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ADAM Projects and Products Portal for Leonardo da Vinci –
Contractual Requirements at Final Report
What will I gain from being registered on the ADAM Database?
Designed as a dissemination tool, it is a very simple and cost-effective way to showcase your project to
an extensive audience and make links with European organisations for future projects.
With an average of 1000 visits per day, registration on the ADAM Database makes reaching a wide
audience across Europe much easier. Furthermore, ADAM is linked with the overarching information
tool EVE. EVE provides a single access point for European project results of all DG EAC programmes:
from the Lifelong Learning Programme, to Culture, Youth and Citizenship. Transfer of Innovation project
information on the ADAM Database is transferred onto EVE periodically, thus extending the potential
audience without the need to register twice.
The specific search functions available on the ADAM Database facilitate the ability for anybody
interested in the theme or field of your project to locate your work. This also helps the ability of the portal
to work as an effective way to locate potential partners or organisations for future projects, with search
functions such as country, contractor type, region, project type, and project theme.
What updates to my ADAM profile are required at Final Report stage?
It is a contractual obligation that all Transfer of Innovation projects update the ADAM Database at the
Final Report Stage. You must login and update your project profile so that the information reflects what
you set out to do as well as what you achieved throughout the project.
What you need to do:
1. Login at, then click “My projects”, and then “Edit”. You can then navigate
through the website either using the menu on the left hand side or the arrows next to the “Save”
button at the bottom of every page.
2. Update the “Project Information” section
a) The Marketing Text, Summary, and Description need to be updated so that they reflect the
situation at the end of the project. The descriptions of the project’s main results and
measures for sustainability and impact must be written in past tense. Only the future
impact you expect to achieve from the project should be in future tense.
The Marketing Text should ideally be two to three lines maximum, with the objective of
‘selling’ your project to people that are viewing the site.
The Summary should expand on this to give a general overview of what the project set out
to do and what was achieved. At Final Report stage you should use past tense only
except when writing on the future impact you expect.
The Description should contain additional information which you feel may be relevant, that
has not been included in the summary. The rule regarding past and future tense applies
here as well!
b) Translation: Check that the project title and marketing text (including changes made at this
stage) are available in English, French and German1.
c) Project Website: Ensure that the project web link is available on the ADAM Database and is
3. Check “Coordinator” and “Partner” sections: Make sure these are up to date, that you have
removed any partner organisations which have withdrawn from the consortium and added any new
partner details. You should also make sure your organisations contact details are correct.
4. Describe and upload Products and Files
a) Products It is compulsory to describe all tangible outcomes of the project. It is also a
requirement to provide access to the products if they are available to the public and are not
commercialised. This can be done either by providing a web link to the products or uploading
them onto the “Products” page. There is no file size limit on the ADAM Database so it is possible
to upload content that has been produced in DVD format.
How to enter description and upload a product onto ADAM
When you are logged into your profile click on “Products” on the left hand side.
Click “Create” and enter general information on the product. Click “Save”
Click on “Products” again.
Click “Uploads”, create a name for the folder, “Upload”, “Create”.
b) Files and Events: You are required to upload any news or events information relating to your
project. There is also the opportunity to upload “Files” such as meeting minutes, or research
documents used to prepare final products.
5. Check Project Sectors Select the appropriate economic sector/s, other than “Education”, on which
the project will have an impact.
6. Save and logout.
Further help
If you have any questions when completing the above, please view the Handbook for Users or contact
your Project Officer at the National Agency.
For more information:
ADAM Helpdesk: [email protected]
Erasmus+ Helpline: 0121 212 8947
In order to increase the chance of your project being selected as “ADAM Project of the Month” we recommend
that you also translate the Summary and Description sections into French and German.
Example of best practice for ADAM