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SGUL/LSHTM MRC London Intercollegiate Doctoral Training Partnership – 2017/18 Additional Studentships – Potential PhD Projects
Title of PhD project
Immunology, molecular biology and control of
flaviviruses (Dengue and Zika)
Dr Julius Hafalla
Professor Martin Hibberd
Brief description of project
Dengue and Zika viruses are both flaviviruses that are
transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and thus can
experience synchronized epidemiology. While dengue
continues to be a major burden on health services in The
Philippines, with approximately 200,000 suspect cases of
dengue per year, there is very little data on Zika infections. The
goal of this project is increase our understanding of dengue
and Zika infections in The Philippines using advanced
immunological testing methodologies and genomic viral
sequencing. When combined with epidemiological data, the
project aims to identify ‘hotspots’ of where viral transmissions
are occurring such that targeted control strategies may be
designed and implemented.
Particular prior educational
requirements for a student
undertaking this project
Skills we expect a student
to develop/acquire whilst
pursuing this project
Bioinformatics, viral genetics, statistical and population
genetics, serology, immunology, molecular biology,