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Accreting Supermassive Black Holes and
their Implication on Galactic Evolution
Shubhrangshu Ghosh
CAPSS, Bose Institute, Kolkata
WAPP 2015, Darjeeling
Supermassive BH accretion:
Center of all galaxies harbor supermassive black hole (SMBH)
~ 10^(6-10) solar mass.
SMBH accretes: In the center of galaxies SMBH accrets gaseous plasma to
the nuclear/central regions from the ambient medium in host galaxies
Accretion persists due to turbulent viscous transport of angular momentum
outwards forming a disk like structure.
Most efficient process of generating energy in the
Activities (SMBH+accretion):
→ Nuclear region produce high luminosity due
to radiation emitted from accretion flow
L_bol > 10^(40 – 45) erg/s
often called AGNs/quasars.
On many occassions Accreting plasma
produces collimated relativistic jets ~0.99c
jet range
several Kpc to Mpc scale .
Accretion flow models:
Geometry/optical structure of accretion flow depends on mass accretion rate
supplied from the accreting source  different accretion mode
High mass accretion flow ~ Eddington rate (L_Edd / c^2)
Geometrically thin Keplerian disk (h/r << 1): Radiatively efficient accretion
flow generating high luminosity, spectrum ➙ optically thick peaks in soft
Accretion flow models:
2) Low mass accretion flow ~ sub-Eddington rate ( < 10^(-1) L_Edd /c^2 )
 Geometrically thick advective flow (h/r ~ 1). Accretion flow is two
temperature hot magnetized plasma, Radiatively inefficient accretion flow
generating low luminosity. Spectrum  optically thin peaks in hard X-rays.
 Outflows/jets originate from geometrically thick advective accretion flow
Relativistic jets emit in all wave lengths (from radio to gamma), mostly
emit in radio synchrotron (radio jets)
AGNs with powerful relativistic radio jets (with strong radio emission)
→ Radio galaxies/Radio AGNS/Radio loud AGNs
What makes Radio galaxies/Radio loud AGNs important?
The host galaxies are massive/giant elliptical galaxies → Many of them
are old and evolved lying in center of galaxy clusters.
Hot spots and radio lobes are the ideal sites for particle acceleration to
extreme high energies (extra galactic UHECR)
Powerful relativistic jets interact with ISM/IGM/ICM and deposit
energy → AGN feedback regulating cooling flows in the center
of galaxy cluster
This AGN feedback may again influence acceleration of
particles in hot spots of radio jets
AGN feedback plays a significant role in latest phase of
massive galaxy formation and evolution
Effect of cosmological constant on AGN feedback
Central dominant Galaxy – IC 1101 (super giant elliptical galaxy)
At the center of Abell 2029 galaxy cluster
Extended envelope with radius ~ 600 Kpc
(Ghosh & Banik 2015)
Cosmological constant may substantially influence particle acceleration in hot
spots of radio jets in radio galaxies.
AGN/Radio galaxy dichotomy :
Most classification of AGNs related to emission lines/continuum, line of
sight, radio loudness, historical significance (e.g. LINER, Seyfert, radio-quiet
quasars, FR Ⅰ, FR Ⅱ, radio galaxies, BL Lac )
Distinct classification of AGNs can be made based on radio power
Radio-quiet (no jets/tweak jets)
(negligible radio emission)
Radio loud (powerful radio jets)
(strong radio emission)
High excitation radio galaxy
(radio loud quasars)
Low excitation radio galaxy
Radio galaxy/Radio AGN dichotomy :
Two classes of Radio AGNs → LERGs and HERGs are distinctly different
both observationally and morphologically.
NRAO-VLA sky survey,
z<0.1, L_1.4GHZ
Best & Heckman 2012
Radio galaxy/Radio AGN dichotomy :
Low excitation radio galaxies
High excitation radio galaxies
Reddest galaxies and at the last
stage of massive galaxy formation.
Mostly lie in center of galaxy clusters.
Star formation rate very less
No such emission
Radiatively inefficient
L_Bol < 10^40 erg/s
No such feature
younger than LERGs
higher than LERGs
Optical broad and narrow emission
lines and absorption lines due to
obscuring cold molecular torus
Radiatively very efficient
L_Bol > 10^40 erg/s (10^(45-46) erg/s)
Optical to UV emission characterized
by “Big blue bump”
What makes HERGs/LERGs observationally different ?
Differences due to source/fueling of accretion
→ SMBH accretes gaseous plasma quasi-spherically from hot X-ray emitting
phase of gaseous halo surrounding the host galaxy or from hot phase of
IGM/ICM (at ~ 10^7 K) with high sub-Eddington mass accretion rate
~ < 10^(-3) L_Edd/c^2
→ forming a geometrically thick advective accretion flow which is
radiatively very inefficient and optically thin
→ Accretion flow extends up to million Schwarzschild radius.
Geometrically thick advective accretion flow remarkably explain
What makes HERGs/LERGs observationally different ?
→ SMBH accretes gas from cold molecular torus most likely with moderately
sub-Eddington mass accretion rate ~ (10^(-2) - 10^(-1)) L_Edd/c^2
 forming a outer geometrically thin, optically thick Keplerian accretion disk
& inner moderately thick, opticlaly thin
advective accretion flow
 Accretion flow extends up to few
thousand Schwarzschild radius.
(Ghosh & Konar 2015)
How jet - accretion flow are correlated ?
Acceleration of particles in the hot spots is directly related to
jet-trigerring mechanism.
Jet launching a MHD process
 plasma gets
accelerated magnetocentrifugally along open
field lines with the help of poloidal magnetic field.
BH spin directly powers jets.
Symbiotic picture:
 jet
extracts matter, energy
& momentum from advective
accretion flow.
correlated/coupled through
conservation laws: matter, momentum
& energy .
2.5 - D magnetized advective accretion-outflow model eqns:
2.5 - D magnetized advective accretion-outflow model eqns:
Ghosh 2015 a,b
GR information of the BH simulated through PseudoNewtonian-potential (PNPs) or Pseudo-GR potentials.
➤ Generic BH (rotating/non-rotating) Ghosh & Mukhopadhyay (2007)
Recently developed most correct PNPs those can accurately reproduce all
GR features (Ghosh, Sarkar & Bhadra 2014; Sarkar, Ghosh & Bhadra
2014; Ghosh, Sarkar & Bhadra 2015).
➤ The potentials are velocity dependent potentials
➤ For rotating/Kerr BH, the corresponding PNP contains explicit information
of frame dragging.
Solid and long-dashed curves are for T_i with M_{accr} (a) = 10^(-4) , (b) = 10^(-3)
(c) = 10^(-2) & (d) = 10^(-2). short-dashed and dotted curves are for T_e with same
parameters. M_BH = 10^9 solar mass. M_{accr} in Edd unit. (Ghosh 2015b )
Solid, long-dashed & short-dashed curves in Fig. (a) for M_{accr} = 10^(-4). Dotted, long
dot-dashed & short dot-dashed curves in (a) for M_{accr} = 10^(-3). Fig (b) for
M_{accr} = 10^(-2). M_BH = 10^9 solar mass
Ghosh 2015b
Variation of (a) luminosity/jet power with BH spin
Bhattacharya, Ghosh & Mukhopadhyay 2010
Advective accretion flow and radio AGN unification
“Mass accretion rate of accreting gas around central SMBHs in HERGs
is apparently to be in order of ~ (10^(-2) - 10^(-1)) L_Edd/c^2 or
moderately sub-Eddington” with
'Inner moderately advective flow region + outer geometrically thin
Keplerian disk' with a transition in-between
SMBH in HERGs attain extremal spin by galactic mergers and baryonic accretion
Ghosh &
Konar 2015
Advective accretion flow and radio AGN unification
Spectrum of outer Keplerian disk:
Λ~1100 Å
T ~ 10^4 K
Ghosh & Konar 2015
Final Thoughts :
HERGs occur in a transitional evolutionary state linking between spiral star
forming galaxy to massive red elliptical galaxies (LERGs).
HERGs may eventually evolve to LERGs.
Proper modeling of accretion-outflow/jet coupled region necessary for
high energetic particle acceleration in hot spots of jets.
Spin of SMBH, AGN feedback as well as cosmological constant
substantially influence particle acceleration in hot spots.
Spin of SMBH may play a predominant role in final state of galaxy
The sky in black holes, > 10^7 solar mass. Aitoff projection in galactic coordinates of
5,978 candidate sources in the case of a complete sub sample (the Galactic plane
remains obscured). The choice was made from a complete sample of 10,284
candidate brighter than 0.03 Jy at 2 micron, and selected at z< 0.025; this uses the 2
micron all sky survey, limited in a 20 degree band in the Galactic plane. The color code
is Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Red corresponding to redshifts betwen 0, 0.005, 0.01,
0.015, 0.02, 0.025:
Caramete et al. (2008)