Download It was first isolated by A.J. Balard in 1826 from the salts in the waters

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It was first isolated by A.J. Balard in 1826 from the salts in the waters of the Mediterranean.
Bromine does not occur in nature in the uncombined condition, but in combination with various
metals is widely distributed.
Atomic number
Atomic mass
3.1 at 20°C
Melting point
- 7.2 °C
Boiling point
58.8 °C
Van Der Waals radius
0.165 nm
Ionic radius
0.195 nm (-1)
Electronic shell
[ Ar ] 3d10 4s2 4p5
Energy of 1st ionisation
1142.7 kJ.mol -1
Standard potential
1.08 V
reddish brown color
Oxidation States:
+5, +1, -1
Isotopes: Bromine has 26 isotopes whose half-lives are known, with mass numbers 68 to 94.
Of these, only two are stable: 79Br and 81Br.
Current uses
Silver bromide (AgBr), used in photograph accounts for the largest use of bromine. Other
bromine compounds are used in fumigants, in flameproofing and to purify water.
Bromine compounds have been used since ancient times.-Tyrian purple, an expensive purple
dye known to ancient civilizations, was produced from an organic bromine compound secreted
from a sea mussel known as the murex.
Ethylene dibromide(C2H4Br2), was added to leaded gasoline to prevented the accumulation
of lead within an engine.
It really likes to react with aluminum
Harmful effects:
Bromine is poisonous and causes skin burns.
Pure bromine is diatomic
Bromine is a sanitizer and disinfectant it contains a catalyst that oxidizes water. Bromine will kill
all bacteria, living organisms, and other contaminates that are found in water.