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Test 2 Study Guide: Chapter 6 and 7
The test is 50 minutes and consists of 10 computational questions and 5 multiple-choice
Bring the fold-out card from the book (do not write on it!). You may also bring a calculator if
you wish. No other resources allowed.
You can use StatCrunch on the test (be sure to familiarize yourself with it)
As usual, have your cell phone off during the test.
Sections covered on test
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
6.2 The Standard Normal Distribution
7.2 Estimating a Population Proportion
6.3 Applications of Normal Distributions
7.3 Estimating a Population Mean: σ known
6.4 Sampling Distributions and Estimators
7.4 Estimating a Population Mean: σ unknown
6.5 The Central Limit Theorem
7.5 Estimating a Population Variance
Concepts you should know:
The relation between the probability and the area under the density curve
The meaning of the standard normal distribution
The meaning of the Central Limit Theorem
Conditions for using the Central Limit Theorem
The meaning of the term point estimate
The interpretation of a confidence interval
The meaning of confidence level or degree of confidence
The meaning of the term margin of error
The meaning of the term critical value
10. How the t-distribution is different from the z-distribution
11. How do you compute the number of degrees of freedom for a sample?
12. What are the properties of the chi-square distribution?
13. The conditions needed to compute each confidence interval (proportion, mean, s.d.)
Practice problems for computational questions:
Use the Standard Normal Distribution to determine probabilities related to selecting a single member
from a normal population.
(See problems 13-15 on page 272 and problem 21 on page 273)
Use the Central Limit Theorem to determine probabilities related to selecting a sample from a
(See problems 13-14 on page 297)
Find the confidence interval for a population proportion.
(See textbook problems 32-34 on page 341.) Formula 7-1
Find the minimum sample size required to estimate a population proportion.
(See textbook problems 41-42 on page 343.) Formula 7-2, 7-3
Find the confidence interval for a population mean when the standard deviation of the population is
(See textbook problems 25 and 27 on page 353.) Formula on pg 346
Find the minimum sample size required to estimate a population mean when the standard deviation
of the population is known.
(See textbook problems 32 and 34 on page 354.) Formula 7-4
Find the confidence interval for a population mean when the standard deviation of the population is
not known.
(See textbook problems 19 and 28 on pages 367 and 368.) pg 357
Find the confidence interval for a population standard deviation.
(See textbook problems 18 and 22 on pages 378 and 379.) Formula pg 374