Download Installing Eclipse

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Installing Eclipse
Please read this section in its entirety before installing Eclipse.
Although you can use Eclipse in the campus workstation lab, we highly recommend
that you install the Eclipse environment on your own computer. The Eclipse installation
process has two steps:
 Install Java 7.0 SDK (Java SE 7u25 as of Aug 2013).
 Install Eclipse 4.3 (Kepler).
Below we describe the installation process for Windows and for Mac OS X. If you
have a different system (e.g., Linux) see Software Sources below. Feel free to skip the
section that does not apply to your system.
for Windows
Install Java 7.0.
Note: If you have previous versions of Java already installed, you might want to
uninstall them.
 For 64-bit machines download jdk-7u25-windows-x64.exe (Windows
For 32-bit machines download jdk-7u25-windows-i586.exe (Windows
Double-click on the downloaded file and follow the installation instructions. You do not
need to register the JDK.
Install Eclipse 4.3
 For 64-bit machines download
For 32-bit machines download
Note: If you have problems unzipping the file try 7-zip.
Once you have unzipped the file, you will see a new folder in which you will find the
Eclipse application (a big blue dot). We recommend that you create a shortcut for it on
the desktop to simplify the launching of Eclipse.
Note: Unlike Java, Eclipse does not have an installation process. Once you have
unzipped the file, you are done.
 Notice that the .zip files provided above already include the CS plugin
used for project submission.
 If you have an Eclipse workspace that was using Java 6 you may have
problems using Java 7; Just create a new workspace.
for OS X
Install Java 7.0
 Note: To install Java 7.0 you need to have Mac Lion or above. You can find the
operating system version on a Mac by opening "About this Mac" from the system
menu. You can verify the Java version you have by opening a command window and
executing java -version. If you have the Snow Leopard operating system (Mac OS X,
version 10.6) you have Java 6 by default. If you are not planning on updating to Mac
Lion (or above) or just want to use Java 6, skip this step and continue with the
"Install Eclipse 4.3" step below. Note: Although not necessary, we recommend you
update your OS to Mac Lion or above, if possible.
Download the file jdk-7u25-macosx-x64.dmg.
Double-click on the downloaded file and follow the installation instructions. You do not
need to register the JDK.
Note: If you already have Eclipse installed, create a new Eclipse workspace so
the latest Java release is recognized.
Install Eclipse 4.3
Most Macs are Intel 64-bit machines, so the software you need is
Once you have unzipped the file, you will see a folder where you will find the Eclipse
application (a big blue dot). We recommend you create a shortcut (alias) on the desktop
to simplify the launching of Eclipse. If you have a Mac that is not an Intel 64-bit
from If you run into any issues, contact your instructor.
IMPORTANT: For those using Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.8). When you launch
Eclipse the first time, you may see the message "Eclipse can't be opened because it is
from an unidentified developer". To launch Eclipse the first time, press the control key,
click on the Eclipse icon, and select Open.
for USB drive
You can put Eclipse and Java on a USB drive, and run Eclipse from a PC with a
USB port. Keep in mind that it can be slow to access Eclipse in this way.
Copy the Eclipse folder to the USB drive.
Copy the Java JDK from your PC to the USB drive. You will find the JDK under
C:\Program Files\Java. Usually, it is named jdk1.7.0_##, where ## is a
two-digit value (e.g., C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25).
Define the workspace on the USB drive as follows:
 Launch Eclipse.
 In the “Select a workspace” dialog, use the “Browse...” option to
select the USB drive.
 Provide a folder name and select OK.
Bring up Eclipse and define the JRE present on the drive as the one to use for projects.
To define the JRE in Eclipse, select Window → Preferences → Java → Installed JREs →
for Linux
 Install Eclipse from the main Eclipse site (see Software Sources below).
Some linux distributions (e.g., Ubuntu) have a package for Eclipse available via their
software installation tool, but unless it's version 4.3, it would be better to install version
4.3 (the newest) directly from the Eclipse site as mentioned here.
Color themes
Note: You don’t need to install this plugin. It is just for fun, or in case you want
to change the default color scheme.
 From the menu, select Help → Install New Software and select "Add..."
Enter the following information:
o Name: Eclipse Color Theme Update Site
o Location:
 Select "Eclipse Color Theme".
 Select Next.
 Select "Eclipse Color Theme".
 Accept Terms.
 Restart Eclipse.
 Go to Window → Preferences → General → Appearance → Color Theme and
make your desired changes.
Software sources
 Eclipse download site:
 Java