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Builtins, namespaces, functions
Python built-ins
There are objects that are predefined in Python
•Statements: for,in,import,…
•Numbers: 3, 16.2,…
•Strings: ‘AUG’
•Functions: dir(), lower(),…
When you use something without defining it, it means
that you are using a built-in object
The collection of object names defined in a module represents the global
namespace of that module
Each module defines its own namespace
The same name (e.g. src) in two different modules (e.g. and, indicates two distinct
objects and the dot syntax makes it possible to avoid
confusion between the namespaces of the two modules
is NOT the same as
What actually happens when the command import
is executed?
The code written in the imported module is entirely
interpreted and the module global namespace is
imported as well
Where the Python interpreter searches a module when you
import it?
Where do you have to save a module in order the
interpreter can find it?
•The module can be saved in the same directory of the
script importing it
•The module path can be added to the list of directories
where the Python interpreter automatically search things
(this list is contained in the variable path of the special module sys)
>>> import sys
>>> sys.path
The built-in function dir()
dir() returns a list of the names defined in the
namespace of an object
A block of code that performs a specific task
They are useful to organise your script, in particular if you
need to repeat actions (e.g. a complex calculation) several
A function can be accessed from different parts of a script
or even from different scripts
In order to use a function, you have first to define it and then to call it
arguments (optional)
def MyFunction(arg1, arg2,…):
may or may not include
a return statement
def triangle_area(b, h):
A = (b*h)/2.0
return A
print triangle_area(2.28, 3.55)
def triangle_area(b, h):
return (b*h)/2.0
print triangle_area(2.28, 3.55)
General remarks
•The statement to define a function is def
•A function must be defined and called using brackets
•The body of a function is a block of code that is initiated
by a colon character followed by indented instructions
•The last indented statement marks the end of a function
General remarks
•You can insert in the body of a function a
documentation string in quotation marks. This string
can be retrieved using the __doc__ attribute of the
function object
•You can pass arguments to a function
•A function may or may not return a value
Exercise 1
1) Define a function with two arguments:
get_values(arg1, arg2)
that returns the sum, the difference, and the product of arg1
and arg2.
def get_values(arg1, arg2):
s = arg1 + arg2
d = arg1 - arg2
p = arg1 * arg2
return s, d, p
print get_values(15, 8)
The statement return exits a function, optionally
passing back a value to the caller.
A return statement with no arguments is the same as
returning None.
The returned value can be assigned to a variable
>>> def j(x,y):
return x + y
>>> s = j(1, 100)
>>> print s
Function arguments
Every Python object can be passed as argument to a function.
A function call can be the argument of a function too.
>>> def increment(x):
return x + 1
>>> def print_arg(y):
print y
>>> print_arg(increment(5))
Multiple parameters can be passed to a function. In this case, the
order of the arguments in the caller must be exactly the same as
that in the function definition
>>> def print_funct(num, seq):
print num, seq
>>> print_funct(10, "ACCTGGCACAA")
The sequence of arguments passed to a
function is a tuple
Functions return multiple values in the form of
tuples as well
A tuple is an immutable sequence of object
This means that, once you have defined it,
you cannot change/replace its elements
variabile = (item1, item2, item3,…)
Brackets are optional, i.e. you can use either:
Tuple = (1,2,3) or Tuple = 1,2,3
A tuple of a single item must be written either:
Tuple = (1,) or
Tuple = 1,
my_tuple = (1,2,3)
2, 3)
>>> my_tuple[0] = 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support
item assignment
def f(a,b):
return a + b, a*b, a – b
sum, prod, diff = f(20, 2)
print sum
result = f(20, 2)
print result
Print result[0]
It is possible to assign a name to the arguments of a function. In
this case, the order is not important
>>> def print_funct(num, seq):
print num, seq
>>> print_funct(seq = "ACCTGGCACAA", num = 10)
It is also possible to use default arguments (optional). These optional
arguments must be placed in the last position(s) of the function definition
def print_funct(num, seq = "A"):
print num, seq
print_funct(10, "ACCTGGCACAA")
- def F(x,y):
- F(3,’codon’)
- return
- function arguments
Exercise 2
2) Write a function that :
• Takes as input a file name (of a FASTA file).
• Opens the file.
• Returns the header of the sequence record.
Print the header.
def return_header(filename):
fasta = open(filename)
for line in fasta:
if line[0] == '>':
return line
print return_header('SingleSeq.fasta')
Exercise 3
3) Insert the function call in a for loop running on a
list of 3 sequence file names.
def return_header(filename):
fasta = open(filename)
for line in fasta:
if line[0] == '>':
return line
filenames = ['SingleSeq1.fasta',
for name in filenames:
print return_header(name)
Exercise 4
4) Consider two output schemes for exercise 3):
• All the the headers are written to the same output file
• Each header is written in a separate output file
def return_header(filename):
fasta = open(filename)
for line in fasta:
if line[0] == '>':
return line
filenames = ['SingleSeq1.fasta',
output = open("headers.txt", "w")
for name in filenames:
output.write(return_header(name) + '\n')
def return_header(filename):
fasta = open(filename)
for line in fasta:
if line[0] == '>':
return line
filenames = ['SingleSeq1.fasta',
n = 0
for name in filenames:
n = n + 1
output = open("header" + str(n) + ".txt", "w")
Exercise 5
5) Write a function that takes as argument a Genbank
record and returns the nucleotide sequence in FASTA
def genbank2fasta(filename):
name = filename.split('.')[0]
InputFile = open(filename)
OutputFile = open(name + ".fasta","w")
flag = 0
for line in InputFile:
if line[0:9] == 'ACCESSION':
AC = line.split()[1].strip()
if line[0:6] == 'ORIGIN':
flag = 1
if flag == 1:
fields = line.split()
if fields != []:
seq = ''.join(fields[1:])
OutputFile.write(seq +'\n')
filename = "ap006852.gbk"
Exercise 6
6) Write a function that takes as arguments two
points [x1, y1, z1] and [x2, y2, z2] and returns the
distance between the two points.
import math
def distance(p1, p2):
dist = math.sqrt((p1[0]-p2[0])**2 +
(p1[1]-p2[1])**2 +
return dist
p1 = (43.64, 30.72, 88.95)
p2 = (45.83, 31.11, 92.04)
print "Distance:", distance(p1, p2)
General remarks
•Python uses dynamical namespaces: when a function is
called, its namespace is automatically created
•The variables defined in the body of a function live in its
local namespace and not in the script (or module) global
•Local objects can be made global using the global
•When a function is called, names of the objects used in its
body are first searched in the function namespace and
subsequently, if they are not found in the function body, they
are searched in the script (module) global namespace.
>>> def f():
x = 100
return x
>>> print x
Traceback (most recent
File "<stdin>", line
NameError: name 'x' is
>>> f()
>>> print x
Traceback (most recent
File "<stdin>", line
NameError: name 'x' is
call last):
1, in <module>
not defined
call last):
1, in <module>
not defined
x is a local name of the function f() namespace and it is not recognised
by the “print” statement in the main script even after the function call
>>> def g():
global x
x = 200
return x
>>> print x
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'x' is not defined
>>> g()
>>> print x
The variable x, defined in the body of the g() function, is made global
using the “global” statement but is recognised by the “print” statement in
the main script only after the function call
>>> def h():
print y
>>> h()
y is recognised when h() is called as it is a global name.
The number of arguments can be variable (i.e. can change from one
function call to the other); in this case, you can use * or ** symbols.
1st case
(*args) =>
tuple of arguments
2nd case
(**args) =>
dictionary of arguments
>>> def print_args(*args):
print args
>>> print_args(1,2,3,4,5)
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
>>> print_args("Hello world!")
(‘Hello world!’,)
>>> print_args(100, 200, "ACCTGGCACAA")
(100, 200, ‘ACCTGGCACAA’)
>>> def print_args2(**args):
print args
{'num': 100, 'seq': 'ACCTGGCACAA', 'num2': 200}