Download Postdoctoral position: remote sensing of atmospheric trace gases

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Postdoctoral position: remote sensing of atmospheric trace gases from space
The Department of Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate (AC2) is a newly created research
department within CSIC´s Institute of Physical Chemistry Rocasolano (IQFR). AC2 research
efforts are directed at studying the role of atmospheric composition and chemistry in the
climate system. Further information about the group’s research can be found at
Research will focus on the definition of requirements of the UVAS (Ultraviolet and Visible
Atmospheric Sounder) instrument in close collaboration with the Technical Team,
development and application of retrieval algorithms in the UV/Vis for the UVAS instrument
based on DOAS (differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) and BOAS (Basic Optical
Absorption Spectroscopy) techniques. Experience in radiative transfer models (LIDORT,
SCIATRAN) and validation of satellite measurements using on-ground instruments (MAX-DOAS)
is highly desired. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in atmospheric sciences or related
fields and good programming skills (C++, FORTRAN, IDL). Preference will be given to candidates
with experience in remote sensing from satellite, MAX-DOAS instrument development,
retrieval algorithm and data analysis.
This is a full time 12 months position with a possible extension up to 30 months. Applications
will be considered until the position is filled; however, applicants should submit a CV and
statement of research interests no later than 31 March 2016. Please contact Alfonso
Saiz-Lopez ([email protected]) for further information and applications submission.