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TI BiH Informed German Investigative Authorities about the Procurement in the IDDEEA
TI BiH has sent information to the German Investigative Authorities about the procurement of the
electronic documents by the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of
BiH (IDDEEA), given that it includes German capital and legal persons from Germany, and it is
unrealistic to expect that the judiciary in BiH will prosecute this case because of the involvement of
the high-ranking officials.
Banja Luka 7th October 2014 – Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) has sent
to the German Investigative Authorities information about the procurement of the electronic identity
cards and driver licenses, system for creation and personalization of electronic ID cards and about
the contract signed by the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of BiH
(IDDEEA). TI BiH has forwarded the information to the German Investigative Authorities, given that
the information gathered from the media and audit reports indicates that the German capital and
legal parsons from Germany are involved in the case.
According to the media and audit reports for 2013, it can be concluded that there are grounds for
suspicion of serious criminal offenses with elements of criminal conspiracy, in which the high-ranking
officials and their relatives are involved.
Regarding this case, in 2012, the Agency conducted the public procurement of the system for partial
card personalization, delivery and upgrade of existing equipment for card personalization and
delivery of cards and complete system for personalization of electronic ID cards and system
maintenance. Procurement worth 104 million KM was carried out through negotiation procedure
without publication of the notice. The audit report pointed to the numerous irregularities in this
case, inter alia the selection of the negotiation procedure without additional information about
procurement prescribed by the Law on Public Procurement in BiH. The audit report confirmed that
the contract for the acquisition of the forms for ID cards and driver licenses contained some
provisions which could have damaged the budget of the institutions of BiH, which relates to the
withdrawal of the contracted annual amount, the total amount and the advance payment.
Bearing in mind the possible involvement of the high-ranking officials and the fact that judiciary of
BiH is under direct political control and thus inactive, it is not realistic to expect that this case will be
investigated or prosecuted by the competent authorities of BiH. Germany is signatory to the OECD
Convention against Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, so it is
obliged to investigate these cases, given that throughout the whole case the term internationality is
noted, as well as the involvement of German capital and legal entities.