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Synthesis of the Workshop
Group 1
Thursday 14th October
Lycée Louis VICAT, Souillac,
Deal : writing of an European
vocational training curriculum
to the job of EPD diagnostician…
Head : Jean-Yvon CABIOCH
Director of studies CAFOC, Rectorat, Toulouse
Email adress : [email protected]
Members :
Jean-Yvon Cabioch, FR
Philippe Bazzoli, Gabriel David, CAPEB, FR
Ivo Van Der Bulck, Elsen Jurgen, BE
Radostina Petrova, BG
Juha Solkio, FI
Nathalie Lavaurs, Gilles Fontange, FR
Marie-Christine Osmont, FR
Hélène, Leslie, Jean-Philippe Marquié, FR…
• Main field : collective housing or individual
(flat or house)
• Trainings context : University, technical
High school, Lycée, Apprenticeship center,
• Initial training
• Continuing training
• For engineers, architects, entrepreneurs,
diagnosticians, craftmen, …
• Stakes shared …
The heart of this workshop
The heart of the job
We want to train
To USE an infrared camera in EPD tests
To interpret results
To advise customer …
Common base
Certification = subsidiarity
• Technical approach
• Global diagnosis approach :
- Vigilance points, construction pathology
(method, check list = job postures),
experience accelerator
- Bioclimatic architecture (summer/winter
- Old built (traditional), recent built
Knowledges + skills  situations and
evaluations (differents in each country)
Please, would you ameliorate this
presentation for the next seminar in
Belgium (January, week 3) ?
You can communicate with Jean-Yvon and
with all the members of the diffusion list.
Thanks in advance. Best regards.
PS : We want a vocational training
curriculum for January.
In France, a normal citizen can
rent an infrared camera for 93
€ a day (see
So this training will be also for
him ?