Download transition arrangements - St Monica`s Catholic Primary School

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Sharing the Good News along the Path to Achievement
The transition of children to and from our school is very important in order that their learning is as
uninterrupted as possible, that they quickly settle in to school and that the teaching activities
offered to them are as appropriately matched to their ability as possible. The addition of our Preschool has facilitated improved transition for younger children as they are naturally integrated into
the life of the school on a daily basis.
New Intake: We offer a number of activities for the parents and children entering our Reception
Class each year. On receipt of the names of children who have accepted places, we:
Contact parents to invite them into a meeting during which all practical arrangements are
shared. This is usually held during the first part of the Summer Term.
Visit children in their nursery settings – we will contact the nurseries directly and make an
arrangement to visit. The respective nurseries will inform parents of the planned date of a
visit. If a child isn’t attending a nursery, we will arrange a home visit.
Invite the children to visit St Monica’s during the second half of the Summer Term. Children
will receive a formal invitation in the post.
Invite parents to read the School’s Weekly Newsletters on our website or send them to
parents during the second half of the Summer Term in order to provide information about
the life of our school
Invite parents and children to attend Summer Term events e.g. Sports and Gala Day
Phased entry in September i.e. children start with half days for two weeks. During the first
week the new intake children will attend either a morning session or afternoon session. The
following week they swap around and also either stay for lunch (if they have attended in the
morning) or arrive for lunch (if they are staying for the afternoon session). The drop off and
collection time during this week is 12.30pm. On the third week all children come to school
full time.
Early Parent Meetings in the Autumn Term
PTA New Parents Coffee Morning
Practical Workshop for parents of Reception children on the Foundation Stage Curriculum
Ref: Policies/schoolprospectus 2013.2014
Sharing the Good News along the Path to Achievement
Secondary Transfer
We enjoy close relations with our Partner High School, Cardinal Newman Catholic High, and the
transition arrangements for the children ensure a smooth transition to this next phase of their
education. We also have links with Bridgewater High school as a local community school that
some of our children transfer to. Transition activities involve taster days, invitations to events at the
high school and regular teaching in our school by High School staff. Meetings between staff are
scheduled to discuss pupils and transfer of records. Similar arrangements are in place for children
transferring to other high schools although the teaching links are not as developed.
In year transition in to all classes
From time to time children transfer into different classes in school, sometimes due to relocation
and sometimes because parents choose a different education provision for a variety of reasons.
Children making this sort of transition into our school are also offered transition visits in order to
meet their new class and familiarise themselves with the school before they start. These visits are
arranged with the Headteacher at the time of application. Parents should speak to the school
regarding the process for in-year admissions.
Ref: Policies/schoolprospectus 2013.2014