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Development Control Committee
Meeting to be held on 31 October 2007
Part I - Item No. 3
Electoral Division affected:
Poulton le Fylde
Wyre Borough: Application No. 02/07/0967
Construction of a new control building, substation, access road and security
fencing at Holts Lane, Poulton le Fylde.
Contact for further information:
Philip Mather, 01772 531942, Environment Directorate
Executive Summary
Application - Construction of a new control building, substation, access road and
security fencing at Holts Lane, Poulton le Fylde.
Recommendation – Summary
That planning permission be granted subject to conditions controlling time limits,
working programme, landscaping, highway matters and building materials.
Applicant’s Proposal
The application is for the construction of a new control building, substation, access
road and security fencing associated with improvements to waste water
The control building would measure 7.5 metres x 3 metres x 4 metres high and the
substation would be 3.75 metres x 4.2 metres x 4 metres high. Both buildings would
be constructed in brick. The 1.8 metre high security fencing would extend for 200
metres around the perimeter of the site. A stone access road would lead from the
compound to Holts Lane, where telescopic, lockable bollards would prevent
unauthorised vehicle access.
Description and Location of Site
The site is to the south of Brockholes Crescent and Holts Lane, residential streets on
the outskirts of Poulton le Fylde. The site is an overgrown former playground area
surrounded by open fields to the south, east and west, and by the residential
properties of Brockholes Crescent and Holts Lane to the north. Beyond the field to
the east is the Preston to Blackpool Railway line, beyond which is the Poulton
Business Park. The nearest residential property is on Brockholes Crescent,
approximately 20m from the boundary of the site.
A footpath runs along the proposed access to the site.
There is no relevant planning history at this site.
Planning Policy
Joint Lancashire Structure Plan
Policy 1 – General Policy
Policy 28 – Waste Management Facilities
Lancashire Minerals and Waste Local Plan
Policy 2 – Quality of Life
Policy 7 – Open Countryside and Landscape
Policy 101 – Waste water and sewage sludge
Wyre Borough Local Plan
Policy ENV17 – Surface Water Protection
Policy TREC14 – Protection of Recreational Open Space
Policy CIS1 – Provision of Community Services
Policy CIS7 – Wastewater Management
Wyre Borough Council – No objection.
Section Manager (Traffic and Safety) – No objection.
Environment Agency – No objection.
Representations – The application has been advertised by press and site notice and
local residents informed by individual letter. Three representations have been
received objecting to the development on the grounds of visual impact, effects on
property values, disruption during construction, the removal of trees and potential
health impacts from electromagnetic fields on the site.
Director of Strategic Planning and Transport – Observations
The proposal is for the construction of a new control building, substation, access
road and security fencing on 0.5 hectares of land near Holts Lane and Brockholes
Crescent, Poulton-le-Fylde. The work would be part of a series of improvements to
the sewerage system required to remedy three Unsatisfactory Intermittent
Discharges (UIDs) in the area, and ensure treatment of wastewater to the standard
required by the Water Resources Act 1991 and the Urban Wastewater Treatment
Regulations 1994.
To provide these improvements, United Utilities are proposing to intercept the spill
pipes from the three UIDs and transfer the flows to the site of a proposed below
ground detention tank off Holts Lane. The control building and substation, which are
the subject of this planning application, are linked to the operation of this tank.
Pumps within the tank, would forward flows from the tank via a rising main to an
outfall to the River Wyre. Much of the work, such as the underground pipework and
tanks, does not require planning permission. The result of the works would be to
reduce the incidence of polluting discharges from the sewer system and would,
therefore, result in general environmental benefits in terms of improvements to
surface water courses.
The proposed control building and substation at Holts Lane would be required to
house the controls and power supply for the pumps within the below ground
detention tank. The control building and substation would be of brick construction,
with pitched and tiled roofs in keeping with the neighbouring properties. The
buildings would be located close together, towards the north of the site,
approximately 35m south of the nearest residential property. The proposed security
fence would be approximately 5m from the fences of properties on Brockholes
A number of local residents have objected to the visual impact of the development.
However, it is considered that the development would not be dissimilar in size or
appearance to a residential garage and whilst the development would be visible from
the nearest houses, with appropriate screening it would not have a significant impact
on the long distance views across the local countryside. Some small trees would
require removal but substantial planting works are proposed around the site following
completion of the development. Providing these areas are landscaped having
regard to amenities of the nearest properties, it is considered that the proposals are
acceptable in terms of residential amenity. It is considered that the underground
pumps and other infrastructure on site would not generate levels of noise sufficient to
cause disturbance to local residents.
The proposal includes the removal of trees along the eastern boundary of the site.
An ecological survey was carried out at the site on 3 August 2007, which did not
identify the presence of any protected species. The report did, however, recommend
the protection of the trees at the northern boundary of the site. This vegetation is
proposed to be retained. The tree removal along the eastern boundary is to facilitate
the underground works, which will require deep excavations. The trees would be
replaced on completion of the development with a hedgerow along the eastern
boundary. Providing that conditions are imposed regarding retention of vegetation,
where possible, and post development landscaping, it is considered that the
development is acceptable in terms of ecology.
One objection is concerned about possible health risks from the electromagnetic
fields generated by the substation building. However, the substation would only
supply the power for the pumps in the underground tank and would not be linked to
any high voltage overhead lines. The development would not have any implications
for the health of local residents.
-4Access to the site would be from the corner of Holts Lane and Brockholes Crescent.
The proposed access road would be made of stone and would be permanent to
allow vehicular access to the site for maintenance. Telescopic lockable bollards
would be used at the junction of the access with Holts Lane, to prevent unauthorised
vehicle access. This is considered acceptable and the Section Manager (Traffic and
Safety) has raised no objection.
The site is designated as recreational open space in Policy TREC14 of the Wyre
Borough Local Plan. This policy states that proposals for development on such land
will be resisted, except where there is an overriding need for the development and
where alternative recreational provision is made available. Although the
development of this site would prevent its use for recreation, the site is overgrown
and appears not to have been used as a formal recreational area for some time. It
should be recognised that the development is required in order to comply with
legislation concerning water quality and, therefore, the development would give rise
to benefits that need to be balanced against the loss of recreational space.
Furthermore, the Borough Council has not objected to the development and must,
therefore, be of the view that there is no conflict with the policies of their local plan.
On balance the development is considered acceptable, given the environmental
improvements that would result from the scheme and the limited choice of location
for the development, due to the need to connect with existing sewage infrastructure.
In view of the scale, location and nature of the proposed development it is
considered that no Convention Rights as set out in the Human Rights Act would be
Summary of Reasons for Decision
The development would result in an improvement in water quality as required by the
Waste Water Resources Act 1991 and the Urban Waste Water Treatment
Regulations 1994. The scale, design and location of the development would be
acceptable in relation to the visual and residential amenities of the area and it would
not have any implications for the health of local residents. The development is
acceptable in terms of ecology. Whilst the development would result in the loss of
recreational space, this is outweighed by the environmental benefits that would be
provided by the proposal. The development accords with the policies of the
Development Plan.
The policies of the Development Plan relevant to this decision are:
Joint Lancashire Structure Plan
Policy 1 – General Policy
Policy 28 – Waste Management Facilities
Lancashire Minerals and Waste Local Plan
Policy 101 – Waste water and sewage sludge
Wyre Borough Local Plan
Policy ENV17 – Surface Water Protection
Policy TREC14 – Protection of Recreational Open Space
Policy CIS1 – Provision of Community Services
Policy CIS7 – Wastewater Management
That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:
Time Limits
The development shall commence not later than 3 years from the date of this
Reason: Imposed pursuant to Section 91 (1)(a) of the Town and Country
Planning Act 1990.
Working Programme
The development shall be carried out, unless otherwise required by the
conditions to this permission, in accordance with the following documents:
The Planning Application dated 13 August 2007.
Submitted plans:
Drawing No. WYR0041/90019130/00/97/1019 B
WYR0041/90019130/00/97/1020 A
WYR0041/90019130/00/97/1015 B
WYR0041/90019130/00/97/1021 A
All schemes and programmes approved under the requirements of this
Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to enable the LPA to adequately
control the development and to minimise its impact on the amenities of the
local area and to conform with Policies 1 and 28 of the Joint Lancashire
Structure Plan, Policy 101 of the Lancashire Waste and Minerals Local Plan
and Policies SP13, TREC14, ENV17, CIS1 and CIS7 of the Wyre Borough
Local Plan.
All trees and hedges forming the boundary of the site, or to be retained within
the site as shown on drawing UU/PV/900191130/374/2258, shall be protected
from damage and maintained throughout the development, in accordance with
-6the Lancashire County Council Environment Directorate specification entitled
‘Tree and Shrub Planting with Grass Seeding and Protective Fencing’.
Reason: In the interests of visual and local amenity and the local environment
and to conform with Policy ENV17 of the Wyre Borough Local Plan.
All landscaping works, including the planting of trees and hedgerows as
shown on Drawing UU/PV/90019130/374/2258 shall be implemented within
the first planting season, as defined in this permission, following the
completion of the development and shall be maintained for a period of five
years, in accordance with the Lancashire County Council Planning
Department specification entitled "Tree and Shrub Planting with Grass
Seeding and Protective Fencing".
Reason: In the interests of visual and local amenity and the local environment
and to conform with Policy 28 of the Joint Lancashire Structure Plan Policy
101 of the Lancashire Waste and Minerals Local Plan and Policy SP13 of the
Wyre Borough Local Plan.
Highway Matters
No development shall commence until wheel cleaning facilities to a design,
specification, and in a position first approved by the County Planning Authority
have been installed. Thereafter, the approved facilities shall be maintained in
working order and be used by all HGVs leaving the site throughout the
construction period of the site to prevent the deposit of material on the public
Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to safeguard the amenity of
local residents and adjacent property/landowners and land users and to
conform with Policies 1 and 28 of the Joint Lancashire Structure Plan Policy
101 of the Lancashire Waste and Minerals Local Plan and Policies SP13,
ENV17, CIS1 and CIS7 of the Wyre Borough Local Plan.
Hours of Working
No construction development shall take place outside the hours of:
0800 to 1800 hours, Mondays to Fridays (except Public Holidays)
0800 to 1300 hours on Saturdays
No construction development shall take place on Sundays or Public Holidays.
This condition shall not, however, operate so as to prevent the use of
pumping equipment and the carrying out, outside these hours, of essential
repairs to plant and machinery used on site.
Reason: To safeguard the amenity of local residents and adjacent
property/landowners and land users and to conform with Policies 1 and 28 of
the Joint Lancashire Structure Plan Policy 101 of the Lancashire Waste and
-7Minerals Local Plan and Policies SP13, ENV17, CIS1 and CIS7 of the Wyre
Borough Local Plan.
Building Materials
No development shall commence until details of the building materials to be
used for the external elevations and roof of the control building and sub
station building have been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the
County Planning Authority. Thereafter, only those materials approved shall be
Reason : In the interests of the visual amenity of the area and to comply with
Policy 28 of the Joint Lancashire Structure Plan and Policy sp13 of the Wyre
Borough Local Plan
Planting Season: Means the period between 1 October in one year and 31 March
in the following year.
Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985
List of Background Papers
Development Information
Folder 02/07/0966
10 August 2007
Philip Mather
Ext. 31942
Reason for inclusion in Part II, if appropriate