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Baked potatoes with mince
Kids tend to love baked potatoes, so make this
filling, low-cost meal and serve it often!
Serves: 4 adults
Preparation time: 15 mins
Cooking time: 1 hr 0 mins
4 baking potatoes scrubbed clean
250g extra lean minced beef
1 small onion finely chopped
1 garlic clove crushed
1 handful mushrooms (cup or button) finely chopped
100ml reduced salt vegetable or chicken stock
1 tbsp tomato puree
1 handful lettuce leaves shredded
1 medium red onion sliced
1 handful cherry tomatoes
What to do:
1. Preheat the oven to 200°C, fan 180°C, gas mark 6.
2. Prick potatoes with a fork before baking for 1 hour, or until tender.
3. Meanwhile, heat a large saucepan and add the mince, a handful at a time, cooking it until browned.
4. Add the onion and garlic, cook for 1 minute, then add the mushrooms, stock and tomato puree. Stir well
until hot, then simmer, part-covered, for 20-25 minutes.
5. To serve, split the baked potatoes open and divide the filling between them. Serve with some watercress
or lettuce, sliced red onion and cherry tomatoes on the side.
Tip 1: Another time, use minced pork or turkey instead of beef.
This recipe has been taken from the Change4Life 'Supermeals for under a fiver' cookbook
Nutritional information:
Per adult portion (i.e. ¼ recipe)
1304kJ / 312 kcals
20g protein
6.5g fat, of which 3g saturates
47g carbohydrate, of which 3g sugars
4g dietary fibre
87mg sodium
0.2g salt