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Craig Brown, PhD.
[email protected]
Oracle Database 8i
Administrator Certified
Oracle Database 10g
Administrator Certified
Oracle Database 9i
Administrator Certified
Windows NT MCSE
Oracle Database 10g
Administrator Certified
SQL Server 2000 MCDBA
Oracle 11i Applications
Database Administrator
Certified Professional
SQL Server 2005 MCDBA
Windows 2003 MCSE
Administering SQL Server 2000
IBM Certified Advanced
Database Administrator
DB2 UDB 8.1
IBM Certified Advanced
Database Administrator
DB2 9.0
Doctorate in Computer Engineering - June 2010
Cornell University
Doctorate in Computer Science \ Management Information Systems - 1995
University of Pennsylvania
Masters in Business Administration - 1993
Wharton Business School - University of Pennsylvania
concentration - Operations Management
University of Pennsylvania
BS Computer Science - 1991
University of Pennsylvania
BS Mechanical Engineering - 1991
Description of Formal Training/Courses
Oracle 11g Certified Master
MCDBA SQL Server 2005
Oracle 11i Certified Professional
MCDBA SQL Server 2000
Oracle 10g Certified Master
Oracle 9i Certified Master
Oracle 8i DBA Certification
Master Certified Oracle DBA
Accomplished Upon Completion
OCM Certification
Microsoft Certified DBA
OCM Certification
Microsoft Certified DBA
OCM Certification
OCM Certification
OCP Certification
Master Certificate
Dated Completed
August 2008
February 2008
February 2007
June 2006
May 2006
September 2003
September 2000
December 1998
Craig Brown
Technical Profile
Oracle Applications v11.0
OCM Oracle7 / Oracle8
MCSE Microsoft Windows 95
MCSE Microsoft NT Workstation 4.0
UNIX Administrator
UNIX Administrator
DEC VAX Systems Administrator
Sun Systems Administrator
Advanced Training
Certified / Masters Certificate
Certificate Updated
November 1998
November 1997
September 1997
September 1997
June 1993
January 1993
February 1992
January 1992
The following projects are all prior to year 2000 compliance
Cendant Mortgage (Greater Philadelphia Area)
November 1999 – January 2000
Oracle DBA / Oracle Parallel Server / Oracle Web Server / Sybase System 11.9 / Data Modeling /Web-Based App. Database
Primary responsibilities consisted of database design for a Sybase database that would be fed from an internet/web based application.
This Sybase database would then drop data into an Oracle database for corporate data processing and then return data back to the
Sybase database with changes in status or new data altogether. I played the role of database designer (using Erwin and Oracle
Database Designer); Database administration (primarily on the Oracle side – but maintained the common elements within both
database environments; as well as performance tuning and monitoring database activities and work loads.
Oracle 8.0.5 was the database of choice on the Oracle side and Sybase 11.9 was the database of choice on the Sybase side. Using
Sybase’s “Direct Connect for Oracle” and Oracle’s “Transparent Gateway” I was able to set up and manage the bi-directional feed of
data between Sybase and Oracle databases. This feed served as both a method of passing application data to those areas that were
updated via the application and also to synchronize the two databases of all changes.
I was involved in the planning and the recommendations of fail-over strategies and synchronization strategies in case one side of this
system was down and could not feed to/from the other side. The idea was to create a self maintenance program complete with an alert
system that would send out pages and emails, upon system failures and fail over scenarios.
Cendant was setting up application to sell services to customers via the web. The development of HTML and java code was needed to
basically ask their customers that visitied them via the corporate web site if they would be interested in learning more about the
products and services via the web.
Database Environment and Configuration Information:
15 oracle databases. Sizes ranged from 250MB to 500MB, 5 production, 5 test, 5 development db environments; 5 Sybase Databases,
Sizes ranged from 10MB to 250GB, 5 production with live replication between the production db environments;
Oracle 8.0.5; Oracle Replication Server; Sybase 11.9; Sybase Replcation Server; DBArtisan (Oracle/Sybase); Q-Diagnostics; Oracle
Portal; Sun Solaris 2.6/2.7; ERwin 3.5; Oracle Enterprise Manager; Sun E10K; Java Scripting; ASP scripting; HTLM, Front Page;
First USA (A Bank One - Financial Institution) (Wilmington, DE)
August 1999 – November 1999
Hours from 6:00 pm to 4:00 am daily on site
Oracle DBA / Oracle Parallel Server / Oracle Web Server / Data Warehousing
Responsible for all database administration duties and support for the test, development and production databases. This support
included performance tuning, troubleshooting and problem diagnosis. I setup and configured Oracle OPS environment as well as
installed the Oracle Web server for work with 3rd party front end applications via the web browser. My support was extended up to the
user of the front end application to help with the customization efforts.
I was also tasked with data warehouse design review for performance optimization and data access methods. Using OPS and Sun
10000E servers it was possible to get the web interface to pass over 200 transactions a second (varying in size). I played a key role in
this only in that I know all too well where OPS and PQ break down and where they out perform the systems (only limited by the
Craig Brown
Technical Profile
I was also tasked with setting up the backup and recovery strategies using the OPS environment to pass the backups to a number of
tape libraries all with robotic tape exchange capabilities.
Database Environment and Configuration Information:
35 oracle databases. Sizes ranged from 250MB to 50GB, 10 production, 10 test, 15 development db environments;
Oracle8.0.5; Oracle Web Server; Sun servers, running Solaris; Windows NT 4.0; Oracle Enterprise Manager 2.0; Q Diagnostic 2.0;
RMAN; Oracle Application Server, Oracle Business Intelligence tool, Data Mart Suites and Designer/2000;
August 1999 – November 1999
Hours from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm daily on site
MS SQL Server 7.5 / DBA / Data Warehousing / Windows NT / Peoplesoft Financials & HRMS
NovaCare Health Services (Philadelphia, Pa)
This project represents a ground floor peoplesoft implementation. Primarily responsibilities were participate with Peoplesoft
Financials (Asset Management, General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivables, Billing and Project Costing installation and
database creation (Peoplesoft ISO certified technician performed the software install on test, and I did the same on development
server). Setup and configure the process scheduler and setup of both a logical (two tier) and physical (three tier) application server
(both were used to balance the work load of the application server – lighter worked went through the two tier and heavier processing
went through the three tier connection). This included setting up and configuring the following:
Application Server Domain
Bulletin Board Liason
Jolt Server Handler (Web)
Jolt Server Listener (Web)
Jolt (Web)
Jolt Internet Relay (Web)
Jolt Repository Server (Web)
Self Service Application (Web)
Web Server / Client (Web)
I perform the duties of both the peoplesoft admin and the MS SQL Server / Sybase DBA. I was responsible for supporting the
database environment and cloning databases once the implementation team reached a build that was ready to be added to the baseline
instance. I managed the change control of the FSSYS, FSDMO, HRSYS and HRDMO instances to protect the baseline databases from
accidental change. I developed and implemented all backup and recovery strategies and developed the change control process that
would be used for change migration into the production environment.
My role was purely technical with very little functional input. Most of my work was performed via people tools which is where the
database administration is performed. I did some tuning of the application server by adjusting various parameters. And I also
managed the batch process to make sure that priorities were kept and that all users had adequate processing time available for their
respective batch jobs. I developed stored procedures and triggers that improved the overall application response for certain areas of
the system. Performance was measured and tuned as problems arisen so as to minimize the effect on the user community.
Database Environment and Configuration Information:
43 MS SQL Server databases. Sizes ranged from 20MB to 100GB, 1 production, 1 Demo, 1 System, 10 Integration Test, 10 Test, 20
development db environments;
MS SQL Server 7.0, Sybase 11.5; Peoplesoft HRMS 7.1, Peoplesoft Financials and Manufacturing 7.2, People Tools 7.56,
BEA/Tuxedo/Jolt 6.5, Crystal Reports for P/S 6.0, Cognos Power Play for P/S 5.2, SQR
Campbell Soup (Camden, NJ)
Oracle8 / DBA / Data Warehousing / IBM – SP2/AIX / Oracle Parallel Server
May 1999 – August 1999
Primarily responsibilities were to review and certify the configuration and set up of the Oracle Parallel Server running on IBM SP2
servers (six (6) individual nodes) terabyte data warehouse. The Data Warehouse & six silver node hardware/software architecture was
Craig Brown
Technical Profile
setup so that the Oracle data warehouse was logically seen as one instance via the application, but physically setup as 6 instances
utilizing 2 phase commit replication across all six (6) instances.
Performance tuning and database administration were among the main duties I performed as I certified the over all environment. I
looked at the data warehousing environment and made recommendations and adjustments based on present data requirements and
project data growth and future application (Micro-Strategy) data requirements. By working with the technical and functional team
members I knowledge transferred many of the specifics for keeping the locking mechanism of OPS setup correctly and also the proper
use of the Parallel Query option that would allow the front end applications to query the database with better performance.
I was also tasked with setting up the enterprise wide backup and recovery strategies utilizing the SQL Backtracks backup software
(BMC) setup to use the OPS environment through the ADSM OBSI drivers throughout the Oracle environment across each of the six
(6) silver nodes. The backup and recovery strategies were adapted as the corporate wide solution for there Oracle databases.
Database Environment and Configuration Information:
25 oracle databases. Sizes ranged from 250MB to 50GB, 15 production, 10 test, 5 development db environments;
Oracle8.0.5; MicroStrategy; Oracle Web Server; SQLBacktracks; ADSM; IBM servers (Six Silver Nodes) / SP2, running AIX;
Windows NT 4.0; Oracle Enterprise Manager 2.0; RMAN; UNIX Administration – Disk Device Management, OS Backups, File
System Management, Server Reboots, RCP, CPIO, VI, Kernal Parameter Changes.
Clark County Las Vegas (Las Vegas, NV)
Oracle8 / Knowledge Transfer – Intructional
May 1999 – May 1999
For three (3) days I helped explain through hands on exercises as well as through documentation the fundamental ways to support an
Oracle database. The following topics were discussed and demonstrated; Backup and recovery, advanced performance tuning
measurements, Oracle Enterprise Manager usage and techniques for support.
Oracle7 & Oracle8 database instances; Q-Diagnostics (3rd party DBA support tool); Open VMS, Digital UNIX (DEC Unix); Oracle
Enterprise Manager (OEM); RMAN;
NEXTEL Communications, Inc. (Tyson Corner, VA)
Offsite Support / Troubleshooting / Oracle8i – Jdeveloper Development
October 1998 – August 1999
Serving as Database administrator concentrating on the physical make-up of the database and the performance tuning measurements
that should be implemented for pro-active activities as the data warehouse is rolled out and made available for additional business
applications throughout the organization. As DBA I provided support to the test team and development team and also provided stress
test assistance.
I was responsible for setting up and configuring Oracle8i database server, for test environment. I was also responsible for developing
test applications for Oracle8i database using the Oracle Jdeveloper tool. While working with two other team members we are working
on ways to add the Oracle8i database functionality to the corporate data warehouse particularly with the customer care applications and
building FAQ databases for the help desk system.
Database Environment and Configuration Information:
60 oracle databases. Sizes ranged from 250MB to 150GB, 20 production, 20 test, 20 development db environments;
Oracle8.1.5; Oracle Web Server; Oracle Oracle JDeveloper; Oracle Designer/2000 v2.0; Oracle Forms Server; HP server running
HPUX v11.0; Windows NT 4.0; Oracle Enterprise Manager 1.5.5; HP Omni Back; RMAN;
Motorola Corporation (Chicago, IL)
HP-UX Administrator v11.01 /Oracle8 DBA /Oracle Applications v11.0
September 1998 – May 1999
Performed a full HP-UX v11.0 operating system install on production server and upgraded the development server operating system
from 10.2 to v11.0. Also performed a full Oracle Apps v11.0 technology stack install complete with 5 appltops and 5 distict web
listeners, forms server/listeners and Oracle 8.0.4database servers for the setup instance, prototype instance, architecture instance,
custom development instance and conversion instance. The Oracle Application installation included all of the financial modules,
(without the HRMS). I setup the Oracle forms server, Oracle Web Server and configured all the various listeners so that each
Craig Brown
Technical Profile
environment (7 in total) stood on its own. I was also responsible for all the testing and production planning for the time when it was
appropriate to cut over to production.
I was responsible for 90% of the database administration responsibilities while internal personnel received “knowledge transfer” so
that they could maintain the environment after my departure. I also performed about 50% of the UNIX Administration again while
internal personnel received “knowledge transfer.” The biggest obstacles came in the beginning due to many mistakes made at all levels
of the system. Once the mistakes were undone or completely thrown away, it was my task to rebuild a stable, OFA, manageable and
maintainable environment that could be supported by the personnel assigned the task after my departure.
This was a mission critical application responsible for all of the service related business units within Motorola Corporation. The
applications environment was migrated from the release 10.7 Oracle Applications and I worked first hand with Oracle Corps top
engineers on the technical and functional issues associated with this project.
Oracle8.; Oracle Applications v11.0 (All Modules); Oracle Web Server; Oracle Web Self Service Apps; Oracle Forms Server;
HP server running HPUX v11.0; Windows NT 4.0; Oracle Enterprise Manager 1.5.5; HP Omni Back; RMAN;
MAKINO (Canton, OH)
SAP Rel3 /Oracle8 DBA /Oracle Parallel Server
September 1998 – November 1998
My primary role was to migrate the SAP application from the test environment into production. This included a full SAP installation
on the production server including the Oracle8 server. Next I had to export the application(s) – by version number and move into
production the approved versioned changed. I worked with the development team that made enhancements to the SAP applications
according to the specifications. I developed the migration plans and performed the database administration / UNIX administration
functions as well. The SAP application included the full Financial, HRMS and Manufacturing Modules.
Additional responsibilities were to support the user community and the developer community providing the technical requirements
needed to process the data and run the business from the application layer.
Database Environment and Configuration Information:
35 oracle databases. Sizes ranged from 250MB to 50GB, 10 production, 10 test, 15 development db environments;
Oracle8.0.4; Oracle Parallel Server; HP server running HPUX; Windows NT 4.0; Oracle Enterprise Manager 1.5. Oracle Backup
(RMAN); SAP rel3 (all Financial, HR, Manufacturing modules).
NEXTEL Communications, Inc. (Tyson Corner, VA)
May 1998 – September 1998
Oracle Data Warehouse /Oracle Replication /Oracle Parallel Server / Oracle Financials/HRMS Admin / Peoplesoft Financials/HRMS
As technical lead for this project I was responsible for the architecture planning, infrastructure planning, database modeling and frontend design for an Oracle7.3.3.5 and Oracle8.0.4 “TERABYTE” data warehouse. The data warehouse was made up of several multidimensional databases and data marts complete with de-normalized detail for the purposes of data drill down from hierarchical levels,
by data type and data subject. The data warehouse was made up of several Oracle databases that utilized the Oracle Parallel Server
and Replication Sever.
I also served as Database administrator concentrating on the physical make-up of the database and the performance tuning
measurements that should be implemented for pro-active activities as the data warehouse is rolled out and made available for
additional business applications throughout the organization. As DBA I provided support to the test team and development team and
also provided stress test assistance.
I was also technical lead on the team assigned the responsibility of reviewing and improving enterprise-wide backup and recovery
strategies. This involved a review of over 100 production and test database environments and then recommending changes that would
adhere to the backup and recovery “standards” that I recommended and then implemented enterprise wide.
In additional to my primary responsibilities (listed above) I also helped install and support Oracle APPS implementation that was
complete with the following modules: (General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Budgeting, Project Costs, Inventory
and HRMS)
Database Environment and Configuration Information:
Craig Brown
Technical Profile
60 oracle databases. Sizes ranged from 250MB to 150GB, 20 production, 20 test, 20 development db environments;
Oracle7.3.3.5/Oracle8.0.4; Oracle Parallel Server; Oracle Financials 10.7 & 10.8 NCA 10; Oracle HRMS; PeopleSoft
Financials/HRMS 6.0; People Tools; HP server running HPUX, Sun servers running Sun Solaris; Windows NT 4.0; Cognos Tools
Suite (Power Play, Impromptu); Business Objects Software; Oracle Enterprise Manager 1.4, Oracle Backup (RMAN); Oracle Designer
2000 2.0; BMC SQL BackTracks Database Backup System; ADHAWK SQL Lab; ADHAWK Monitor; Q-Diagnostics – Database
Diagnostics tool.
Philadelphia Water Department (Philadelphia, PA)
March 1998 – July 1998
Oracle Database Performance Tuning / Full Production Deployment / Oracle Development – Web Server (Government) Peoplesoft
Server as technical lead and database administrator where I was responsible for migrating test environment into a production
environment complete with backup and recovery strategies, scheduled production batch data loads from mainframe, daily procedures
and process management (policies) to be passed on to staff at completion and knowledge transfer of supporting Oracle Database to
support staff and operations staff.
I also performed an architecture and infrastructure review and analysis and made recommendations for improving these areas taking
into consideration data growth and business requirements presently and the desire to move to a totally web-based application within the
next 2 years.
Evaluated and recommended database tools that would help support and back up data and also help with maintaining a proper database
ERD. As changes are made to the design the model could be kept up to date using either reverse engineering tactics, or using the
design tool to apply changes and then roll out updated physical DDL which can then be applied to the physical database.
Database Environment and Configuration Information:
55 Oracle databases. Sizes ranged from 20MB to 100GB, 10 production, 1 Demo, 1 System, 10 Integration Test, 10 Test, 20
development db environments;
Oracle8.0.4; Oracle Parallel Server; PeopleSoft Financials 6.0/6.5; People Tools; Windows NT 4.0; Oracle Enterprise Manager 1.5.5,
Oracle Backup (RMAN); Oracle Designer 2000 2.0; Platinum Database Tools Suite; ADHAWK SQL Lab; ADHAWK Monitor;
EDS – ICI America’s (Surfactant) (Wilmington, DE)
January 1998 – June 1998
Oracle8 Data Warehouse Design /Three Tier Architecture Design /Oracle8 Parallel Server/ Peoplesoft Financials/HRMS
As technical lead for this project I was responsible for the architecture planning, infrastructure planning, database modelling and frontend design for this data warehouse. The data warehouse would consist of several multi-dimensional databases complete with denormalized detail for the purposes of data drill down from hierarcheal levels. The data warehouse was made up of several Oracle
databases that utilized the Oracle Parallel Server and Replication Sever.
The front end application consisted of a combination of visual basic applications(Sales, Commissions data), visual C++ applications
(Marketing, Finance data) as well as links from People Soft and Oracle Manufacturing. I designed and developed the applications and
the links to other data sources that fed into the data warehouse. From the legacy system side, I created the feeds into and out of Oracle
from BPCS running on AS/400. Crystal reports, as well as Oracle’s reporting application (part of the Designer & Developer 2000
software suite) were also used for the reporting requirements.
Data warehouse was designed for bi-directional data feeds from more than 10 data sources, and was setup using several data mining
methodologies and strategies. Data cubes were utilized providing a sophisticated drill down affect on the data for reporting purposes.
Oracle8.0.4; Oracle Parallel Server; AS/400 server running AIX 4.2.1, RS/6000 servers running AIX 4.2.1; PeopleSoft Financials
6.0/6.5; People Tools; Windows NT 4.0; Oracle Enterprise Manager 1.4, Oracle Designer 2000 1.4; BMC SQL BackTracks Database
Backup System; ADHAWK SQL Lab; ADHAWK Monitor;
State of Massachusetts / Department of Transitional Assistance (Boston, MA)
November 1997 – January 1998
Oracle8 Database Design /Three Tier Architecture Design /Oracle8 Parallel Server / Data/Index Partitioning / Peoplesoft
Craig Brown
Technical Profile
Responsible for the design, development, and implementation of the new release of Oracle Parallel Server bundled with the Oracle8
product set, within a fully distributed, object oriented environment utilizing a three tier architecture. The three tier architecture
included 2000 client users (running Forte) accessing 12 (4 way) RS/6000 application thin node servers (also running Forte)
communicating with 2 (8 way) SP2 high node servers (running Oracle8 Serer with Parallel Option) running IBM’s HACMP software
drivers. My major task was to install, configure and implement Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) within this architecture. In addition, I
was tasked with redesigning the data model splitting the data into both Oracle servers, but using OPS to create one logical view of both
I was also responsible for adding data and index partitioning into the data model, redesigning the data model de-normalizing where
appropriate. The data and index partitioning was done across both SP2 high nodes and the data was also distributed across these SP2
high nodes. The purpose was to increase performance by chopping up large “FAT” tables and creating smaller sub tables storing each
partition within different tablespaces located on different disk. Disk I/O and Processor I/O were drastically reduced within this
architecture. I worked with the application team to help make the Forte front end take advantage of the new functionality of Oracle8,
Oracle Net8 and OPS.
Oracle8.0.3; Forte 3E (for Oracle8); Oracle Parallel Server; PeopleSoft Financials 6.0; People Tools;
SP2 (8 way) running AIX 4.2.1, RS/6000 servers running AIX 4.2.1; HACMP; Windows NT 4.0; Oracle Enterprise Manager 1.4,
Oracle Backup (RMAN); Oracle Designer 2000 1.4 BETA (for Oracle8); BMC SQL BackTracks Database Backup System;
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (Columbia, Md)
August 1997 – November 1997
Oracle8 Database Administration /Unix Administration /(Government) Oracle Financials/HRMS Admin /Lawson Fin / (Government)
Peoplesoft Financials/HRMS
Responsible for the development and implementation of a support infrastructure for the client/server environment, as well the
development and implementation of the enterprise model, and backup and recovery infrastructure for the Oracle and Lawson
Financials environments.
Database, UNIX and application administration for both test and production environments. Implemented maintenance procedures for
monitoring and correcting performance problems as a proactive measure, continuously improving overall system performance.
I made recommendations that helped the client decide which GUI tools best fit there environment (UNIX, Oracle, Network) from a
support and monitoring standpoint. I also helped the client scale the hardware and software by running capacity planning exercises
within the environment to show growth potential and how to compensate.
Oracle8; Oracle7.3.2; Oracle Financials 10.7 & 10.8; Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM); RMAN (Oracle Backup-OBACK); HRMS;
PeopleSoft Financials/HRMS (Government) 6.0; People Tools; Lawson Financials; Sun Spark 1000E, ULTRA SPARK workstation,
running Sun Solaris 2.5 & 2.6; Windows NT 4.0; BMC PATROL DB Monitoring Tools; BMC SQL BackTracks; Legato Networker
Backup System;
Accu-Sort Systems, Inc. (Boston, MA)
Oracle8 Database Administration /Physical Database Design
June 1997 – September 1997
Database Administration of an Oracle database running in a AIX/RS6000 and Windows NT 4.0 configuration. Primary responsibility
was to implement the proper backup and recovery strategies for the Oracle database and the best way to configure and implement both
replication server and parallel server to meet system architecture specifications. The database is mission critical with 24 x 7 up time.
The database operated within a RAID 5 configuration on the RS6000/HACMP system. I performed database performance tuning and
moved the production database to the recommended Oracle OFA configuration. One of the primary goals was to set up the database as
a data repository and document the steps that the company would use in rolling out the Oracle database to over 100 additional sites. In
addition I was a primary resource for configuring and implementing the HACMP IMM RS/6000 failover technology for the purposes
of delivering 100% data availability to the user community.
I built the mechanisms that would allow for the propagation of database changes to all sites and maintain a minimum level of
performance across all sites. I reviewed and recommended tools that would help in all aspects from database monitoring to database
backups, including database diagnostics.
Setup up an Oracle8 environment for benchmarking application. The environment was setup so that the new functionality of Oracle8
could be tested with the application for bugs and problems before upgrading to Oracle8.0.
Craig Brown
Technical Profile
Oracle8 (Unix & NT); Oracle7.3.2; Designer 2000; Developer 2000; Discover 2000; Oracle Replication; Personal Oracle7;
AIX/RS6000; HACMP; Windows NT 4.0; BMC PATROL DB Monitoring Tools; BMC SQL BackTracks; Legato Networker Backup
SPRINT (Spectrum) PCS - Information Technology Division (Overland Park, KS)
October 1996 – June 1997
Oracle8(Betat) Database Administration / Mission Critical Application Support / Physical Design / 24x7 Production Support
Database Administration Support (24 x 7) of twelve Oracle database running in various HPUX and Windows NT 3.50, 3.51 and 4.0
configurations. Databases being supported varied by functionality (Data Warehousing Database, Oracle Financials Database (Mission
Critical - DSS Application), People Soft Financials (full product application suite), Lawson Financials (full application suite) several
Oracle databases populated by third party applications, two vendor databases that were populated by databases utilizing symetric
replication, and an Oracle Web Server database).
I was responsible for designing and implementing the enterprise wide backup and recovery model, for the “Production” databases.
This model was primarily made up of “Hot Backups” for 24x7 database availability requirements and the use of optical and magnetic
tape backup devices with the use of SQL*BackTracks and Legato Networker as the third party backup system manager.
Support consisted of backing up and managing the operations and stability of the Oracle environments. Sizing and physical design
review of the Oracle databases was one main responsibility as well as performance tunning and file system management (aiding SA’s).
Performed routine HOT; WARM; COLD; and Off-line backups and exports with the use of BMC Data tools SQL BackTracks
software. I also performed routine database monitoring and performance tuning checks with the use of various PATROL tools and
scheduled fail testing so that recovery strategies could be designed and implemented according to the individual database
environments. The strategies that I developed will become SPRINT standards in this area of database administration.
Installation of Oracle Web Server and other Oracle 7.3.3 database servers, as well as installing and Oracle Financials database and
environment. Remote installs and support of Production Databases. Provided production coverage while application migrations were
being performed that were data intensive while running PATROL monitoring tools that told the story of the database stability
and roll back segment sizing. Also had to manage the Web Server transactions that consisted of BLOBS (of online videos on demand stored directly in the database as a record)which made the average size record size of this database over 1.5 megs utilized by over 200
concurrent users. The database sizes ranged from very small (datafiles 100 averaging megabytes) to a very large data warehouse (20
Performance tuning projects across the production database took up most of the time during the support of the database. These efforts
in many cases led to database redesign projects and server reconfiguration, where I was either a lead on the project or an intrical part of
the project.
Oracle8(Beta); Oracle7.3.2; Oracle Financials 10.6; PeopleSoft Financials 5.1/6.0; People Tools 5.1; Lawson Financials; Oracle
Express; Oracle Web Server; Oracle Power Objects; Designer 2000; Developer 2000; Discover 2000; Oracle Replication; Personal
Oracle7; DEC Alpha; Digital UNIX (OSF/1); HP 9000; HPUNIX; Oracle Enterprise Manager (early editions)BMC PATROL DB
Monitoring Tools; BMC SQL BackTracks; Legato Networker Backup System;
AMP - North America (Harrisburg, PA)
Data Warehousing /Oracle Database Analysis /Legacy System Migration to Client Server
July 1996 - October 1996
Analysis of current mainframe system for migration into Data Warehouse via an Oracle 7.3.2 environment running on a DEC Alpha
Server. Upgrading systems from a monthly data feed into MVS/RAMIS system to a daily data feed into Oracle database. Flat files
come in from global companies (outside of US) via FTP, Floppy Disk, Replication, Dat Tape - in what ever form of data
communication the particular global company could support with technology available to them. Once transmitted the files (ranging in
size from 200 megabytes to 2 terabytes would then be scheduled for processing by MVS system. I took this system and performed the
analysis that would pave the way for a development team to grab these flat files out of the MVS system and into a client server
environment with control subsystems performing the data validations and data scrubbing and then automated data loading via parallel
load through SQL Loader. This analysis was demonstrated through entity relationship diagrams and data flow charts that I developed
via Designer/2000 and Erwin design tools. I performed analysis and developed entity relationship diagrams / data flow diagrams for
both a rule based and cost based data models.
Craig Brown
Technical Profile
The analysis I performed was in part for the business team to justify the move out of the MVS environment and into a client/server
environment. The analysis was also performed to show how the data that was currently being reported could include additional detail,
more flexible reporting (ad hoc reporting, standard reporting) utilizing either a rule based or cost base data model. The models also
demonstrated where data replications was feasible, web technology (web server), multi-tier technology, and other Oracle (RDBMS
based) functionality could be implemented, adding flexibility and scalability to the system processes without adding complexity.
The analysis I performed was fully documented and passed on to development teams that would generate the DDL and implement the
logical data models into physical layouts. I did not participate in the implementation phase of this project.
Oracle7 rel 7.3; Designer 2000; Developer 2000; Discover 2000; Oracle Replication; Personal Oracle7; Oracle Enterprise Manager
(OEM); Obackup (RMAN); MVS; MVS/Client DEC Alpha; Digital UNIX (OSF/1); HP 9000; HPUNIX;
Technology, Management & Analysis Corporation (Arlington, VA)
March 1996 - August 1996
Corporate Health Care Finance [STAT CALL] (client)
Oracle7 Workgroup Server for Windows NT Consultant
Installation of Oracle7 Workgroup Server for Windows NT onto a NT Server. After installation I setup and configured the Symmetric
Replication option of the Oracle7 Server and replicated tables across a T1 connection between the NT server and an DEC Alpha
Server. I created the database and tables that were being replicated to/from the NT and setup the listeners that communicate with the
DEC Alpha. Then I setup and configured the Symmetric Replication Server and documented the steps in order to keep the system up
and running.
Guilford Pharmaceuticals(Client)
Oracle7/Sun Solaris/Designer 2000/Developer 2000 Consultant
Review of Oracle7 and Sun Solaris environment. Recommended a database layout for a newly implemented RAID-5 backup system.
Recommendations also included methods and layout designs for maximum performance and scalability factors. I also performed
process flows for movement of Oracle7 software and the datafiles onto new disk, in reference to the newly implemented RAID-5/Disk
Array systems setup by Sun.
National Credit Card, Inc. (Client)
Oracle7/Designer 2000/Developer 2000 Consultant
Demonstration of Oracle Designer 2000 and Developer 2000 tool set. Demonstration of how to create and develop entity relationship
diagrams; create and develop functional hierarchy diagrams; just to name a well as demonstrations of all of the main functions
of each module under Designer 2000 and Developer 2000. I also performed evaluations and made recommendations on the SQL
scripts (Called by DEC batch jobs), stored procedures and database triggers the client is planning to implement in their production
ICF Kaiser (client)
Project Manager / Data Warehousing / Infrastructure Development / Oracle Data Modeller /
Oracle DBA /
[Project scope consist of migration from DB2, CICS, MVS system into Oracle7, HP UNIX/Digital UNIX, HP 9000/DEC Alpha
Full Project Life Cycle planning/management for conversion of DB2 database into a flexible Oracle7, object oriented, distributed,
database that will allow an environment with continually changing requirements to produce standard and Ad-Hoc complex (changing)
financial reports for top management. Utilizing the People Soft Financials and People Soft HR and People Tools aside the Oracle7
suite of tools (Developer 2000 / Designer 2000 / Discover 2000) and Personal Oracle7, a front end and back end system was designed,
developed, and implemented as a prototype, for review and testing by customer. Project team consisted of two developers, one
modeller and one DBA whom reported to me. I developed the pre-project plan tasks (Information Collection) and project plan
including the collection of business/systems/data requirements and end user specifications / requirements. This was being done
specifically for decision support data. People Soft applications would feed decision support systems reports with summary data.
Project would communicate with other business units in a distributed mode for the sharing and collecting of data for the purpose of
decision support.
Craig Brown
Technical Profile
From DB2, database and application requirements were collected and an Oracle7 data model was designed and developed (reverse
engineering performed on DB2 and logic moved into Oracle data model). Once the data model was complete the application models
were designed and developed. At this point the meta data and DB2 data were loaded into Oracle by way of a direct load. The data
flow between front end and back end was reviewed for accuracy and all new and/or changed requirements were applied to the model.
A complete model review was performed and then testing was performed (ran standard reports as well as ad-hoc reports as they need
might arise in production). The Oracle7 data model was integrated with a People Soft Human Resources and Financials application for
the purposes of collecting and sharing information for decision support. Data model was also integrated with an Oracle7 database
warehouse and internet web system also for decision support system via GUI applications run by end users for top management. The
data model followed object oriented methodologies; analysis; & design, along with the nature flow of a distributed system.
Oracle7 rel 7.3; Designer 2000; Developer 2000; Discover 2000; Oracle Replication; Personal Oracle7; DB2 rel 3; XDB; People Soft
HR; People Soft Financials; People Tools; SQR3 Work Bench; HP 9000; DEC Alpha; Digital UNIX (OSF/1); HP UNIX People Soft
HR v5; People Soft Financials v5; People Tools v5; Oracle Enterprise Manager (Early Edition); Obackup (RMAN);
Strayer College (Client)
Oracle/UNIX Consultant
Installation and configuration of full Oracle7 rel 7.2 product set in UNIX Sun Solaris rel 2.4 production environment. Installation
consisted of RDBMS software, Full Oracle Designer/Developer/Discover 2000 tool set and all SQL* Net connections to middleware,
x-terminal and personal Oracle7 connections to the database through TCP/IP IP addresses and SNA connections to mainframe.
Thoroughbred Racing Protective Bureau (client)
Client/Server Consultant
[Project scope consisted of evaluating current client/server front end and back end system and recommend improvements where
improvements were necessary and recommend changes where changes were necessary. Environment utilized HP 9000 Server and NT
Servers (Middleware) running Oracle Database software [Back end] with Visual Basic 4.0 and MS Access database and scanner fed
imaging system on the front end and clients.]
I evaluated the system and software setup and recommended ways of improving the system in several ways. I made recommendations
that would allow the client to improve network conditions for increased system performance and application performance; would allow
client to improve system front end applications and there interactions with the Oracle database; would allow client to exam internal
expertise and determine needs in this area. I also made recommendations for the back end environment for increasing data availability
and improving on the file system structure for optimal performance and support of applications and database software.
Unisys Corporation (off site project) (Dayton, OH)
Data Warehousing/ Infrastructure Development / Database Design - Application Development
March 1996 - October 1996
Conversion of small DB2/mainframe and MS Access databases used for collecting and reporting data on human resources activities
and related marketing data, into an Informix back end and MS SQL Server (middleware) solution with NT and Win95 front end
(client) environments. I designed the Informix 6.0 database, running on HP UNIX v10, that would receive the DB2 data and coded the
Visual Basic and C++ applications that would allow data sources on the mainframe to update this Informix database which would be
accessed by a small group of end users for reporting and building strategy for human resources purposes. MS SQL Server 6.0 running
on an NT Server would grab data that was collected from sources other than the mainframe and was integrated with a front end system
already in place that consisted of over 100 Visual Basic and Powerbuilder screens and windows (depending on the end users
The Informix database was designed to serve as a data warehouse for this data. It was also designed to take advantage of the Parallel
Query Option which is a technology that the company fully intends to utilize once the database reaches critical performance rates, or as
the number of data sources increases beyond the capability of maintaining company standards on performance and data availability.
The MS SQL Server database will update the Informix database with the data it collected from other sources outside of the mainframe
environment and will serve as the middle layer for queries and downloads of data specific to the applications run by the end users.
Also the applications are developed and maintained within this environment using SQL and transparent ODBC connections to
communicate from the Informix database.
Craig Brown
Technical Profile
The data warehouse now receives about 25,000 rows of new data on a daily basis and about 25,000 rows are updated daily as well.
This system will serve as the blue print for moving other applications and databases from the legacy systems environments into this
client/server architecture.
Informix 6.0; MS SQL Server 6.0; Visual Basic 4.0, Borland C++, Erwin 4.0, HP UNIX, Open
Windows(SAM), Exceed 4.0, TCP/IP. Hardware platform is a HP 9000(UNIX), RS/6000(NT) dual ported w/TCP/IP connection to
Novel LAN Network. I also utilized InfoBuilder, Powerbuilder 4.5 with dial up access to Mainframe - TSO, DB2, Pro COBOL, XDB
Databases, MVS / JCL functions.
Steelcase North America (Detroit, MI)
Oracle Database Administrator / DB2 Database Administrator /Infrastructure Development
January 1996 - April 1996
(Pilot Project)
Conversion of DB2, COBOL, PROCOBOL, CICS, MVS system into Oracle7, MVS-Client, People Soft Financials, Digital UNIX
(Alpha Server - OSF/1) environment. The MVS applications being converted numbered over 700 total (50 pilot) and these programs
were mainly responsible for order entry system, customer information, billing system and reports database. There were over 60 total
(15 pilot) vendor update programs being converted from MVS, as well as 30 total (10 pilot) RADICAL panels. I performed DB2 to
Oracle database migration utilizing oracle standard migration rules improvising in those areas where DB2 applications had special
external calls to the database. Oracle database was normalized then denormalized where application requirements called for it. With
use of desktop DBA and MVS client I was able to successfully perform DBA task while undergoing the conversion effort.
Database consisted of 128 tables with an average size of 4 gigabyte. Database conversion was first step in a redesign project for the
entire DB2 system. Project focused on all issues that would allow for a DB2 elimination within IS. Also setting up database so that
People Soft applications would receive data feeds from Oracle once DB2 data was loaded for end of month reporting and DSS feeds.
I was responsible for documenting the differences between DB2 and Oracle from a functional and a logical standpoint, as it applied to
the application requirements on MVS. Tools selection for client server interface on Digital UNIX platform on DEC Alpha Servers
and Pentium client under windows and NT. Redefine referential integrity according to application requirement and DB2 / Oracle
differences. Redefine batch process restart and delete rule violation messages. Finally migrate data into oracle with use of SQL
Loader direct load method with some BC copy loading by application.
Long Island Lighting Company (Long Island, NY)
January 1996- March 1996
Data Repository Development Data Warehousing/ Database Administrator / Infrastructure Development
/ Database Design - Design Validation
Review and validate Oracle 7.1.3 Data warehouse database designs from logical design to physical models (Erwin Designer -DDL
development). Setup multiple oracle instances on Windows NT and HP 9000 servers for multiple data feeds to data warehouse.
Oracle Data repository design and implementation with data replication through transparent gateways across multiple network
connections. Data and Meta Data was replicated into other Oracle instances and also into Personal Oracle7, MS Access and Oracle
databases running on NT, HP and AIX platforms.
Working with applications group, I also help setup GUI interfaces with database applications. Utilizing Visual Basic 3 and Visual
Basic 4 code, I setup all communications via ODBC,SQL Net and TCI/IP between Oracle and the end user applications. Environment
was a three tier setup with HP Unix as the baseline operating system and Windows NT as the middleware for the legacy systems and
applications and the GUI front end.
DB2 database design review in retrospect of the Oracle applications. In addition, I performed DB2 data conversions into Oracle and
mainframe application conversions into Oracle, Windows NT, HP UNIX and Visual Basic 4.0 environments. I performed straight data
conversions and data extracts from DB2 into Oracle databases. Oracle database designs were conformed by the DB2 applications and
the business rules as they applied to the data requirements of the applications on the legacy systems being converted.
Oracle 7.1.3, PL\SQL 2.0, SQL PLUS 3.1, Forms 4.5, Oracle CDE Tools (Oracle Procedure Builder, Oracle Browser, Oracle Data
Query, Oracle Report Writer...) Designer 2000, Oracle Enterprise Manager (Early Edition); Obackup (RMAN); Erwin 4.0, HP UNIX,
Open Windows(SAM), Exceed 4.0, TCP/IP. Hardware platform is a HP 9000(UNIX), RS/6000(NT) dual ported w/TCP/IP
connection to Novel LAN Network. I also utilized InfoBuilder, Oracle CASE designer, Oracle Data Dictionary rel 5.x, SQR, ADW
database designer, DB2, AIX UNIX and VSAM.
Craig Brown
Technical Profile
Database Administrator / Infrastructure Development / Internet (Netscape)
October 1995 - January 1996
Administration of Oracle 7.1.6 database running on Sun Sparc 1000 servers under Sun Solaris 2.4 and SAM / Open Windows for Sun.
Installed Oracle Software to work on top of a Netscape transaction server behind a fire wall. Oracle database would serve as a data
repository and only be accesses in one direction. Fire wall kept database invisible to web browsers and company personnel. I also
installed a Netscape Transaction Server, Commerce Server, Content Server and Publisher Server. These servers served as the visible
back end of the system, while the Oracle Server served as the most sensitive piece of the back end process. The front end server was a
Netscape Content Server with multiple domains defined with the Wide World Web browser installed for local and remote access.
Setup all Oracle environmental parameters and all Oracle network protocols (SQL Net v 1 and 2) to work with Netscape Transaction
Server directly and the entire Netscape environment through telnet or Exceed x-sessions indirectly. Sun Solaris 2.4 and Open
Windows served as the UNIX environment along with Windows 95 and Netscape as the front end of this system.
Oracle 7.1.6, PL\SQL 2.0, SQL PLUS 3.1, Forms 4.5, Oracle CDE Tools (Oracle Procedure Builder, Oracle Browser, Oracle Data
Query, Oracle Report Writer...) SUN Solaris 2.4, Open Windows, Exceed 4.0, TCP/IP. Hardware platform is a 2 (2 Sun Sparc 1000)
dual ported w/TCP/IP connection to Novel LAN and Internet Connected Network. System ran under a RAID level 5 architecture.
Cigna Insurance (Philadelphia, PA)
Database Administrator / Project Leader / Infrastructure Development
September 1995 - December 1995
Administration of SQL Server database running on Compaq servers. Windows NT / NTAS Server support and migration efforts. Data
Modeling and Application design review. Applications being developed offsite by third party organization. I was liaison between
third party company and Cigna. As applications and database models were submitted for implementation, I verified that the
applications and data models met original specifications and that application executables were in working order. Using Power Builder
4.0.3 and ERWIN for Power Builder 2.1, I was able to review the front end applications and map the screen paints to the logical and
physical data model. Once the mapping was completed I could then apply the correct tables associated to the screen paints and
windows associated with the data called by that screen or window.
I developed and fully documented infrastructure for the process of managing the architecture and application change request made by
Cigna management and end users, as well as those request made by the third party organization. Utilizing an Access database, each
record produced maintained information about a process or an outstanding issue that either or both sides needed to address. This
database is accessed and updated through a remote connection by LAN or modem.
Educational Testing Service (Princton, NJ)
May 1995 - October 1995
Database Administrator / Database Support / Infrastructure Development - Application Bench Marking
Administration of Oracle databases running on Compaq servers. Oracle / SCO UNIX installation, support and migration efforts.
Database management and documentation. Evaluation of monitoring tools (Platinum, BMC), X Session software (eXceed 4.0),
SQL*Net v2 (upgrading from v1) and Oracle 7.1.6 (upgrading from 7.0.13). Daily changes to database physical structure; table
creations and alterations. Index and trigger development and refinement. Handled end user request for reports and application submit
jobs. System (environment {SCO UNIX}) management, allocating memory and physical disk space to Oracle applications. Also
responsible for documenting all ongoing process and all migration / upgrade efforts. Performance tuning, physical design review,
physical design changes and documentation of system problems.
Also responsible for Forms 3.0 to 4.5 migration. Document procedures that would be the basis of a DB2/AIX movement to
Oracle7/SCO UNIX. Document current database performance level and recommend ways to improve performance. Document current
SCO UNIX environment and Oracle 7 environment and recommend ways of improving these environments (what ever can be done to
improve the over all system).
Oracle 7, PL\SQL 2.0, SQL PLUS 3.1, Forms 4.5, Oracle CDE Tools (Oracle Procedure Builder, Oracle Browser, Oracle Data Query,
Oracle Report Writer...) Oracle Enterprise Manager (Early Edition); Obackup (RMAN); Windows AS/NT, MS SQL Server, MS
Access, MS Excel 5.0, Exceed 4.0, TCP/IP, . Hardware platform is a Compaq Pentium w/TCP/IP connection to Banyan Vines LAN
and Internet.
Craig Brown
Technical Profile
DuPont – Polymers Product Division (Wilmington, DE)
Systems Analyst
June 1989 - August 1995
Designed, implemented and supported database applications on DEC VAX and IBM systems. Performed database performance tuning
and application updating functions as administrator (DBA). Database was used by field sales representatives and inventory control
tracking. Database was accessible by remote communications and inter office work stations. System allowed field representatives to
communicate sales information and receive updated sales orders and order cancellations, also updating the customers profiles. These
communications with the database allows the inventory system to automatically adjust itself to each order so that customers would
receive orders, as soon as possible. The databases, in reference, interacted with all departments allowing for company wide order
processing and system updating. This enabled the system to generate reports for costing, ordering, re-supplying, delivery and pending
order purposes. The development of an inventory tracking system was necessary to provide managers with the cost and asset value
information, associated with the inventory on hand. This system was developed in a CMS environment using focus ver. 5/6 on an IBM
This tracking system would connect the dollar values of the inventory, found on the books with the current value of that inventory.
This information was downloaded onto CMS system from financial application run on the AS/400 platform. Both the DEC system and
the AS/400 system shared information and generated reports.
Bell South Telecommunications (Philadelphia, PA)
February 1995 - May 1995
Database Administrator / Database Support / Infrastructure Development - RDBMS Bench Marking
Development of RDBMS systems methodologies for all processes. This includes the backup and recovery process, database problem
resolution procedures and processes, database monitoring process, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Ingress and XDB installation and
upgrade process, development of new application checklist (conformity of when and how new RDBMS applications move into
production from testing), interfaces with DB2 / mainframe system and UNIX environment (creating open communications between
both DB2 and RDBMS systems). I was responsible for the identification, database administration and support of all Sybase systems
(35) throughout the services division. I developed the infrastructure so that all Sybase systems could be supported and administered
with a single set of procedures. Included in this infrastructure were the organizations Oracle, Ingress, Informix, DB2 and XDB
database management systems. With this newly developed infrastructure the organization can better control the entire RDBMS
community company wide, which consist of approximately 7500 end users.
Performed bench marking running Oracle 7.0, Sybase Sys. 10 and Informix on the same hardware platform, constantly bombarding the
database with realistic end user request. Results provided information on the limitations of each RDBMS and this information was
provided to internal customers under going the selection process for their environments.
Sybase SQL Server 5.0, Replication Server, SA Companion, OMNI SQL Server, Open Client, SQR, isql, Sybase Server Manager (for
Windows), Sun OS, UNIX, AIX, OS2, Windows AS/NT, MS SQL Server, MS Access, MS Excel 5.0, ChameleonNFS, Exceed 4.0,
Pro COMM Plus, Extra, . Hardware platform is a HP / Sun Server w/TCP/IP connection to Novel Lan to PC running Windows NT.
S.A.I.C. Corporation (New York, NY)
Sybase Database Support / Replication Server Installation / Net Gateway Installation
December 1994 - February 1995
Installation of Sybase Replication Server and Sybase Net Gateway with Open Client. Installation planning and preliminary setup of
Sybase system that utilized OMNI SQL Gateway connecting Sybase to a DB2 / CICS on-line mainframe system. Planning also
involved hot backup and recovery strategies where the system utilized a RAID level 3. The information being accessed belonged to
the SEC and NSCC where data security, integrity, recovery (PIT), availability and distribution were the main concerns (in that order).
Replication Server and Net Gateway were added to create an open communication between the DB2 / CICS mainframe environments
and the Sybase / Sun Sparc Station Server. The replication server technology is also a major part of the backup and recovery strategies
and data security enhancements.
Computer Sciences Corporation (Mount Laurel, NJ)
Oracle Database Modeller / Physical Database Designer / Oracle Database Administrator
July 1994 - December 1994
Document current database physicalization processes recommending improvements in the areas of performance, integration,
conversions (previous builds) system administration and system management. Evaluate “Entity Relationship” Review process and
recommend improvements in areas of performance, scheduled deadlines and if deadlines are being met (if not why?...what needs to be
done to meet them in the future?) Liaison between systems engineering and database engineering. This places me in a position to
Craig Brown
Technical Profile
intercept database DDL and physical models, sent from systems engineering and database engineering simultaneously to the database
development group. I verify the strength of the physical model and the associated DDL, SQL and C++ applications, prior to the
development groups involvement.
I also perform physicalization process functions, generating DDL, supporting the DBA’s in correcting the problems that occur after the
new DDL is applied to the database and assisting the data modeller’s (systems engineering) with incorporating the DDL changes and
database corrections to the logical database model.
Oracle v7, Oracle CASE v5.1, Oracle Design CASE, Oracle Data Dictionary v5, Forms v4, Oracle Report Writer are the software
systems utilized for this project. Database requirements were that of the Department of Defense. Database and systems specifications
were that of the Department of Defense. Hardware platform is a DEC VAX 7620 cluster to a DEC VAX 7610 Alpha Upgraded.
Competitive Media (West Chester, PA)
Database Architect
January 1994 - July 1994
Database Architect responsible for the logical, physical design of Sybase System 10 database, client/server system. This design
incorporated the OMAN-SQL gateways, Replication Server, Gain Momentum, SQL Server, and the Sybase front end toolset. This
database system maintains a table space of 350 gigabytes of data, with over 300 tables and over 100,000 records. This database is now
a real-time system performing daily updates to its primary data server, networked to a Windows NT- SQL Server platform. This
platform utilized several MS Access databases that interfaced with Sybase through gateways tied together by server systems.
I was also responsible for the development of a custom reporting system that was based from the database system described here. This
database was housed on a DEC VAX (7620) with a DEC Alpha workstation (OSF/1) as the file server. With PC’s, Macintosh’s and
Alpha Machines as the clients also connected to other host platforms via OMINS 7 and TCP/IP based WAN, I developed the reliable
client /server environment. Power -Builder and ObjectView were the front end GUI tools used for various aspects of the front end
environment, to compensate for what the Sybase toolset couldn’t handle. I designed the Windows NT - SQL Server interface with the
Sybase system and developed several applications that would move the data in both directions to the replicated data server.
AT&T (Bedminster, NJ)
Database Support / Application Support / Affiliate Channel Support.
January 1992 - January 1994
Project managed the implementation of both mission critical and non-mission critical C, C++, Visual Basic and Visual C applications.
Applications were implemented on System 7000 and 3550 hardware platforms and developed C transaction processing functions.
Supported System 7000 hardware and mission critical applications responsible for transaction processing and customer invoicing.
Performed world wide systems evaluation, reporting hardware/software efficiency using company standard scales and rating system.
Designed and implemented automated transaction and processing procedures using the distributed object-oriented data systems design
techniques, normalization and redesign engineering.
Project managed both mission critical and non-mission critical applications on System 7000, DEC VAX, Sun Workstations, Sun
Solaris and IBM platforms. Data modeling, database administration and database redesign duties were also performed on the Oracle,
DB2, Sybase, CMS and Paradox database systems platforms, on the various hardware referenced. I also designed the methodology,
planned and implemented the AT&T Affiliate customers migration onto System 7000 platforms.
Bell of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA)
Database Analyst / Database Administrator / Paradox Database Support
(Company Name change)
Bell Atlantic
Systems Manager / Database Manager / Project Manager
March 1987 - June 1989
nSeptember 1990 - January 1992
Developed major inventory control systems, designed to operate on seven separate systems platforms. The applications involved
would cross reference the appropriate platform, depending on the process being run. The system would automatically update inventory
information with the information provided from the outside vendors hired to perform on-site counting. Reports could be generated on
any of the platforms, regardless of the platforms systems functions and responsibilities. This system also communicates with the
organizations accounting system, Oracle Financials, automatically updating the departments inventory changes as they become
authorized changes on the system. These updates to the Oracle Financials systems were performed for purposes of audits, effecting the
General Ledger, . Each separate system automatically communicates with one another so that the system is completely updated. The
Craig Brown
Technical Profile
updates are done on a timed schedule of intervals, unless otherwise instructed. In addition to designing and developing the inventory
control system applications (7 total systems), systems performance testing and database administration functions were also performed.
As project leader for the development of an Oracle Database / DEC VAX migration project, I maintained and supported over seven
different database and systems platforms. Among these platforms were the following:
Sun Sparc Workstation
PC Workstations
Sun Solaris
running RPG II & III
running CICS & Micro Focus
running Informix
running Paradox & CMS
running Oracle
running Sybase
running Oracle
running Ingres
running DB2
IBM Op/Sys.
IBM Op/Sys.
UNIX Op/Sys.
IBM Op/Sys.
VMS Op/Sys.
O/VMS Op/Sys.
IBM Op/Sys.
UNIX Op/Sys.
IBM Op/Sys.
The migration from the seven separate systems onto the Oracle/DEC VAX platform involved a heavy amount of data conversion. Due
to the fact that several of the systems were running real time software the system had to be managed during the conversion efforts. Of
the systems the Informix, DB2 and Ingres systems fit this profile. I became, in essence, the DBA of these systems while data
conversion took place. Once the data and the applications using this data were moved onto the new system platform I no longer had to
maintain the active database systems. As the DBA for these systems I performed a variety of applications upgrades and database
performance tuning, in addition, I was responsible for monitoring the database for Indexing and Query problems. The applications
running off of these systems were mission critical, by nature, and required an enormous amount of testing prior to implementation.
The most important responsibility, as far as these systems are concerned, were the maintaining of the data integrity and data recovery
strategies until the migration to Oracle was completed.
Developed software applications, to work with Paradox, DB2 and Focus database systems, used to automate major functions within
inventory control division, of engineering department. Applications were developed for office management and non-management
personnel, using COBOL, FORTRAN, and C development tools. The mainframe application SPF was utilized as the main instrument
for editing. Management interacted with applications primarily to update inventory information, retrieving or adding, inventory items
to updated list. List was forwarded to accounting so that adjustments could be made to accounting work sheets. This data resided on
the DB2, Paradox and Informix database platforms, for which I was responsible for the administration (less than 1000 users each), and
data conversions to the PC based focus and paradox database systems. Non-management interacted with the systems applications
primarily to process the information communicated into the system through outside sales representatives and vendors hired to do onsite inventory counts. This information is then transmitted to the on-line system allowing the applications to automatically
change/update the old inventory information, which resided on an AS/400 running RPGII and DB2. These applications were stand
alone by nature linking to the database system that stored the data needed for the run, as requested by the end user. Applications were
run as batch processes after hours. The applications would receive and send information from the database as it was needed or
requested respectfully. The applications cut down the databases indexing and queries saving time and cost. Inventory codes and cost
associations were received, automatically from the database, when changes were made to the database in these areas. System was a
CICS / COBOL / Mainframe / AS/400 running RPG and DB2 - Paradox, Focus and Informix.