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Quantum Consciousness
Week 13
What is “quantum”…?
Penrose & Hameroff’s view
• Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR) model
• Micro-tubules in neurons could have quantum effects on neuronal
behavior, thus allowing the brain to behave as a quantum computer
Deepak Chopra’s views
• "consciousness is nonlocal" and consciousness is "a field, a
superposition of possibilities.“
Could it be…
• I don't understand consciousness.
• I don't understand quantum physics.
• Therefore, consciousness must be a function of quantum physics!
Two questions
• Why is “quantum xxx” appealing?
• Why is “xxx consciousness” appealing?
• Roots in Freud?
Sublimation (Dov Cohen)
Transference (Susan Anderson)
UTT (Dijksterhuis)
Oedipal complex (Fraley)
Take home messages
• Just because you don’t understand a concept doesn’t make the
concept true.
• Pluralistic ignorance
• A situation in which a majority of group members privately reject a norm, but incorrectly
assume that most others accept it, and therefore go along with it. This is also described
as "no one believes, but everyone thinks that everyone believes."
• Just because you don’t understand a concept doesn’t make the
concept false.