Physicians, Chicago, IL, Session Moderator, “Nonpulmonary critical care”.
American College of Chest Physicians, Chicago, IL. Session Moderator, “Quality
improvement in the ICU”
American College of Chest Physicians, Chicago, IL, Session Moderator, “End of
American College of Chest Physicians, Chicago, IL, Invited Speaker,
American College of Chest Physicians, Atlanta, GA, Session Moderator: Poster
Discussion Session “Non-pulmonary critical care”
American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, CA. Session Moderator: Poster
Discussion Session, “Pulmonary Infections and Tuberculosis: Case Reports of
Society for Critical Care Medicine; Current Concepts in Critical Care, Houston,
TX, Invited Speaker, “Delirium Assessment Tools”
French Intensive Care Society Annual Meeting, Versailles, France, Invited
Speaker, “Environmental treatments for delirium”
American Thoracic Society, Denver, CO, Session Moderator: Poster Discussion
Session, “Non-pulmonary critical care”
Margaret Ann Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
Advancing Delirium Science Department of Veterans Affairs, Baltimore, MD
Invited Speaker: “Delirium in the ICU”
American Thoracic Society, New Orleans, LA, Session Moderator: Poster
Discussion Session, “Non-pulmonary critical care”
German Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Berlin,
Germany, Invited Speaker: “Delirium and the role of sedative medications”
German Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Berlin,
Germany, Invited Speaker, “Implementation of delirium screening in the ICU”
American Thoracic Society, Toronto, CN, Session Chair, Poster Discussion:
“Non-pulmonary Critical Care”
NIA Seminar on Critical Illness in Older Patients, Washington, DC, Invited
Speaker, “Delirium in the ICU”
American College of Chest Physicians, Salt Lake City, UT, Invited Speaker,
“Does age impact on outcomes from critical care”
American College of Chest Physicians, Salt Lake City, UT, Session Chair,
“Caring for the critically ill geriatric patient”
American Thoracic Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA, Session Chair,
“Critical care of the geriatric patient”
American Thoracic Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA, Invited Speaker,
“Monitoring sedation and delirium in the ICU”
Gerontological Society of America, Chicago, IL, Invited Speaker, “How I started a
clinical research career”
American College of Chest Physicians Academic Leadership Conference,
Montreal CN, Invited Speaker, “Tips for Succeeding in Academic Medicine”
Pennsylvania Thoracic Society Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, Invited Speaker,
“Delirium in Older ICU Patients”
American College of Chest Physicians, Orlando, FL, Invited Speaker, Panel on
Sedation in the ICU, “Cognitive Impairment in the ICU, how do I recognize It?”
American Thoracic Society, Seattle WA, Session Chair: “Sedation in the ICU”
American College of Chest Physicians Academic Leadership Conference, Invited
Speaker, “Keys to Starting a Clinical Research Career”
Invited Speaker: “Confusion, drugs and decline: Challenges for caring for the
older patient in the ICU”. Rhode ICU Collaborative Outcomes Congress,
Warwick RI September 13, 2012
Margaret Ann Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
Iona College, New Rochelle, NY, Invited Speaker, “Career Development”
Tufts University, Boston, MA, Invited Speaker: “Delirium and a Research Career”
St. Mary’s Hospital Grand Rounds, Waterbury, CT, Invited Speaker, “Delirium in
the ICU”
T. Franklin Williams Scholars Program Annual Alumni Meeting, Austin, TX,
Session Moderator, “Foundation Funding”
T. Franklin Williams Scholars Program Annual Alumni Meeting, Austin, TX,
Session Moderator, “Top secrets of writing a successful aging related research
T. Franklin Williams Scholars Program Annual Alumni Meeting, Austin, TX,
Invited Speaker, “Research Update”
Norwalk Hospital, Norwalk, CT, Invited Speaker, “Clinical Research”
Norwalk Hospital, Norwalk, CT, Invited Speaker, “Delirium in the ICU”
Brown University School of Medicine, Providence, RI, Invited Speaker, “Delirium
in the ICU: A long way to go”
Peer-Reviewed Presentations & Symposia Given at Meetings Not Affiliated With Yale:
American Thoracic Society, Philadelphia PA, Invited Speaker, “Delirium and the
hazards of medication use in older ICU patients”
American College of Chest Physicians, San Diego, CA, Invited Speaker, “Gender
differences as they relate to outcome in an older ICU cohort”
American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, CA, Invited Speaker, “Psychoactive
medications and the duration of delirium in an ICU population”
American Thoracic Society, San Diego, CA, Invited Speaker, “Under recognition
of preexisting cognitive impairment by physicians in older patients and its effect
on ICU outcomes”
American Geriatric Society, Las Vegas, NV, New Frontiers in Geriatrics: The
Jahnigen and Williams Awardees Report on Research Leading to Improved Care
by Surgical and Medical Sub-specialists, Invited Speaker, “Risk factors for poor
outcomes in older ICU patients”
American College of Chest Physicians, Women’s Health Network, Annual
Meeting, San Diego, CA, Invited Speaker, “Risk factors for poor outcomes in
older ICU patients: the contribution of psychoactive drug Use”
Margaret Ann Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
American College of Chest Physicians, San Diego, CA, Invited Speaker,
“Cognitive impairment in the ICU, why is it important and how do I recognize it?”
American College of Chest Physicians, Philadelphia, PA, Invited Speaker,
“Cognitive impairment in older medical intensive care unit patients: Physician
recognition, intensity of care and outcomes”
Gerontological Society of America, Chicago, IL, Invited Speaker, “Preexisting
cognitive impairment in older patients admitted to the intensive care unit”
Connecticut Thoracic Society Research Meeting, New Britain, CT, Invited
Speaker, “Risk Factors for Poor Outcomes in Older ICU Patients”
Yale Affiliated Talks:
Winchester Chest Clinic Fellows State of the Art Conference, Steroids in COPD
Exacerbations, what does the evidence show?”
Aging Brown Bag Lunch, “Career Paths-Struggles and Accomplishments”
Greenwich Hospital, Resident Lecture, “Sleep and delirium in the ICU”
Intern Reflection Rounds, Faculty Moderator
Yale Physician’s Assistant Program Lecture, “Delirium, sedation and pain in the
Winchester Chest Clinic Fellows State of the Art Conference, “Tiotropium in
Griffen Hospital ICU Teaching Rounds, “Management of Acute Liver Failure”,
“Acid-Base Disorders”, Assessment and Treatment of Delirium”, “Mechanical
PCCM Fellowship Summer Lecture Series, “Delirium in the ICU”
Student-Faculty Rounds Ambulatory Component of the Internal Medicine
Clerkship, Pulmonary Moderator
PCCM Fellows Clinic Conference, “Vitamin D and COPD”
Geriatrics Brown-Bag Lunch Series, Invited Speaker, “Research Career
Surgical ICU Nursing Inservice, “Delirium assessment in the ICU”
Intern Reflection Rounds, Faculty Moderator
PCCM Fellows Clinic Conference, “Evaluation of ILD-Case Based Conference”,
Margaret Ann Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
PCCM Fellows Clinic Conference, “Bariatric Surgery-Pre-operative Evaluation”,
October 2011
PCCM Fellowship Summer Lecture Series, “Introduction to Clinical Research”
PCCM Fellows Clinic Conference, “Lung volume reduction surgery”
PCCM Fellows Clinic Conference, “How to make sense of the patient with
isolated restriction”
PCCM Fellows Clinic Conference, “Inhaled Anti-cholinergic Risk”
PCCM Fellowship Summer Lecture Series, “Delirium and Sedation in the ICU”
Greenwich Hospital, Greenwich CT, “Sarcoidosis”
PCCM Research Conference, “Clinical Research in the ICU”
PCCM Fellowship Summer Lecture Series, “Delirium and Sedation in the Elderly
ICU Patient”
Pulmonary Research in Progress, “Clinical research in the ICU”
Yale Internal Medicine Resident Noon Conference, “Monitoring delirium and
sedation in the ICU”
PCCM Fellowship Summer Lecture Series, “Study Design, Meta-analysis, RCT's
& Medical Decision Making”
PCCM Fellowship Summer Lecture Series, “Monitoring Pain, Agitation and
Delirium in the ICU”
PCCM Fellowship Summer Lecture Series, “How to Present in State Chest &
Journal Club”
Biomedical Research Seminar, “Delirium and the challenges of clinical research
in the ICU”
Pulmonary Research in Progress, “Delirium in the ICU: A long way to go”
Aging Research Seminar, “Delirium and the challenges of clinical research in the
Nursing Education Conference, “Delirium in the ICU: What is all the confusion
Yale Medical Grand Rounds, “Delirium in the ICU”
Pulmonary State Chest Conference, “Challenges for caring for the geriatric
patient in the ICU”
Margaret Ann Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
Pulmonary Research in Progress, “Delirium in the ICU”
Yale Claude D. Pepper Center Retreat, “T. Franklin Williams Scholar Program”
Medical ICU Nursing Inservice, “Delirium in the ICU”
Pulmonary State Chest Conference, “Cognitive impairment in the ICU”
Pulmonary Research in Progress, “Dementia, delirium and psychoactive drugs:
challenges of clinical research in the ICU”
Aging Biomedical Research Conference, “Risk factors for poor outcomes in older
ICU patients”
Medical ICU Nursing Inservice, “Cognitive impairment in the ICU, Why is it
important and how do I recognize it?”
Griffen Hospital Geriatric Grand Rounds, “Cognitive impairment in the ICU”
PCCM Fellowship Summer Lecture Series, “Endocrine disorders in the ICU”
Peer Review Groups/Grant Study Sections/Advisory Boards
UpToDate-Integrating Geriatrics into Subspecialties
American Board of Internal Medicine Subspecialty Recertification Project.
Infusing Geriatrics into the Subspecialties of Medicine
Grant Reviewer, CHEST Foundation Geriatric Development Research Awards
2006-present Abstract Reviewer, American College of Chest Physicians Annual Meeting
2011-present Advisory Board. Center of Excellence for Delirium in Aging: Research, Training,
and Educational Enhancement.
2011-present American College of Chest Physicians Scientific Presentations and Awards
Grant Reviewer, NIH Clinical and Translational Science Award, (CTSA), Albert
Einstein College of Medicine
2012-present Sleep in the ICU Task Force. Co-Chair.
Journal Service
Guest Editor, Respiratory Disease in Older Patients, Clinics in Chest Medicine
Editor, Pulmonary & Critical Care & Sleep Updates (PCCSU), American College
of Chest Physicians
2001-present Reviewer for JAMA, Archives of Internal Medicine, BMJ, Critical Care Medicine,
Intensive Care Medicine, Critical Care, Journal of the American Geriatrics
Professional Service for Professional Organizations:
Association of Subspecialty Professors
Margaret Ann Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
2008-present Member
American College of Chest Physicians
2003-present Member, Women’s Health Network
2003-present Fellow
2005-present Member, Chest Foundation Community Service
Editor, PCCSU Online
2011-present Member, Scientific Programming Advisory Committee ACCP
2013-present Vice-Chair, Scientific Programming Advisory Committee ACCP
2013-present Steering Committee, Women’s Health Network ACCP
American Thoracic Society
2001-present Member, Clinical Problems Assembly
2001-present Member, Critical Care Assembly
Society for Critical Care Medicine
2001-present Member, Internal Medicine
Yale University Service:
Medical School Committees
Graduate Medical Education Committee
Departmental Committees
Geriatric Section Chief Search Committee
Internship Selection Committee
Internal Medicine Research Advisory Panel
Section Committees
Program on Aging Research Career Development Core Planning Committee
Pulmonary Faculty Recruitment Selection Committee
2006-Present Faculty Schedule
2009-present Fellowship Curriculum Committee, Chair
2009-present 4th Year of Fellowship Committee, Chair
2009-present Fellowship Research Advisory Committee
2012-present Fellowship Milestone Committee, Chair
2012-present MICU Committee
Hospital Boards & Committees
Alcohol Withdrawal Treatment Protocol Committee, YNHH
2006, 2012
Delirium Treatment Protocol Committee, YNHH
2011-present Sedation Protocol Committee, YNHH
Public Service
LHUMC Children’s Center Board Member
2006-present The Chest Foundation Community Outreach Program
Angel Tree Coordinator
Tashua School, Junior Achievement Course Leader
Cub Scout Leader, Tashua Elementary School
2011-present Tashua School, Junior Achievement Course Leader
Margaret Ann Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
Tashua School Brownie Troop No Smoking Education
Peer Reviewed Original Research
1. Moslehi F, Ligas JR, Pisani M, Epstein MAF. The Unsteady Form of the Bernoulli Equation
for Estimating Pressure Drop in the Airways. Respiration Physiology. 1989; 76: 319-326.
2. Pisani MA, Redlich CA, McNicoll L, Ely W, Inouye SK. Underrecognition of Preexisting
Cognitive Impairment by Physicians in Older ICU Patients. Chest 2003;124:2267-74.
3. McNicoll L, Pisani MA, Zhang Y, Ely EW, Siegel M, Inouye SK. Delirium in the intensive
care unit: Occurrence and clinical course in older patients. J Amer Geriatr Soc.
2003;51:591-8. PMID:12752832
4. Pisani MA, Inouye SK, McNicoll L, Redlich CA. Screening for preexisting cognitive
impairment in older intensive care unit patients: Use of proxy assessment. J Amer Geriatr
Soc. 2003;51:689-93. PMID:12752846
5. McNicoll L, Pisani MA, Ely EW, Gifford D, Inouye SK. Detection of delirium in the ICU:
Comparison of CAM-ICU with CAM ratings. J Amer Geriatr Soc 2005;53:495-500.
6. Pisani MA, Redlich CA, McNicoll L, Ely EW, Friedkin R, Inouye SK. Short-term outcomes
in older intensive care unit patients with dementia. Crit Care Med 2005; 33:1371-76.
7. D’Ambrosio C, Stachenfeld NS, Pisani MA, Mohsenin V. Sleep, breathing, and
menopause: The effect of fluctuating estrogen and progesterone on sleep and breathing in
women. Gender Medicine 2005; 2(4):238-245. PMID: 16464735
8. Friedman LN, Nash ER, Byrant J, Henry S, Shi J, D’Amato, J, Khaled GH, Russi MB, Pisani
MA, Edberg SC, O’Conner PG, Cain H, Tanoue L, Weissman, DN. High rate of negative
tuberculin and QuantiFERON® tests in individuals with histories of past-positive skin tests.
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2006; 27:436-41. PMID:16671022
9. Pisani MA, Araujo KLB, Van Ness PH, Zhang Y, Ely EW, Inouye SK. A research algorithm
to improve detection of delirium in the intensive care unit. Crit Care. 2006 Aug
18;10(4):R121. PMID:16919169
10. Cosgriff JA, Pisani MA, Bradley EH, O’Leary JR, Fried TR. The association between
treatment preferences and trajectories of care at the end-of-life. J. Gen. Intern. Med. 2007;
22(11):1566-71. PMID:17874168
11. Pisani MA, Murphy TE, Van Ness PH, Araujo KLB, Inouye SK. Admission characteristics
associated with delirium in older patients in a medical intensive care unit. Arch Intern Med
2007; 167 (15):1629-1634. PMID:17698685
12. Van Ness PH, Murphy TE, Araujo KLB, Pisani MA, Allore HG. The use of missingness
screens in clinical epidemiologic research has implications for regression modeling. J Clin
Epi 2007 60(12):1239-45. PMID:17998078
13. Pisani MA, Murphy TE, Araujo KA, Slattum P, Van Ness PH, Inouye SK. Benzodiazepine
and opioid use and the duration of ICU delirium in an older population. Crit Care Med, 2009
37(1):177-183. PMID:19050611
14. Pisani MA, Kong SY, Kasl SV, Murphy TE, Araujo KL, Van Ness PH. Days of Delirium are
Associated with 1-year Mortality in an Older Intensive Care Unit Population. Am J Respir
Crit Care Med 2010 180 (11): 1092-1097. PMID:19745202
Margaret Ann Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
15. Pisani MA, Murphy TE, Araujo KA, Van Ness PH. Factors associated with persistent
delirium after intensive care unit admission in an older medical patient population. J Crit
Care 2010 Sep:25(3): 540 e1-7. PMID:20413252
16. Akgun KM, Murphy TE, Araujo KLB, Van Ness PH, Pisani MA. Equivalent Treatment of
Older Medical Intensive Care Unit Patients Based on Gender. Crit Care Res Prac
2010:404608. Epub 2010 Oct 20. PMID:20981259
17. Vest MT, Murphy TE, Araujo KL, Pisani MA. Disability in activities of daily living,
depression, and quality of life among older medical ICU survivors: a prospective cohort
study. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2011; Feb 5; 9:9. PMID:21294911
18. Murphy TE, Van Ness PH, Araujo, KLB, Pisani MA. Bayesian Time Series Analysis of a
Repeated Measures Poisson Outcome with Excess Zeroes. Am J Epidemiology, 2011 Dec
1; 174(11):1230-7. PMID:22025357
19. McGinnis K, Brandt C, Skanderson M, Justice A, Shahrir S, Butt AA, Brown S, Freiberg M,
Gibert G, Goetz M, Kim JW, Pisani MA, Rimland D, Rodriquez-Barradas M, Sico J, Tindle
H, Crothers K. Validating Smoking Data from the Veteran’s Affair Health Factor Dataset, an
Electronic Data Source. Nicotine & Tobacco Research Sept 12, 2011. PMID:21911825
20. Van Ness PH, Murphy TE, Araujo KLB, Pisani MA. Multivariate Graphical Methods Provide
an Insightful way to Formulate Explanatory Hypotheses from Limited Categorical Data. J
Clinical Epi. 2012 Feb; 65(2):179-88. PMID:21889310
21. Pisani MA, Ferrante L. Among patients admitted to ICU, delirium is most common in those
with neurological diagnoses, and is associated with adverse health outcomes. Evid Based
Nurs. 2012 Nov 21. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID:23171569
22. Akgun KA, Gordon K, Pisani MA, Fried T, McGinnis KA, Tate JP, Butt AA, Gilbert CL,
Huang L, Rodriquez-Barradas MC, Rimland D, Justice AC, Crothers K. Risk factors for
hospitalization and medical intensive care unit admissions among HIV infected veterans. J
Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2012 Oct 29. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID:23111572
23. Puchalski JT, Argento AC, Murphy TE, Araujo KLB, Olivia I, Rubinowtiz A, Pisani MA.
Etiologies of bilateral pleural effusions. Respir Med. 2013 Feb;107(2):284-91. PMID:
24. Akgun KA, Tate JP, Pisani MA, Fried T, Butt AA, Gilbert CL, Huang L, Rodriquez-Barradas
MC, Rimland D, Justice AC, Crothers K. Medical intensive care unit (MICU) admission
diagnoses and outcomes in HIV-infected and uninfected Veterans in the combination
antiretroviral era. Crit Care Med. 2013 Mar 15. PMID:23507717
25. Pisani MA, Bramley K, Vest MT, Araujo KLB, Murphy TE. Patterns of benzodiazepine,
opiate and antipsychotic drug administration in a medical intensive care unit. Am J Crit
Care. 2013 Sep;22(5):e62-e69. PMID:23996429
26. Puchalski JT, Argento AC, Murphy TE, Araujo KLB, Pisani MA. The safety of thoracentesis
in patients with uncorrected bleeding risk. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2013 Aug;10(4):336-41.
PMID: 23952852
Abstracts (*presentations)
1. Moslehi F, Ligas JR, Pisani M, Epstein MAF. Wave Mechanics Applications in Respiratory
Mechanics. 38th Annual Fall Meeting of the American Physiological Society, 1987.
2. Moslehi F, Ligas JR, Pisani M, Epstein MAF. An Application of Wave Mechanics: Effects
of Viscosity and Geometry. FASEB 1988.
3. Epstein MAF, Moslehi F, Pisani M, Ligas JR. One and Two Dimensional Wave Mechanics
for Oscillating Flows in Respiration. 6th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine
and Biology, 1988.
Margaret Ann Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
4. Moslehi F, Epstein MAF, Ligas JR, Pisani M, Epstein RA. Physiological Flow Impedance
as a Fluid Mechanical Field Variable. 10th Annual Conference of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society, 1988.
5. Epstein MAF, Moslehi F, Ligas JR, Pisani M, Epstein RA. Airway Impedance Analysis with
Wave Mechanic Models: Effects of Airway Geometry. FASEB. 1989.
6. Epstein MAF, Pisani M, Conard PL, Epstein RA. Airway Acoustic Resonance in Dogs.
FASEB Journal. 1990.
7. *Pisani M, Inouye SK. Cognitive impairment in older medical intensive care unit patients:
Physician recognition, intensity of care and outcomes. American College of Chest
Physicians; Philadelphia, PA. November 2001.
8. *Pisani M, Inouye SK. Preexisting cognitive impairment in older patients admitted to the
intensive care unit. Gerontological Society of America; Chicago, IL, November 2001.
9. Pisani MA, Redlich CA, Inouye SK. Detection of preexisting cognitive in a medical ICU
using two proxy scales. American Thoracic Society. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2002.
10. *McNicoll L, Pisani M, Zhang Y, Inouye SK. Adverse Hospital Outcomes in Critically Ill
Older Patients: The Effect of Delirium. Gerontological Society of America; November 2002.
11. Pisani M, Ely EW, Redlich CA, McNicoll L, Inouye SK. Favorable outcomes of elderly
patients with critical illness and preexisting cognitive impairment. American Geriatrics
Society, May 2003.
12. Weissman DN, Khaled G, Nash E, Bryant J, Henry S, Shi J, D'Amato J, Pisani MA, Janotka
E, Edberg S, O'Connor P, Russi M , Cain H , Tanoue L and Friedman LN. Does Tuberculin
Skin Testing (TST) Boost In Vitro Measures of TB-Specific Cell Mediated Immunity? Am. J.
Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2003; 167(7):A866.
13. Pisani MA, Redlich CA, Ely W, McNicoll L, Inouye SK. Favorable ICU outcomes in older
patients with preexisting cognitive impairment. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2003;
14. *Friedman LN, Khaled G, Nash E, Bryant J, Henry S, Shi J, D’Amato J, Janotka E, Edberg
S. O’Connor P, Russi M, Cain H, Pisani M, Tanoue L, Weissman DN. High rate of
Tuberculosis Skin Test (TST) reversion in screening programs and its association with the
Quantiferon-TB (QFN) assay. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2004; 169(7):A259.
15. *McNicoll L, Pisani MA, Inouye SK. One-year outcomes following delirium in older ICU
patients. JAGS 52(4), April 2004, A4.
16. Pisani MA, Araujo K, Zhang Y, Lee P, Redlich CA, Inouye SK. Risk Factors for New-Onset
Delirium in Older ICU Patients. American Geriatric Society, May 2004.
17. *Pisani MA, Murphy TE, Araujo KLD, Van Ness PH. Psychoactive medications and the
duration of delirium in an ICU population. American Thoracic Society Am. J. Respir. Crit.
Care Med. 2007; 175:A21.
18. Pisani MA, Murphy TE, Van Ness PH, Araujo KLB, Inouye SK. Characteristics associated
with delirium in patients in a medical intensive care unit. American Thoracic Society Am. J.
Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2007; 175:A786.
19. Pisani MA, Van Ness PH, Araujo KLB, Murphy TE. Risk factors for delirium persistence
after ICU discharge in an older medical population. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2008;
20. Akgun KM, Araujo KLB, Siner JM, Pisani MA. Association between ICU Delirium and
Serum IL-6 Levels. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2008 177:A987.
21. Akgun KM, Araujo KLB, Murphy TE, Pisani MA. Gender Differences in Medical Intensive
Care Unit Patients. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2008; 177: A634.
22. Akgun KM, Pisani MA, Butt AA, Gibert CL, Rodriguez-Barradas, MC, Justice AC, Rimland
D, Crothers K. Incidence and Mortality of MICU Admission in HIV Infected (HIV+) and NonInfected (HIV-) Veterans. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2010; 181: A5200.
Margaret Ann Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
23. Akgun KM, Pisani MA, Fried TR, Butt AA, Gibert CL, Rimland D, Justice AC, RodriguezBarradas, MC, Crothers K. Risk Factors for MICU Admission among HIV+ Patients. Am. J.
Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2010; 181: A5199.
24. *Vest M. Araujo KLB, Murphy TE, Pisani MA. Disabilities in activities of daily living and
quality of life among older medical ICU survivors. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2010; 181:
25. Bramley K, Vest M, Araujo KLB, Murphy TE, Pisani MA. Sedative, narcotic and haloperidol
drug dosing by nursing shift in a medical ICU. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2010; 181:
26. Mathur A, Pisani MA, Araujo KLB, Trow T. Risk factors for MICU admission in patients with
pulmonary hypertension. Chest 2010; 138: 296A.
27. Argento AC, Pisani MA, Johnson K, Qin L, Puchalski J. Thoracentesis are safe in patients
with bleeding tendencies. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2011; 183: A4630.
28. Panico M, Jenq G, Honiden S, Araujo KLB, Pisani MA. Outcomes following a rapid
response and the impact on transfer to the intensive care unit. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care
Med. 2011; 183: A4725.
29. Heavner J, Pisani MA. Carpal tunnel syndrome and hypoxemia: A case of the
antisynthetase syndrome. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2011; 183: A5656.
30. Akgun KM, Pisani M, Fried T, Butt AA, Gibert C, Rimland D, Huang L, Justice AC,
Rodriguez-Barradas M, Crothers KA. Impact of age on medical intensive care unit
admissions in HIV-infected patients. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2011; 183: A6270.
31. Akgun KM, Tate JP, Pisani M, Butt AA, Gilbert C, Rimland D, Huang L, Justice AC,
Rodriquez-Barradas MC, Crothers K. Is the VACS index responsive to acute critical illness?
16th Annual Instructional Workshop on HIV Observational Databases (IWHOD) March 2012
Athens, Greece, Abstract #16_173
32. *Akgun KM, Tate JP, Pisani M. Butt AA, Gibert CL, Rimland D, Huang L, Justice AC,
Rodriquez-Barradas MC, Crothers K. Prediction of 30-day mortality after MICU admission
among HIV-infected patients. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2012; 185: A2549.
33. Erb CT, Pisani MA, Murphy TE, Araujo KLB, Puchalski JT. The safety, tolerability and
outcomes of performing endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) in obese patients. Am. J. Respir.
Crit. Care Med. 2012; 185: A3000.
34. Knauert-Brown MP, Yaggi HK, Redeker NS, Murphy TE, Araujo KLB, Donlon T, Pisani MA.
Feasibility of conducting 24-hour polysomnography studies in the medical intensive care
unit. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2012; 185: A1617.
35. Knauert-Brown MP, Xu X, Shan P, Qin L, Araujo KLB, Allore HG, Pisani MA, Lee PJ.
Alterations in toll-like receptor 4 function secondary to smoking and age. Am. J. Respir.
Crit. Care Med. 2012; 185: A1314.
36. Mathews KS, Jenq GY, Siner JM, Long EF, Pisani MA. Short-Stay patients in the intensive
care unit: Characterizing patient acuity, throughput and critical care resource utilization. Am.
J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2012; 185: A6731
37. *Argento AC, Pisani MA, Murphy TE, Araujo KLB, Kookoolis A, Johnson K, Puchalski JT.
Impact of thoracentesis on dyspnea and quality of life. Chest 2012; 142:488A
38. Knauert-Brown MP, Yaggi HK, Redeker NS, Murphy TE, Arajuo KLB, Pisani MA. Feasibility
of providing medical ICU patients with a four hour nocturnal naptime. Chest 2012;
39. Mathews K, Pisani MA, Jenq GY, Long E. Characterizing the flow of short-stay patients in
the intensive care unit. Society for Medical Decision Making October 2012.
40. Mathews K, Jenq GY, Long E, Pisani MA. ICU utilization by “subacute” patients: reasons
for admission and opportunities for improvement. Society for Critical Care Medicine January
Margaret Ann Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
41. Ahasic A, Murphy TE, Araujo KLB, Pisani MA. Association between body mass index
(BMI) and occurrence of delirium in a cohort of older medical ICU patients. Am. J. Respir.
Crit. Care Med. 2013: A40028.
42. Hoang QN, Pisani MA, Inzucchi S, Hu B, Honiden S. The prevalence of previously
undiagnosed diabetes and the impact of baseline glycemic control upon outcomes in the
medical ICU. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2013: A43818.
43. *Hu X, Puchalski JT, Pisani MA, Carbone C, Michaud GC, Herzog E. Intrathoracic and
circulating fibrocytes are elevated in patients with malignant pleural effusions. Am. J.
Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2013: A44060.
44. Chima-Okereke C, Murphy TE, Araujo KLB, Pisani MA. Impact of race on the intensity of
care provided to older adults in the medical intensive care unit. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care
Med. 2013: A37967.
45. Knauert M, Yaggi HK, Redeker NS, Pisani MA. Medical ICU sleep deprivation: frequent
nocturnal room activity. Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies.
June 2013: A0815
46. Murphy E, Pisani MA, Murphy TE, Araujo KL, Kookoolis A, Argento AC, Puchalski JT.
Pleural effusions and 30-day mortality. Accepted ACCP Meeting October 2013.
47. Erb C, Pisani MA, Puchalski JT. The Utility of a Silicone Y-Stent in the Secondary Carina
for a Life-Altering Bronchoesophageal Fistula. Accepted ACCP Meeting October 2013.
48. *Bramley K, Pisani MA, Puchalski JT. Electrocautery knife incisions during EBUS-guided
miniforceps biopsies. Accepted ACCP Meeting October 2013.
49. Ryu C, Bramley, K, Boffa D, Pisani MA, Puchalski JT. Endobronchial treatment of pulsatile
hemoptysis complicating Y-stent management of tracheobronchomalcia. Case Report.
Accepted ACCP Meeting October 2013.
Chapters, Book and Reviews
1. Levy CR, Pisani MA, Ely EW. Pulmonary and Critical Care Among Elderly Patients
Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. In: Chest Medicine, eds. George RB, Light RW,
Matthay MA, Matthay RA. May 2005 Publisher: Williams & Wilkins.
2. Pisani MA, Ely EW. Monitoring and Treatment of Pain, Anxiety and Delirium in the ICU. In:
Clinical Critical Care Medicine, eds. Albert RK, Slutsky A, Ranieri M, Takala J, Torres A.
2006 Publisher: Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA.
3. Pisani MA, Ely EW. Respiratory Diseases and Disorders. In: Pacala JT, Sullivan GM, eds.
Geriatric Review Syllabus: A core Curriculum in Geriatric Medicine, 7th ed. New York, NY:
American Geriatrics Society; 2010
4. Pisani MA, Ely EW. Respiratory Diseases and Disorders. In: Flaherty E, Resnick B, eds.
Geriatric Nursing Review Syllabus: A Core Curriculum in Advanced Practice Geriatric
Nursing. 3rd ed. NY: American Geriatrics Society; 2011
5. Mathur A, Sauler M, Pisani MA. Pulmonary Embolism in Older Patients. In: Aging and Lung
Disease, ed. Pisani MA. 2012 Publisher: Springer, Humana Press, New York, NY.
6. Pisani MA. Delirium Assessment Tools. In: Current Concepts in Adult Critical Care, eds.
Cheng EY, Park PK. February 2012, Society for Critical Care Medicine.
7. Akgun KA, Pisani MA. Respiratory Diseases and Disorders. In: Durso SC, Sullivan GM,
eds. Geriatric Review Syllabus: A Core Curriculum in Geriatric Medicine, 8th ed. New York,
NY: American Geriatrics Society; 2013
8. Pisani MA. Delirium and Dementia: Unraveling the Complex Relationship. In: Brain
Dysfunction in Critical Illness, eds. Stevens R, Sharshar T, Ely EW. Publisher: Cambridge
University Press; 2013
Margaret Ann Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
9. Pisani MA. Guest Editor: Respiratory Disease in Older Patients. Clinics in Chest Medicine.
2007, 28 (4). Publisher: Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA.
10. Pisani MA. Editor: Aging and Lung Disease: A Clinical Guide. Respiratory Medicine
Series. 2012, Publisher: Springer, Humana Press, New York, NY.
11. Pisani M, McNicoll L, Inouye SK. Cognitive impairment in the intensive care unit. Clinics in
Chest Medicine 2003; 24(4): 727-738. PMID:14710700
12. Pisani MA. Recognition of preexisting cognitive impairment in older intensive care unit
patients. Research and Practice in Alzheimer’s Disease 2004; 9: 33-38.
13. Siner J, Pisani MA. Mechanical Ventilation and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in
Older Patients. Clinics in Chest Medicine, 2007 Dec;28(4):783-91. PMID:17967294
14. Pisani MA. Delirium in the ICU: An Overview. Pulmonary and Critical Care Updates.
Volume 22, Lesson 17 2008.
15. Pisani MA. Considerations in Caring for the Critically Ill Older Patient. J Intensive Care
Med, 2009, 24(2):83-95. PMID:19114416
16. Pisani MA. Intensive and Critical Care Medicine. JAMA 2010; 304: 1497.
17. Akgun KM, Pisani MA, Crothers K. The changing epidemiology of HIV-infected patients in
the intensive care unit. J Intensive Care Med. 2011 May-Jun;26(3):151-64. PMID:21436170
18. Akgun KM, Huang L, Morris A, Justice AC, Pisani MA, Crothers K. Critical illness in HIVinfected patients in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy. Proc. Am. Thorac. Soc
2011 Jun;8(3):301-7. PMID:21653532
19. Akgun KM, Crothers K, Pisani MA. Epidemiology and management of common pulmonary
diseases in older persons. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2012 Mar;67(3):276-91.
20. Jones S, Pisani MA. Intensive Care Unit Delirium: An Update. Curr Opin Crit Care. 2012
Apr;18(2):146-51. PMID:22322260
Peer-Reviewed Educational Materials
21. Pisani MA. American College of Chest Physicians Pulmonary and Critical Care Updates.
“Delirium in the ICU: An Overview”. Volume 22, Lesson 17. September 2008
22. Pisani MA. British Medical Journal. “Delirium Monograph”. 2013
Invited Editorials and Commentaries
23. Pisani MA. Delirium assessment in the intensive care unit: patient population matters. Crit
Care. 2008 Apr 7; 12(2):131. PMID:18423059
Scholarship in Progress
24. Goyal G, Pisani MA, Murphy TE, Araujo KL, Puchalski JT. Endobronchial ultrasound for
mediastinal evaluation using conscious sedation: patient safety, tolerability and diagnostic
yield. Submitted.
25. Hopper K, Fried T, Pisani MA. Healthcare worker attitudes and identified barriers to patient
sleep in the medical intensive care unit. Submitted.
26. Hoang, Q, Pisani MA, Inzucchi S, Buqu H, Honiden S. Prevalence of undiagnosed
diabetes and impact of baseline glycemic control in the intensive care unit. Submitted.
27. Kookoolis A, Puchalski JT, Araujo KL, Murphy TE, Pisani MA. Pleural effusions,
thoracentesis and mortality. Submitted.
Margaret Ann Pisani, M.D., M.P.H.
28. Knauert MP, Yaggi HK, Redeker NS, Murphy TE, Araujo KL, Pisani MA. Feasibility of
conducting 24-Hour polysomnography on medical intensive care unit patients. Submitted.
29. Ahasic A, Murphy TE, Araujo KL, Pisani MA. Association between body mass index (BMI)
and occurrence of delirium in a cohort of older medical ICU patients. In preparation.
30. Chima-Okereke C, Murphy TE, Araujo KL, Pisani MA. Impact of race on the intensity of
care provided to older adults in the medical intensive care unit. Submitted.
31. Mannam P, Shinn A, Neamu R, Walker W, Bohanon M, Merkel J, Kang M, Dela Cruz C,
Ahasic A, Pisani M, Trentalange M, West AP, Shadel G, Shen J, Elias J, Lee P. MKKS
regulates mitochondrial biogenesis and mitophagy in sepsis-induced lung injury. Submitted
32. Erb CT, Pisani MA, Murphy TE, Araujo KLB, Puchalski JT. The safety, tolerability and
outcomes of performing endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) in obese patients. In preparation.
33. Pisani MA, Parathasarthy, S, Jones S, Gehlbach B, Friese R. Sleep in the ICU: A concise
clinical review. In preparation for AJRCCM.
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